27 research outputs found

    Absenteeism, burnout and symptomatology of teacher stress: sex differences

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    Although numerous studies have been carried out confirming the high levels in the symptomatology of stress and depression in the teaching profession, research focusing on the sex differences in these problems has been both scarce and inconclusive. The objective of this study is to analyze the differences with regards to sex in the incidence of absenteeism, work-related stress, symptomatology of depression, level of burnout and psychiatric symptomatology. The sample consists of 71 teachers, 31 men and 40 women, all of them from Secondary Education. The tools used were the Questionnaire of Teacher Burnout (CBP-R), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Symptomatology Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R) and a socio-demographic and work-situation questionnaire. Female teachers were expected to report higher level of absenteeism whereas their male counterparts were expected to show higher levels of symptomatology, burnout, particularly in Depersonalization, and similar levels of depressive symptoms are expected in both sexes. Results show sex differences only in Somatization, which mean was significantly higher in women than in men, and in the types of illness that caused sick leaves. In conclusion, this research support the results of other studies that have not found different patterns of stress, burnout and depression between female and male teachers

    On the possibility of forgiveness in child sexual abuse

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    Whether or not it is appropriate to offer victims the possibility of working on forgiveness to overcome the pain of the lived experience and its consequences is a controversial issue. The pressure to forgive makes revictimization more likely and transmits guilt and a message of minimizing the victims’ pain. A misunderstanding of forgiveness can further weaken the victim’s ability to protect him- or herself, make him or her more vulnerable, and make it easier for the abuse to continue. This paper aims to review the conditions for forgiveness to be a psychological tool for the mental health of the victims. Forgiveness is a complex concept with multiple dimensions and possibilities, and it can offer victims a valuable resource for overcoming their pain. However, it is not essential to the victim’s healing process

    El abuso de autoridad docente: desarrollo de un instrumento de medida

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    ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the unfair treatment some teachers have with their students, abusing their authority and consequences on personal and academic welfare. Currently there is no history of robust assessment tools of Teacher’s Abuse of Authority in the Spanish context. The aim of the study is to present the development process of the Scale of Perceived Teacher Abuse of Authority (EAADP) and propose a model to structure theoretically the scale. The scale was applied to a sample of 306 students in Madrid, aged between 14 and 18 years. The results show that the instrument obtains adequate values of internal consistency and factor analysis supports the proposal for the scale multidimensional structure. The final model consists of four first-order factors or styles of abuse (distant, degrading, punitive and arbitrary), and a latent variable named Teacher Abuse of Authority (AAD). In addition, the AAD negatively correlated with personal and academic wellbeing of students. EAADP measures with validity and reliability the teacher abuse of authority perceived by students throughout their schooling.RESUMENActualmente no existen antecedentes de herramientas robustas de evaluación del Abuso de Autoridad Docente en el contexto español. El objetivo del estudio es presentar el proceso de desarrollo de la Escala de Abuso de Autoridad Docente Percibido (EAADP) así como plantear un modelo de medida que permita estructurar teóricamente la escala. La escala fue aplicada a una muestra de 306 estudiantes de Madrid capital con edades comprendidas entre los 14 y 18 años. Los resultados muestran que el instrumento obtiene adecuados valores de consistencia interna y el análisis factorial sustenta la estructura multidimensional propuesta para la escala. El modelo final consta de cuatro factores de primer orden, o estilos de abuso (distante, degradante, sancionador y arbitrario), y una variable latente denominada Abuso de Autoridad Docente (AAD). Además, el AAD correlaciona negativamente con el bienestar personal y académico de los alumnos. La EAADP permite medir con validez y fiabilidad el abuso de autoridad docente percibido por los alumnos a lo largo de su escolaridad.ABSTRACTThis study focuses on the unfair treatment some teachers have with their students, abusing their authority and consequences on personal and academic welfare. Currently there is no history of robust assessment tools of Teacher’s Abuse of Authority in the Spanish context. The aim of the study is to present the development process of the Scale of Perceived Teacher Abuse of Authority (EAADP) and propose a model to structure theoretically the scale. The scale was applied to a sample of 306 students in Madrid, aged between 14 and 18 years. The results show that the instrument obtains adequate values of internal consistency and factor analysis supports the proposal for the scale multidimensional structure. The final model consists of four first-order factors or styles of abuse (distant, degrading, punitive and arbitrary), and a latent variable named Teacher Abuse of Authority (AAD). In addition, the AAD negatively correlated with personal and academic wellbeing of students. EAADP measures with validity and reliability the teacher abuse of authority perceived by students throughout their schooling

    Malestar docente y creencias de autoeficacia del profesor

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    En este artículo se estudia la relación entre las creencias de autoeficacia del profesor y diversos indicadores de malestar docente. Para ello, 71 profesores de educación secundaria respondieron a la Escala de Percepción de Eficacia del Profesor (TSES). Se analizó la relación de las puntuaciones en la TSES con las puntuaciones en el Cuestionario de Burnout del Profesorado-Revisado (CBP-R), en el Symptoms Checklist-90-R (SCL-90-R), en el Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) y con algunos datos sobre absentismo laboral (número de bajas, número de días de baja y número de días de ausencia). Los resultados muestran una correlación negativa y significativa entre la percepción de autoeficacia docente, burnout y absentismo laboral. No se encuentra, sin embargo, relación significativa entre autoeficacia y sintomatología depresiva

    “Quiero estudiar Psicología”: intereses y valores vocacionales de los alumnos de Bachillerato con preferencia por los estudios de Psicología

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    Introducción. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la identidad vocacional específica de los estudiantes de 2º de Bachillerato que tienen como opción de estudios preferente el Grado de Psicología. En concreto, analiza el momento de inicio de su interés hacia los estudios de Psicología, la rama de Bachillerato cursada y su perfil de intereses y valores vocacionales.Método. La muestra fue de 4715 sujetos de 2º de Bachillerato de centros públicos y privados de la Comunidad de Madrid (España), el 43,9% de ellos varones, con una edad media de 17.38 años (DT= .64) que completaron la batería de cuestionarios de orientación del Proyecto Orión. De la submuestra de 509 estudiantes que quieren estudiar Psicología, con una edad media de 17.38 años (DT= .69), el 76.2% eran mujeres.Resultados. Los resultados indicaron diferencias significativas en los perfiles de intereses y valores vocacionales de los estudiantes que desean estudiar Psicología en relación con el resto. Específicamente, los alumnos que tienen como opción Psicología presentan mayor interés por el área de Sanidad, seguido del interés hacia el área vocacional de Enseñanza y Orientación. Además, los valores vocacionales que caracterizan a los alumnos que quieren estudiar Psicología son: Ayudar a las Personas, Realizar algo Útil e Importante y Desarrollar Valores Trascendentes. La orientación que han recibido por parte de tutores u orientadores de centro en cuanto a la modalidad de Bachillerato que han de cursar ha sido adecuada.Discusión y conclusiones. La estabilidad de este interés, surgido en el transcurso de la adolescencia muestra a la Psicología como una carrera eminente “vocacional”. El presente trabajo pone de manifiesto la importancia de las actividades de orientación durante 1º de Bachillerato, y contribuye a mejorar los procesos de orientación de los estudiantes de Secundaria y Bachillerato y a proporcionar un mejor conocimiento de la identidad de esta profesión en la sociedad actual.</jats:p


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    Almost 25 years after the extreme cruelty and violence that occurred in Rwanda during the genocide of 1994, the perpetrators and victims live together as neighbors. Psychology is of extraordinary value in explaining both the horror and its overcoming. We cannot explain the processes of interpersonal or national reconciliation without first understanding the dynamics of conflict in general, and of the Rwandan conflict in particular. Before, during and after any violent conflict, emotional, cognitive and behavioral processes take place, affecting those involved and making them capable of the best and the worst. This is the objective of this article: to understand the psychological processes that lead to violent conflict and to analyze the conditions for reconstruction, and personal and social reconciliation, focused on the case of Rwanda, one of the most relevant scenarios for studying violence and the overcoming of it

    Measuring Forgiveness: Psychometric Properties of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale in the Spanish Population.

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    Given the scarcity of instruments in Spanish to measure forgiveness, two studies were conducted in this population to obtain validity evidence of the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS), an instrument that measures dispositional forgiveness of self, others, and situations. In the first study, 203 students (65% women) participated. After ensuring the linguistic adequacy and clarity of the wording of the items, a lack of congruence was found between the factors obtained in the exploratory factor analysis and the original theoretical structure of the HFS. A sample of 512 participants (63.9% women) attended the second study. This study aimed to analyze the construct validity of the HFS using confirmatory factor analysis through structural equation modelling and to explore convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity. Of the different factorial configurations tested (including the original), only a scale reduction to eight items, grouped into three factors, showed an appropriate fit. The HFS eight-item version also showed acceptable internal consistency, adequate convergent and discriminant validity, and criterion validity with respect to related variables. These findings suggest that the eight-item version of the HFS may be a valid and reliable tool for assessing forgiveness for self, others, and situations in Spanish adults.post-print927 K

    Dimensions of good palliative nursing care: Expert panel consensus and perceptions of palliative professionals

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    To analyse the dimensions of quality of palliative nursing care and to explore the perceptions of professionals for the development and validation of the Palliative Nursing Care Quality Scale. The study of palliative nursing care quality has been approached from analysis of the competencies of palliative care nurses, based on various theoretical models. However, there are fewer qualitative empirical studies that have evaluated what good palliative nursing care is and what its dimensions are. Mixed- method, Delphi approach and exploratory qualitative study. Consensus by a panel of experts using the Delphi technique and semi- structured interviews. The study was reported in a comprehensive manner following COREQ criteria. Data collection took place between January and June 2018. The eight- person expert panel reached consensus on the following dimen-sions of the Palliative Nursing Care Quality Scale: control and relief of symptoms, fam-ily and/or primary caregiver, therapeutic relationship, spiritual support and continuity of care. Thematic analysis of ten interviews identified four emergent themes related to good nursing care: (1) the patient and family as a whole; (2) finding meaning; (3) responsible communication; and (4) caring for the human element. The quality of palliative nursing care goes beyond providing comprehen-sive care; it means meticulously looking after every detail of what is important to the patient. The expectations of professionals are not as important. Instead, care should be based primarily on the needs and respect for the wishes of the patient and their family. Specifying the quality of nursing care in routine prac-tice and reaching a consensus on its dimensions means moving towards excellence in care, as well as improving the professional profile of advanced practice palliative care nurses. Two primary caregivers participated in the panel of experts and the semi-structured intervie

    A qualidade de enfermagem no âmbito dos cuidados paliativos

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    El cuidado es la esencia de la profesión enfermera y cobra todo su sentido en el ámbito de paliativos. La enfermería de paliativos adquiere un papel relevante en la relación con el paciente y/o familia y acompañamiento en el sufrimiento. Analizar si los cuidados enfermeros proporcionados al paciente con enfermedad terminal y familiares, son o no de calidad, supone aspirar a una mejora continua y excelencia profesional. El objetivo de nuestro estudio es realizar una revisión teórica sobre la calidad del cuidado enfermero en el ámbito paliativo. Para ello, se consultó en las bases de datos Academic Search Complet, PsycInfo, CINAHL, CUIDEN y MEDLINE. Los resultados nos indican que la calidad de los cuidados enfermeros parece un campo poco investigado, y que los instrumentos de medida evalúan la calidad percibida desde la satisfacción del paciente, sólo en el ámbito hospitalario. Existe un amplio consenso sobre las dimensiones esenciales para evaluar la calidad de los cuidados paliativos, pero no se han encontrado escalas que midan específicamente la calidad del cuidado enfermero paliativo. La calidad se evalúa, por tanto, a través de las competencias enfermeras avanzadas y valores del profesional enfermero en paliativos.Care is the essence of the nursing profession and takes full meaning in the field of palliative care. Palliative nursing acquires an important role in the relationship with the patient and/or family and accompaniment in suffering. Analysing whether there is quality or not in the nursing care provided to the patient with terminal illness and his family, helps to build continuous improvement and professional excellence. The aim of our study is to carry out a theoretical review on the quality of nursing care in the field of palliative care. For this purpose, we worked with the databases Academic Search Complet, PsycInfo, CINAHL, CUIDEN and MEDLINE. The results indicate that the quality of nursing care seems to be a poorly researched field, and that the instruments of measurement evaluate the perceived quality from patient satisfaction, only in the hospital setting. There is a broad consensus on the essential dimensions for assessing the quality of palliative care, but no scales have been found that specifically measure the quality of nursing palliative care. Quality is therefore evaluated through advanced nursing competencies and nursing professional values in palliative care.O cuidado é a essência da profissão enfermeira e cobra todo o seu sentido na área de paliativos. A enfermeira de paliativos adquire um papel relevante na relação com o paciente e/ou família bem como no acompanhamento no sofrimento. Analisar se os cuidados proporcionados fornecidos ao paciente com doença terminal e familiares, têm ou não qualidade, supõe aspirar a uma melhora continua e à excelência profissional. O objetivo do nosso estudo é realizar uma revisão teórica sobre a qualidade da assistência do enfermeiro no âmbito dos cuidados paliativos. Com esse objetivo, se consultaram as bases de dados da Academic Search Complet, PsycInfo, CINAHL, CUIDEN y MEDLINE. Os resultados nos indicam que a qualidade dos cuidados enfermeiros parece ser um campo pouco investigado, e que os instrumentos de medida que avaliam a qualidade percebida a partir da satisfação do paciente, são apenas no âmbito hospitalário. Existe um amplio consenso sobre as dimensões essenciais para avaliar a qualidade dos cuidados paliativos, mas não se encontrou as escalas para medir especificamente a qualidade do cuidado do enfermeiro paliativo. A qualidade se avalia, por tanto, através das competências enfermeiras avançadas e valores do profissional enfermeiro em paliativos