277 research outputs found

    La donazione d'organi da neonati anencefalici e il principio di dignità in giurisprudenza

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    Predictors of hip fracture mortality at a general hospital in South Brazil: an unacceptable surgical delay

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    OBJECTIVE: Hip fractures have been associated with increased mortality in the elderly. Several risk factors such as the time between the insult and the surgical repair have been associated with hip fracture mortality. Nevertheless, the risk of delayed surgical repair remains controversial. Few studies have examined this issue in Brazil. The aim of this study was to study the risk factors for death one year after hip fracture and in-hospital stay at a tertiary hospital in South Brazil. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was carried out from April 2005 to April 2011 at a tertiary university hospital at Santa Maria, Brazil. Subjects admitted for hip fracture who were 65 years of age or older were followed for one year. Information about fracture type, age, gender, clinical comorbidities, time to surgery, discharge, and American Society of Anesthesiologists score were recorded. Death was evaluated during the hospital stay and at one year. RESULTS: Four hundred and eighteen subjects were included in the final analysis. Of these, 4.3% died in-hospital and 15.3% were dead at one year. Time to surgery, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, Ischemic Heart Disease, and in-hospital stay were associated with death at one year in the univariate analysis. The American Society of Anesthesiologists score and time to surgery were one-year mortality predictors in the final regression model. In-hospital death was associated with American Society of Anesthesiologists score and age. CONCLUSION: Time to surgery is worryingly high at the South Brazil tertiary public health center studied here. Surgical delay is a risk factor that has the potential to be modified to improve mortality


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    O objetivo desse estudo foi definir a acurácia diagnóstica, sensibilidade e especificidade dos dois principais métodos de biópsia pulmonar empregados no Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria (HUSM): biópsia endobrônquica e biópsia pulmonar percutânea transtorácica (BPPT) guiada por tomografia computadorizada. Foi delineado um estudo transversal em que se analisaram laudos anatomopatológicos das biópsias pulmonares realizadas no HUSM entre os anos de 2003 a 2013. Foram incluídos os laudos que possuíam pelo menos uma modalidade de biópsia pulmonar realizada, sendo precedente ao procedimento cirúrgico, o qual foi considerado como padrão-ouro. A acurácia da biópsia realizada por método endobrônquico, aferida através de curva ROC teve como área sob a curva o valor calculado de 0,645. Sua sensibilidade e especificidade foram, respectivamente, 43% e 85%. A acurácia da BPPT apresentou área sob a curva calculada em0,681. Sua sensibilidade foi 61% e sua especificidade 75%. Conclui-se que os resultados encontrados podem ser considerados razoáveis e ambos métodos podem ser utilizados na pratica clinica.Descritores: Biopsia; Lesão Pulmonar; Precisão da Medição Dimensional; Sensibilidade e Especificidade. 

    Predictors of hip fracture mortality at a general hospital in South Brazil : an unacceptable surgical delay

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    OBJECTIVE: Hip fractures have been associated with increased mortality in the elderly. Several risk factors such as the time between the insult and the surgical repair have been associated with hip fracture mortality. Nevertheless, the risk of delayed surgical repair remains controversial. Few studies have examined this issue in Brazil. The aim of this study was to study the risk factors for death one year after hip fracture and in-hospital stay at a tertiary hospital in South Brazil. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was carried out from April 2005 to April 2011 at a tertiary university hospital at Santa Maria, Brazil. Subjects admitted for hip fracture who were 65 years of age or older were followed for one year. Information about fracture type, age, gender, clinical comorbidities, time to surgery, discharge, and American Society of Anesthesiologists score were recorded. Death was evaluated during the hospital stay and at one year. RESULTS: Four hundred and eighteen subjects were included in the final analysis. Of these, 4.3% died inhospital and 15.3% were dead at one year. Time to surgery, American Society of Anesthesiologists score, Ischemic Heart Disease, and in-hospital stay were associated with death at one year in the univariate analysis. The American Society of Anesthesiologists score and time to surgery were one-year mortality predictors in the final regression model. In-hospital death was associated with American Society of Anesthesiologists score and age. CONCLUSION: Time to surgery is worryingly high at the South Brazil tertiary public health center studied here. Surgical delay is a risk factor that has the potential to be modified to improve mortality

    Palinomorfos do Campaniano (Cretáceo Superior) da Bacia de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul: implicações bioestratigráficas e paleoambientais

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    This paper presents results of the palynological analyses carried out on core samples from the BP-01 well, drilled by PETROBRAS, offshore portion of the Pelotas Basin. They include seven samples from 4,480 to 4,487 m depth, with well preserved and varied palynological assemblages. Although not diversified, spores are the most abundant palynomorphs, dominated by species of Cicatricosisporites. On the other hand, cysts of dinoflagellates are less abundant but constitute the most diversified group, with 34 taxa, including 9 species previously unkown in the Brazilian marginal basins. Scarce palynoforaminifers, fungi, copepod eggs and prasinophycean acritarchs were also recorded. Dinocysts allow to assign this section to the Campanian (Upper Cretaceous). The palynological assemblages suggest a neritic environment, with relatively calm waters. A significant amount of spores, including several tetrads, indicates proximity to the continent. Furthermore, the biogeographic characteristics of certain cosmopolitan species of dinocysts confirm the interpretation of an open oceanic circulation pattern in the basin, linking waters from the northern and southern parts of the South Atlantic.Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da análise palinológica realizada em testemunhos de sondagem do poço BP-01 perfurado pela PETROBRAS na porção offshore da Bacia de Pelotas. Sete amostras entre 4.480 e 4.487 m de profundidade foram processadas, as quais revelaram uma associação palinológica bem preservada e diversificada. Os esporos, embora pouco diversificados, constituem o grupo de palinomorfos mais abundante, com destaque ao gênero Cicatricosiporites. Por outro lado, dinocistos, embora menos abundantes, apresentam maior diversidade, sendo representados por 34 táxons, incluindo o registro de 9 espécies inéditas para as bacias costeiras brasileiras. Palinoforaminíferos, ovos de copépodes, fungos e espécies de algas prasinofíceas são relativamente escassos. Em termos de idade, a análise da amplitude estratigráfica e dos níveis de extinção dos dinocistos registrados permitiu o posicionamento da seção no Campaniano (Cretáceo Superior). Os conjuntos palinológicos são indicativos de condições plataformais, em águas relativamente calmas. Contudo, a quantidade significativa de esporos, muitos dos quais em forma de tétrades, indica certa proximidade do continente. Alémdisso, é confirmado o padrão de ampla circulação oceânica instalado já no Campaniano na bacia, ligando águas setentrionais e austrais do Atlântico Sul, com base no registro de dinocistos com comportamento biogeográfico mais cosmopolita

    Bone Density, Microstructure and Strength in Obese and Normal Weight Men and Women in Younger and Older Adulthood

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    Obesity is associated with greater areal BMD (aBMD) and is considered protective against hip and vertebral fracture. Despite this, there is a higher prevalence of lower leg and proximal humerus fracture in obesity. We aimed to determine if there are site‐specific differences in BMD, bone structure, or bone strength between obese and normal‐weight adults. We studied 100 individually‐matched pairs of normal (body mass index [BMI] 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2) and obese (BMI >30 kg/m2) men and women, aged 25 to 40 years or 55 to 75 years. We assessed aBMD at the whole body (WB), hip (TH), and lumbar spine (LS) with dual‐energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DXA), LS trabecular volumetric BMD (Tb.vBMD) by quantitative computed tomography (QCT), and vBMD and microarchitecture and strength at the distal radius and tibia with high‐resolution peripheral QCT (HR‐pQCT) and micro–finite element analysis. Serum type 1 procollagen N‐terminal peptide (P1NP) and collagen type 1 C‐telopeptide (CTX) were measured by automated electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA). Obese adults had greater WB, LS, and TH aBMD than normal adults. The effect of obesity on LS and WB aBMD was greater in older than younger adults (p < 0.01). Obese adults had greater vBMD than normal adults at the tibia (p < 0.001 both ages) and radius (p < 0.001 older group), thicker cortices, higher cortical BMD and tissue mineral density, lower cortical porosity, higher trabecular BMD, and higher trabecular number than normal adults. There was no difference in bone size between obese and normal adults. Obese adults had greater estimated failure load at the radius (p < 0.05) and tibia (p < 0.01). Differences in HR‐pQCT measurements between obese and normal adults were seen more consistently in the older than the younger group. Bone turnover markers were lower in obese than in normal adults. Greater BMD in obesity is not an artifact of DXA measurement. Obese adults have higher BMD, thicker and denser cortices, and higher trabecular number than normal adults. Greater differences between obese and normal adults in the older group suggest that obesity may protect against age‐related bone loss and may increase peak bone mass

    Similaridades entre associações de cistos de dinoflagelados, K/Pc nos proto-oceanos Atlântico Sul e Índico

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    Nesta contribuição analisamos a composição de assembleias de cistos de dinoflagelados encontrados em sedimentos da Bacia de Pelotas, sul do Brasil, durante o intervalo Cretáceo Superior - Paleoceno, com o objetivo de produzir uma primeira comparação com a Índia e outros continentes pertencentes ao Gondwana tais como América do Sul (Argentina e Uruguai), África (Nigéria e Oeste de Gana), Antártica, Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Um total de 13 espécies foi identificado, dentre as quais se observaram táxons endêmicos e cosmopolitas, que permitiram o reconhecimento de paleoambientes que variaram de nerítico raso, lagunar ou pantanoso costeiro, com deposição de sedimentos em condições anóxicas. A presente análise de similaridade entre essas associações de cistos de dinoflagelados permitiu o estabelecimento da distribuição paleobiogeográfica para a Bacia de Pelotas.In this contribution we present the composition of the Late Cretaceous / Paleocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages found in the Pelotas Basin, southern Brazil in order to provide a first paleobiogeographical comparison between this location, India and other former Gondwana continents: South America (Argentina and Uruguay), Africa (Nigeria and Western Ghana), Antarctica, Australia, and New Zealand. A total of 13 taxa, some endemic and other cosmopolitan were identified. The paleoenvironment of the Gondwana former members basins, as previously presented and attested by the dinoflagellate cysts are marginal marine nearshore, varying from neritic to shallow neritic and lagoonal or coastal swamps, which permitted the deposition of sediments in anoxic marine conditions. The present analysis of similarity between K/Pc dinoflagellate cyst associations allowed the establishment of paleobiogeographic distribution