24 research outputs found

    La Representaciones Sociales: Teoría, Evolución y Aplicabilidad: Una Mirada desde la Praxeología

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    The purpose of this article is to review the theory of social representations, various authors who have developed the topic, its evolution and applicability in different areas of knowledge. An approach to this theory is made through a bibliographic search in platforms such as WOS (Web of Science) and Scopus, decanting by themes, authors and year of publication, this as an attempt to locate a dissemination scenario for this theory. Finally, con-clusions about the general perspective of the review and the state of development are made.El propósito de este artículo es realizar una revisión de la teoría de las representaciones sociales, diversos autores que han desarrollado el tema, su evolución y aplicabilidad en diversas áreas de conocimiento. Se hace un acercamiento a esta teoría a través de una búsqueda bibliográfica en plataformas como WOS (Web of Science) y Scopus, decantando por temas, autores y año de publicación, esto como un intento para ubicar un escenario de difusión para esta teoría. Finalmente, se hacen conclusiones sobre perspectiva general de la revisión y el estado de desarrollo

    The role of the manager and foresight in crisis scenarios

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    El presente artículo expone el ejercicio del planeamiento estratégico y la prospectiva como una herramienta imprescindible en el ejercicio de la gerencia moderna esto dado por los escenarios de incertidumbre y complejidad que se vislumbran en los diferentes sectores económicos. Algunos aspectos que se consideran al estudiar estas incertidumbres son las dimensiones ambientales, económicas, sociales, políticas y aquellas intrínsecas asociadas a las propias características del ser humano. Lo expresado en este documentos forma parte de un trabajo de investigación que se viene realizando por los autores en cooperación con la cámara de comercio de Cartagena de indias y la gobernación de Bolívar ; en el que se pretende demostrar la importancia del estudio de los escenarios futuros que coadyuven a tomar mejores decisiones en el ejercicio de la toma de decisiones y la gerencia en PYMES; resalta la importancia de esta metodología y la utilización de alternativas estratégicas de carácter contingencial para definir políticas institucionales en momentos de crisis que coadyuvan al desarrollo económico y social de la región.This article exposes the exercise of strategic planning and foresight as an essential tool in the exercise of modern management, given by the scenarios of uncertainty and complexity that can be seen in the different economic sectors. Some aspects that are considered when studying these uncertainties are the environmental, economic, social, political dimensions and those intrinsic associated with the characteristics of the human being. What is expressed in these documents is part of a research work that has been carried out by the authors in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Cartagena de Indias and the government of Bolívar; In which it is intended to demonstrate the importance of studying future scenarios that contribute to making better decisions in the exercise of decision-making and management in SMEs; highlights the importance of this methodology and the use of contingent strategic alternatives to define institutional policies in times of crisis that contribute to the economic and social development of the region

    Entrepreneurship, business dynamics and employment: a review from the Perspective of Economic Growth

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    Con la complejidad del mundo globalizado actual resulta importante comprender las dinámicas de las organizaciones y como estas contribuyen a la dinámica económica. Es por esto que se pretende plantear una revisión de los artículos recientes que se han desarrollado en torno al Emprendimiento, la dinámica empresarial y empleo, desde la óptica del crecimiento económico. Para tales fnes se comienza por dilucidar algunas teorías vinculadas con el emprendimiento y el crecimiento económico plateadas por los pensadores más importantes en cada campo, y a partir de allí se recopilan las investigaciones con mayor relevancia durante los últimos años que vinculen estas temáticas. Los hallazgos principales radican en una importancia vital del emprendimiento para el crecimiento económico, sin embargo, el aumento del empleo depende en gran medida de en qué sectores económicos se creen las empresas. Bajo este enfoque se plantean algunas conclusiones y se proponen discusiones que podrían dar origen a investigaciones futuras en la temática.With the complexity of today’s globalized world, it is important to understand the dynamics of organizations and how they contribute to economic dynamics. This is why we intend to review the recent articles that have been developed around Entrepreneurship, Business Dynamics and Employment, from the perspective of economic growth. To this end, we begin by elucidating some theories linked to entrepreneurship and economic growth that have been put forward by the most important thinkers in each feld, and from there we compile the most relevant research in recent years that links these issues. The main fndings lie in the vital importance of entrepreneurship for economic growth, however, the increase in employment depends largely on which economic sectors companies are created in. Under this approach, some conclusions are drawn and discussions proposed that could give rise to future research on the subject

    Sistemas dinámicos cardiacos en neonatos normales: Ley caótica cardiaca neonatal

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    Objetivo: caracterizar matemáticamente la dinámica cardiaca neonatal normal en cuatro estados: dormido quieto, dormido activo, despierto quieto y despierto activo, para desarrollar una generalización determinando todos los posibles atractores normales. Materiales y Métodos: Con base en la teoría de los sistemas dinámicos, se tomaron los intervalos RR mínimos y máximos de un neonato en cuatro estados comportamentales. Se realizó una simulación de la frecuencia de la dinámica cardiaca para cada estado construyendo atractores caóticos. Posteriormente se cuantificaron los espacios de ocupación y las dimensiones fractales de los atractores en el espacio generalizado de Box Counting, buscando igualdades y diferencias entre estos estados dinámicos. Finalmente se calcularon todos los posibles atractores normales, basado en una ley exponencial desarrollada previamente para la dinámica cardiaca de adultos. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias entre los cuatro estados comportamentales, al comparar medidas de ocupación espacial, las cuales presentaron valores de 199 para S1, 131 para S2, 61 para S3 y 175 para S4 en la rejilla Kp. Así mismo se encontraron valores de dimensión fractal diferenciadores para cada uno de los estados. El número de atractores normales totales fue de 4602. Conclusión: Se desarrolló una nueva metodología físico- matemática acausal de la dinámica cardiaca neonatal, que permite la diferenciación de diferentes estados comportamentales y el establecimiento de la totalidad de dinámicas normales

    Population Pharmacokinetics of Levetiracetam and Dosing Evaluation in Critically Ill Patients with Normal or Augmented Renal Function

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    Levetiracetam is a broad-spectrum antiepileptic drug commonly used in intensive care units (ICUs). The objective of this study is to evaluate the adequacy of levetiracetam dosing in patients with normal or augmented renal clearance (ARC) admitted to the ICU by population modelling and simulation. A multicentre prospective study including twenty-seven critically ill patients with urinary creatinine clearance (CrCl) > 50 mL/min and treated with levetiracetam was developed. Levetiracetam plasma concentrations were best described by a two-compartment model. The parameter estimates and relative standard errors (%) were clearance (CL) 3.5 L/h (9%), central volume of distribution (V1) 20.7 L (18%), intercompartmental clearance 31.9 L/h (22%), and peripheral volume of distribution 33.5 L (13%). Interindividual variability estimates were, for the CL, 32.7% (21%) and, for V1, 56.1% (29%). The CrCl showed significant influence over CL. Simulations showed that the administration of at least 500 mg every 8 h or 1000 mg every 12 h are needed in patients with normal renal function. Higher doses (1500 or 2000 mg, every 8 h) are needed in patients with ARC. Critically ill patients with normal or ARC treated with levetiracetam could be at high risk of being underdosed.This research was funded by Department of Education of the Basque Government, grant number PIBA 2019-57; and by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, grant number GIU20/048. A.A.-L. thanks the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU for her research grant, number PIFG19/23

    Brentuximab vedotin in the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas: Data from the Spanish Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Registry

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    [Background] Brentuximab vedotin (BV) has been approved for CD30-expressing cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) after at least one previous systemic treatment. However, real clinical practice is still limited.[Objectives] To evaluate the response and tolerance of BV in a cohort of patients with CTCL.[Methods] We analysed CTCL patients treated with BV from the Spanish Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Registry (RELCP).[Results] Sixty-seven patients were included. There were 26 females and the mean age at diagnosis was 59 years. Forty-eight were mycosis fungoides (MF), 7 Sézary syndrome (SS) and 12 CD30+ lymphoproliferative disorders (CD30 LPD). Mean follow-up was 18 months. Thirty patients (45%) showed at least 10% of CD30+ cells among the total lymphocytic infiltrate. The median number of BV infusions received was 7. The overall response rate (ORR) was 67% (63% in MF, 71% in SS and 84% in CD30 LPD). Ten of 14 patients with folliculotropic MF (FMF) achieved complete or partial response (ORR 71%). The median time to response was 2.8 months. During follow-up, 36 cases (54%) experienced cutaneous relapse or progression. The median progression free survival (PFS) was 10.3 months. The most frequent adverse event was peripheral neuropathy (PN) (57%), in most patients (85%), grades 1 or 2.[Conclusions] These results confirm the efficacy and safety of BV in patients with advanced-stage MF, and CD30 LPD. In addition, patients with FMF and SS also showed a favourable response. Our data suggest that BV retreatment is effective in a proportion of cases.The Spanish Primary Cutaneous Lymphoma Registry (RELCP) is promoted by the Fundación Piel Sana Academia Española de Dermatología y Venereología, which received an unrestricted grant support from Kyowa Kirin.Peer reviewe

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Positioning Strategies: A Review of the Role of Commercial Teams

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    El panorama competitivo actual en las organizaciones, caracterizado por presentar consumidores altamente exigentes respecto a productos y servicios que atiendan sus necesidades, ha generado retos y desafíos cada vez más cambiantes y dinámicos, llevando a las organizaciones a fortalecer sus equipos comerciales, adaptándose a estas nuevas exigencias, sin embargo, en muchos casos estas organizaciones no tienen un panorama amplio respecto a cuales son las estrategias que les permitan atender oportunamente las cambiantes necesidades de sus consumidores. Es por lo anterior que se propone una revisión sistemática de la literatura que permita dilucidar algunas estrategias que incidan en el posicionamiento de las organizaciones. En ese orden de ideas, la presente propuesta analiza 33 artículos científicos publicados desde el año 2016 hasta marzo de 2022 que tienen como temática central estrategias para equipos comerciales de las organizaciones y su relación con el desempeño organizacional. Los hallazgos clave sugieren que tener un cuerpo de teoría y práctica respaldado por evidencia empírica puede ayudar a las organizaciones a enfrentar las limitaciones y los desafíos actuales, aumentando así el posicionamiento en el mercado. Los hallazgos proponen un valor agregado para ser incorporados a las estrategias sugiriendo futuras líneas de investigación, abordando análisis empíricos.The current competitive landscape in organizations, characterized by highly demanding consumers with respect to products and services that meet their needs, has generated challenges and challenges increasingly changing and dynamic, leading organizations to strengthen their commercial teams, adapting to these new demands, however, in many cases these organizations do not have a broad overview of the strategies that allow them to meet the changing needs of their consumers in a timely manner. It is for this reason that a systematic review of the literature is proposed to elucidate some strategies that influence the positioning of organizations. In that order of ideas, the present proposal analyzes 33 scientific articles published from 2016 to March 2022 that have as their central theme strategies for commercial teams in organizations and their relationship with organizational performance. Key findings suggest that having a body of theory and practice backed by empirical evidence can help organizations address current constraints and challenges, thereby increasing market positioning. The findings propose an added value to be incorporated into strategies suggesting future lines of research, addressing empirical analysis

    Plano de marketing para as PME do setor de serviços

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    Dar a conocer los productos y servicios a los clientes, así como la calidad y la satisfacción obtenida de los mismos, es uno de los principales factores de éxito para cualquier organización actualmente, sobre todo en una empresa del sector servicios, sin embargo, en las pequeñas y medianas sociedades, en donde la gerencia debe cumplir múltiples funciones, es probable que las estrategias de marketing se ejecuten sin herramientas técnicas ni planeación y “sobre la marcha” o inclusive, estas ni siquiera existan o se tengan contempladas para un futuro, llevando a que se cometan equivocaciones anclando el éxito de la organización. Es por este motivo que se hace necesario conceder a los pequeños y medianos empresarios del sector servicios unas herramientas técnicas y estructuradas de tal manera que estos puedan llevar un plan de mercadeo que les permita incrementar las ventas y comenzar una senda de expansión de la organización. Para estos fnes se diseño un plan de marketing de forma sencilla y fácil entendimiento que contempla las etapas necesarias para encaminar las estrategias de marketing. El valor añadido es este plan de marketing se encuentra dirigido al sector servicios, el cual por su naturaleza presenta características específcas que se deben tener en cuenta para dar a conocer a sus clientes la organización.To make known the products and services to the clients, as well as the quality and the satisfaction obtained from them, is one of the main factors of success for any organization nowadays, especially one of the services sector, however, in small and medium companies where the management must fulfll multiple functions, it is probable that the marketing strategies will be executed without technical tools nor planning and “on the fly” or even, these do not even exist or have been contemplated in the future, leading to mistakes being made anchoring the success of the organization. It is for this reason that it is necessary to grant small and medium entrepreneurs in the service sector technical tools structured in such a way that they can take a marketing plan that allows them to increase sales and begin a path of expansion of the organization. For these purposes, a marketing plan was designed in a simple and easy to understand way that contemplates the necessary stages to guide the marketing strategies. The added value is this marketing plan is aimed at the service sector, which by its nature has specifc characteristics that must be taken into account to publicize the organization.Para divulgar os produtos e serviços aos clientes, bem como a qualidade e satisfação derivada da mesma, é um dos principais fatores de sucesso para qualquer organização hoje, especialmente em uma empresa do setor de serviços, no entanto, o pequenas e médias empresas, onde a gestão deve cumprir várias funções, é provável que as estratégias de marketing são implementadas sem ferramentas técnicas e de planejamento e "on the fly", ou mesmo, estes existem mesmo ou estejam previstas para o futuro, rolamento cometer erros ancorando o sucesso da organização. Por esta razão, é necessário dar pequenos e médios empresários nas ferramentas técnicas um setor de serviços e estruturado de modo que eles podem levar um plano de marketing, de modo a aumentar as suas vendas e começar um caminho de expansão da organização. Para esses fins, um plano de marketing foi elaborado de maneira simples e fácil de entender, que contempla as etapas necessárias para direcionar as estratégias de marketing. O valor agregado é que esse plano de marketing é voltado para o setor de serviços, que por sua natureza apresenta características específicas que devem ser levadas em consideração para tornar sua organização conhecida por seus clientes