195 research outputs found

    Match analysis and probability of winning a point in elite men’s singles tennis

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    Notational analysis and new technologies have allowed a better understanding of tactical actions in tennis. In particular, the combined analysis of different variables affecting performance is necessary to understand the relationships between actions in competition. The aim of this research was to analyse the probability of winning a point in men’s professional tennis based on the most relevant variables affecting performance in this sport. A total of 4,669 points were analysed on three different court surfaces from the final rounds (from the quarter-finals onwards) of three of the four Grand Slam tournaments in the 2021 season. An observational methodology was applied. Different analysis techniques were used to obtain the results: descriptive and chi-square with a significance level of p <0.05. First serve effectiveness (point won) was 69% on clay, 75% on grass and 75% on hard court. Second serve effectiveness (point won) was around 55% regardless of the surface. The majority of points, between 65% and 77% depending on the court surface, ended with a short rally (between one and four shots). Approximately 80% of the points played with first serve and short rally were won by the serving player. With first serve and medium length rallies, the probability of winning the point is similar between server (range 49–55%) and receiver on any court surface. The study reveals a set of patterns (based on the combination of information from the variables analysed) that determine the probability of winning a point. Descriptive data from this research could help coaches and players on match strategy at the highest levels of elite men’s single tennis

    Evaluation of Three Methods for CPR Training to Lifeguards: A Randomised Trial Using Traditional Procedures and New Technologies

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    [EN] Background and objectives: When the drowning timeline evolves and drowning occurs, the lifeguard tries to mitigate the event by applying the last link of the drowning survival chain with the aim of treating hypoxia. Quality CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and the training of lifeguards are the fundamental axes of drowning survival. Mobile applications and other feedback methods have emerged as strong methods for the learning and training of basic CPR in the last years so, in this study, a randomised clinical trial has been carried out to compare the traditional method as the use of apps or manikins with a feedback system as a method of training to improve the quality of resuscitation. Materials and Methods: The traditional training (TT), mobile phone applications (AP) and feedback manikins (FT) are compared. The three cohorts were subsequently evaluated through a manikin providing feedback, and a data report on the quality of the manoeuvres was obtained. Results: Significant differences were found between the traditional manikin and the manikin with real-time feedback regarding the percentage of compressions with correct depth (30.8% (30.4) vs. 68.2% (32.6); p = 0.042). Hand positioning, percentage correct chest recoil and quality of compressions exceeded 70% of correct performance in all groups with better percentages in the FT (TT vs. FT; p < 0.05). Conclusions: As a conclusion, feedback manikins are better learning tools than traditional models and apps as regards training chest compression. Ventilation values are low in all groups, but improve with the feedback manikin.S

    Obstetric and Perinatal Outcomes after Very Early Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)-A Retrospective Analysis over the Period 2000-2020

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    Background and Objectives: Pre-term premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) responds for one third of preterm births, and it is associated with other complications that increase the risk of maternal or fetal poor outcome. To reduce uncertainty and provide accurate information to patients, the analysis of the large series is of great importance. In order to learn about the evolution over the time of the obstetric and perinatal outcomes in cases of PPROM at, or before, 28 weeks (very early PPROM) managed with an expectant/conservative protocol, we have designed the present study. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively studied all cases of very early PPROM attended in Malaga University Regional Hospital from 2000 to 2020. Results: Among 119,888 deliveries assisted, 592 cases of PPROM occurred in pregnancies at or before 28 weeks (0.49% of all deliveries, 3.9% of all preterm births and 12.9% of all cases of PPROM). The mean duration of the latency period between PPROM and delivery was 13.5 days (range 0 to 88 days), enlarging over the years. The mean gestational age at delivery was 27 weeks (SD 2.9; range 17-34). The proportion of cesarean deliveries was 52.5%. The overall perinatal mortality rate was 26.5%, decreasing over the period with a significant correlation Pearson's coefficient -0.128 (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In the period 2000-2020, there was an improvement in the outcomes of very early PPROM cases and perinatal mortality showed a clear trend to decrease.This publication was financed with funds from the University of Malaga

    Influence of subclinical endometritis on the reproductive performance of dairy cows

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of subclinical endometritis (SE) on the reproductive performance of dairy cows. Ninety-four dairy cows of parity 1 to 8, distributed in 25 herds, were examined once between 30 and 45 days in milk using transrectal palpation, vaginoscopy and ultrasonography. A cytological sample of the endometrium was taken only from cows with an apparent healthy uterus (n=65). Serum glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, total proteins, albumin, urea and hepatic enzymes were analyzed. Reproductive indexes were recorded during the next 11 months. Endometrial cytology was considered indicative of SE if percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils was superior to 5% of all cells present in the smear, except erythrocytes. Results indicated that 14.9% of the cows sampled for uterine cytology had SE, and that healthy cows become pregnant significantly before than those with SE (hazard ratio=2.35; 95% confidece interval: 1.05-5.3). From all the metabolic and productive variables analyzed, only triglycerides affected negatively to reproduction; serum albumin concentration, body condition score and milk production had positive effects on the reproductive performance. In conclusion, our results indicate that SE has a negative impact on reproductive performance and uterine cytology is necessary to diagnose it since almost 15% of the affected animals were not detected by other diagnosis methodsXunta de Galicia (Programa Sectorial de Medio Rural, Proyecto Ref. PGIDIT07MRU002E) and FEFRIGA, Santiago de Compostela, SpainS

    Apolipoproteína A-I e lipoproteínas de alta densidade: estrutura e papel na homeostase do colesterol celular

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    La apolipoproteína A-I (apoAI) es el componente proteico mayoritario de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (HDL), cuyo nivel sérico se correlaciona inversamente con el riesgo aterogénico. Las propiedades antiaterogénicas son atribuidas en gran parte al rol protagónico que tiene en el transporte reverso de colesterol (RCT), proceso que remueve el exceso de colesterol de los tejidos periféricos. La apoAI es una proteína anfitrópica formada casi en exclusividad por α-hélices anfipáticas, y presenta una gran flexibilidad conformacional que es crucial para su ciclo funcional, en el que se interconvierte entre diferentes estados: libre, unida a membranas, o a una gran variedad de complejos lipoproteicos de diferente tamaño, morfología y composición. En este reporte se revisa el conocimiento actual sobre la estructura y propiedades de interacción con lípidos de apoAI, en relación a la biogénesis de HDL y su función en el RCT. Se trata en particular la configuración de apoAI en HDL discoidales, así como la interacción con lípidos y la importancia para la remoción celular de colesterol de un par de α-hélices anfipáticas que presentan una distribución particular de los residuos cargados y se localizan en el centro de la molécula de apoAI.Apolipoprotein A-I (apoAI) is the major protein component of high density lipoprotein (HDL), whose serum level is inversely correlated with atherogenic risk. Antiatherogenic properties are largely attributed to its key role in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), a process that removes cholesterol excess from peripheral tissues. ApoAI is an amphitropic protein that almost exclusively contains amphipathic α-helices, and presents a large conformational flexibility that is crucial for its functional cycle, in which it inter-converts into different states: free or bound to membranes, or into a lipoprotein complex variety of different sizes, compositions and morphologies. This report reviews the current knowledge of the structure and lipid interaction properties of apoAI, in relation with HDL biogenesis and function in RCT. In particular, focus is made on the apoAI configuration in discoidal HDL; as well as on the interaction with lipids, and the importance for cellular cholesterol efflux, of an amphipathic α-helix pair having a particular distribution of the charged residues and that locate at the center of the apoAI molecule.Apolipoproteína A-I (apoAI) é o principal componente proteico das lipoproteínas de alta densidade (HDL), cujo nível sérico se correlaciona inversamente com o risco aterogênico. As propriedades antiaterogênicas são atribuídas, em grande parte, a seu papel principal no transporte reverso de colesterol (RCT), um processo que remove o excesso de colesterol dos tecidos periféricos. A ApoAI é uma proteína anfitrópica constituída quase exclusivamente por α-hélices anfipáticas, e apresenta uma grande flexibilidade conformacional que é essencial para seu ciclo funcional, no qual se interconverte entre diferentes estados: livre, ligada a membranas ou a uma grande variedade de complexos lipoproteicos de diferente tamanho, morfologia e composição. Este relatório analisa o conhecimento atual sobre a estrutura e propriedades de interação com lipídios de apoAI, com relação à biogênese de HDL e sua função no RCT. Em particular, trata-se a configuração de apoAI em HDL discoidais; bem como a interação com lipídios e a importância para a remoção celular de colesterol de um par de α-hélices anfipáticas que apresentam uma distribuição específica dos resíduos carregados e se localizam no centro da milécula de apoAI.Facultad de Ciencias MédicasInstituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La PlataFacultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Fortalecimiento de los conocimientos metodológicos y de elaboración del Trabajo Fin de Grado y Master (II)

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    Memoría de la segunda parte del proyecto de innovación docente 224 del curso 19/20. Se actualizan objetivos y se anexa material creado: 1. Actualización de guía para el desarrollo de trabajos final de grado o master 2. Vídeos elaborados por el equipo de investigadores para cumplimentar dudas frecuentes de los alumnos en la elaboración de trabajos finales de grado o máster 3. Autoevaluaciones para que los alumnos puedan detectar los conocimientos adquirido