8 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kemampuan Teknik Shooting Pada Peserta Ekstrakurikuler Futsal Smk Tamtama Karanganyar Kebumen

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    Sport is an inseparable part of human life. This is because exercise is an important element in maintaining a healthy body. Sports extracurricular activities are one of the programs of the school as the development of sports achievements so that regeneration of achievements is always created and takes place in school activities so that they are well developed and supervised. Futsal is the most popular sport and is loved by Indonesian people, especially men from children, adolescents and adults. This is evident from the fact that people in both urban and rural areas are more fond of futsal than others. In the game of futsal required skills that must be owned by every player. The techniques in futsal are the same as those in football games, starting from passing, dribbling, control, chipping and shooting techniques. Shooting is a part of the most important technique in the game of futsal because this technique must be mastered by the players. A player must master the basic skills of kicking the ball and further improve the accuracy of shooting and scoring goals from various positions on the field. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative using survey methods. The population used is extracurricular participants at SMK Tamtama Karanganyar Kebumen. The number of samples in this study were 20 people. The variables of this study are physical conditions and basic techniques. Data analysis in this study used percentage descriptive data analysi

    Detection Analysis on Fraudulent Financial Reporting Using Fraud Score Model

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    This study aims to examine the elements of fraud in the diamond fraud theory. Fraud is proxied by seven variables consisting of three pressure elements namely financial target, financial stability, external pressure, two variables of opportunity element, namely effective monitoring and nature of industry, one variable from the rationalization element, namely change in auditor, one variable from capability element namely change in directors, which is hypothesized to affect financial statements fraud. This study uses earnings management to see the potential for fraudulent financial statements. Earning management is measured using the F-Score indicator. The research sample was selected using a purposive sampling method from 50 manufacturing companies and a research period of 5 years to obtain the number of sample units 150 data which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the period 2013 to 2017. The hypothesis testing used a multiple regression analysis model using SPSS 23. The results of the study indicate that financial targets and changes in auditor financial stability have a significant positive effect on fraudulent financial statements. While external pressure, effective monitoring, nature of industry, financial stability, change of directors, have no effect on financial statements frau


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    Bidang radiologi adalah salah satu instalasi penunjang medik, menggunakan sumber radiasi pengion (sinar-X) untuk mendiagnosis adanya suatu penyakit berupa gambaran anatomi tubuh yang ditampilkan dalam film radiografi. Dalam pengunaan radiasi sinar-x wajib menegakkan asas proteksi radiasi. Proteksi radiasi meliputi 3 prinsip yaitu justifikasi, limitasi dan penerapan optimisasi.Cara untuk mengendalikan bahaya radiasi ada 3 yaitu-waktu, jarak, dan penggunaan perisai pelindung, salah satu pelindung antara lain tembok atau beton anti radiasi dengan material khusus. Sehingga perlu dilakukan perbandingkan beton dengan komposisi pasir pantai trisik dan semen tiga roda dengan perbandingan 1:5 sebagai beton tahan radiasi sinar-x dengan beton yang ada di pasaran yaitu bata merah di 20 lokasi di DIY. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan pengujian batako tahan radiasi dengan batako dari produsen yang ada di DIY untuk membandingkan konsistensi atenuasi linier pada setiap produsen bata merah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Radiologi Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta dilaksanakan mulai bulan Oktober 2019 sampai April 2021. Hasil peneliti ini yaitu laju dosis radiasi pada masing-masing batako yang dilakukan pengujian memiliki hasil yang tidak sama dalam mempengaruhi koefisiensi atenuasi linier. Dari hasil koefisien atenuasi yang di dapatkan dalam menahan laju dosis radiasi hasil terbaik terdapat dari batako tahan radiasi yang terbuat dari pasir pantai Trisik dan campuran semen PPC Tiga Roda. Hasil terbaik kedua bata merah dari Sleman. Hasil terbaik ketiga bata merah dari Gunung Kidul. Hasil terbaik keempat bata merah dari Kulon Progo. Hasil terbaik kelima bata merah dari Bantul. Hasil keenam atau paling rendah bata merah dari Kota Yogyakarta

    Design and Implementation of IoT-Based Monitoring Battery and Solar Panel Temperature in Hydroponic System

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    Hydroponics is currently widely used for the effectiveness of farming in narrow areas and increasing the supply of food, especially vegetables. This hydroponic technology grew until it collaborated with the internet of things technology, allowing users to monitor hydroponic conditions such as temperature and humidity in the surrounding environment. This technology requires electronic systems to obtain cost-effective power coverage and have independent charging systems, such as power systems using solar panels, where the power received by solar panels from the sun is stored in batteries. It must ensure that the condition of the battery and solar panels are in good condition. The research contribution is to create a solar panel temperature monitoring system and battery power using Grafana and Android Application. Apart from several studies, solar panels are greatly affected by temperature, which can cause damage to the panels. If the temperature is too high, the battery and panel temperature monitoring system can help monitor the condition of the device at Grafana and Android application with sensor data such as voltage, current, temperature and humidity that have been tested for accuracy. Accuracy test by comparing AM2302 sensor with Thermohygrometer and INA219 sensor with multimeter and clampmeter, both of which have been calibrated. The sensor data gets good accuracy results up to 98% and the Quality-of-Service value on the internet of things network is categorized as both conform to ITU G.1010 QOS data based on network readings on the wireshark application. QOS results are 0% Packet loss with very good category, 14ms delay with very good category and Throughput 71.85 bytes/s.  With the results of sensor accuracy and QOS, the system can be relied upon with a high level of sensor accuracy so that environmental conditions are monitored accurately and good QOS values so data transmission to the server runs smoothly

    Perbedaan kualitas radiograf pada pemeriksaan vertebra thorakal proyeksi AP dengan variasi ukuran lapangan penyinaran

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    Analisis Efektivitas Sistem Informasi Manajemen Daerah Keuangan pada Dinas Bina Marga dan Penataan Ruang Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah: Analysis of the Effectiveness of Regional Financial Management Information Systems in the Development of Development and Spatial Planning Central Sulawesi Province

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    Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis efektivitas sistem informasi manajemen daerah keuangan pada Dinas Bina Marga dan Penataan Ruang Daerah Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Dinas Bina Marga Dan Penataan Ruang Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah menerapkan aplikasi simda dalam mengelola keuangannya. Kebijakan penerapan simda pada Dinas Bina Marga Dan Penataan Ruang Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah dilakukan untuk mengelola proses yang berhubungan dengan pengelolaan keuangan daerah, dimulai dari perencanaan, penganggaran, penatausahaan dan pelaporan. Program sistem informasi daerah keuangan yang diterapkan dalam Dinas Bina Marga Dan Penataan Ruang Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah merupakan program yang kompleks dalam pengelolaan keuangan, sejauh ini sudah cukup efektif untuk mengelola keuangan daerah


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    This study aims to examine the elements of fraud in the fraud diamond theory. Fraud is proxied by seven variables consisting of three pressure elements namely financial target, financial stability, external pressure, two variables of opportunity element, namely effective monitoring and nature of industry, one variable from the rationalization element, namely change in auditor, one variable from capability element namely change in directors, which is hypothesized to affect financial statements fraud. This study uses earnings management to see the potential for fraudulent financial statements. Earning management is measured using the F-Score indicator. The research sample was selected using a purposive sampling method from 30 manufacturing companies and a research period of 5 years to obtain the number of sample units of 155 data which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of 2013 to 2017. The hypothesis testing used a multiple regression analysis model using SPSS 23. The results of the study indicate that financial targets and changes in auditor financial stability have a significant positive effect on fraudulent financial statements. While external pressure, effective monitoring, nature of industry, financial stability, change of directors, have no effect on financial statements fraud

    Design and Implementation of IoT-Based Monitoring Battery and Solar Panel Temperature in Hydroponic System

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    Hydroponics is currently widely used for the effectiveness of farming in narrow areas and increasing the supply of food, especially vegetables. This hydroponic technology grew until it collaborated with the internet of things technology, allowing users to monitor hydroponic conditions such as temperature and humidity in the surrounding environment. This technology requires electronic systems to obtain cost-effective power coverage and have independent charging systems, such as power systems using solar panels, where the power received by solar panels from the sun is stored in batteries. It must ensure that the condition of the battery and solar panels are in good condition. The research contribution is to create a solar panel temperature monitoring system and battery power using Grafana and Android Application. Apart from several studies, solar panels are greatly affected by temperature, which can cause damage to the panels. If the temperature is too high, the battery and panel temperature monitoring system can help monitor the condition of the device at Grafana and Android application with sensor data such as voltage, current, temperature and humidity that have been tested for accuracy. Accuracy test by comparing AM2302 sensor with Thermohygrometer and INA219 sensor with multimeter and clampmeter, both of which have been calibrated. The sensor data gets good accuracy results up to 98% and the Quality-of-Service value on the internet of things network is categorized as both conform to ITU G.1010 QOS data based on network readings on the wireshark application. QOS results are 0% Packet loss with very good category, 14ms delay with very good category and Throughput 71.85 bytes/s. With the results of sensor accuracy and QOS, the system can be relied upon with a high level of sensor accuracy so that environmental conditions are monitored accurately and good QOS values so data transmission to the server runs smoothly