28 research outputs found

    Pelanggaran Sendi-Sendi Gaya Bahasa Pada Iklan Tv

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    Gaya bahasa adalah cara mengungkapkan pikiran melalui bahasa secara khas yang memperlihatkan jiwa dan kepribadian penulis. Sebuah gaya bahasa yang baik harus mengandung tiga unsur berikut: kejujuran, sopan santun, dan menarik (Keraf, 1991: 113).  Bahasa iklan merupakan bahasa yang sangat kaya, baik gaya maupun pilihan katanya.  Penulis iklan terkenal senang bermain dengan kata-kata dan memanipulasi atau mengubah makna yang sebenarnya sehingga sering terjadi pelanggaran terhadap sendi-sendi gaya bahasa.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gaya bahasa yang digunakan pada iklan TV dan menelaah pelanggaran terhadap sendi-sendi gaya bahasa yang terdapat pada iklan TV.  Data pada penelitian ini diambil dari iklan makanan yang ditayangkan di stasiun TV swasta, yaitu iklan Mie Sedaap Cup, Wafer Tango, dan Energen Sereal.  Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah teori gaya bahasa dari Keraf (1991).  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi pelanggaran terhadap sendi-sendi gaya bahasa pada data iklan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini.  Namun uniknya, pelanggaran tersebut justru membuat iklan-iklan tersebut menjadi lebih menarik

    Louis Vuitton: Advertising Without a Word

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      Abstract Visual communication, especially body language, play a compelling role in communications. People deliver information and messages over their body and accept them from others during the communication process. This study aims at identifying body language shown by the model of the advertisement, as well as discovering the meaning and the roles of body language in Louis Vuitton advertisements.  Louis Vuitton, is a French luxury fashion house and company founded in 1854 by Louis Vuitton. The data was collected by observation method. The researchers watched the advertisement repeatedly and noted important findings related to the research questions. Then, the researchers classified the data based on types of body languages performed by the models, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, postures, and other interesting body movements like touching and dancing. Qualitative method was used to analyze the collected data.  In analyzing the data, the researchers used theory of body signs proposed by Danesi (2004) as the main theory and supported by theory of body language by Pease (2004).  The finding shows that Louis Vuitton perfume video advertisement uniquely deliver messages in a mysterious way without using any promising words.  Keywords: body language, non-verbal communication, meaning, Louis Vuitton   Abstrak Komunikasi visual, khususnya bahasa tubuh, memainkan peranan penting dalam komunikasi.  Orang-orang mengirimkan informasi dan pesan melalui tubuhnya dan sebaliknya menerima informasi dan pesan dari orang lain juga melalui tubuhnya, selama proses komunikasi berlangsung.  Penelitian ini bertujuan  untuk menelaah bahasa tubuh yang digunakan oleh model iklan Louis Vuitton dan menemukan makna serta peranannya dalam periklanan.  Louis Vuitton merupakan rumah mode mewah di Perancis dan sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan pada tahun 1854 oleh Louis Vuitton. Data pada penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan metode observasi.  Peneliti menonton iklan Louis Vuitton berulang kali dan mencatat temuan-temuan penting yang berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah penelitian.  Kemudian, peneliti mengklasifikasikan data berdasarkan jenis-jenis bahasa tubuh yang digunakan oleh model iklan, seperti kontak mata, ekspresi wajah, gestur, postur, dan gerakan tubuh lainnya yang menarik seperti sentuhan atau tarian. Peneliti menggunakan medote kualitatif dalam menganalisis data, dengan menggunakan teori dari Danesi (2004) tentang bahasa tubuh sebagai teori utama dan teori dari Pease (2004) sebagai teori pendukung.  Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa video iklan parfum Louis Vuitton memiliki cara unik untuk menyampaikan pesan tanpa menggunakan kata-kata yang menjanjikan. Kata kunci: bahasa tubuh, komunikasi non-verbal, makna, Louis Vuitton


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    The aims of this research are to identify and analyze the meaning of verbal and visual signs found in Revlon cosmetic advertisements. Data of this research are advertisements downloaded from the internet at www.google.com. The theory of semiotics by Saussure (cited in Chandler 2007) was used to analyze verbal and visual signs through signifier and signified, while the theory of semiotics by Barthes (1977) was used to describe the meaning of verbal and visual signs, both denotative and connotative meanings. The theory of the meaning of color also supports this analysis by Cerrato (2012) which is applied to analyze color choices in advertisements. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method and the results of this study showed that there were six verbal signs and six visual signs in two Revlon cosmetic advertisements. These verbal and visual signs have denotative and connotative meanings, where denotative meaning focuses on conveying information related to the advertised product and connotative meaning focuses on conveying other meanings and hidden messages from advertisements to be conveyed to customers, especially women

    Deconstructing Internet Memes through Semiotic Analysis: Unveiling Myths and Ideologies in Visual and Verbal Signs

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    This paper will examine the meanings embedded in memes through semiotic analysis. Semiotics, as proposed by Chandler (2007), is the study of signs and symbols and their meanings, particularly in the context of communication and representation. Internet memes are culturally significant artifacts that consist of visual and verbal signs which convey a shared experience or cultural reference within a community. The objective of this study is to explore the myth and ideology that is conveyed through the signs used in these memes, and to examine the message that is being communicated to the audience. The data were collected by using observation method which involves the selection of a sample of widely shared Internet memes on social media platforms. This study used qualitative method in analyzing the data. These memes were analyzed using semiotic analysis to identify the signs used in the Internet memes and their associated meanings. The findings suggest that memes are a form of communication that uses signifiers to convey a message, and the connotative meanings of these signifiers can reveal the myth and ideology behind the message. Memes convey cultural values and beliefs and can challenge or reinforce dominant cultural ideologies. Understanding them can shed light on cultural reproduction in society, with implications for media, cultural, and sociology studies in the digital age

    Bali Travel Package Advertisements: The Analysis of Verbal and Visual Signs

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    Advertisement is "an announcement or news online, or in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such as a product, event, or job to persuade and encourage people to be interested in the goods or services offered". Verbal and nonverbal are communication tools that humans use to interact, whether it's through messages, sounds, pictures, and gestures. . This study aims to analyse the verbal and non-verbal signs used in travel advertisements and to find out the meaning of those signs. Travel advertisements aim to promote tourist attractions or destinations to tourists who are going to make a trip to Bali. The data were taken from several travel websites. The data were collected by observation method and then analysed by descriptive qualitative method. The analysis started by analysing the verbal and non-verbal signs based on the theory of semiotic by Saussure (1893). The analysis of the meaning of the verbal and non-verbal signs was done by using the theory of meaning proposed by Barthes (1977). And the analysis of colors was done by using the theory of color term proposed by Wierzbicka (1996). The result of the research shows that travel advertisements provide information for readers or tourists who are going to travel in Bali about interesting places to visit, such as romantic spots for dinner or honeymoon and natural view for the ones who love nature and adventure. The colors displayed in the advertisement express the atmosphere that will be obtained by readers or tourists. The advertisements promote Bali as wonderful place to visit and travel package offers which interesting and affordable

    Register analysis of indonesian advertisements

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    The spread of globalization and marketing during the last century triggered the proliferation of advertising genres. The language of advertisement is unique and very persuasive. The goal of advertisements is to persuade consumers to act and think in a textually determined way in order to boost sales of particular commodities and services. In order to capture attention, convey the message and persuade the consumer, advertising texts use a range of manipulative language devices. This study aims at investigating the register of Indonesian advertisements. A register is a variety associated with a particular situation of use. The description of a register covers three major components: the situational context, the linguistic features, and the functional relationships between the first two components. The linguistic features cover the word choice such as the use of noun, pronoun, active, and passive voice, the use of prefix and suffix as well. Register analysis of Indonesian advertising text is still limited and very interesting to analyze. The data were taken from some advertisements, which were published on different mass media such as newspaper, radio, and television. The data were collected through observation and note-taking method. The theory of register from Biber and Conrad (2009) was used to analyze the register of the advertisements. In addition, the theory of corpus linguistics by O’Keeffe (2010) was also used to support the analysis. Results are presented through formal and informal methods. The results show that those advertisements have high register since most of them used formal linguistic features

    Register analysis of indonesian advertisements

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    The spread of globalization and marketing during the last century triggered the proliferation of advertising genres. The language of advertisement is unique and very persuasive. The goal of advertisements is to persuade consumers to act and think in a textually determined way in order to boost sales of particular commodities and services. In order to capture attention, convey the message and persuade the consumer, advertising texts use a range of manipulative language devices. This study aims at investigating the register of Indonesian advertisements. A register is a variety associated with a particular situation of use. The description of a register covers three major components: the situational context, the linguistic features, and the functional relationships between the first two components. The linguistic features cover the word choice such as the use of noun, pronoun, active, and passive voice, the use of prefix and suffix as well. Register analysis of Indonesian advertising text is still limited and very interesting to analyze. The data were taken from some advertisements, which were published on different mass media such as newspaper, radio, and television. The data were collected through observation and note-taking method. The theory of register from Biber and Conrad (2009) was used to analyze the register of the advertisements. In addition, the theory of corpus linguistics by O’Keeffe (2010) was also used to support the analysis. Results are presented through formal and informal methods. The results show that those advertisements have high register since most of them used formal linguistic features

    Register analysis of indonesian advertisements

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    The spread of globalization and marketing during the last century triggered the proliferation of advertising genres. The language of advertisement is unique and very persuasive. The goal of advertisements is to persuade consumers to act and think in a textually determined way in order to boost sales of particular commodities and services. In order to capture attention, convey the message and persuade the consumer, advertising texts use a range of manipulative language devices. This study aims at investigating the register of Indonesian advertisements. A register is a variety associated with a particular situation of use. The description of a register covers three major components: the situational context, the linguistic features, and the functional relationships between the first two components. The linguistic features cover the word choice such as the use of noun, pronoun, active, and passive voice, the use of prefix and suffix as well. Register analysis of Indonesian advertising text is still limited and very interesting to analyze. The data were taken from some advertisements, which were published on different mass media such as newspaper, radio, and television. The data were collected through observation and note-taking method. The theory of register from Biber and Conrad (2009) was used to analyze the register of the advertisements. In addition, the theory of corpus linguistics by O’Keeffe (2010) was also used to support the analysis. Results are presented through formal and informal methods. The results show that those advertisements have high register since most of them used formal linguistic features


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    Maxim is a principle that must be obeyed by all participants textually and interpersonally in order to have a smooth communication process. Conversation maxim is divided into four namely maxim of quality, maxim of quantity, maxim of relevance, and maxim of manner of speaking. Violation of the maxim may occur in a conversation in which the information the speaker has is not delivered well to his speaking partner. Violation of the maxim in a conversation will result in an awkward impression. The example of violation is the given information that is redundant, untrue, irrelevant, or convoluted. Advertisers often deliberately violate the maxim to create unique and controversial advertisements. This study aims to examine the violation of maxims in conversations of TV ads. The source of data in this research is food advertisements aired on TV media. Documentation and observation methods are applied to obtain qualitative data. The theory used in this study is a maxim theory proposed by Grice (1975). The results of the data analysis are presented with informal method. The results of this study show an interesting fact that the violation of maxim in a conversation found in the advertisement exactly makes the advertisements very attractive and have a high value.</p

    Translation strategies of metaphor in The Ballad of Never After novel by Stephanie Garber

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    Metaphor is a figurative language often found in literary works, especially novels. It contains unique cultural elements, which makes metaphor hard to understand and translate. This study examines the strategy of translating metaphors in The Ballad of Never After novel from English into Indonesian. Data were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive method completed with the theory by Newmark (1988) regarding translation strategies of metaphor. This study revealed that from the 96 data obtained, seven translation strategies of metaphor were used by translators to convey the meaning of the metaphors in the novel from English to Indonesian and reproducing the Same Image in the Target Language is the most frequently used strategy. In contrast, the least used strategy is Changing the Metaphor by Simile Combined with Sense and Deleting. It indicates that English and Indonesian share many metaphorical images with similar meanings. It causes translators being more flexible in reproducing metaphors in the target language, considering cultural similarities and the circumstances in which metaphors are expressed