69 research outputs found


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    A população brasileira utiliza as plantas medicinais como fonte terapêutica natural, baseados em heranças étnicas e culturais transmitidas por gerações, caracterizadas de forma única de cada região. Não somente como recurso medicinal alternativo, mas também como única fonte terapêutica acessível para muitas comunidades. Sendo assim, este estudo objetivou avaliar o perfil fitoquímico, a atividade antimicrobiana e a toxicidade frente a Artemia salina do extrato da entrecasca da Myracrodruom urundeuva A. Trata-se de um estudo com objetivos descritivos e com procedimentos experimentais. O material vegetal foi coletado na região do município de Montes Claros, Norte de Minas. Foi obtido o extrato da entrecasca sobre maceração exaustiva, posteriormente se realizou os testes fitoquímicos, onde através destes foram detectados a presença de: taninos, flavonóides, alcaloides e saponinas. A atividade antimicrobiana foi realizada através do método de análise antibiograma, onde o extrato da entrecasca se mostrou eficaz na inibição dos microrganismos ao qual foi exposto, sua verificação da toxicidade frente a Artemia salina, revelou um elevado grau de toxicidade do extrato da sua entrecasca.Palavras-chave: Plantas Medicinais, Fitoterápicos, Myracrodruon urundeuva A.The Brazilian population uses medicinal plants as a natural therapeutic source, based on ethnic and cultural heritages transmitted by generations, characterized in a unique way of each region. Not only as an alternative medical resource, but also as the only accessible therapeutic source for many communities. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the phytochemical profile, antimicrobial activity and toxicity of Artemia salina from the strains of Myracrodruom urundeuva A. It is a study with descriptive objectives and experimental procedures. The plant material was collected in the region of the municipality of Montes Claros, North of Minas Gerais. It was obtained the extract of the binder on exhaustive maceration, after which the phytochemical tests were performed, where through these were detected the presence of: tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids and saponins. The antimicrobial activity was performed through the antibiogram analysis method, where the extract of the peel was effective in inhibiting the microorganisms to which it was exposed, and its toxicity check against Artemia salina, revealed a high degree of toxicity of the extract of its peel.Keywords: Medicinal Plants; Herbal Medicine; Myracrodruon urundeuva A

    Influence of the clinical profile of patients with refractory epilepsy on lamotrigine plasma concentration

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the influence of the clinical profile on lamotrigine (LTG) plasma concentrations from patients with refractory epileptic seizures. In this cross-sectional study, therapeutic monitoring of LTG, and questionnaires with 75 patients with refractory epileptic seizures of a Hospital in Ribeirão Preto-SP-Brazil were performed. The multiple linear regression model was used to verify association between the LTG plasma concentrations and the independent variables. Covariance analysis was used to compare the mean LTG plasma concentration among the co-medication groups. The LTG plasma concentration was associated both with the LTG dosage (mg/kg/day) (p=0.0096) and with the use of first generation antiepileptic drugs (AED) (p<0.01), being carbamazepine (CBZ) and phenytoin (PHT), the AEDs showing the most prominent influence in reducing LTG plasma concentrations. Adverse events, adherence to the pharmacological treatment, and epileptic seizures frequency, did not show significant correlation with LTG plasma concentration values. The conclusion is that LTG plasma concentration is significantly influenced by the LTG dosage and by the concomitant use of a first generation AED

    Stir bar-sorptive extraction, solid phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction for levetiracetam determination in human plasma: comparing recovery rates

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    Levetiracetam (LEV), an antiepileptic drug (AED) with favorable pharmacokinetic profile, is increasingly being used in clinical practice, although information on its metabolism and disposition are still being generated. Therefore a simple, robust and fast liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) followed by high-performance liquid chromatography method is described that could be used for both pharmacokinetic and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) purposes. Moreover, recovery rates of LEV in plasma were compared among LLE, stir bar-sorptive extraction (SBSE), and solid-phase extraction (SPE). Solvent extraction with dichloromethane yielded a plasma residue free from usual interferences such as commonly co-prescribed AEDs, and recoveries around 90% (LLE), 60% (SPE) and 10% (SBSE). Separation was obtained using reverse phase Select B column with ultraviolet detection (235 nm). Mobile phase consisted of methanol:sodium acetate buffer 0.125 M pH 4.4 (20:80, v/v). The method was linear over a range of 2.8-220.0 µg mL-1. The intra- and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations; relative standard deviation was less than 10%. The limit of quantification was 2.8 µg mL-1. This robust method was successfully applied to analyze plasma samples from patients with epilepsy and therefore might be used for pharmacokinetic and TDM purposes.</p

    Neoliberalismo y precariedad del trabajo de enfermería en la pandemia de COVID-19: repercusiones en la salud mental

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    Objetivo: compreender como as contradições e tensões da política neoliberal, materializadas na precarização do trabalho, repercutem na saúde mental das trabalhadoras da enfermagem no contexto da pandemia de COVID-19. Método: trata-se de estudo de abordagem qualitativa e descritiva, analisado à luz da política econômica neoliberal. Dados coletados por meios virtuais, com participação de 719 trabalhadoras de enfermagem, no período de abril a junho de 2020. Para a organização dos dados, foi utilizado o software IRaMuTeQ® e análise temática. Resultados: os relatos revelaram o desvalor das trabalhadoras e as perdas dos direitos sociais trabalhistas; a progressividade da política neoliberal, suas ameaças e repercussão na saúde mental das trabalhadoras; e reconhecimento das trabalhadoras de que a participação política e de classe não ocorre de forma isolada, mas coletiva. Conclusão: sob a égide da política neoliberal, a pandemia de COVID-19 trouxe um recrudescimento da precariedade do trabalho, influenciando na subjetividade e na saúde mental das trabalhadoras de enfermagem.Objective: to understand how the contradictions and tensions of neoliberal policy, materialized in precarious work, affect nursing workers’ mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this is a study with a qualitative and descriptive approach, analyzed in the light of neoliberal economic policy. Data were collected through virtual means, with the participation of 719 nursing workers, from April to June 2020. To organize the data, the IRaMuTeQ® software and thematic analysis were used. Results: the reports revealed the lack of value of workers and the loss of social labor rights; the progressive nature of the neoliberal policy, its threats and repercussions on workers’ mental health; and recognition by female workers that political and class participation does not occur in isolation, but collectively. Conclusion: under the aegis of neoliberal policy, the COVID-19 pandemic brought an upsurge precarious work, influencing nursing workers’ subjectivity and mental health.Objetivo: comprender cómo las contradicciones y tensiones de la política neoliberal, materializadas en la precariedad del trabajo, afectan la salud mental de los trabajadores de enfermería en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Método: se trata de un estudio con enfoque cualitativo y descriptivo, analizado a la luz de la política económica neoliberal. Datos recolectados a través de medios virtuales, con la participación de 719 trabajadores de enfermería, de abril a junio de 2020. Para organizar los datos se utilizó el software IRaMuTeQ® y análisis temático. Resultados: los informes revelaron la desvalorización de los trabajadores y la pérdida de los derechos sociolaborales; el carácter progresivo de la política neoliberal, sus amenazas y repercusiones en la salud mental de los trabajadores; y el reconocimiento por parte de las trabajadoras de que la participación política y de clase no se da de forma aislada, sino de forma colectiva. Conclusión: bajo la égida de la política neoliberal, la pandemia de COVID-19 provocó un recrudecimiento de la precariedad laboral, incidiendo en la subjetividad y la salud mental de los trabajadores de enfermería

    Morbidade do sarampo no período de 2010-2020 no estado de São Paulo: relação entre a baixa cobertura vacinal e reemergência / Measles morbidity in the period 2010-2020 in the state of São Paulo: relationship between low vaccination coverage and reemergence

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    O presente estudo terá por objetivo principal analisar a cobertura vacinal do Estado de São Paulo, ressaltando a participação da Macrorregião de Piracicaba (RRAS 14) e do município de Araras, sede da Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic, onde os estudantes de medicina da instituição atuam mais ativamente. Ademais, tem por objetivo específico relacionar a baixa cobertura vacinal do Sarampo com a reemergência da doença, além de destacar o seu alto grau de contagiosidade. Para isso, serão utilizados dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), dados do Sistema de Informação do Programa Nacional de Imunização (SI-PNI) contidos no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS) dentre o período de 2010 a 2020 e também dados do Sistema de Informação da Atenção Básica (SI-ABS) contidos no DATASUS. Essas bases de dados serão utilizadas para a análise das seguintes variáveis: morbidade em relação ao sarampo e a sua relação com a cobertura vacinal, também serão avaliadas nas variáveis, ano, localidade e escolaridade. Será construído então um estudo descritivo de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando dados secundários. Procurar-se-á destacar como o movimento antivacinas tem impactado na cobertura vacinal negativamente, assim como destacar suas possíveis origens históricas e repercussão. Será analisada também como se encontra a situação vacinal no Estado de São Paulo, na Macrorregião de Piracicaba (RRAS 14) e no município de Araras, assim como qual seria o panorama desejado e os desafios para alcançá-lo. Além, claro, de propor medidas para que essa meta se realize, destacando o papel de cada setor nesse processo, incluindo dos estudantes de medicina

    Mandibular symphysis stabilization after traumatic disjunction in a crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous)

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    Background: Fractures and dislocations are common orthopedic conditions arising from traumas from anthropic interaction on wild species, such as those caused by road trampling, being the mandibular separation with great frequency of occurrence in dogs and cats. The procedures for mandibular symphysis stabilization are described as of low complexity in the literature, however no reports of this procedure in wild canids were found. The purpose of this study is to report a surgical procedure of mandibular symphysis disjunction stabilization in an individual of the species Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox) through the technique of cerclage fixation using stainless steel wire. Case: An adult male individual of the free-living specie weighing 5.6 kg was referred to veterinary care after having been run-over. General physical examination showed abrasions in the ventral region of the jaw, discreet bleeding in the oral cavity, and mandibular instability. Subsequently, the patient underwent radiographic examination that revealed mandibular disjunction. The patient was therefore referred to the surgical unit for stabilization. During surgical anesthesia, two 12-gauge hypodermic needles (40x12 mm) were inserted percutaneously through the ventral region of the mandible, protruding into the oral cavity immediately caudal to the canine teeth. Next, both extremities of a 0.5 mm stainless steel wire were introduced into the interior of the needles and, when both ends extruded through the other end of the needles, the latter were removed, leaving only the steel wire uniting both rostral rami of the mandible Using a twisting apparatus, the steel wire was twisted until the disjunction was completely stabilized and mandibular occlusion was deemed appropriate. Lastly, the surplus steel wire was sectioned, leaving a small segment that remained exposed to surface in the ventral region of the mandible. During the patient’s recovery period no complications or recurrence were observed, signifying a successful stabilization procedure by the chosen technique. Thirty-four days postoperatively, the metallic implant was removed under radiographic guidance, and the patient discharged after confirming adequate oral occlusion. After recuperation, the animal was referred to the responsible environmental agencies to be released back into the wild, 55 days postoperatively. Discussion: Among the several techniques described for mandibular symphysis stabilization, success was obtained in this case using the technique of cerclage fixation using stainless steel wire. The procedure in question was chosen for its easy implantation, low cost, and short time of permanence of the implant, which led to a reduction in the patient’s stay in captivity, favoring his rehabilitation and aiming at an early return of the individual to its habitat There is no consensus of mean healing time of the mandibular symphysis or the period the implant should stay in situ, with reported periods varying from three to four weeks to six to eight weeks. Several factors may influence the formation of the bone callus, including proper stabilization of the hemimandible, occlusal alignment, preservation of hard and soft tissues, and preservation of the dentition, which can lead to quicker return of mandibular function. During the hospitalization period, no surgical complications were observed on periodic clinical evaluations. Thus, we conclude that this stabilization of mandibular symphysis in an individual of the species Cerdocyon thous with cerclage using steel wire, with adequate preoperative and postoperative management, was successful in the treatment of traumatic disjunction

    Meanings of nursing professionals' experiences in the context of the pandemic of COVID-19

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    Objective: to understand the meanings that nursing professionals attribute to their experiences in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Qualitative study with 719 professionals. Data were collected virtually and processed by Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires. The analysis was conducted in the light of the theoretical-philosophical referential of Phenomenological Sociology. Results: four categories emerged from the discourse analysis: meanings of the experiences related to oneself; meanings of the experiences related to others; meanings of the experiences related to working conditions; and meanings of the experiences faced with the uncertainties of the future. Conclusion: the experiences are marked by suffering in relation to personal aspects, to their social networks and to the world of work itself. Strategies that support these professionals currently and in continued care in the medium and long term need to be established in order to preserve their mental health

    Estudos Artísticos

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    O número 18 da revista Gama apresenta 16 artigos respondendo ao desafio a editorial lançado por esta revista. Trata-se de apresentar a obra de artistas contemporâneos ou mais antigos numa perspetiva de um resgate patrimonial, uma revisitação valorizadora do seu testemunho artístico.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trypanosoma cruzi Gene Expression in Response to Gamma Radiation

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    Trypanosoma cruzi is an organism highly resistant to ionizing radiation. Following a dose of 500 Gy of gamma radiation, the fragmented genomic DNA is gradually reconstructed and the pattern of chromosomal bands is restored in less than 48 hours. Cell growth arrests after irradiation but, while DNA is completely fragmented, RNA maintains its integrity. In this work we compared the transcriptional profiles of irradiated and non-irradiated epimastigotes at different time points after irradiation using microarray. In total, 273 genes were differentially expressed; from these, 160 were up-regulated and 113 down-regulated. We found that genes with predicted functions are the most prevalent in the down-regulated gene category. Translation and protein metabolic processes, as well as generation of precursor of metabolites and energy pathways were affected. In contrast, the up-regulated category was mainly composed of obsolete sequences (which included some genes of the kinetoplast DNA), genes coding for hypothetical proteins, and Retrotransposon Hot Spot genes. Finally, the tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1, a gene involved in double-strand DNA break repair process, was up-regulated. Our study demonstrated the peculiar response to ionizing radiation, raising questions about how this organism changes its gene expression to manage such a harmful stress

    Stir bar-sorptive extraction, solid phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction for levetiracetam determination in human plasma: comparing recovery rates

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    Levetiracetam (LEV), an antiepileptic drug (AED) with favorable pharmacokinetic profile, is increasingly being used in clinical practice, although information on its metabolism and disposition are still being generated. Therefore a simple, robust and fast liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) followed by high-performance liquid chromatography method is described that could be used for both pharmacokinetic and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) purposes. Moreover, recovery rates of LEV in plasma were compared among LLE, stir bar-sorptive extraction (SBSE), and solid-phase extraction (SPE). Solvent extraction with dichloromethane yielded a plasma residue free from usual interferences such as commonly co-prescribed AEDs, and recoveries around 90% (LLE), 60% (SPE) and 10% (SBSE). Separation was obtained using reverse phase Select B column with ultraviolet detection (235 nm). Mobile phase consisted of methanol:sodium acetate buffer 0.125 M pH 4.4 (20:80, v/v). The method was linear over a range of 2.8-220.0 µg mL-1. The intra- and inter-assay precision and accuracy were studied at three concentrations; relative standard deviation was less than 10%. The limit of quantification was 2.8 µg mL-1. This robust method was successfully applied to analyze plasma samples from patients with epilepsy and therefore might be used for pharmacokinetic and TDM purposes.</p
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