136 research outputs found

    Entre estadis i trinxeres. L'esport i la guerra civil a Catalunya (1936-1939)

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    Els treballs sobre la presència d’activitats vinculades a la cultura de masses durant la Guerra Civil espanyola han estat extensos en els casos de la literatura, el teatre, la premsa, la radiodifusió o el cinematògraf. En el cas de l’esport les recerques existents són encara molt generals i descriptives. El desenvolupament d’aquest tipus d’activitats en la reraguarda catalana, en canvi, va ser extens i amb significats molt diversos en el sí d’una societat –la dels anys trenta- que ja s’havia acostumat al consum de l’esport en els anys de preguerra i que, en una situació extraordinària com aquella, el va incorporar en funció dels interessos i les necessitats pròpies del context. Tot partint de diverses recerques prèvies realitzades entre 1994 i 2005 sobre documentació oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya i de la premsa general i especialitzada, podem afirmar que l’esport a la Catalunya en guerra fou molt rellevant tant com espectacle com també en la preparació bèl·lica i que jugà un paper destacat des dels punts de vista propagandístic, de solidaritat, estratègic i d’aglutinador social, semblant al d'altres manifestacions de la cultura de masses durant la contesa

    Prensa, deporte y cultura de masas. El papel del periodismo especializado en la expansión social del deporte en Cataluña hasta la guerra civil (1890-1936)

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    This paper aims to analyze the role of the sports press in the process of institutionalization and expansion of the sporting phenomenon in Catalonia between 1890 and 1936. The study is a result of a comprehensive preliminary analysis of sports journals of the period, both as regards their formal content as from a commercial approach. In short, the paper discusses three key aspects: (a): the important role of the press of late 19th century in the initial spread of sporting culture, (b): the link between the modern sports media and sports leisure industry, and (c): the importance of mass media in popularizing the sport in the decades of 1920 and 1930.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el rol de la prensa deportiva en el proceso de institucionalización y expansión del fenómeno deportivo en Cataluña entre 1890 y 1936. El estudio es resultado de un exhaustivo análisis previo sobre el conjunto de cabeceras deportivas del período, tanto en lo que se refiere a su contenido formal como desde una visión empresarial. En definitiva, se plantean respuestas sobre tres aspectos clave: (a): el relevante papel de la prensa doctrinaria de finales del s. XIX en la inicial extensión de la cultura deportiva, (b): la vinculación entre prensa deportiva y moderna industria del ocio deportivo y (c): la importancia de la prensa de masas en la definitiva popularización deportiva de las décadas de 1920 y 1930

    Los estudios de Diseño en la Universidad de Girona. Propuesta metodológica

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    Complex Atheromatosis of the Aortic Arch in Cerebral Infarction

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    In many stroke patients it is not possible to establish the etiology of stroke. However, in the last two decades, the use of transesophageal echocardiography in patients with stroke of uncertain etiology reveals atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic arch, which often protrude into the lumen and have mobile components in a high percentage of cases. Several autopsy series and retrospective studies of cases and controls have shown an association between aortic arch atheroma and arterial embolism, which was later confirmed by prospectively designed studies. The association with ischemic stroke was particularly strong when atheromas were located proximal to the ostium of the left subclavian artery, when the plaque was ≥ 4 mm thick and particularly when mobile components are present. In these cases, aspirin might not prevent adequately new arterial ischemic events especially stroke. Here we review the evidence of aortic arch atheroma as an independent risk factor for stroke and arterial embolism, including clinical and pathological data on atherosclerosis of the thoracic aorta as an embolic source. In addition, the impact of complex plaques (≥ 4 mm thick, or with mobile components) on increasing the risk of stroke is also reviewed. In non-randomized retrospective studies anticoagulation was superior to antiplatelet therapy in patients with stroke and aortic arch plaques with mobile components. In a retrospective case-control study, statins significantly reduced the relative risk of new vascular events. However, given the limited data available and its retrospective nature, randomized prospective studies are needed to establish the optimal secondary prevention therapeutic regimens in these high risk patients

    El Mas en el Montseny

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    En número dedicado a: Barcelon


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    Abstract From a historical perspective, at the end of the Portuguese dictatorship (1926-1974), a framework of remarkable changes was set up, which enhanced the modernization of society and the dissemination of an up-to-then scarcely generalized sports phenomenon among the population. Despite the political and social instability particular to the Processo Revolucionário em Curso (1974-1976), this first post-dictatorial period permitted some advance in the field of sports, mainly because of initiatives from associativism and related to the adoption of a sport for all model. The inflection point regarding the development of the sports issue took place when the first constitutional governments were formed and the Constituição da República Portuguesa (1976) was passed. From then, the implementation of decentralized sports policies allowed for its transformation towards a more generalized, diversified, and balanced model. Keywords: political transition; sports democratization; Portugal.  Resumo Chaves para o começo do processo de democratização dos esportes em Portugal (1974-1982) De uma perspectiva histórica, no final da ditadura Portuguesa (1926-1974), um quadro de mudanças notáveis ​​foi criado, o que aprimorou a modernização da sociedade e a difusão de um fenômeno desportivo até então pouco generalizado entre a população. Apesar da instabilidade política e social, particular ao processo revolucionário em curso (1974-1976), este primeiro período pós-ditatorial permitiu algum avanço no campo dos esportes, principalmente por causa de iniciativas de associativismo e relacionadas com a adoção de um modelo de exporte para todos. O ponto de inflexão em relação ao desenvolvimento do tema dos esportes ocorreu quando os primeiros governos constitucionais foram formados e a Constituição da República Portuguesa (1976) foi aprovada. A partir de então, a implementação de políticas desportivas descentralizadas permitiu a sua transformação para um modelo mais generalizado, diversificado e equilibrado. Palavras-chave: transição política; democratização nos esportes; Portugal
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