2,636 research outputs found


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    Artykuł prezentuje model kompetencji tłumacza prawnego, zbudowany na wcześniejszych holistycznych i wieloskładnikowych paradygmatach makrokompetencji tłumaczeniowej. Obok opisu kompozycyjnego artykuł wskazują także na potrzebę w zintegrowanym rozwoju kompetencji tłumacza prawnego określonej metodologii interdyscyplinarnej służącej rozwiązywaniu problemów w praktyce. Podejście scalające proponowane w tekście skupia się na procesie i na tłumaczeniu prawnym i prawniczym. Wiedza i przekład prawny i prawniczy łączą i przeplatają się w procesie przekładu, począwszy od wstępnej analizy skoposu i makrokontekstualizacji prawnej aż do ostatniego etapu korekty. Building on previous holistic multicomponent paradigms of translation macrocompetence, a legal translation competence model is presented which avoids certain conceptual duplications in the light of professional practice, and incorporates distinctive legal thematic elements. Beyond component description, it is argued that the integral development of legal translation competence requires specific interdisciplinary methodologies for practical problem solving. The integrative approach proposed in this paper is process-oriented, and focuses on the legal translation-specific know-how within the key methodological or strategic subcompetence controlling all other subcompetences. Translation and legal knowledge are inextricably linked throughout the translation process, from the initial skopos analysis and legal macro-contextualization until the final revision stage. This approach, intended as a meta-reflection continuum between competence acquisition and reinforcement, and between formal training and professional practice, has proved effective for the systematization of problem-identification, problem-categorization and problem-solving patterns. Finally, some implications for legal translation training are outlined by way of conclusion.Partiendo de anteriores paradigmas multicomponenciales holísticos de macrocompetencia traductora, se presenta un modelo de competencia en traducción jurídica que evita ciertas duplicaciones conceptuales en vista de la práctica profesional, e incorpora elementos de temática jurídica distintivos. Más allá de la descripción de componentes, se argumenta que el desarrollo integral de la competencia en traducción jurídica exige metodologías interdisciplinares específicas para la resolución de problemas prácticos. El enfoque integrador que se propone en el presente artículo está orientado al proceso y hace hincapié en los conocimientos especializados propios de la traducción jurídica incluidos en la subcompetencia metodológica o estratégica, subcompetencia clave que controla las demás. Los conocimientos traductológicos y jurídicos se entrelazan inextricablemente a lo largo del proceso traductor, desde el análisis del skopos y la macrocontextualización jurídica iniciales hasta la fase final de revisión. Este enfoque, concebido como un continuo metarreflexivo entre la adquisición y el fortalecimiento de competencias y entre la capacitación formal y la práctica profesional, ha resultado eficaz para sistematizar pautas de detección, categorización y resolución de problemas. Por último, a modo de conclusión, se esbozan algunas consideraciones sobre la formación en traducción jurídica

    Chapter 7 Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy of Legal Terms in Institutional Translation

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    Terminological consistency and accuracy are key indicators of institutional translation quality and a condition for semantic univocity and certainty with regard to legal terms translated at international organizations. They are accordingly important guiding principles in institutional terminology management. This chapter examines variations of consistency and accuracy levels in the translations of three selected terms that are representative of different degrees of legal asymmetry in English-Spanish translation, as well as the congruity of these translations with the recommendations found in the corresponding institutional terminological resources in three settings: the European Union, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. The corpora compiled for diachronic comparison include all occurrences of the selected terms (“prima facie evidence,” “tort” and “magistrates’ court”) in two periods: 2005–2015 and 2016–2019. The findings suggest significant correlations between legal asymmetry and translation accuracy levels, and between intertextual consistency and accuracy fluctuations. They also reveal low adherence to the (limited) guidance of institutional terminological resources on legal system-specific terms. Additional qualitative insights are offered regarding the most significant cases of terminological harmonization and on the determining role of translation precedents

    Estimación de esfuerzo en desarrollo de software ágil: Estudio del estado actual en Bogotá

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    Context: Over the years, numerous studies have been developed related to estimating effort in agile software development, which allow us to understand the advances that have been made and the need for their use in companies. Objective: To know the perspective of entrepreneurs from different organizations in Bogotá that work in the sector or are related to the development of agile software and those who have had projects related to the subject. Method: For the elaboration of the article, a bibliographic research is carried out. Results: The data obtained are from 314 respondents in the city of Bogotá, the main findings are: 1) For companies it is extremely important with (34%) the adoption of an effort estimation methodology. 2) The most used estimation technique is the use case point with (43.31%). 3) The most used effort predictor is the Code Line (38.85%) and followed by this STORY POINT with (33.76%). 4) The agile methodology adopted in companies is SCRUM with (43.95%). 5) As the most determining factor to estimate the effort, the team experience with (53.50%) is considered. 6) In the percentage of error between estimate of projected effort and real effort (26.75%) of the respondents determine that this 5% -25% is underestimated. 7) Finally, as a difficulty in your company to estimate the effort of projects through agile software development, the respondents recognize (26.11%) that the resources are the greatest. Conclusions: The estimation of effort is relatively variable, for many companies this depends on the needs of each one, on the other hand, the use of agile methodology and estimation techniques varies in its use depending on the cross between them and how they are used. complement each other.Contexto: A lo largo de los años se han desarrollado numerosos estudios relacionados con la estimación de esfuerzo en el desarrollo de software ágil los cuales permiten comprender los avances que han tenido y la necesidad de su uso en las empresas. Objetivo: Conocer la perspectiva de empresarios de distintas organizaciones de Bogotá que trabajan en el sector o estén relacionados con el desarrollo de software ágil y aquellos que han tenido proyectos relacionados con el tema. Método: Para la elaboración del artículo se realizar una investigación a nivel bibliográfico. Resultados: Los datos obtenidos son de 314 encuestados en la cuidad de Bogotá, los principales hallazgos son: 1) Para las compañías es sumamente importante con (34%) la adopción de una metodología de estimación de esfuerzo. 2) La técnica de estimación mas usada es el punto de caso de uso con (43,31%). 3) El predictor de esfuerzo mas utilizado es la Línea de código (38,85%) y seguida de este STORY POINT con (33,76%). 4) Como metodología ágil adoptada en las empresas se encuentra SCRUM con (43,95%). 5) Como factor mas determinante para estimar el esfuerzo es considerado la experiencia de equipo con (53,50%). 6) En el porcentaje de error entre estimación de esfuerzo proyectada y esfuerzo real el (26,75%) de los encuestados hacen determina que esta 5%-25% subestimada. 7) Finalmente, como dificultad en su empresa para estimar el esfuerzo de proyectos mediante desarrollo de software ágil los encuestados reconocer con (26,11%) que los recursos como el mayor. Conclusiones: La estimación de esfuerzo es relativamente variable, para muchas compañías esto depende también de las necesidades de cada una, por otro lado, el uso de metodología ágil y técnicas de estimación varia en su uso dependiendo del cruce que se de entre ellas y como se complementan entre sí

    The role of peer feedback through online word processors in acquiring accuracy on simple past tense usage

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    140 páginasThis research project aims to analyze the role of peer feedback through an online word processor in the improvement of simple past tense usage, with 10 to 12-year-old fifth-graders from a private Colombian bilingual school. The students are classified at the A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and after the analysis of various writing samples, their difficulties to use the simple past tense in written texts were evident. This project tracks their improvement in using the simple past tense accurately, as a result of collaborative work and peer feedback received from one another, when writing narrative texts, on an online word processor (Google Docs). The analysis of the data obtained during the implementation process through surveys, artifacts, checklists, semi-structured interviews, and a researcher’s journal suggests that the participants improved their accuracy in the usage of verbs in the simple past tense when writing thanks to the peer feedback strategy provided through the selected online word processor. Additionally, the participants increased their lexical variety and language awareness. Further research would enrich the discussion about the role of social interaction in the co-construction of knowledge regarding accuracy, as well as in the development of lexical variety

    Chapter 7 Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy of Legal Terms in Institutional Translation

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    Terminological consistency and accuracy are key indicators of institutional translation quality and a condition for semantic univocity and certainty with regard to legal terms translated at international organizations. They are accordingly important guiding principles in institutional terminology management. This chapter examines variations of consistency and accuracy levels in the translations of three selected terms that are representative of different degrees of legal asymmetry in English-Spanish translation, as well as the congruity of these translations with the recommendations found in the corresponding institutional terminological resources in three settings: the European Union, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. The corpora compiled for diachronic comparison include all occurrences of the selected terms (“prima facie evidence,” “tort” and “magistrates’ court”) in two periods: 2005–2015 and 2016–2019. The findings suggest significant correlations between legal asymmetry and translation accuracy levels, and between intertextual consistency and accuracy fluctuations. They also reveal low adherence to the (limited) guidance of institutional terminological resources on legal system-specific terms. Additional qualitative insights are offered regarding the most significant cases of terminological harmonization and on the determining role of translation precedents

    The wage gap between immigrant and native workers in Spain: an analysis using matched employer-employee data

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    The fact that Spain has witnessed a sharp increase in the number of immigrants over the past decade has generated considerable interest, particularly as regards wages earned by immigrants in host industries. We analyze whether controlling for both observable and unobservable characteristics of employers —in addition to individual variables and the economic context— makes any difference as regards the debate regarding the existence of wage differences between immigrant and native workers in Spain. As we show, doing this considerably reduces (or even eliminates) the inequalities found in previous research, thereby questioning the results attained by previous studies on this issue.Immigration, salaries, assimilation.

    Protected areas in Central Mexico - are they fit in promoting species persistence under climate and land use changes?

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    Protected areas are among the most widely accepted methods to set aside biodiversity from their most impinging threats. However, protected areas are not always located such that their positive impacts over biodiversity are maximized. This drawback is especially significant and uncontrolled when intense climate-change dynamics stresses local biodiversity equilibrium. This study aims to weight plausible evolutive scenarios (up to 2040) of PA-effectiveness to secure the most suitable climates for 94 vertebrate species in Central Mexico, a region that, historically, has faced large biodiversity turnover rates. Effectiveness was appraised at two scales. For a set of species, effectiveness expresses the spatial matching of established protected areas (ePAs) with top priority areas (T17) obtained from an optmised area-selection protocol. For each single species, effectiveness relates the predicted trends of climate suitable areas within ePAs/T17 with trends outside ePAs/T17. Results show that aprox.54% of ePAs area occur within T17 and species present variable responses, with suitability gains up to 10% and potential climate suitability losses of aprox.30% within ePAs. A considerable high amount of T17 (aprox.74%) is left unprotected. By assuming the high-valued component of past conservation efforts, this study delivers a double-guidance for planners and decision-makers. First, it pinpoints the ePAs that will demand further conservation investments in the upcoming years. Second, it identifies the unprotected regions where most active conservation actions are needed to supplement ePAs for a climate-effective protected area network. The framework here-proposed gives decision-makers the means to undertake effective and robust decisions in a dynamic and uncertain world

    Axiologías para el desarrollo de las nuevas ideas para la Propiedad Intelectual

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    Resum disponible en castellà i anglès.A philosophical approach to copylef is a big deal. It brings together copyrights, TICs and, sometimes, the democratic model itself. Copylef is the device that conducts all these social empowerments articulated on this new society of knowledge. However, it is needed to make a research on the origins of these new ideas and the implications that discourses and practices of the pioneering collectives have had from the beginning. We have pick out two of the main actors of the field of the production of Free Sofware: the Free Sofware Foundation and the Open Source Initiative. Through the analysis of the discourses we will elucidate if we can appreciate differences in significance of "free work" notion for both actors, the propositions that underlie its main ideas and the factual possibility of the copylef as to its subversive perspective for the discourse of the traditional operators of cultural market.Una aproximación filosófica al copylef supone un punto importante de reflexión que enlaza las TIC, el derecho de autor y, en algunos casos, el propio planteamiento del modelo democrático. El copylef es el mecanismo mediante el cual se está vehiculizando todas las energías sociales que se articulan en esta nueva sociedad del conocimiento. Sin embargo, es necesario hacer una investigación sobre desde dónde se han elevado estas nuevas ideas y las implicaciones que tienen los discursos y prácticas de los grupos que están trabajando en este campo desde el inicio. Para este artículo hemos seleccionados los dos actores más importantes dentro del campo de la creación del Sofware Libre. Mediante el cuestionamiento de los respectivos discursos pretendemos elucidar si existen diferencias en cuanto a la definición de obra libre, a las implicaciones de las ideas-fuerza y a la posibilidad real del copylef en cuanto a su potencial subversivo

    Sistematización de experiencias del Colectivo Tierra de Sueños

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    Servicio Social ComunitarioSe trata de una sistematización de las experiencias en las dimensiones comunitarias, artísticas y pedagógicas de la comunidad de Tierra de Sueños realizada a través de procedimientos de investigación cualitativa como elaboración de diarios de campo, observaciones participantes y no participantes, entrevistas y grupos focales como también de la elaboración de una categorización con la información obtenida.PregradoPsicólog