43 research outputs found

    The clash over death penalty in US-European relations

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    Right from the start, it was clear that the issue of death penalty was complex and, all in all, included more factors, controversies and facets than comprehensible. As exploring the subject more, this suspicion was quickly confirmed, and as I tried to navigate all the information on the subject, decide what is more important and what less, I tried to keep my focus clear. This meant making choices in which aspects to discuss. I made this choice based on my own logic and common sense. In my personal opinion, capital punishment is far too shrouded in controversy to be used in the standard criminal justice cases in the US, or elsewhere, for that matter. The issues with racial and class bias, in any context they may appear, are not to be taken lightly. Even though there is no definitive research proving this bias in all the US states still using death penalty, the confirmed bias in some states and the general issues with racial discrimination, conscious or not, by both the police, juries, and civilians are enough to raise suspicions. The fact that many death penalty cases date back to times before the collection and analysis of DNA and other modern advancements in investigation, begs the question how many people are on death row that would today be found to be innocent, if there would be evidence to analyze. All this is troubling, to say the least, and to me, a clear sign that death penalty is not working like it's intended to. I believe to have found ample evidence to prove my argument of differing ethics being the root cause of the clash. European policies are very clear on death penalty – the right to live is universal among humans. The US' policies say “Yes, BUT”. This is the essence of the clash. Even though out values are more similar than different, other factors, including cultural and sociological ones, impact the way those translate into ethics. Thus, the clash becomes more complicated in a way – it's not so much a complete disagreement on the basics as it is in the details. We agree to an extent, but when we don't, we lose complete track of how the other side could interpret the same thing so differently. The human feeling that retribution is necessary is understandable, even to the abolitionists, I'm certain. However, I'm equally certain all would agree that even retribution must be carried out in a way that is just, and carries little value when enforced in any other way. The question behind the root cause of the clash, as I would interpret it, is IS capital punishment just, or even CAN it be. It would appear to me, the statistics and research prove it might not be. The abolitionists say this means it shouldn't be used. The retentionists say it's worth the risk. I hope I have succeeded in what I set out to do – focus on the most important aspects of this complex topic, bring forward what causes the clash and how it manifests. I sincerely hope the research on this topic continues, both academically and in terms of field work. As people's lives are at stake, it's certainly worthy of attention.http://www.ester.ee/record=b4580925*es

    Trends of mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancers in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014

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    To analyze the trends of oral and oropharyngeal cancer mortality in Uruguay between 1997 and 2014 according to sex and age groups and its possible association with sociodemographic factors. A time-series ecological study using secondary data was performed. The data about mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancers were obtained from the Statistics Vitals Department of the Public Health Ministry of Uruguay. To estimate the mortality trends of the historical series, by sex, anatomical site and age groups, linear regressions generated by the Prais-Winsten procedure were used. The analysis of mortality trends for oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers in Uruguay indicated that the global mortality rate was stable over the studied period. The women's mortality rate increased from 0.51 per 100,000 in 1997 to 0.65 per 100,000 in 2014 while for men, rates per 100,000 went from 3.22 in 1997 to 2.20 per 100,000 in 2014. Mortality from oral cancer in men decreased between 1997 and 2014. Mortality by oropharyngeal cancer, irrespective of sex, remained stable. Analysis by cancer site revealed decreasing trends tumors situated in the base of the tongue and gum. Years of education, unemployment, smoking and Gini index were not associated with mortality trends. The overall mortality from oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay has remained constant in the period between 1997 and 2014. Oral cancer mortality decreased in men and increased in women and decreased at the base of the tongue. It?s necessary to continue monitoring the behavior of these diseases

    Mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014

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    Oral and oropharyngeal cancer is considered a public health problem in several countries due to its high incidence and mortality rate. Objective: This study aimed to analyze oral and oropharyngeal cancer mortality in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014 by age, sex and country region. Methodology: A time series ecological study using secondary data was performed. Data on mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancers were obtained from the Vital Statistics Department of Uruguay's Ministry of Public Health. Results: The cumulative mortality rate due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer over the study period was of 19.26/100,000 persons in women and 83.61/100.000 in men, with a mean annual rate of 1.75/100,000 in women and 7.60/100,000 in men. Mortality rate from both sites during the study period was 4.34 times higher in men than in women. Malignant neoplasms of other parts of the tongue and base of tongue showed the highest mortality rate. The means of the annual coefficients of deaths were higher for the age groups between 50 and 69 years. Higher mortality rates of oral and oropharyngeal cancer were observed in Artigas (4.63) and Cerro Largo (3.75). Conclusions: Our study described a high mortality rate for oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014. According to the country’s health department, men, tongue cancer, and oral cavity had higher mortality rates, with some variation. Prevention strategies with control of risk factors and early diagnosis are necessary to improve survival in the Uruguayan population

    Mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014

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    Oral and oropharyngeal cancer is considered a public health problem in several countries due to its high incidence and mortality rate. Objective: This study aimed to analyze oral and oropharyngeal cancer mortality in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014 by age, sex and country region. Methodology: A time series ecological study using secondary data was performed. Data on mortality due to oral and oropharyngeal cancers were obtained from the Vital Statistics Department of Uruguay's Ministry of Public Health. Results: The cumulative mortality rate due to oral and oropharyngeal cancer over the study period was of 19.26/100,000 persons in women and 83.61/100.000 in men, with a mean annual rate of 1.75/100,000 in women and 7.60/100,000 in men. Mortality rate from both sites during the study period was 4.34 times higher in men than in women. Malignant neoplasms of other parts of the tongue and base of tongue showed the highest mortality rate. The means of the annual coefficients of deaths were higher for the age groups between 50 and 69 years. Higher mortality rates of oral and oropharyngeal cancer were observed in Artigas (4.63) and Cerro Largo (3.75). Conclusions: Our study described a high mortality rate for oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Uruguay from 1997 to 2014. According to the country's health department, men, tongue cancer, and oral cavity had higher mortality rates, with some variation. Prevention strategies with control of risk factors and early diagnosis are necessary to improve survival in the Uruguayan population

    Entre congadeiros e sambistas : etnopedagogias musicais em contextos populares de tradição afro-brasileira

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    Este artigo apresenta alguns aspectos dos processos de pesquisa de três trabalhos desenvolvidos entre 1995-1999, no PPGMUS/UFRGS, pelos integrantes do grupo de pesquisa CNPq "Estudos Musicais: Etnografia, História e Análise", sob a coordenação da Profa. Dra. Maria Elizabeth Lucas. Os três estudos, baseados em trabalho de campo do tipo etnográfico, articulam-se pelo seu foco nos processos nativos de ensino e aprendizagem musical (etnopedagogias), observados em três situações distintas (oficinas de escola de samba, música, terno de congo), mas estruturalmente homólogas -atividade musical não-escolar identificada com tradições rituais da cultura popular afro-brasileira (carnaval e congado), praticada por segmentos populares integrados à cultura urbana con temporânea. Guiadas sempre pelo olhar relativizador do método etnográfico-antropológico, o material empírico analisado pelas pesquisadoras aponta para as soluções criadas e negociadas pelos atores sociais - ritmistas, oficineiros/oficinandos e congadeiros - no ato de preparação e realização de performances musicais coletivas em contextos não-escolares de aprendizagem.This paper examines some aspects of research processes of three studies developed from 1995 to 1999 at PPPGMUS/ UFRGS by the CNPq research group "Musical Studies: Ethnography, History and Analysis", under the co-ordination of Teacher Maria Elizabeth Lucas. The three studies are based on ethnographic research and articulated with their focus on native processes of music teachind and learníng (ethnopedagogies). They were observed in three different situations ( samba dancing school, music workshop and congo group), but structuraly equivalent - not-scholar musical activity identified with ritual traditions of African-Bazilian culture ( carnival and congado) practiced by popular segments connected to urban contemporaneous culture. The empiric material analysed by researchers was always guided by relativator eyes of ethnographic and antropologic method and points to created solutions social actors (samba musician, workshopers and congadeiros) at the preparation and realization act of musical perfomances at not-scholar learning contexts

    O Planejamento Escolar como Estrutura Fundamental para a Construção do Conhecimento e a Promoção da Aprendizagem Significativa

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    This article discusses the construction of knowledge and the promotion of meaningful learning through planning education as a fundamental framework for such learning. We live in numerous situations involving planning our actions as educators in a school setting can not distance ourselves from it. We try to plan our classes, recreational activities, professional, social and various other activities that we developed in the course of our day-to-day commitments. Thus, we find that all human actions require planning so they are well executed and can achieve a certain success. The planning of teaching is to the teacher guiding the actions that are necessary for the process of teaching, learning is meaningful, and that the desired results are achieved. The planning in schools requires systematic interdisciplinary actions and seamlessly between the curricular components of each area of knowledge, and also between areas according to the National Curricular Parameters and not just in isolated curricular components. There are several difficulties encountered by teachers in structuring the proposed plan, but we can not look at him as just a bureaucratic activity to be accomplished. http://dx.doi.org/10.18226/23185279.v2iss2p39O presente artigo aborda a construção do conhecimento e a promoção da aprendizagem significativa através do planejamento de ensino como estrutura fundamental para tal aprendizagem. Vivemos inúmeras situações que envolvem o planejamento de nossas ações como educadores, em um contexto escolar não podemos nos distanciar disto. Procuramos planejar nossas aulas, as atividades de lazer, os compromissos profissionais, sociais e diversas outras atividades que desenvolvemos no decorrer de nosso dia a dia. Desta forma, verificamos que todas as ações humanas requerem um planejamento para que sejam bem executadas e possam alcançar um determinado êxito. O planejamento de ensino é para o professor o norteador das ações que são necessárias para que o processo de ensino e aprendizagem seja significativo e para que sejam atingidos os resultados desejados. O planejamento nas escolas requer uma sistematização de ações interdisciplinares e de forma integrada entre os componentes curriculares de cada área do conhecimento, e também entre as áreas de acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e não simplesmente em componentes curriculares isolados. Inúmeras são as dificuldades encontradas pelos professores na estruturação do planejamento proposto, porém não podemos encará-lo como apenas uma atividade burocrática a ser cumprida. http://dx.doi.org/10.18226/23185279.v2iss2p3

    O planejamento escolar como estrutura fundamental para a construção do conhecimento e a promoção da aprendizagem significativa

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    O presente artigo aborda a construção do conhecimento e a promoção da aprendizagem significativa através do planejamento de ensino como estrutura fundamental para tal aprendizagem. Vivemos inúmeras situações que envolvem o planejamento de nossas ações como educadores, em um contexto escolar não podemos nos distanciar disto. Procuramos planejar nossas aulas, as atividades de lazer, os compromissos profissionais, sociais e diversas outras atividades que desenvolvemos no decorrer de nosso dia a dia. Desta forma, verificamos que todas as ações humanas requerem um planejamento para que sejam bem executadas e possam alcançar um determinado êxito. O planejamento de ensino é para o professor o norteador das ações que são necessárias para que o processo de ensino e aprendizagem seja significativo e para que sejam atingidos os resultados desejados. O planejamento nas escolas requer uma sistematização de ações interdisciplinares e de forma integrada entre os componentes curriculares de cada área do conhecimento, e também entre as áreas de acordo com os PCN e não simplesmente em componentes curriculares isolados. Inúmeras são as dificuldades encontradas pelos professores na estruturação do planejamento proposto, porém não podemos encará-lo como apenas uma atividade burocrática a ser cumprida

    Bioaerosols in the Amazon rain forest: temporal variations and vertical profiles of Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea

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    The Amazon rain forest plays a major role in global hydrological cycling, and biogenic aerosols are likely to influence the formation of clouds and precipitation. Information about the sources and altitude profiles of primary biological aerosol particles, however, is sparse. We used fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), a molecular biological staining technique largely unexplored in aerosol research, to investigate the sources and spatiotemporal distribution of Amazonian bioaerosols on the domain level. We found wet season bioaerosol number concentrations in the range of 1–5 × 105 m−3 accounting for &gt; 70 % of the coarse mode aerosol. Eukaryotic and bacterial particles predominated, with fractions of ∼ 56 % and ∼ 26 % of the intact airborne cells. Archaea occurred at very low concentrations. Vertical profiles exhibit a steep decrease in bioaerosol numbers from the understory to 325 m height on the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO), with a stronger decrease in Eukarya compared to Bacteria. Considering earlier investigations, our results can be regarded as representative for near-pristine Amazonian wet season conditions. The observed concentrations and profiles provide new insights into the sources and dispersion of different types of Amazonian bioaerosols as a solid basis for model studies on biosphere–atmosphere interactions such as bioprecipitation cycling.</p