28 research outputs found

    Innovaciones y prácticas organizativas como determinantes de la competitividad

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    El debate sobre los determinantes de la competitividad y la gran cantidad de intereses surgidos a su alrededor envuelven su estudio de gran complejidad. Sin embargo, la necesidad de conocer sus antecedentes es clave para el bienestar colectivo. Por ello, la competitividad es y ha sido uno de los temas más relevantes tanto para la estrategia de cualquier empresa como desde el punto de vista de la política económica de cualquier país

    How to Enhance Sustainability through Technology Usage: An Analysis of Managerial Capabilities and Gender in the Tourism Sector

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    New technologies are enabling not only ever-increasing levels of production efficiency but also socially and environmentally sustainable development. Although sustainability is a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral concept, many studies have shown that technology is a significant component. However, both sustainability and the impact of technology use on sustainability ultimately depend on one crucial element: people. Therefore, in this article, as well as analysing the impact of technology use on the sustainability of an organisation, we examine two additional factors that may influence its sustainability: gender and managerial capabilities. Specifically, this paper aims to study the effects of technology on sustainability, focusing on the social dimension of sustainability and on an analysis of how gender and managerial capabilities moderate said relationship. To do so, we carried out a regression analysis on a sample of 195 Spanish hotels with between 3 and 5 stars. The results indicate that managerial capabilities are essential for harnessing technology and that women and men take advantage of its possibilities in different ways

    Cooperación en destinos y economía circular

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    Considerando los devastadores impactos medioambientales provocados por el sector turístico, impera la necesidad de un cambio de modelo hacia uno más sostenible, requiriéndose la cooperación de todos los agentes implicados en los destinos turísticos. Basándose en la teoría de distritos industriales aplicada al destino turístico, este trabajo analiza la importancia de la cooperación en el destino como punto clave para virar hacia un modelo de turismo sostenible sustentado sobre una economía circular. Las acciones y capacidades creadas conjuntamente a nivel de destino pueden ser aprovechadas por las organizaciones allí ubicadas y, a su vez, derivar en impactos a nivel de todo el destino.Considering the devastating environmental impacts caused by the tourism sector, there is a need for a change in the model towards a more sustainable one, requiring the cooperation of all agents involved in tourist destinations. Based on the theory of industrial districts applied to the tourist destination, this work analyzes the importance of cooperation in the destination as a key point to turn towards a sustainable tourism model based on a circular economy. The actions and capabilities created jointly at the destination level can be used by the organizations located there and, in turn, lead to impacts at the level of the entire destination

    Family governance systems: the complementary role of constitutions and councils

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    The understanding of family businesses from the family side is still in its infancy. This is especially true in relation to how family members manage their relationships with one another and with the firm. Family growth and evolution are usually accompanied by a reduction in shared family meaning and purpose and greater divergence in the form of factional interests and intentions that harm the family and the firm. To counterbalance this negative impact, scholars generally advocate a set of corporate governance practices. However, few papers have analysed how family regulatory frameworks and family governance institutions affect family firm performance. To the best of our knowledge, no paper has analysed the complementary role of family rules and family governance institutions or their relationship with business performance. To fill this gap, we examine how family rules and family governance institutions affect firm performance. Drawing upon the concept of fit from organisation design, this paper shows the complementary role of family rules and family institutions, as well as the need for fit with family complexity. Analysis of a sample of family businesses shows that when family governance fits with family complexity, the relationship with firm performance is positive; any misfit leads to negative consequences

    Quality management and performance: the importance of knowledge and R&D practice

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    En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de la implantación de sistemas de gestión de la calidad en la adopción de prácticas de gestión del conocimiento y de la gestión de la I+D y, a su vez, los efectos individuales y conjuntos de los distintos tipos de prácticas de gestión sobre el desempeño. A través de un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y utilizando la metodología Partial Least Squares (PLS), se demuestra que los sistemas de gestión de la calidad integrados con la gestión del conocimiento y de gestión de I+D son elementos fundamentales que aseguran una mejora de los resultados empresariales.This paper analyzes the influence of the implementation of Quality Management on the adoption of know- ledge and R&D management practices and also the individual and joint effects of de distinct types of management practices on performance. Through a structural equations model and using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) methodology it is demonstrated that Quality Management systems integrated with knowledge and R&D management are crucial aspects that ensure an improvement on firm’s performanc

    Dynamic capabilities and environmental performance: all in the family

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    Purpose This study adopts the dynamic capabilities perspective to analyze environmental performance in family firms and explores the moderating effects that both family involvement in the Top Management Team (TMT) and long-term orientation (LTO) exert on the relationship between dynamic capabilities and environmental performance. Design/methodology/approach The authors test the hypotheses on a database of 748 family tourism firms, using hierarchical regression analysis. Findings The authors' results show that both variables have a beneficial effect on building the dynamic capabilities to be applied to improving environmental performance. However, the moderating effect of family involvement is revealed to be more complex than that of LTO. Having a high degree of family managerial involvement positively moderates the effect of dynamic capabilities on environmental performance but only in family firms with highly-developed dynamic capabilities; conversely, in family firms with lower levels of dynamic capabilities not having this family involvement in the TMT is better. Originality/value This study helps advance the research on Spanish family tourism firms by adopting an approach that unveils the heterogeneity in dynamic capabilities among said firms, driven by the firms' idiosyncratic features in terms of family involvement in the TMT and their LTO. The article also provides practical insights for family business owners, managers and advisors and outlines important directions for future research

    Assessment feedback in higher education: preliminary results in a course of strategic management

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    [EN] Assessment feedback improves the process of learning by giving students the possibility to analyze their own learning process and the points in which they fail in the activities. Nevertheless, their application in the higher educational environment could have some difficulties due to the number of students in each group. The aim of this project is to analyze the assessment feedback concept and its importance in teaching strategic management subjects. The study presents descriptive results of the perceptions of the students in a group in which feedback is included as a usual activity in the development of the subject. Students positively evaluate the feedback provided by the teacher, and also their academic marks are positive.Boronat-Navarro, M.; Forés, B.; Puig-Denia, A. (2015). Assessment feedback in higher education: preliminary results in a course of strategic management. En 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HIGHER EDUCATION ADVANCES (HEAD' 15). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 559-564. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd15.2015.37455956

    Servitización del Sector turístico: el modelo de destinos turísticos inteligentes (DTI) como impulsor del proceso de digitalización de los servicios turísticos

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    La importancia económica y social del sector turístico lo ha convertido en un sector clave en muchos países, como en España. A lo largo de las últimas décadas ha venido realizando una contribución inestimable al agregado de la producción nacional en términos de riqueza y personal empleado (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, 2019). No obstante, el modelo turístico actual adolece de ciertas debilidades, puestas de manifiesto y agravadas con la aparición y propagación de la COVID-19, y el forzoso cierre temporal de la actividad turística, con fuertes y negativos impactos, específicamente en lo que se refiere a la sostenibilidad económica (productividad) pero incidiendo también en la sostenibilidad social (equidad) y ambiental (capacidad de carga) (Gössling et al., 2020)

    Efectos de la gestión de la calidad sobre el desempeño innovador: el papel mediador de las capacidades dinámicas de aprendizaje e innovación

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    En el entorno actual regido por rápidos cambios, la innovación juega un papel esencial, convirtiéndose en la base de creación y sostenimiento de la competitividad. El desempeño innovador de la empresa, desde la perspectiva de las Capacidades Dinámicas, viene determinado básicamente por las capacidades de innovación de la empresa. Estas capacidades innovadoras integran la Capacidad para la Gestión de la I+D y la Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo. Por otro lado, con tal de adaptarse a las necesidades que el mercado les exige sobrevivir y hacer frente a la competencia, las empresas han ido adoptando Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad; estas prácticas pueden asimismo contribuir a mejorar el desempeño innovador de las empresas y sus ventajas competitivas. Sin embargo, el efecto de las Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad sobre el desempeño innovador es un tema controvertido en la literatura que ha dado lugar a resultados dispares. Esta falta de consenso puede deberse, en parte, a la omisión de ciertas variables que pueden actuar como mediadoras en la relación. Este trabajo intenta aportar luz a esta controversia, estudiando la influencia de la utilización de Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad sobre el desempeño innovador de procesos, tanto de forma directa como a través del desarrollo de Capacidades Dinámicas. Con tal de testar este modelo, se utiliza una base de datos de 550 empresas industriales de la Comunidad Valenciana y un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales con la metodología Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). Los resultados indican que el stock de Capacidades Dinámicas de la empresa determina su desempeño innovador. Encontramos igualmente que el grado de adopción organizativa de Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad está relacionado directamente con la Capacidad de Aprendizaje Organizativo y la Capacidad de Gestión de I+D. Sin embargo, las Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad no influyen de forma directa sobre el desempeño innovador de procesos, sino de modo indirecto según su poder de desarrollo de Capacidades Dinámicas. Por tanto, las Capacidades Dinámicas representadas por el Aprendizaje Organizativo y Gestión de la I+D son una variable que media en el efecto de la difusión de las Prácticas de Gestión de la Calidad sobre el desempeño innovador de procesos.In the current environment governed by rapid change, innovation plays an essential role, becoming the basis for creating and sustaining competitiveness. The innovative performance of the company, from the perspective of Dynamic Capabilities, is basically determined by the innovation capabilities. These innovative capabilities are integrated by the Capacity for the R&D Management and the Capacity for Organizational Learning. On the other hand, firms have adopted practices related with the Quality Management philosophy in order to adapt themselves to the needs that market requires to survive and cope with competition; these quality practices can also help to improve the innovative performance of firms and their competitive advantages. However, the effect of the Quality Management Practices on the innovative performance is a controversial topic in the literature that has led to mixed results. This lack of consensus may be partly due to the omission of certain variables that may act as mediators in the relationship between Quality Management Practices and the innovative performance. This paper attempts to shed light on this controversy by studying the influence of the use of Quality Management Practices on the process innovation performance, both directly and through the development of Dynamic Capabilities. With the aim of testing this model, we use a database of 550 industrial firms in the Valencian Comunity and a structural equation model with the methodology Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). The results indicate that the firm’s stock of Dynamic Capabilities is essential in order to determine its innovative performance. It is also found that the degree of the organizational adoption of Quality Management Practices is directly related to the Organizational Learning Capacity and the Capacity for the R&D Management. However, this model demonstrates that the Quality Management Practices have not a direct influence on the performance of process innovation, but these practices could have an indirect effect on this kind of performance by developing the Dynamic Capabilities. Therefore, the Dynamic Capabilities - represented by the Organizational Learning and the Capacity for R&D Management - is a variable that mediates the effect of the diffusion of the Quality Management Practices on the process innovation performance

    Las capacidades directivas en la empresa familiar turística: ¿Es la profesionalización la clave para su desarrollo?

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    The main objective of this paper is to analyze the elements of the particular governance structure of the family business and the involvement of the family in the business in order to verify its effects on managerial capabilities. Likewise, professionalization in this type of company will be studied as a moderating variable. To address this analysis, the Resource and Capabilities Based-View and the Agency Theory will be taken as a basis. The empirical study is carried out on a base of 591 Spanish tourism companies using a multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that many of the peculiar characteristics of the family business have a negative effect on their managerial skills, preventing their proper development. However, the professionalization of the maximum responsible of the family business would contribute to alleviating these problems, facilitating the development of the said skills in the family business.Este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo analizar los elementos de la particular estructura de gobierno de la empresa familiar y la implicación de la familia en el negocio con tal de comprobar sus efectos sobre las capacidades directivas. Asimismo, se estudiará la profesionalización en este tipo de empresas como variable moderadora. Para abordar este análisis, se tomarán como base el Enfoque Basado en Recursos y Capacidades y la Teoría de la Agencia. El estudio empírico se lleva a cabo sobre una base de 591 empresas turísticas españolas mediante un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple. Los resultados demuestran que muchas de las características peculiares de la empresa familiar ejercen un efecto negativo sobre sus capacidades directivas, impidiendo su correcto desarrollo. Sin embargo, la profesionalización del máximo responsable de la empresa familiar contribuiría a paliar dichos problemas, facilitando el desarrollo de dichas capacidades en la empresa familiar