250 research outputs found

    Merlinoite del monte Somma: alcune precisazioni

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    Due to the large amount of "merlinoite" observed in numerous private and public collections and sure that not all have been carefully analyzed, this paper wants to draw attention to the fact that the distinction at "view" of phillipsite and merlinoite from and merlinoite from Vesuvius is impossible

    Nuove specie minerali al Somma-Vesuvio: fluoro-edenite

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    Despite the impossibility to make mineralogical researches on the field, the volcanic complex of Monte Somma-Vesuvius keeps surprising with new findings of mineral species for that locality. In an “old” sample belonging to Domenico Preite, picked up at Le Novelle quarry, Ercolano, Napoli, thanks to EDX and micro- FTIR analysis the fluoro-edenite was identified. This is the second Italian finding for the species after the one of the Etnean type locality of Monte Calvario, Biancavilla, Catania (Gianfagna & Oberti, 2001)

    Recombination Line vs. Forbidden Line Abundances in Planetary Nebulae

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    Recombination lines (RLs) of C II, N II, and O II in planetary nebulae (PNs) have been found to give abundances that are much larger in some cases than abundances from collisionally-excited forbidden lines (CELs). The origins of this abundance discrepancy are highly debated. We present new spectroscopic observations of O II and C II recombination lines for six planetary nebulae. With these data we compare the abundances derived from the optical recombination lines with those determined from collisionally-excited lines. Combining our new data with published results on RLs in other PNs, we examine the discrepancy in abundances derived from RLs and CELs. We find that there is a wide range in the measured abundance discrepancy Delta(O+2) = log O+2(RL) - log O+2(CEL), ranging from approximately 0.1 dex up to 1.4 dex. Most RLs yield similar abundances, with the notable exception of O II multiplet V15, known to arise primarily from dielectronic recombination, which gives abundances averaging 0.6 dex higher than other O II RLs. We compare Delta(O+2) against a variety of physical properties of the PNs to look for clues as to the mechanism responsible for the abundance discrepancy. The strongest correlations are found with the nebula diameter and the Balmer surface brightness. An inverse correlation of Delta(O+2) with nebular density is also seen. Similar results are found for carbon in comparing C II RL abundances with ultraviolet measurements of C III].Comment: 48 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen

    New properties of a bioinspired pyridine benzimidazole compound as a novel differential staining agent for endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus in fluorescence live cell imaging

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    IndexaciĂłn: Scopus.In this study, we explored new properties of the bioinspired pyridine benzimidazole compound B2 (2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(3H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridine-2-yl)phenol) regarding its potential use as a differential biomarker. For that, we performed 1D 1HNMR (TOCSY), UV-Vis absorption spectra in different organic solvents, voltammetry profile (including a scan-rate study), and TD-DFT calculations that including NBO analyses, to provide valuable information about B2 structure and luminescence. In our study, we found that the B2 structure is highly stable, where the presence of an intramolecular hydrogen bond (IHB) seems to have a crucial role in the stability of luminescence, and its emission can be assigned as fluorescence. In fact, we found that the relatively large Stokes Shift observed for B2 (around 175 nm) may be attributed to the stability of the B2 geometry and the strength of its IHB. On the other hand, we determined that B2 is biocompatible by cytotoxicity experiments in HeLa cells, an epithelial cell line. Furthermore, in cellular assays we found that B2 could be internalized by passive diffusion in absence of artificial permeabilization at short incubation times (15 min to 30 min). Fluorescence microscopy studies confirmed that B2 accumulates in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi apparatus, two organelles involved in the secretory pathway. Finally, we determined that B2 exhibited no noticeable blinking or bleaching after 1 h of continuous exposure. Thus, B2 provides a biocompatible, rapid, simple, and efficient way to fluorescently label particular organelles, producing similar results to that obtained with other well-established but more complex methods. © 2018 Llancalahuen, Fuentes, Carreño, ZĂșñiga, PĂĄez-HernĂĄndez, GacitĂșa, Polanco, Preite, Arratia-PĂ©rez and Otero.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fchem.2018.00345/ful

    Automated detection of lung nodules in low-dose computed tomography

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    A computer-aided detection (CAD) system for the identification of pulmonary nodules in low-dose multi-detector computed-tomography (CT) images has been developed in the framework of the MAGIC-5 Italian project. One of the main goals of this project is to build a distributed database of lung CT scans in order to enable automated image analysis through a data and cpu GRID infrastructure. The basic modules of our lung-CAD system, consisting in a 3D dot-enhancement filter for nodule detection and a neural classifier for false-positive finding reduction, are described. The system was designed and tested for both internal and sub-pleural nodules. The database used in this study consists of 17 low-dose CT scans reconstructed with thin slice thickness (~300 slices/scan). The preliminary results are shown in terms of the FROC analysis reporting a good sensitivity (85% range) for both internal and sub-pleural nodules at an acceptable level of false positive findings (1-9 FP/scan); the sensitivity value remains very high (75% range) even at 1-6 FP/scanComment: 4 pages, 2 figures: Proceedings of the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 21th International Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, Volume 2, Supplement 1, June 2007, pp 357-35

    Variability of Hot Supergiant IRAS 19336-0400 in the Early Phase of its Planetary Nebula Ionization

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    We present photoelectric and spectral observations of a hot candidate proto-planetary nebula - early B-type supergiant with emission lines in spectrum - IRAS 19336-0400. The light and color curves display fast irregular brightness variations with maximum amplitudes Delta V=0.30 mag, Delta B=0.35 mag, Delta U=0.40 mag and color-brightness correlations. By the variability characteristics IRAS 19336-0400 appears similar to other hot proto-planetary nebulae. Based on low-resolution spectra in the range lambda 4000-7500 A we have derived absolute intensities of the emission lines H_alpha, H_beta, H_gamma, [SII], [NII], physical conditions in gaseous nebula: n_e=10^4 cm^{-3}, T_e=7000 \pm 1000 K. The emission line H_alpha, H_beta equivalent widths are found to be considerably variable and related to light changes. By UBV-photometry and spectroscopy the color excess has been estimated: E_{B-V}=0.50-0.54. Joint photometric and spectral data analysis allows us to assume that the star variability is caused by stellar wind variations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Pis'ma Astron. Zh. (Astronomy Letters

    Spatially resolved spectroscopy of planetary nebulae and their halos I. Five galactic disk objects

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    Strong mass loss off stars at the tip of the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) profoundly affects properties of these stars and their surroundings, including the subsequent planetary nebula (PN) stage. With this study we wanted to determine physical properties of mass loss by studying weakly emitting halos, focusing on objects in the galactic disk. Halos surround the, up to several thousand times, brighter central regions of PNe. Young halos, specifically, still contain information of the preceeding final mass loss stage on the AGB. In the observations we used the method of integral field spectroscopy with the PMAS instrument. This is the first committed study of halos of PNe that uses this technique. We improved our data analysis by a number of steps. In a study of the influence of scattered light we found that a moderate fraction of intensities in the inner halo originate in adjacent regions. As we combine line intensities of distant wavelengths, and because radial intensity gradients are steep, we corrected for effects of differential atmospheric refraction. In order to increase the signal-to-noise of weak emission lines we introduced a dedicated method to bin spectra of individual spatial elements. We also developed a general technique to subtract telluric lines - without using separate sky exposures. By these steps we avoided introducing errors of several thousand Kelvin to our temperature measurements in the halo. For IC3568 we detected a halo. For M2-2 we found a halo radius that is 2.5 times larger... (abridged)Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures, A&A (in press), Abridged abstract, Corrected and clarified various minor issues; the section on scattered light is significantly clarifie

    Mouse screen reveals multiple new genes underlying mouse and human hearing loss.

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    Adult-onset hearing loss is very common, but we know little about the underlying molecular pathogenesis impeding the development of therapies. We took a genetic approach to identify new molecules involved in hearing loss by screening a large cohort of newly generated mouse mutants using a sensitive electrophysiological test, the auditory brainstem response (ABR). We review here the findings from this screen. Thirty-eight unexpected genes associated with raised thresholds were detected from our unbiased sample of 1,211 genes tested, suggesting extreme genetic heterogeneity. A wide range of auditory pathophysiologies was found, and some mutant lines showed normal development followed by deterioration of responses, revealing new molecular pathways involved in progressive hearing loss. Several of the genes were associated with the range of hearing thresholds in the human population and one, SPNS2, was involved in childhood deafness. The new pathways required for maintenance of hearing discovered by this screen present new therapeutic opportunities

    New Cationic fac-[Re(CO)3(deeb)B2]+ Complex, Where B2 Is a Benzimidazole Derivative, as a Potential New Luminescent Dye for Proteins Separated by SDS-PAGE

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    IndexaciĂłn ScopusSodium-dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) can be used to separate proteins based mainly on their size such as in denaturing gels. Different staining methods have been reported to observe proteins in the gel matrix, where the most used dyes are generally anionic. Anionic dyes allow for interactions with protonated amino acids, retaining the dye in the proteins. Fluorescent staining is an alternative technique considered to be sensitive, safe, and versatile. Some anionic complexes based on d6 transition metals have been used for this purpose, where cationic dyes have been less explored in this context. In this work, we synthesized and characterized a new monocationic rhenium complex fac-[Re(CO)3(deeb)B2]+ (where deeb is 4,4â€Č-bis(ethoxycarbonyl)-2,2â€Č-bpy and B2 is 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-(3H-imidazo[4,5-c]pyridine-2-yl)phenol). We carried out a structural characterization of this complex by MS+, FTIR, 1H NMR, D2O exchange, and HHCOSY. Moreover, we carried out UV-Vis, luminescence, and cyclic voltammetry experiments to understand the effect of ligands on the complex’s electronic structure. We also performed relativistic theoretical calculations using the B3LYP/TZ2P level of theory and R-TDDFT within a dielectric continuum model (COSMO) to better understand electronic transitions and optical properties. We finally assessed the potential of fac-[Re(CO)3(deeb)B2]+ (as well as the precursor fac-Re(CO)3(deeb)Br and the free ligand B2) to stain proteins separated by SDS-PAGE. We found that only fac-[Re(CO)3(deeb)B2]+ proved viable to be directly used as a luminescent dye for proteins, presumably due to its interaction with negatively charged residues in proteins and by weak interactions provided by B2. In addition, fac-[Re(CO)3(deeb)B2]+ seems to interact preferentially with proteins and not with the gel matrix despite the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In future applications, these alternative cationic complexes might be used alone or in combination with more traditional anionic compounds to generate counterion dye stains to improve the process. © Copyright © 2021 Carreño, GacitĂșa, Solis-CĂ©spedes, PĂĄez-HernĂĄndez, Swords, Meyer, Preite, ChĂĄvez, Vega and Fuentes.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fchem.2021.647816/ful
