39 research outputs found

    Depth, distribution, and density of CO2 deposition on Mars

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    Observations by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter have been used to detect subtle changes of the polar surface height during the course of seasonal cycles that correlate with the expected pattern of CO2 deposition and sublimation. Using altimetric crossover residuals from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, we show that while zonally averaged data capture the global behavior of CO2 exchange, there is a dependence of the pattern on longitude. At the highest latitudes the surface height change is as high as 1.5–2 m peak to peak, and it decreases equatorward. Decomposition of the signal into harmonics in time allows inspection of the spatial pattern and shows that the annual component is strongly correlated with the residual south polar cap deposits and, to a lesser extent, with the north polar cap. In the north, the second harmonic (semiannual) component correlates with the location of the ice deposits. The phases of the annual cycles are in agreement with observations by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer of the timing of the annual disappearance of CO2 frost from the surface at the high latitudes. At lower latitudes, frost sublimation (“Crocus date”) predates the mean depositional minima, as expected. These global-scale, volumetric measurements of the distribution of condensed CO2 can be combined with measurements of the deposited column mass density derived from the Neutron Spectrometer on board Mars Odyssey to yield an estimate of the density of the seasonally exchanging material of 0.5 ± 0.1 g/cm^3. These constraints should be considered in models of the Martian climate system and volatile cycles

    Chemical Mapping of Vesta

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    Vesta s surface mineralogy and composition have been studied for decades via telescopic spectroscopy and laboratory analyses of the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites, which are thought to originate from Vesta. Visible and infrared reflectance measurements by Dawn have broadly confirmed the paradigm established by Earth-based work, strengthening the Vesta-HED connection. The Dawn mission has achieved a milestone by completing the first chemical measurements of a main-belt asteroid using nuclear spectroscopy. Dawn s Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) has globally mapped the composition of Vesta, including the portions of the northern hemisphere not illuminated by solar radiation. GRaND is sensitive to the composition of the bulk regolith to depths of several decimeters. Abundances and/or detection limits for specific elements and elemental ratios, such as H, Fe, Si, Fe/O, Fe/Si, and K, have been measured. Variations in the average atomic mass and neutron macroscopic absorption cross section have been characterized. The measurements constrain the relative proportions of HED whole-rock end-members, providing measurements of the pyroxene and plagioclase content of the regolith, thereby constraining the processes underlying Vesta s differentiation and crustal evolution. The spatial resolution of GRaND is sufficient to determine basin-average compositions of Veneneia and Rheasilvia, which may contain outcrops of Vesta s olivine-rich mantle. While the elemental composition of Vesta s regolith is similar to the meteorites, there are notable departures from HED whole-rock compositions. While these differences are not sufficient to topple the Vesta-HED paradigm, they provide insight into global-scale processes that have shaped Vesta s surface. Questions addressed by the analysis of GRaND data include: (i) Is Vesta the source of the Fe-rich mesosiderites? (ii) Are evolved, igneous lithologies present on Vesta s surface? (iii) What are the origins of exogenic materials found in Vesta s regolith? (iv) Is the vestan mantle exposed within the southern basins

    Chemical Mapping of Vesta and Ceres

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    Following successful science operations at Vesta, the Dawn spacecraft is headed for an encounter with Ceres in 2015. What have we learned at Vesta? And, what do we expect to learn by comparing Vesta and Ceres? We will address these questions from the standpoint of geochemistry. Dawn's Gamma Ray and Neutron Detector (GRaND) is sensitive to the elemental composition of surface materials to depths of a few decimeters [1]. Gamma rays and neutrons, produced by the steady bombardment of galactic cosmic rays and by the decay of naturally ]occurring radioisotopes (K, Th, U), provide a chemical fingerprint of the regolith. Analysis of planetary radiation emissions enables mapping of specific elements (such as Fe, Mg, Si, Cl, and H) and compositional parameters (such as average atomic mass), which provide information about processes that shaped the planet1s surface and interior. Dawn has exceeded operational goals for GRaND at Vesta, accumulating an abundance of nadir-pointed data during five months in a 210 km, low altitude mapping orbit around Vesta (265-km mean radius). Chemical information from gamma ray and neutron measurements was used to test the connection between Vesta and the howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) meteorites [2]. Additionally, GRaND searched for evolved, igneous lithologies [3], mantle and upper crustal materials exposed in large impact basins, mesosiderite compositions, and hydrogen in Vesta1s bulk regolith. Results of our analyses and their implications for thermal evolution and regolith-processes will be presented. The possibility of a subcrustal ocean [4, 5] and lack of cerean meteorites makes water-rich Ceres a compelling target of exploration [6]. If Ceres underwent aqueous differentiation, then crustal overturn or gas driven volcanism may have significantly modified its primitive surface; and products of aqueous alteration (e.g. [7]) would detectable by GRaND [1]. For example, the presence of Cl in salts, associated with liquid-water-processes, would have a profound effect on the thermal neutron leakage flux. GRaND is sensitive to H and H-layering, which may be in the form of endogenic water ice or hydrous minerals on Ceres. Ammonia ice (e.g., from recent cryovolcanism) would produce a distinctly different neutron signature than water ice [1]. Prospective results for GRaND at Ceres will be presented in the context of what we have learned about Vesta

    The Geology of the Marcia Quadrangle of Asteroid Vesta: Assessing the Effects of Large, Young Craters

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    We used Dawn spacecraft data to identify and delineate geological units and landforms in the Marcia quadrangle of Vesta as a means to assess the role of the large, relatively young impact craters Marcia (approximately 63 kilometers diameter) and Calpurnia (approximately 53 kilometers diameter) and their surrounding ejecta field on the local geology. We also investigated a local topographic high with a dark-rayed crater named Aricia Tholus, and the impact crater Octavia that is surrounded by a distinctive diffuse mantle. Crater counts and stratigraphic relations suggest that Marcia is the youngest large crater on Vesta, in which a putative impact melt on the crater floor ranges in age between approximately 40 and 60 million years (depending upon choice of chronology system), and Marcia's ejecta blanket ranges in age between approximately 120 and 390 million years (depending upon choice of chronology system). We interpret the geologic units in and around Marcia crater to mark a major Vestan time-stratigraphic event, and that the Marcia Formation is one of the geologically youngest formations on Vesta. Marcia crater reveals pristine bright and dark material in its walls and smooth and pitted terrains on its floor. The smooth unit we interpret as evidence of flow of impact melts and (for the pitted terrain) release of volatiles during or after the impact process. The distinctive dark ejecta surrounding craters Marcia and Calpurnia is enriched in OH- or H-bearing phases and has a variable morphology, suggestive of a complex mixture of impact ejecta and impact melts including dark materials possibly derived from carbonaceous chondrite-rich material. Aricia Tholus, which was originally interpreted as a putative Vestan volcanic edifice based on lower resolution observations, appears to be a fragment of an ancient impact basin rim topped by a dark-rayed impact crater. Octavia crater has a cratering model formation age of approximately 280-990 million years based on counts of its ejecta field (depending upon choice of chronology system), and its ejecta field is the second oldest unit in this quadrangle. The relatively young craters and their related ejecta materials in this quadrangle are in stark contrast to the surrounding heavily cratered units that are related to the billion years old or older Rheasilvia and Veneneia impact basins and Vesta's ancient crust preserved on Vestalia Terra

    The Main Belt Comets and ice in the Solar System

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    We review the evidence for buried ice in the asteroid belt; specifically the questions around the so-called Main Belt Comets (MBCs). We summarise the evidence for water throughout the Solar System, and describe the various methods for detecting it, including remote sensing from ultraviolet to radio wavelengths. We review progress in the first decade of study of MBCs, including observations, modelling of ice survival, and discussion on their origins. We then look at which methods will likely be most effective for further progress, including the key challenge of direct detection of (escaping) water in these bodies