Prevention Programs in selected Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in South Bohemia


Low-Threshold Facility for Children and Youth is a service quite newly established. The function of the Low-Threshold Facility for Children and Youth is to help children and youth between the ages from 6 to 26 from being socially excluded as well as to help them enjoy a more incentive environment by means of various leisure activities. In the theoretical part of the bachelor thesis I am dealing with Low-threshold Facility for Children and Youth from its establishment, to the mission of this facility and goals that are layed out. Greater attention will be given to a target group ? to children and youth, since my investigation is concerned by them. I am presenting legal anchorage of the facility as well and I am describing methods and interventions that are being realised here. I have also included factors that influence leisure time of the youth, such as family, school, peers or the media, into the thesis. The last part of the theoretical part is dedicated to preventive programmes and the role of the social worker in preventive programmes. In the practical part of the bachelor thesis the intention of this thesis is mentioned, it is to describe which preventive programmes are being realised in selected Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in the South Bohemian Region. Another intention is to describe the perception of preventive programmes by a regular participant. Research questions are presented here as well, they are: 1) What preventive programmes are there in selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in the South Bohemian Region? 2) Does the user perceive the preventive programmes as beneficial or as disturbing? To achieve the goal, a strategy of qualitative research was selected, I have used the method of survey, a technique of half-structured interview. As a complementary technique I have chosen data analysis, which consisted in analysing documents of these facilities. The selected group was formed by regular users of preventive programmes in selected Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth in the South Bohemian Region. The second selected group was formed by social workers, who work in these facilities. An important criteria when selecting Low-threshold Facilities for Children and Youth was the existence of comprehensive conception of primary prevention. Another criteria was the location of these facilities, I have determined that each facility must be established in a different town of the South Bohemian Region. By this I wanted to achieve greater variety of preventive programmes. I have therefore chosen low-threshold facility V.I.P. located in České Budějovice, low-threshold facilitiy Bouda located in the city Český Krumlov and low-threshold facility Bongo that functions in the city Týn nad Vltavou. From the interpreted results of the research clearly results that preventive programmes of all facilities are on a good level. I have proposed following hypotheses in terms of this thesis: H1: Preventive programs in Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth are based on the needs of the client, rather than themes set by social workers. H2: Clients of the Preventive programs in Low-Threshold Facilities for Children and Youth evaluated as a beneficial form of a preventive program, movie nights before talks. From the information acquired during the interviews it is possible to obtain a good feed-back from clients on organized preventive programmes they took part in. Social workers working in already mentioned facilities could use the results interpretation along with the formation of other preventive programmes a try to harmonize them with clients´ opinions. The results can as well be a good source of information for all providers of preventive programmes

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