181 research outputs found

    Cyanate Assimilation by the Alkaliphilic Cyanide-Degrading Bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344: Mutational Analysis of the cyn Gene Cluster

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    The alkaliphilic bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 can grow with cyanate, cyanide, or cyanide-containing industrial residues as the sole nitrogen source, but the assimilation of cyanide and cyanate takes place through independent pathways. Therefore, cyanide degradation involves a chemical reaction between cyanide and oxaloacetate to form a nitrile that is hydrolyzed to ammonium by the nitrilase NitC, whereas cyanate assimilation requires a cyanase that catalyzes cyanate decomposition to ammonium and carbon dioxide. The P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 cynFABDS gene cluster codes for the putative transcriptional regulator CynF, the ABC-type cyanate transporter CynABD, and the cyanase CynS. In this study, transcriptional analysis revealed that the structural cynABDS genes constitute a single transcriptional unit, which was induced by cyanate and repressed by ammonium. Mutational characterization of the cyn genes indicated that CynF was essential for cynABDS gene expression and that nitrate/nitrite transporters may be involved in cyanate uptake, in addition to the CynABD transport system. Biodegradation of hazardous jewelry wastewater containing high amounts of cyanide and metals was achieved in a batch reactor operating at an alkaline pH after chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide to oxidize cyanide to cyanate

    Photograph Based Evaluation of Consumer Expectation on Healthiness, Fullness, and Acceptance of Sandwiches as Convenience Food

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    [EN] Sandwiches are the most common "casual-food" consumed by all age groups in Spain. Due to the importance of visual appearance to promote unplanned or impulse buying, foodservice and hospitality companies focus on improving the visual impression of their food menus to create an expectation that satisfies both sensory and hedonic consumer experiences. To provide a list of attributes about the visual appearance of sandwiches, 25 students were recruited from a university and were invited to participate in two nominal group technique (NGT) sessions. To understand whether a sandwiches' appearance can influence the expectation of consumers, 259 participants completed an online survey specially designed from the results of the NGT sessions. Data were analyzed using conjoint, internal preference mapping and cluster analysis; the interaction effect by gender was also studied. The conjoint results indicate that visual perception about the filling (vegetal or pork based) plays the most key role overall in consumer expectation. When consumers choose vegetables as the filling, the consumers' perceived sandwiches as healthier, but the pork filling was perceived as more attractive and satiating. Interaction effect by gender was observed in filling when females perceived pork filling as less healthy than vegetable. By acceptance, consumers were segmented into three groups. The first cluster (n = 80) selected the pork filling. The smaller group (cluster 3, n = 36) prioritized the vegetal filling, and the most numerous cluster 2 (n = 140) liked sandwiches with multigrain bread. These results may help companies to build tailor-made marketing strategies to satisfy consumer segments.García-Segovia, P.; Pagán Moreno, MJ.; Tárrega, A.; Martínez-Monzó, J. (2021). Photograph Based Evaluation of Consumer Expectation on Healthiness, Fullness, and Acceptance of Sandwiches as Convenience Food. Foods. 10(5):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10051102S11410

    Grape mark composting to use as horticultural growing media

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    Antes de utilizar los orujos de vid (OV) como sustrato hortícola es necesario someterlos a un proceso de compostaje que los estabilice biológicamente, elimine las posibles sustancias fitotóxicas y disminuya su capacidad inmovilizadora de nitrógeno. Se presentan los datos correspondientes a 5 procesos de compostaje de OV realizados entre los años 2000 y 2004. La duración del proceso osciló entre 5 y 6 meses y se realizó mediante pilas abiertas de volumen variable, 50-70 m3, y volteos cada 7-15 días. Al inicio, los montones se fertilizaron con nitrato amónico, superfosfato de cal, sulfato de magnesio y sulfato ferroso. Posteriormente se aportó N conforme se apreciaba su agotamiento en el montón. Semanalmente se controlaron algunos parámetros: la Tª alcanzó 6573º C a 60 cm de profundidad y se mantuvo durante 5-7 semanas; la humedad varió entre 56 y 43%; el pH se elevó de 6,97 a 7,26; la materia orgánica (MO) se redujo en un 20%; el nitrógeno total (Nt) se mantuvo sensiblemente constante y la capacidad de intercambio catiónico (CIC) aumentó. Los bioensayos mostraron aumentos en los Índices de Germinación (IG) y de Inmovilización de Nitrógeno (NDI) entre el inicio y final del compostaje, indicando ausencia de fitotoxicidad y baja capacidad inmovilizadora de N en el compost obtenido. Al final del proceso se realizó un análisis del contenido en nutrientes totales y asimilables, oscilando los primeros entre: 2-3% N; 0,240,48% P y 0,28-1,32% KReduction in the content of phytotoxic compounds and nitrogen immobilization capacity, and biological stabilization through composting is necessary in order to use grape mark as horticultural growing media. Five data set corresponding to different composting processes performed in four different years (from 2000 to 2004) are presented. The process was done during 5-6 months by the open piles method with a volume ranging from 50 to 70 m 3 and mechanical turning each 7-15 days. Piles were fertilized with ammonium nitrate, monocalcium phosphate, magnesium sulphate, and ferrous sulphate. Additional N was applied if required due to starvation during composting. Several parameters were followed during composting on a weekly basis: (i) temperature, which reached 65-73 oC at 60 cm depth in the piles; (ii) humidity, which ranged between 56 and 43 %; (iii) pH, which increased from 6.97 to 7.26; (iv) organic matter, which decreased by 20 %; (v) total N, which did not presented any significant change, and (vi) cation exchange capacity, which showed a significant increase. The compost obtained had low phytotoxicity, as revealed by the germination test, and low N immobilization capacity. Final contents of N, P, and K were in the range of 2-3 %, 0.24-0.48 %, and 0.28-1.32 %, respectively

    Effect of microalgae incorporation on physicochemical and textural properties in wheat bread formulation

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    [EN] The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the incorporation of different microalgae on physicochemical and textural properties of bread. Four species of microalgae Isochrysis galbana, Tetraselmissuecica, Scenedesmus almeriensis, and Nannochloropsis gaditana were used in this study. Properties such as water activity, pH, microbiological counts, viscosity, and color were analyzed to determine the effect of microalgae addition on sourdough. The technological quality of breads was analyzed in terms of physicochemical properties, color, texture profile, and porosity. The main effect of microalgae addition was changes in bread color, crust, and crumb that implies an increase of browning and an evolution to more green-yellow tonalities. The textural parameters of breads such as hardness, chewiness, and resilience are not modified by microalgae addition.García-Segovia, P.; Pagán Moreno, MJ.; Lara, IF.; Martínez Monzó, J. (2017). Effect of microalgae incorporation on physicochemical and textural properties in wheat bread formulation. Food Science and Technology International. 23(5):437-447. doi:10.1177/1082013217700259S43744723

    Vegetación acuática y helofitica del Sistema Ibérico septentrional, centro de España.

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    RESUMEN. Vegetación acuática y helofitica del Sistema Ibérico septentrional, centro de España. En este trabajo, se han reconocido 11 asociaciones y 4 comunidades pertenecientes a las clases fitosociológicas Potametea y Phragmito-Magnocaricetea. El Sistema Ibérico septentrional constituye un límite meridional para comunidades de óptimo centro-europeo —Caricetum rostratae, Caricetum vesicariae y Comunidad de Sparganium emersum—, así como un límite oriental para comunidades de óptimo atlántico —Ranunculetum omiophylli, Galio broteriani-Caricetum broterianae, Glycerio declinatae-Eleocharitetum-palustris, Glycerio declinatae-Oenanthetum crocatae y Oenantho crocatae-Phalaridetum arundinaceae—.Palabras clave. Fitosociología, España, Montañas Ibéricas, Potametea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea.SUMMARY. Aquatic and helophytic vegetation of the northern Iberia'? System, central Spain. In this work, 11 associations and 4 communities belonging to the phytosociological classes Potametea and Phragmito- Magnocaricetea have been recognized. The Northern Iberian System is a southern border for Central- European plant-communities —Caricetum rostratae, Caricetum vesicariae and Community of Sparganium emersum—, as well as an eastern border for Atlantic plant-communities —Ranunculetum omiophylli, Galiobroteriani-Caricetum broterianae. Glycerio declinatae-Eleocharitetum-palustris, Glycerio declinatae- Oenanthetum crocatae and Oenantho crocatae-Phalaridetum arundinaceae—.Key words. Phytosociology, Spain, Iberian ranges, Potametea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea

    Preschool children’s understanding of racial cues in drawings and photographs

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    Studies of the development of racial awareness have used – albeit asystematically – stimuli of varying degrees of realism (dolls, drawings, photographs). Although researchers have weighed the advantages and disadvantages of using one or the other type of material with young children, there are no empirical studies that determine whether the nature of the material affects responses.We examinedwhether the use of drawings or photos affected children’s responses when assessing diverse components of racial awareness. Ninety preschoolers fromthemajority group in Madrid, Spain,were divided into four groups by age and condition (drawing vs. photo). Children performed person description, social categorization, preference, and matching tasks. Type of material affected performance, although this influence varied by age and task type

    Reflective Skills Enhanced During The Practical Training Of Early Childhood Educators

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    Estudio descriptivo que releva la calidad de las prácticas profesionales, en vista a identificar estrategias utilizadas por docentes guías y reconocidas por estudiantes, que favorecen competencias reflexivas en el estudiantado de la Escuela de Educación Parvularia de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. Se aplica un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas; se calcula la fiabilidad de los resultados con el alfa de Cronbach y la validez de contenido mediante análisis de componentes principales; y se realiza el análisis de contingencias para explorar las asociaciones establecidas entre el curso de las estudiantes y las acciones reconocidas que favorecen la reflexión de estas. Los resultados muestran seis acciones reflexivas favorecidas: análisis crítico de la realidad observada; enseñanza de estrategias para resolver problemas acontecidos en el aula; comprensión de distintas perspectivas de enseñanza observadas; saber situarse en contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje diversos y cambiantes; construir un conocimiento práctico que favorezca su toma de decisiones.Descriptive study that reveals the quality of professional practices, with the aim of identifying the strategies used by guiding teachers and recognized by students, which favor reflective competences of students of the Early Childhood Education program in the Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. We applied a closed-ended questionnaire, then calculated the liability of the results with Cronbach's alpha, and evaluated the validity of content by means of principal components analysis. The analysis of contingencies was carried out to explore the associations established between the students' courses and the recognized actions that favor student reflection. The results show six favored reflective actions: critical analysis of the observed reality; teaching strategies to solve problems that occur in the classroom; understanding of different observed teaching perspectives; knowing how to situate oneself in diverse and changing teaching and learning contexts; building practical knowledge that favors decision making

    Competencias Reflexivas Favorecidas Durante La Formación Práctica En Educación Infantil.

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    Estudio descriptivo que releva la calidad de las prácticas profesionales, en vista a identificar estrategias utilizadas por docentes guías y reconocidas por estudiantes, que favorecen competencias reflexivas en el estudiantado de la Escuela de Educación Parvularia de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. Se aplica un cuestionario de preguntas cerradas; se calcula la fiabilidad de los resultados con el alfa de Cronbach y la validez de contenido mediante análisis de componentes principales; y se realiza el análisis de contingencias para explorar las asociaciones establecidas entre el curso de las estudiantes y las acciones reconocidas que favorecen la reflexión de estas. Los resultados muestran seis acciones reflexivas favorecidas: análisis crítico de la realidad observada; enseñanza de estrategias para resolver problemas acontecidos en el aula; comprensión de distintas perspectivas de enseñanza observadas; saber situarse en contextos de enseñanza y aprendizaje diversos y cambiantes; construir un conocimiento práctico que favorezca su toma de decisiones.Descriptive study that reveals the quality of professional practices, with the aim of identifying the strategies used by guiding teachers and recognized by students, which favor reflective competences of students of the Early Childhood Education program in the Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. We applied a closed-ended questionnaire, then calculated the liability of the results with Cronbach's alpha, and evaluated the validity of content by means of principal components analysis. The analysis of contingencies was carried out to explore the associations established between the students' courses and the recognized actions that favor student reflection. The results show six favored reflective actions: critical analysis of the observed reality; teaching strategies to solve problems that occur in the classroom; understanding of different observed teaching perspectives; knowing how to situate oneself in diverse and changing teaching and learning contexts; building practical knowledge that favors decision making

    Assimilation of cyanide and cyano-derivatives by Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344: from omic approaches to biotechnological applications

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    Mining, jewellery and metal-processing industries use cyanide for extracting gold and other valuable metals, generating large amounts of highly toxic wastewater. Biological treatments may be a clean alternative under the environmental point of view to the conventional physical or chemical processes used to remove cyanide and related compounds from these industrial effluents. Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 can grow under alkaline conditions using cyanide, cyanate or different nitriles as the sole nitrogen source, and is able to remove up to 12 mM total cyanide from a jewellery industry wastewater that contains cyanide free and complexed to metals. Complete genome sequencing of this bacterium has allowed the application of transcriptomic and proteomic techniques, providing a holistic view of the cyanide biodegradation process. The complex response to cyanide by the cyanotrophic bacterium P. pseudoalcaligenes CECT5344 and the potential biotechnological applications of this model organism in the bioremediation of cyanide-containing industrial residues are reviewed