10 research outputs found

    Dispositional Instruments of Protection against Administrative Acts (not in Legal Force) and their Effectiveness

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    Public administration is often implemented through the issuing of public acts of a unilateral and binding character. Within public administration, however, legal instruments by which those for whom the administrative acts are binding can defend themselves against any illegality or irregularity of the mentioned administrative acts, are also (must be) provided. The existence and proper effectiveness of these legal instruments can be regarded as a necessary part (sine qua non) of the democratic rule of law. The paper is concerned with the so-called dispositional legal instruments of protection against the administrative acts which are not yet in legal force and their effectiveness. Article's major finding consists in fact, that the effectiveness of dispositional instruments of protection could be limited by absence of devolutive effect, or guarantee of independence in organizational arrangement between first and second instance administrative bodies.

    Life in Health 2021: Research and Practice

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    This proceedings contain a selection of papers from the international interdisciplinary conference Life in Health 2021, which took place from 9 to 10 September 2021 in the Czech Republic at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University. The papers focus on general as well as specific approaches to public health protection and promotion. The findings presented are based on research data and are applicable in health education and general education of children and the whole population

    Cultural standarts of Russia

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    The first part is focused on theoretical information. There I introduced all the key terms and mentioned the most famous expert studies. I focused not only on cultural standarts in overal, but also specifically on cultural standarts of the Czech republic and Russia. The second part is all based about Russia. There are basic information, history and political and economical situations introduced. The third part is practical. I compared the cultural standarts of the Czech republic and Russia. I also compared results of specialists analysis with my own analysis, based on a questionnaire

    Vnitrostátní přeprava nebezpečného nákladu silniční dopravou

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    Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta strojní. Institut (342) doprav

    The specifics of the Improvement of the Family Life Provided to Families witch Children up to Three Months of Age

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    In the first part of the thesis I summarize the theoretical knowledge of the areas that concern the family, its functions and its importance for a child. I pay attention to basic legal norms and also social work with family. I focus on the concept of the improvement of the family. I continue to a qualitative survey in order to complement the theoretical framework of the specifics of family redevelopment of families with children under three months of age. I have been working with social workers and they agreed on many characters of the improvement of the family, that is provided for the selected target group. There was drawn up a list of organizations that provide improvement of the family in the area of the capital city Prague. These organizations provide a service for the selected target group. This list can also be used in practice. Qualitative investigation confirmed that the improvement of the family is irreplaceable in social services market. From the responses of social workers was showed that in the future there will increase the demand for this service. The situation of the traditional family has been changing and parents feel greater pressure regarding the performance of individual roles in society

    Singles as a lifestyle

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    The bachelor thesis on the topic "Singles as a lifestyle" deals with the matters of single mothers and the look of social workers on this theme. In the teoretical part, I shortly described how was the family developing with time, it´s functions and the role of woman and man in this group. Then I was dealing with the family of mother - the only breadwinner - and it´s structure. With modern family and divorce in these days and the lifestyle of single mother and hers voluntary and involuntary entry to this lifestyle. The aim of this work was to find out, how the social workers perceive the group of single mothers and what is their role in this issue. To achieve this aim, two researching questions were asked. These questions find out, how the social workers look on the issue of single mothers, and which role they have in this topic. In the practical part, there are the results of the research, which was made with social workers of the organization SPOD in České Budějovice. From these results we can see that this issue is not well spread in South Bohemian region. Social workers regard as the main problem the unentered name of the father in the child´s birth certificate, which can cause troubles to mother and the social workers in the future. Then they mention, that their main duty is to offer consultancies or case´s conference within the framework of social work with family. Above all I hope, that this work increase the awarness about this topic, raise the interest of other students and colleagues for social work branch, to deal with this issue

    Vrabko, Marián. Správne právo hmotné: všeobecná časť

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    Recenze publikace - Vrabko, Marián. Správne právo hmotné: všeobecná časť1. vyd. V Prahe: C. H. Beck, 2012, xxiv, 453 s. ISBN 978808960303

    Prevention Programs in selected Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in South Bohemia

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    Low-Threshold Facility for Children and Youth is a service quite newly established. The function of the Low-Threshold Facility for Children and Youth is to help children and youth between the ages from 6 to 26 from being socially excluded as well as to help them enjoy a more incentive environment by means of various leisure activities. In the theoretical part of the bachelor thesis I am dealing with Low-threshold Facility for Children and Youth from its establishment, to the mission of this facility and goals that are layed out. Greater attention will be given to a target group ? to children and youth, since my investigation is concerned by them. I am presenting legal anchorage of the facility as well and I am describing methods and interventions that are being realised here. I have also included factors that influence leisure time of the youth, such as family, school, peers or the media, into the thesis. The last part of the theoretical part is dedicated to preventive programmes and the role of the social worker in preventive programmes. In the practical part of the bachelor thesis the intention of this thesis is mentioned, it is to describe which preventive programmes are being realised in selected Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in the South Bohemian Region. Another intention is to describe the perception of preventive programmes by a regular participant. Research questions are presented here as well, they are: 1) What preventive programmes are there in selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in the South Bohemian Region? 2) Does the user perceive the preventive programmes as beneficial or as disturbing? To achieve the goal, a strategy of qualitative research was selected, I have used the method of survey, a technique of half-structured interview. As a complementary technique I have chosen data analysis, which consisted in analysing documents of these facilities. The selected group was formed by regular users of preventive programmes in selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in the South Bohemian Region. The second selected group was formed by social workers, who work in these facilities. An important criteria when selecting Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth was the existence of comprehensive conception of primary prevention. Another criteria was the location of these facilities, I have determined that each facility must be established in a different town of the South Bohemian Region. By this I wanted to achieve greater variety of preventive programmes. I have therefore chosen low-threshold facility V.I.P. located in České Budějovice, low-threshold facilitiy Bouda located in the city Český Krumlov and low-threshold facility Bongo that functions in the city Týn nad Vltavou. From the interpreted results of the research clearly results that preventive programmes of all facilities are on a good level. I have proposed following hypotheses in terms of this thesis: H1: Preventive programs in Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth are based on the needs of the client, rather than themes set by social workers. H2: Clients of the Preventive programs in Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth evaluated as a beneficial form of a preventive program, movie nights before talks. From the information acquired during the interviews it is possible to obtain a good feed-back from clients on organized preventive programmes they took part in. Social workers working in already mentioned facilities could use the results interpretation along with the formation of other preventive programmes a try to harmonize them with clients´ opinions. The results can as well be a good source of information for all providers of preventive programmes

    Anoplocephalid tapeworms in mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) inhabiting the Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

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    Cestodes of the family Anoplocephalidae parasitize a wide range of usually herbivorous hosts including e.g. rodents, ungulates, primates, elephants and hyraxes. While in some hosts, the epidemiology of the infection is well studied, information is lacking in others. In this study of mountain gorillas in the Virunga Massif, an extensive sample set comprising adult cestodes collected via necropsies, proglottids shed in feces, and finally, fecal samples from both night nests and identified individuals were analysed. Anoplocephala gorillae was the dominant cestode species detected in night nest samples and individually known gorillas, of which only 1 individual hosted a Bertiella sp. It was shown that the 2 species can be distinguished through microscopy based on egg morphology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for diagnostics of both species were provided. Sequences of mitochondrial (cox 1) and nuclear (ITS1, 18S rDNA, 28S rDNA) markers were used to evaluate the phylogenetic position of the 2 cestodes detected in mountain gorillas. Both types of fecal samples, from night nests and from identified individuals, provided comparable information about the prevalence of anoplocephalid cestodes, although the analysis of samples collected from identified gorilla individuals showed significant intra-individual fluctuation of A. gorillae egg shedding within a short period. Therefore, multiple samples should be examined to obtain reliable data for wildlife health management programmes, especially when application of anthelmintic treatment is considered. However, while A. gorillae is apparently a common symbiont of mountain gorillas, it does not seem to impair the health of its host