23 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Fungsi-Fungsi Public Relations Dalam Sosialisasi Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) “Kasus Di KPUD YOGYAKARTA Dan KPUD Bantulâ€

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    This research attempts to analyze the differences of Public Relations (PR) function in local election (Pilkada). Pilkada is a democratic process in Indonesia. Government needs big participation of society, as one successful point of pilkada is participation of society. Effort to bring public politics participation cannot be separate from politics socialization process. Socialization process is public attitude establishment and politics orientation process. Pilkada socialization carried out by KPUD (Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah) as executor. To make an effective socialization to public, KPUD needs to use specific function called Public Relation. Communication activity between organization and its public divided into some part of PR function, including publicity, advertising, press agentry, lobbying, issue management, investor relation and public affair. Basically, implementation of PR function in the process of PILKADA may be different in each region. It becomes the reason why author want to compare KPUD Yogyakarta and Bantul. Governance system differences among both regions would affect in government’s socialization policy. Those differences depend on population, social classes, demographic condition and personal motivation. It is also effecting in PR function held by government, as in media and in society as target operatio

    Data from: PCR-based isolation of multigene families: lessons from the avian MHC class IIB

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    The amount of sequence data available today highly facilitates the access to genes from many gene families. Primers amplifying the desired genes over a range of species are readily obtained by aligning conserved gene regions, and laborious gene isolation procedures can often be replaced by quicker PCR-based approaches. However, in the case of multigene families, PCR-based approaches bear the often ignored risk of incomplete isolation of family members. This problem is most prominent in gene families with highly variable and thus unpredictable number of gene copies among species, such as in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In the present study we (i) report new primers for the isolation of the MHC class IIB (MHCIIB) gene family in birds, and (ii) share our experience with isolating MHCIIB genes from an unprecedented number of avian species from all over the avian phylogeny. We report important and usually underappreciated problems encountered during PCR-based multigene family isolation, and provide a collection of measures to help significantly improving the chance of successfully isolating complete multigene families using PCR-based approaches

    Data from: No evidence for MHC class II-based non-random mating at the gametic haplotype in Atlantic salmon

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    Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are a likely target of mate choice because of their role in inbreeding avoidance and potential benefits for offspring immunocompetence. Evidence for female choice for complementary MHC alleles among competing males exists both for the pre- and the postmating stages. However, it remains unclear whether the latter may involve non-random fusion of gametes depending on gametic haplotypes resulting in transmission ratio distortion or non-random sequence divergence among fused gametes. We tested whether non-random gametic fusion of MHC-II haplotypes occurs in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. We performed in vitro fertilizations that excluded interindividual sperm competition using a split family design with large clutch sample sizes to test for a possible role of the gametic haplotype in mate choice. We sequenced two MHC-II loci in 50 embryos per clutch to assess allelic frequencies and sequence divergence. We found no evidence for transmission ratio distortion at two linked MHC-II loci, nor for non-random gamete fusion with respect to MHC-II alleles. Our findings suggest that the gametic MHC-II haplotypes play no role in gamete association in Atlantic salmon and that earlier findings of MHC-based mate choice most likely reflect choice among diploid genotypes. We discuss possible explanations for these findings and how they differ from findings in mammals

    Data from: Evaluation of two approaches to genotyping MHC class I in a passerine – CE-SSCP and 454 pyrosequencing

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    Genes of the highly dynamic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are directly linked to individual fitness and are of high interest in evolutionary ecology and conservation genetics. Gene duplication and positive selection usually lead to high levels of polymorphism in the MHC region, making genotyping of MHC a challenging task. Here, we compare the performance of two methods for MHC class I genotyping in a passerine with highly duplicated MHC class I genes: capillary electrophoresis single strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP) analysis and 454 GS FLX Titanium pyrosequencing. According to our findings, the number of MHC variants (called alleles for simplicity) detected by CE-SSCP is significantly lower than detected by 454. To resolve discrepancies between the two methods we cloned and Sanger sequenced a MHC class I amplicon for an individual with high number of alleles. We found a perfect congruence between cloning/Sanger sequencing results and 454. Thus, in case of multi-locus amplification, CE-SSCP considerably underestimates individual MHC diversity. However, numbers of alleles detected by both methods are significantly correlated, although the correlation is weak (r = 0.32). Thus, in systems with highly duplicated MHC, 454 provides more reliable information on individual diversity than CE-SSCP

    Raw read for No evidence for MHC class II-based non-random mating at the gametic haplotype in Atlantic salmon

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    MiSeq platform (Illumina) raw reads as described in Promerová et al (2016). "No evidence for MHC class II-based non-random mating at the gametic haplotype in Atlantic salmon". The data file consists on a compressed file divided in 6 folders. Each folder (named e.g. lib1) contains reads from one sequencing lain. Inside there are individual fasta files with reads from one individual. Each individuals is coded (file name) with three codes separated by underscore: "sample code" + "family code" + "offspring code". Codes are listed in supplementary information in files "README.csv" including also used barre code for sample identification inside within libraries

    Gene conversion events among 12 nucleotide sequences of MHCIIB exon 2 in the Grey partridge.

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    <p>Gene conversion events among 12 nucleotide sequences of MHCIIB exon 2 in the Grey partridge.</p