268 research outputs found

    Prime considerazioni in tema di pluralismo religioso nel sistema radiotelevisivo italiano

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    SOMMARIO: 1. Pluralismo informativo e monopolio radiotelevisivo: una premessa— 2. Il percorso verso il pluralismo esterno fino alla prima legge di riforma delsistema — 3. Le riforme introdotte dalla l. 103/1975. Le opportunità offerte ai gruppireligiosi dalla regolamentazione del diritto di accesso — 4. La posizione dellaChiesa sull’utilizzo del mezzo televisivo — 5. Tra resistenze sociali e aspirazioni dirinnovamento: la “vocazione cattolica” della RAI e il «caso Fo» — 6. La legge sulsistema radiotelevisivo «misto», pubblico e privato. Nuove prospettive perpluralismo e fenomeno religioso — 7. Dalla l. 223/1990 al d.lgs. 117/2005: quindicianni di problematiche. Il pluralismo informativo quale nodo irrisolto — 8. Laprevisione di programmi a contenuto religioso nei contratti di servizio RAI — 9.Nuovi scenari tecnologici e inedite risorse per il pluralismo: la regolamentazioneiniziale — 10. Pluralismo e innovazione nel messaggio alle Camere del Presidentedella Repubblica — 11. La legge di sistema 112/2004 e il Testo unico dellaradiotelevisione (d.lgs. 177/2005) — 12. Le conferme circa la tutela delle istanzereligiose nel Testo unico della radiotelevisione — 13. Il pluralismo espressivo comepotenziale strumento di offesa del sentimento religioso — 14. Pluralismonell’informazione religiosa in tv — 14 a) Campagna referendaria 2005: un esempiodi carenza di pluralismo religioso nell’informazione televisiva — 14 b) Violazionedella legge sulla par condicio — 14 c) Lo stato dell’arte sul pluralismodell’informazione religiosa in tv: indagine 2006 — 15. L’esercizio del diritto dicritica ai gruppi religiosi attraverso l’uso del mezzo televisivo — 16. Prospettive peril fenomeno religioso nella recente normativa di riassetto del sistemaradiotelevisivo — 17. Riflessioni conclusive

    Aerobic Training Affects Fatty Acid Composition of Erythrocyte Membranes

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    The effect of exercise training on the fatty acid composition of erythrocyte membranes was evaluated in an experimental animal model where rats were subjected to a ten-wk aerobic training. Five groups of rats were compared: sedentary rats at 19 or 23 wks of age, rats trained at moderate or high intensity sacrificed at 19 wks of age, and rats trained at high intensity, and sacrificed following 4 weeks of sedentary life. We had already demonstrated that cardioprotection correlates with training intensity and partially persists in detrained rats. Main findings are that rats trained at higher intensity display consistent signs of lipid peroxidation but a lower ω6/ω3 ratio and a lower content of trans fatty acids when compared to rats trained at lower intensity and to older sedentary rats. Trans fatty acids negatively affect cell membrane fluidity and permeability. Detrained rats showed intermediate values. Gene expression evaluation of selected enzymes involved in lipid biosynthesis revealed some of the adaptive mechanisms leading to the maintenance of membrane fatty acid homeostasis following exercise. The decrease in the amount of trans fatty and in the inflammatory pathways (i.e. ω6/ω3 ratio) in high-intensity trained rats underscores the protective effect of high intensity aerobic training

    Top tips for social media use in sports and exercise medicine: doing the right thing in the digital age

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    Sports and exercise (SEM) clinicians need thick skin and a nimble brain to juggle the plethora of competing professional responsibilities; from athlete clinical care, to work/life pressures, all while developing professional knowledge and skills. In recent years there has also been an assertion that SEM clinicians need to develop/maintain a social media presence, and many working in amateur and elite sport now have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram profiles. Although professional bodies have provided social media guidance (see web appendix for additional reading) there is no explicit SEM specific social media guidance

    Oxytocin Modulates Osteogenic Commitment in Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells

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    Human adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) are commonly harvested in minimally invasive contexts with few ethical concerns, and exhibit self-renewal, multi-lineage differentiation, and trophic signaling that make them attractive candidates for cell therapy approaches. The identification of natural molecules that can modulate their biological properties is a challenge for many researchers. Oxytocin (OXT) is a neurohypophyseal hormone that plays a pivotal role in the regulation of mammalian behavior, and is involved in health and well-being processes. Here, we investigated the role of OXT on hASC proliferation, migratory ability, senescence, and autophagy after a treatment of 72 h; OXT did not affect hASC proliferation and migratory ability. Moreover, we observed an increase in SA-β-galactosidase activity, probably related to the promotion of the autophagic process. In addition, the effects of OXT were evaluated on the hASC differentiation ability; OXT promoted osteogenic differentiation in a dose-dependent manner, as demonstrated by Alizarin red staining and gene/protein expression analysis, while it did not affect or reduce adipogenic differentiation. We also observed an increase in the expression of autophagy marker genes at the beginning of the osteogenic process in OXT-treated hASCs, leading us to hypothesize that OXT could promote osteogenesis in hASCs by modulating the autophagic process

    Frataxin mRNA isoforms in FRDA patients and normal subjects: effect of tocotrienol supplementation.

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    Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA) is caused by deficient expression of the mitochondrial protein frataxin involved in the formation of iron-sulphur complexes, and by consequent oxidative stress. We analysed low-dose tocotrienol supplementation effects on the expression of the three splice variant isoforms (FXN-1, FXN-2 and FXN-3) in mononuclear blood cells of FRDA patients and healthy subjects. In FRDA patients, tocotrienol leads to a specific and significant increase of FXN-3 expression, while not affecting FXN-1 and FXN-2 expression. Since no structural and functional details were available for FNX-2 and FXN-3, 3D-models were built. FXN-1, the canonical isoform, was then docked on the human iron-sulphur complex and functional interactions were computed; when FXN-1 was replaced by FXN-2 or FNX-3, we found that the interactions were maintained, thus suggesting a possible biological role for both isoforms in human cells. Finally, in order to evaluate whether tocotrienol enhancement of FXN-3 was mediated by an increase in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-\uf067 (PPARG), PPARG expression was evaluated. At low dose of tocotrienol, the increase of FXN-3 expression appeared to be independent of PPARG expression. Our data show that it is possible to modulate the mRNA expression of the minor frataxin isoforms, and that they may have a functional role

    Non-Thermal Radio Frequency and Static Magnetic Fields Increase Rate of Hemoglobin Deoxygenation in a Cell-Free Preparation

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    The growing body of clinical and experimental data regarding electromagnetic field (EMF) bioeffects and their therapeutic applications has contributed to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of action. This study reports that two EMF modalities currently in clinical use, a pulse-modulated radiofrequency (PRF) signal, and a static magnetic field (SMF), applied independently, increased the rate of deoxygenation of human hemoglobin (Hb) in a cell-free assay. Deoxygenation of Hb was initiated using the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) in an assay that allowed the time for deoxygenation to be controlled (from several min to several hours) by adjusting the relative concentrations of DTT and Hb. The time course of Hb deoxygenation was observed using visible light spectroscopy. Exposure for 10–30 min to either PRF or SMF increased the rate of deoxygenation occurring several min to several hours after the end of EMF exposure. The sensitivity and biochemical simplicity of the assay developed here suggest a new research tool that may help to further the understanding of basic biophysical EMF transduction mechanisms. If the results of this study were to be shown to occur at the cellular and tissue level, EMF-enhanced oxygen availability would be one of the mechanisms by which clinically relevant EMF-mediated enhancement of growth and repair processes could occur

    “It was only a mild concussion”: Exploring the description of sports concussion in online news articles

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    Background/aims Concussion is widely discussed in online sports news articles, but the terms used to report this injury vary. This study aimed to use a systematic search strategy and explore the description of sports concussion in online sports news articles. Methods A systematic approach was employed to obtain online articles related to sports concussion from four sports associated with concussion (hockey, football, soccer, and rugby). Included articles were evaluated for the descriptors used in relation to concussion and possible consequences associated with concussion. Data was analysed to determine trends between each sport as well between the countries of origin of the articles. Results From 200 articles retrieved, 153 were included for analysis. The terms "Head injury" (30.1%) and "Brain injury" (20.9%) were most used to describe a concussive injury, and the most frequently mentioned consequence of concussion was "Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy" (15%). Modifiers which potentially play down the importance of the injury were noted in 9.8% of the articles, with journalists the primary source of these terms. Conclusions The variability in reporting of concussion by online news articles may limit the transmission of correct concussion information to the public. To improve the consistency of this reporting, the "Media Concussion Checklist" was developed
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