395 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Kelurahan Dupak Bangunsari merupakan bagian dari Kecamatan Krembangan di Kota Surabaya. Pemilihan daerah penelitian berdasarkan pada kenyataan bahwa daerah tersebut dulunya merupakan tempat lokalisasi dan sekarang sudah beralih fungsi setelah Pemerintah Surabaya menutup tempat lokalisasi tersebut yang berdampak negatif terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak penutupan lokalisasi terhadap kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat Bangunsari. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian survei. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh kepala keluarga RT 1 pada Kelurahan Bangunsari yang berjumlah 100 kepala keluarga. Data yang dikumpulkan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh menggunakan pedoman wawancara, dokumentasi dari instansi terkait dan observasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya penutupan lokalisasi kondisi sosial masyarakat mengalami perubahan dalam hal mata pencaharian. Kondisi ekonomi berdampak pada turunnya tingkat pendapatan yang dulunya tergabung dalam kegiatan lokalisasi. Pendidikan yang rendah, membuat masyarakat sulit untuk mencari pekerjaan di luar bidang lokalisasi, banyak dari mantan pelaku yang beralih menjadi wirausaha.  Kata Kunci: Lokalisasi, sosial, ekonomi. Abstract Dupak Bangunsari village a part of Krembangan District at Surabaya Regency. Selection of research areas is based on the fact that the area was once a place of localization and now switching function after the government shut localization Surabaya which have a negative impact on the socioeconomic conditions surrounding communities. The purpose research was to determine the impact of the closure of the localization of the socioeconomic conditions of society Bangunsari. This research was a survey. The population in this study were all heads of families in the village Bangunsari village RT 1 totaling 100 families. The collecting data in this study using the interview, documentation and observation of the Surabaya Goverenment and observation. The results showed that with the closure of the localization of social conditions changed in terms of livelihood. Economic conditions have an impact on the decline in the level of income that was once joined in localization activities. Low education, making it difficult for people looking for a job outside the field of localization, many of the former actors-turned entrepreneur. Keyword: Localization, socio, economic

    Grid Code Proposal for Solar Photovoltaics Power Plant in Indonesia

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    This master thesis deals with the grid code design for solar photovoltaics power plant (PVPP). For this purpose, three approaches are identified: (1) Several sets of international grid codes for large scale solar PVPP are studied from operational perspective such as voltage and frequency boundaries, active power and frequency support, reactive power and voltage support and fault-ride-through. The chosen sets of grid codes are of Puerto Rico, Germany, Denmark and European Union since they are mature enough and well-developed to study. Additionally, the core of this master thesis is to study the existing electricity transmission and distribution system in Indonesia along with current grid codes. The aforementioned research of international grid codes serves as a foundation to propose suitable grid code design or update existing grid code for solar PVPP in Indonesia. (2) the introduction and characteristics of solar photovoltaics power plant (PVPP) in which the basic electrical components (e.g. PV panel, PV inverter and transformer) are discussed. Besides, inverter topology (e.g. central inverter topology, string inverter topology, multistring inverter topology, etc.) and internal collection grid configuration (e.g. radial configuration, ring configuration, star configuration) is explained. In addition, the brief modelling approach for each electrical component is given in this chapter. (3) In the later part of this master thesis, a 1 MW solar PVPP along with the electrical grid is modelled and simulated to test the proposed grid code for solar PVPP in Indonesia. The proposed grid codes that are tested and simulated are active power and frequency regulation particularly absolute production (i.e. power curtailment) through maximum power point tracking (MPPT) function in PV inverter as well as reactive power and voltage support regulation such as function of voltage control, reactive power control and power factor control

    KEMATANGAN EMOSI REMAJA DI DESA SELOREJO (Studi Deskriptif di Desa Selorejo dengan Angka Pernikahan Dini yang Tinggi)

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    Early marriage, commonly known as child marriage, is a widespread issue with various aspects and deep-rooted influences in society, including in the village of Selorejo. Emotional maturity plays a crucial role in marriage, affecting how individuals make decisions in challenging situations and express their emotions. The aim of this research is to provide an overview of the emotional maturity of adolescents that live in Selorejo Village, an area with a high prevalence of early marriages. This descriptive quantitative study used purposive sampling, involving 109 male and female adolescent subjects aged 16-18 in Selorejo Village, Dau District, Malang Regency. Data on emotional maturity were collected using an emotional maturity scale. The research findings indicate that the majority of adolescents exhibit moderate levels of emotional maturity. However, the variation in emotional maturity scores highlights the need to explore contributing factors, especially for those with low emotional maturity score who may require additional support


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    Kecamatan Rowokele Kabupaten Kebumen memiliki beberapa industri sektor informal yang bergerak di bidang pengolahan batu kapur atau biasa disebut tobong. Debu kapur merupakan salah satu hasil samping dari proses pengalahan batu kapur. Penurunan KVP dapat diakibatkan oleh pencemaran partikel debu, salah satunya debu kapur. Berdasarkan survey yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2013 didapatkan 70% responden mengalami keluhan subyektif terkait pernapasan seperti sesak napas, napas agak berat, dan napas pendek. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kapasitas vital paru pada pekerja bagian produksi di industri batu kapur (tobong). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian explanatory research dan meggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pemilihan sampel dengan total sampling yang berjumlah 34 pekerja. Pemeriksaan kapasitas vital paru pada tiap responden dilakukan petugas Balai Pengobatan Penyakit Paru (BP4) Kebumen. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara umur, masa kerja, lama paparan, kebiasaan merokok, dan kebiasaan berolahraga dengan kapasitas vital paru dan tidak ada hubungan antara riwayat penyakit, penggunaan APD, dan status gizi dengan kapasitas vital paru. Berdasarkan hasil penghitungan rasio prevalensi (RP), diketahui bahwa pekerja dengan masa kerja > 10 tahun berisiko 2,67 kali lebin besar mengalami penurunan KVP dibandingkan dengan pekerja dengan masa kerja > 10 tahun; pekerja dengan lama paparan > 8 jam berisiko 1,538 lebih besar mengalami penurunan KVP dibandingkan dengan pekerja dengan lama paparan < 8 jam; pekerja yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok berisiko 3,68 kali lebih besar mengalami penurunan KVP dibandigkan dengan pekerja yang tidak memiliki kebiasaan merokok; pekerja yang tidak rutin berlahraga berisiko 4,3 kali lebih besar mengalami penurunan KVP dibandingkan dengan pekerja yang rutin berolahraga Kata Kunci: faktor risiko, kapasitas vital paru, pekerja industri kapu


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    Frozen yoghurt (froyo) adalah salah satu pangan fungsional yang popularitasnya meningkat dan semakin berkembang, membuatnya menjadi salah satu dessert beku yang sering dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia. Dalam perkembangannya, froyo dapat dibuat menggunakan yoghurt yang berasal dari bahan baku alternatif seperti umbi-umbian, biji-bijian, dan sayuran. Jagung manis (Zea mays L. saccharata) memiliki kandungan karbohidrat dan gula pereduksi yang tinggi. Sedangkan ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas) dikenal sebagai sumber karbohidrat oligosakarida yang termasuk ke dalam senyawa prebiotik. Kedua bahan baku tersebut dapat menjadi media pertumbuhan yang baik untuk probiotik Lactobacillus acidophilus dan Bifidobacterium sp. Stabilizer adalah hidrokoloid yang digunakan mengentalkan adonan dan memperbaiki tekstur dalam pembuatan froyo. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan stabilizer terhadap tingkat penerimaan panelis dan karakteristik fisik (kecepatan leleh, kekentalan, overrun) serta formula terbaik untuk mengetahui karakteristik kimia (total padatan terlarut, aktivitas antioksidan, kadar asam laktat) dan mikrobiologi (total bakteri asam laktat) froyo. Penelitian menggunakan pola rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dua faktor, yaitu jenis dan konsentrasi stabilizer. Jenis stabilizer yang digunakan adalah carboxymethil cellulose (CMC), gum arab, dan karagenan dengan konsentrasi masing-masing 0,3% dan 0,5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa froyo dengan penambahan karagenan 0,5% menjadi formula terpilih secara organoleptik dan fisik. Tingkat kesukaan warna sebesar 3,73, rasa sebesar 3,63, tekstur (mouthfeel) sebesar 3,47, kekentalan sebesar 3,27, dan overall sebesar 3,53. Kecepatan leleh sebesar 0,256 gram/menit, kekentalan sebesar 596,07 cP, dan overrun sebesar 12,125%. Total Padatan Terlarut sebesar 65,849%, aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 85,305%, kadar asam laktat sebesar 0,34%. Total bakteri asam laktat sebesar 9,94 log10cfu/ml. Kata kunci: frozen yoghurt (froyo), jagung manis, ubi jalar ungu, stabilizer, CMC, gum arab, karagena

    Perlunya Pemahaman Lintas Budaya Dalam Proses Negosiasi Bisnis (Studi Pada PT. Pratama Jaya Perkasa)

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    The purposes of this study are to determine the factors that affect the business negotiation process and the role of cross-cultural understanding in the process of business negotiations. The object of this research is a service company engaged in the construction, mechanical and electrical. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data analysis method used in this research is the analysis interactive model. Cross-cultural understanding is needed in the process of business negotiations. Many factors affect the process of business negotiations such as culture, style of business negotiations, time orientation, change tolerance, relationship and others. Results from this study indicate that cross-cultural understanding that can either increase the percentage of success in business negotiations process. Cultural barriers such as lack of foreign language skills in communication, a sense of ethnocentrism, and prejudice can impede the course of business negotiations process


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    Sebuah rangkaian ‘bio amplifier’ yang memperkuat signal gelombang listrik yang berasal dari kegiatan fungsi jantung, dihubungkan dengan alat perekam atau display membentuk sebuah instrument medis yang dikenal dengan Electro-Cardiograph (ECG). Alat perekam (recorder) atau display yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bentuk signal jantung ini, merupakan komponen ECG yang cukup mahal, tetapi dipergunakan hanya untuk fungsi yang terbatas karena hanya diperuntukan bagi ECG tersebut. Dengan menambahkan sebuah rangkaian filter analog dan rangkaian antar-muka (interface) pada keluaran (output) bio amplifier sehingga dapat dihubungkan dengan Personal Computer (PC), membentuk komposisi baru dari sebuah ECG. Komposisi ini dapat memberikan fasilitas untuk pengolahan data signal jantung yang terdeteksi dan terekam dalam memori PC. Selain itu, PC yang berfungsi sebagai display dapat berdiri sendiri untuk keperluan lain. Aritmia adalah kelainan pada jantung yang berupa gangguan pada frekuensi, ketidakteraturan, tempat asal denyut atau konduksi impuls listrik pada jantung. Aritmia merupakan penyakit yang berbahaya, sehingga memerlukan pengobatan yang segera dan terapi yang teratur untuk mencegah kondisi yang lebih buruk. Salah satu diagnosis aritmia yang paling popular digunakan adalah dengan Electrocardiograph (ECG). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan merealisasikan sistem akuisisi ECG dan klasifikasi aritmia secara atomatis dengan menggunakan filter analog dan digital akuisisi ECG dan pendeteksi aritmia yang dirancang dapat membaca sinyal ECG dari 3 lead yaitu lead 1, lead 2 dan lead 3 pada lead standar , serta dapat mengenali beberapa aritmia antara lain : Normal, Takikardia, Bradikardia


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    This study aims to describe and analyze teacher communication competencies in teaching through the online process during the 2021/2022 academic year at SMK Satria Jakarta. Teaching and learning activities (KBM) through the online process are one of the new challenges for teachers, where teachers do not teach face-to-face and take advantage of the existing internet network. The research method used by the author is a case study. The type of case study method is an intrinsic case study, where the author wants a better understanding of the case to be studied. The results of this study describe communication competence in the online learning process. Communication between teachers and students in teaching through the online process has a positive impact on communication competencies that continue to develop, Therefore in this sub-chapter the communication competence of teachers at SMK Satria Jakarta is analyzed through five dimensions of communication competence, namely the dimensions of motivation, the dimensions of knowledge, the dimensions of skills. , the dimension of attitude, the emotional dimension in order to produce an in-depth analysis. It is known that the pedagogic competence of teachers at SMK Satria Jakarta is able to manage online learning for students. In addition, in personality competence, teachers at SMK Satria Jakarta have personality competencies that can be role models in communicating. In social competence, teachers at SMK Satria Jakarta have social skills which are one of the competencies in the teacher's personality that can distinguish the approach between teachers and students. In professional competence, the teachers at SMK Satria Jakarta have competence according to their respective fields, this is one of the keys to being able to maintain good communication between teachers and students. And finally, the communication competence of teachers at SMK Satria Jakarta in carrying out online learning continues to grow, and can be in line with the theory of gestalt learning and the theory Social Construction of Technolog


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    As an educational institution, the school requires the presence of a role of public relations (PR), which can be good, or effective and efficient, because the role of public relations (PR) greatly influenced the state of a school in a way to establish good relations with the public. The main role of PR instituted education is to nurture good relations with both internal and external publics so as to create a favorable public opinion institutions or organizations, and also establish good cooperation between the school and outsiders through the participation of school public relations. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze regarding: (1). School liaison role as a facilitator in cooperation with partner organizations in the SMA NU 1 Gresik. (2) The public relations strategy undertaken in partnership school in SMA NU 1 Gresik. This research was conducted in SMA NU 1 Gresik. The approach taken in this study is a qualitative approach to the type of case studies. This research was carried out without affecting the subject lines and the research conducted in the field. To collect the relevant data to answer the research focus, then this paper uses multiple data collection techniques, namely, interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that: (1). School liaison role as a facilitator in cooperation with partner organizations in the SMA NU 1 Gresik aims to foster good relations with the public, good relations arise from the communication fabric woven public relations as a facilitator in establishing the relationship. PR SMA NU 1 Gresik positioned as a bridge builder relationship as well as a forum for the exchange of information through several activities held) public relations strategy undertaken in partnership school in SMA NU 1 Gresik. In forming a strategy which is implemented as a partnership effort in school parties school publicist here doing some activities involving stakeholders in its implementation. Furthermore the publicist conduct assessments of cooperation with relevant parties in a partnership of school, and then perform the agreement or contracts with related parties through the signing of the MoU. Keywords: the role of public relations, school partnershi
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