175 research outputs found

    Symmetrization of laminar viscous fluid flow in a flat diffuser by periodic impaction on the inlet flow velocity

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    This paper shows a method of symmetrization of an asymmetric flow of a vis-cous incompressible fluid in a flat diffuser using a weak periodic vibration ef-fect on the velocity input flow. The results are obtained for a viscous incom-pressible fluid by simulation based on numerical solving of the Navier-Stokes equations. The results of numerical simulation have shown one of the ways of symme-trization of asymmetric laminar flows of a viscous incompressible fluid in a flat diffuser with a weak periodic effect on the input flow velocity. It is shown that vibration effects, even at amplitudes less than 1% of the velocity can symmetrize the fluid flow in the diffuser. Richardson's "annular effect" for a harmonic oscillating fluid flow in the diffuser was shown.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.0465

    Bis(2,2′-bipyridine-κ2 N,N′)tris­(nitrato-κ2 O,O′)erbium(III)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Er(NO3)3(C10H8N2)2], contains one-half mol­ecule situated on a twofold rotation axis. The ErIII ion is in a tenfold coordination by six O atoms from three NO3 − anions and four N atoms from two 2,2′-bipyridine ligands in a distorted bicapped dodeca­hedral geometry. In the crystal, weak C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds hold the mol­ecules together

    Quadratic susceptibility and first hyperpolarizability of the complex of Cr(CO)(3) with 2.2 paracyclophane

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    The peculiarities of chemical bonding and nonlinear optical properties of the complex of Cr(CO)(3) with [2.2]paracyclophane (Cr-pCp) have been studied by a combined experimental-theoretical approach. The Cr-pCp complex exhibits second harmonic generation, the efficiency of which was measured by the powder technique at 1064.2 nm fundamental wavelength and estimated theoretically. The comparison of electronic structure of the Cr-pCp with benzene tricarbonyl chromium analogue has revealed an important role of intraligand charge transfer state in pCp moiety conditioned by a strong transannular interaction between aromatic rings which is responsible for the enhanced molecular hyperpolarizability of Cr-pCp

    RF Measurements on Cu Model of the Superstructure for the TESLA Linear Collider

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    Abstract Here we present results we have obtained on a Cu model of the superstructure [1,2] made of four 7-cell sub-units with non-resonant coupling. The proposed superstructure will allow to feed 28 cells with only one input coupler, overcoming the difficulties in the field flatness control and in the HOM damping, known from experiences with multicell structures coupled resonantly. A short description of the proposed layout is given. The field flatness adjustment, HOM damping scheme, transient measurements and input coupler matching are discussed in detail

    Keto-enol tautomerism and nonlinear optical properties in beta-diketones containing 2.2 paracyclophane

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    Nonlinear optical properties of [2.2]paracyclophane (pCp) derived beta-diketones containing functional groups with different donor-acceptor properties, bounded to the dicarbonyl fragment, have been studied. Two polymorphic modifications, one of which is characterized by the polar space group Pca2(1) while the other one is centrosymmetric (space group Pbca) were obtained for beta-diketone substituted by thiophene group depending on the crystal growth procedure. All molecules studied exhibit second harmonic generation ability, the efficiency of which was measured by the powder technique at 1064 nm fundamental wavelength. The NLO susceptibility for the compounds studied is analyzed taking into account the structural peculiarities and theoretical calculations

    Physicochemical behaviour of a dinuclear uranyl complex formed with an octaphosphinoylated para-tert-butylcalix[8]arene. Spectroscopic studies in solution and in the solid state

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    Spectrophotometric titrations of an octaphosphinoylated para-tert-butylcalix[8]arene (B8bL8) by uranyl nitrate and vice versa in anhydrous ethanol indicate that the species with 2:1 (uranyl:calixarene) stoichiometry is the major complex in solution. Based on these results, a synthesis route was designed to isolate this complex. The latter is an orange, non-hygroscopic polycrystalline powder, with chemical formula [(UO2)2(NO3)4(B8bL8) 2H2O]2(H2O). (Compd. 1), as ascertained by elemental analysis. Spectroscopic characterization of Compd. 1 in the solid and liquid states suggests that a neutral dinuclear uranyl calixarene complex was formed. MIR and FIR spectra indicate that, four phosphinoyl arms of the calixarene and two monodentate nitrates are bound to each 6-coordinate uranyl ion in the complex because no vibrational frequencies from un-coordinated O@P groups or from ionic nitrates are present; in addition the spectra reveal that water molecules form intramolecular hydrogen bonding with monodentate nitrates. The de-convoluted luminescence and XPS spectra obtained in the solid state point to a similar chemical environment around each uranyl ion, as confirmed by the mono-exponential decay of the luminescence. The more rigid conformation acquired by the calixarene in the complex and the non-symmetrical arrangement of the coordinated nitrates result in a particular feature of the emission spectra at 77 K. No evidence of cation-cation interaction was found. A rough approach to the molecular structure of the complex by molecular modelling based on the experimental findings yielded a molecule that was useful for understanding the physicochemical behaviour of Compd. 1.This work was supported by CONACYT [grant Nr. 36689-E], Mexico; and the Swiss National Science Foundation [grant SCOPES 2000–2002: No. 7BUPJ062293.00/1], Switzerland

    Эффективность и безопасность левилимаба в сочетании с метотрексатом при лечении пациентов с активным ревматоидным артритом, устойчивым к монотерапии метотрексатом (двойное слепое рандомизированное плацебо-контролируемое исследование III фазы, SOLAR)

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    Levilimab is anti-interleukin-6 receptor (IL6R) monoclonal antibody. The article presents data obtained during 24 weeks of the SOLAR phase III study.Objective: to confirm efficacy and safety of levilimab in combination with methotrexate (MTX) in patients with methotrexate resistant active rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Patients and methods. 154 adult patients, aged ≥18 years with the diagnosis of RA (ACR/EULAR 2010) and confirmed disease activity at screening despite treatment with MTX for at least 12 weeks (in a stable dose 15-25 mg/week). Patients were randomized 2:1 in levilimab (162 mg once a week, subcutaneously) + MTX (n=102) or placebo + MTX (n=52) group.The hypothesis of superiority of levilimab over placebo was tested for two co-primary efficacy endpoints: proportion of subjects who achieved ACR20 at week 12 and proportion of subjects who achieved low disease activity (LDA) of RA (DAS28-CRP <3.2) at week 24. Safety was assessed through monitoring of adverse events (AEs).Results and discussion. Seventy (68.6%) subjects who received levilimab and 20 (38.5%) who received placebo achieved ACR20 response at week 12. Fifty three (52%) subjects who received levilimab and 3 (5,8%) subjects who received placebo achieved LDA at week 24. The most common adverse events (reported in ≥5% of subjects) in levilimab and placebo arms, respectively were (by decreasing frequency): blood c holesterol increase (24% vs 12%), alanine aminotransferase elevation (11% vs 8%), lymphocyte count decrease (9% vs 8%), blood total bilirubin increase (11% vs 0%), blood triglycerides increase (10% vs 2%), aspartate aminotransferase elevation (7% vs 4%), positive interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) with M.tuberculosis antigen blood test (5% vs 6%), absolute neutrophil count decrease (8% vs 0%). No deaths were occurred.Conclusion. The study confirmed superior efficacy of levilimab + MTX over placebo + MTX in subjects with MTX resistant active RA. Levilimab showed favorable safety profile and low immunogenicity. No new important safety risks were detected.Левилимаб – моноклональное антитело к рецептору интерлейкина 6. В статье приведены данные, полученные в ходе 24 нед исследования III фазы SOLAR.Цель исследования – подтвердить эффективность и безопасность левилимаба в комбинации с метотрексатом (МТ) у пациентов с активным ревматоидным артритом (РА), устойчивым к монотерапии МТ.Пациенты и методы. Рандомизировано 154 пациента в возрасте 18 лет и старше с установленным диагнозом РА (критерии ACR/EULAR, 2010) и подтвержденной активностью заболевания, несмотря на терапию МТ (в стабильной дозе 15–25 мг/нед) в течение ≥12 нед. Рандомизация проводилась в соотношении 2:1 в группу левилимаба (162 мг, 1 раз в неделю, подкожно) в комбинации с МТ (n=102) или плацебо в комбинации с МТ (n=52).Превосходство левилимаба над плацебо было оценено по двум ко-первичным конечным точкам: доля пациентов, достигших 20% улучшения в течении РА в соответствии с ACR20 на 12-й неделе исследования; доля пациентов с низкой активностью РА (DAS28-СРБ <3,2) на 24-й неделе. Безопасность лечения левилимабом в сочетании с МТ оценивалась на основании мониторинга нежелательных явлений (НЯ).Результаты и обсуждение. На 12-й неделе терапии ACR20 достигли 70 (68,6%) и 20 (38,5%) пациентов группы левилимаба и группы плацебо соответственно. Низкая активность РА на 24-й неделе исследования выявлена у 53 (52%) пациентов, получавших левилимаб в сочетании с МТ, и у 3 (5,8%) пациентов группы плацебо. Среди наиболее частых (развившихся у ≥5% пациентов) НЯ в группах левилимаба и плацебо соответственно были зарегистрированы (в порядке убывания частоты) следующие отклонения в показателях крови: повышение уровня холестерина (24 и 12%), повышение активности аланинаминотрансферазы (11 и 8%), снижение числа лимфоцитов (9 и 8%), повышение уровня общего билирубина (11 и 0%), повышение уровня триглицеридов (10 и 2%), повышение активности аспартатаминотрансферазы (7 и 4%), положительный тест высвобождения интерферона гамма с антигеном M. tuberculosis (5 и 6%) и снижение абсолютного числа нейтрофилов (8 и 0%). Летальных исходов не было.Заключение. Результаты исследования подтвердили, что у пациентов с РА, устойчивых к монотерапии МТ, левилимаб в комбинации с МТ превосходит по эффективности плацебо с МТ. Левилимаб продемонстрировал благоприятный профиль безопасности и низкую иммуногенность. Не выявлено новых важных рисков, связанных с безопасностью