571 research outputs found


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    Dari 22 desa di kecamatan Sambeng, industri yang paling dominan adalah industri anyaman tikar pandan yaitu tersebar di 12 desa dengan jumlah 2697 pengarajin. Dengan berbagai permasalahan yaitu pemasaran yang masih mengandalkan pengepul, aksesibilitas yang buruk dan tidak adanya inovasi produk, industri ini masih bisa bertahan sampai sekarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang menyebabkan industri kerajinan rumah tangga anyaman tikar pandan di Kecamatan Sambeng tetap eksis ditinjau dari teori orientasi lokasi menurut Weber. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara acak dan sampel masing- masing desa ditentukan dengan proporsional sampling jumlah populasi sebanyak 2245 pengrajin dan sampel 96 pengrajin. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi, serta analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan teori segitiga lokasional menurut Weber. Dari hasil analisis deskriptif kuantitatif, faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah tenaga kerja yaitu sebesar 72 %, bahan baku sebesar 16 %, pemasaran sebesar 8 %, dan modal sebesar 4 %. Sedangkan dari hasil analisis segitiga lokasional menurut Weber, berorientasi pada bahan baku yang dibuktikan dengan jarak lokasi bahan baku dari desa sendiri yaitu sejauh 0,99 km dengan berat 1142,4 kg dibutuhkan biaya transportasi sebesar Rp 45.449,00 dan jarak lokasi bahan baku dari desa lain sejauh 2,85 km dengan berat 1212,8 kg dibutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 86.377,00 sedangkan jarak lokasi pasar adalah 292 km dengan berat rata- rata 768 kg dibutuhkan biaya sebesar Rp 316.702,00. Hal ini didukung dengan nilai IM (Indeks Material) > 1 karena mengalami penyusutan bobot bahan baku pada proses produksi yaitu IM = 3,07 yang artinya industri ini akan dekat dengan bahan baku. Selain itu faktor upah tenaga kerja yang seharusnya mahal jika dilihat dari nilai UMR yang ditetapkan pemerintah Kabupaten Lamongan yaitu Rp 31.700,00 per hari, namun dengan tenaga kerja yang berstatus keluarga sendiri maka tidak dikenal sistem upah sehingga mendukung industri ini tetap bertahan sampai sekarang.Kata kunci : Eksistensi industri, faktor- faktor penyebab, teori lokasi industriAbstractOf the 22 villages in the district Sambeng, the industry's most dominant industrial woven pandanus mats are spread across 12 villages have pengarajin 2697. With the marketing issues that still rely collectors, poor accessibility and lack of product innovation, the industry can still survive until now. This study aims to determine the factors that cause domestic craft industries woven pandanus mats in District Sambeng still exist in terms of the theoretical orientation of the location according to Weber. This research uses survey research. Random sampling technique and each sample was determined by proportional sampling village population in 2245 as artisans and craftsmen 96 samples. The data obtained in this study using interviews, documentation and observation, as well as data analysis and quantitative descriptive theory of locational triangle according to Weber. From the results of quantitative descriptive analysis, the most influential factor is the labor that is equal to 72%, raw materials 16%, 8% marketing, and a capital of 4%. While the results of the analysis of locational triangle according to Weber, oriented materials as evidenced by the distance of the location of raw materials from the village itself, which is as far as 0.99 miles weighing 1142.4 kg will cost Rp 45449.00 transportation and distance from the village location of raw materials other as far as 2.85 miles weighing 1212.8 kg will cost Rp 86377.00, while the distance is 292 km to the market an average weight of 768 kg will cost at Rp 316,702.00. This is supported by the value of IM (Material Index)> 1 due to shrinkage weight materials in the production process ie IM = 3.07, which means the industry will be close to the raw materials. Besides the factors that should labor expensive when viewed from the minimum wage set by the government values Lamongan Rp 31700.00 per day, but with the status of the labor yourself then no known family wage system that supports this industry survive until now.Keywords: Existence industry, causative factors, industrial location theor

    KEPRIBADIAN DAN KONFLIK BATIN TOKOH DALAM LIRIK LAGU ALBUM “IXION SAGA DT CHERRY BEST OF DT” KAJIAN PSIKOANALISIS ă‚ąăƒ«ăƒăƒ ă€ŒIxion Saga DT Cherry Best of DTă€ăźæ­Œè©žă«ăŠă‘ă‚‹ç™»ć Žäșș物たäșșæ Œă‚„è‘›è—€äșș栌çČŸç„žćˆ†æž

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    ABSTRACT Kusumamaya, Pranita Grace. 2016. “Kepribadian dan Konflik Batin Tokoh dalam Lirik Lagu Album Ixion Saga DT Cherry Best of DT: Kajian Psikoanalisis”. Thesis, Department of Japanese Studies Faculty of Humanities. Diponegoro University. The First Advisor Budi Mulyadi, S.Pd., M.Hum. the Second Advisor Nur Hastuti, S.S., M.Hum. Each person has a unique personality that can trigger conflict within themselves because there is a friction or impact that is know as inner conflict. Personality and inner conflict of human can be shown by using various ways, such as song lyric. Through the simple lyric, bit bizzare, yet full of meaning from this “Ixion Saga DT Cherry Best Of DT”, the writer wants to know about the personality and what kind of inner conflict that the characters have experienced. The goal of this research is to answer the problem about the characters’ personality and inner conflicts that are represented by the song lyrics. The methods used in this research is Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis to analyze the characters’ personality and inner conflicts they experienced on “Ixion Saga DT Cherry Best of DT” album. Knowing the characters’ personality and the inner conflict they experienced on “Ixion Saga DT Cherry Best of DT” album along with the solution to overcome the problems are the final result of this research. Keywords: Song Lyrics, Personality, Inner conflict, Psychoanalysi


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    Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada kelas X MIA 3 di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung pada mata pelajaran Biologi yang menunjukkan masih rendahnya keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa berorientasi web, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Model Project Based Learning berorientasi web pada konsep virus untuk meningkatkan creative thinking di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Pra Experimental dan populasinya adalah seluruh kelas X di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung yang terdiri dari lima kelas dan diambil satu kelas yang dijadikan sampel yaitu kelas X MIA 3 dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 31 orang, dengan penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pemberian tes pretest dan posttest siswa, kinerja siswa dan produk mengenai konsep virus. Hasil dari penelitian berupa nilai pretest dan posttest siswa dengan rata-rata perolehan pretest sebesar 34,30 dan perolehan posttest sebesar 75,17 setelah diketahui nilai siswa dilakukan uji N-Gain dengan rata-rata sebesar 0,633 dengan kriteria sedang dan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji normalitas pada data pretest sebesar 0,083 dan data posttest 0,068, uji homogenitas bahwa nilai probabilitas pada kolom signifikan sebesar 0,760 atau lebih besar dari 0,05. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai pretest dan posttest dari populasi mempunyai varians sama atau homogen. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pretest dan posttest berdistribusi normal karena > 0,05 uji t adalah 0,00< 0,05. Maka H 1 diterima atau terdapat perbedaan secara signifikan antara data pretest dan postest. Sedangkan kinerja siswa 83,3% dengan kriteria sangat baik, dan hasi produk sebesar 75,8 dengan kriteria baik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa model project based learning berorientasi web dapat meningkatkan creative thinking siswa pada konsep virus di SMA Pasundan 2 Bandung. Kata Kunci : Model Project Based Learning Berorientasi Web, Keterampilan Berpikir Kreatif, Konsep Viru

    Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Ditinjau Dari Disiplin Belajar Dan Komunikasi Guru Siswa Kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali 2011/ 2012

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk : 1) Mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh disiplin belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali tahun ajaran 2011/2012 ; 2) Mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh komunikasi guru siswa terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali tahun ajaran 2011/2012 ; 3) Mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh disiplin belajar dan komunikasi guru siswa terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan penarikan kesimpulan melalui analisis statistik. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII.A, VII.B, VII.C, VII.D, dan VII.E tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Sampel diambil sebanyak 48 siswa. Data yang diperlukan diperoleh melalui angket dan dokumentasi. Angket sebelumnya diujicobakan dan diuji validitas serta diuji reliabilitas. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji F, uji R2, dan sumbangan relatif dan efektif. Hasil analisis regresi memperoleh persamaan garis regresi: Y = 4,289+0,003X1 + 0,019X2. Persamaan menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar ekonomi dipengaruhi oleh disiplin belajar dan komunikasi guru siswa. Kesimpulan yang diambil adalah: 1) Tidak ada pengaruh disiplin belajar terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis regresi linier ganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa thitung 0,05, yaitu 0,789, dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 0,99% 2) Ada pengaruh komunikasi guru siswa terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis regresi linier ganda (uji t) diketahui bahwa thitung > ttabel, yaitu 2,733 > 2,014 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,009, dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 13,61% 3)Tidak ada pengaruh dan ada pengaruh disiplin belajar dan komunikasi guru siswa terhadap prestasi belajar ekonomi pada siswa kelas VII SMP N 2 Sawit Boyolali. Hal ini berdasarkan analisis variansi regresi linier ganda (uji F) diketahui bahwa Fhitung < Ftabel, yaitu 3,834 < 5,110 dan nilai signifikansi < 0,05, yaitu 0,029, dengan sumbangan efektif sebesar 1,46%; 4) Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,146 menunjukkan bahwa besarnya pengaruh antara disiplin belajar dan komunikasi guru siswa adalah sebesar 1,46% sedangkan 85,4% sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti

    Investigations on compatibilized and uncompatibilized blends of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and poly(ethylene oxide)

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    This thesis describes the investigation of compatibilized and uncompatibilized blends of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). Poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAc) was used a compatibilizer for the system. Modeling of crystallization exotherms, high -temperature phase behavior and partitioning of the components in the above blend systems are considered in detail. Only blends having PVDF as the continuous phase are studied. The crystallization behavior as observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) of PVDF seemed unchanged upon blending with PEO for both compatibilized and uncompatibilized systems. However, PEO showed a significant depression in its crystallization temperature when blended with PVDF. As the concentration of PEO increased above 10%, two distinct crystallization peaks were observed. Optical microscopy revealed that at lower concentrations, PEO, is segregated into domains that are -10 micron in diameter. These domains nucleate at very low temperatures, yet grow nearly instantaneously once nucleated. As the concentration of PEO increases, somewhere between 10 to 20 wt %, larger PEO domains of about 100 micron size are formed that crystallize at a temperature close to that of pure PEO. High temperature optical microscopy images suggested that PEO and PVDF are incompatible in the molten state. The studies on PVDF/PEO/PVAc blends performed by using DSC and HATRFTIR revealed that PVAc acts as a diluent for the PEO phase. There was no appreciable change in the crystallization behavior of PVDF. The compatibilizer increased the degree of supercooling for PEO crystallization and made the domain size distribution for the PEO domains more or less uniform. A model based on modifying the Avrami equation to handle samples of finite thickness was developed. The model was shown to work well for DSC exotherms of pure PEO. The present model does neither takes into account finite domain size of the crystallizing element nor the domain size distribution of the discontinuous phase. Further investigations regarding the domain size distribution and modifications in the existing model to account for domain size must be undertaken to obtain a good fit between actual data and model predictions


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    Cette recherche a pour but de dĂ©crire les formes et les intentions des Ă©carts de maxime de la politesse de cinq sĂ©ries de Bande DessinĂ©e L’Agent 212 par Raoul Cauvin, ce sont : L’Agent 212 pas de panique, L’Agent 212 s
.soufflez hips, L’Agent 212 saute de poulet, L’Agent 212 brigade mobile, dan L’Agent 212 24h sur 24. Cette recherche utilise l’approche descriptive-qualitative. Le sujet de cette recherche est tous les dialogues dans la BD L’Agent 212. L’objet est l’écart de maxime de la politesse. Les donnĂ©es sont les mots et des phrases qui contiennent l’écart de maxime de la politesse. Les donnĂ©es sont recueillies en appliquant la mĂ©thode lire attentivement et la technique SBLC (la technique d’observasion mon participante). On utilise la mĂ©thode d’identitĂ© pragmatique pour analyser les formes des Ă©carts de maxime de la politesse, en appliquant la technique de segmentation immĂ©diale. Tandis que les intentions des Ă©carts de la maxime de politesse ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es en utilisant la mĂ©thode d’équivalence rĂ©fĂ©rentielle. La validitĂ© est fondĂ©e de la validitĂ© pragmatique et la fidĂ©litĂ© est examinĂ©e par la technique jugement d’expertis. Le rĂ©sultat de cette recherche montre qu’il existe 6 Ă©carts de maxime de la politesse Ă  savoir: (1) l’écart de la maxime de tact ayant les intentions d’exprimer la plaisanterie, d’exprimer le mĂ©pris, d’exprimer l’intimidation, et d’exprimer la moquerie; (2) l’écart de la maxime de rĂ©ception ayant les intentions d’exprimer la menace et d’informer; (3) l’écart de la maxime de modestie ayant les intentions Ă  la recherche d’attention et l’expression de l’indignation; (4) l’écart de la maxime d’approbation ayant l’intention de se vanter (5) l’écart de la maxime de l’accord ayant les intentions d’exprimer le refus, d’exprimer le doute, et d’informer; et (6) l’écart de la maxime de sympathie ayant les intentions d’exprimer la moquerie et d’exprimer l’indiffĂ©rence

    Analisis Karakterisasi Penyakit pada Tanaman Pisang Menggunakan Kamera Termal dengan Metode Tresholding

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    Abstract — Banana is a fruit plant that is widely produced in Indonesia. Unfortunately, this plant is verysusceptible to diseases which can reduce the quality and quantity of the crop. This paper proposes diseasedetection in banana plants using a thermal camera. The detection is carried out using image processingtechniques with multilevel thresholding methods. The image is captured using a thermal camera, then theimage is preprocessed to suit what is desired. After that, so that the position is the same as the image takenusing a digital camera, the image produced by the thermal camera is carried out by an image registrationprocess. The image processing result is compared with the ground truth image obtained from a digitalcamera to determine the effectiveness of the proposed method. The effectiveness of the proposed method ismeasured using the parameters Recall, Precision, F-measure, and Accuracy. The effectiveness of theproposed method is effective enough to produce a recall value of 76.65%, Precision 58.38%, F-measure64.68%, and Accuracy 62.87%. Keywords— Banana Plant Disease, Thermal Image, RGB Image, Multi Thresholding, EffectivenessMeasurement. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena masih kurang maksimalnya kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa dan sikap matematis siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan, a. apakah terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran scientific dalam pendekatan tematik integratif dengan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran konvensional, b. mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan apakah terdapat perbedaan peningkatan sikap matematis siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran scientific dalam pendekatan tematik integratif dengan peningkatan sikap matematis siswa yang mendapatkan pendekatan konvensional dan c. mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan apakah terdapat korelasi antara kemampuan pemahaman konsep dengan peningkatan sikap matematis siswa. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi eksperimen dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Labschool UPI, sekaligus sebagai sampel dalam penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep dan skala sikap matematis siswa. Data hasil penelitian berupa skor pretes dan postes siswa dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji t dan uji korelasi Product Moment Pearson. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, a. siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran scientific dalam pembelajaran tematik integratif mengalami peningkatan pada kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran matematika secara konvensional, b. Sikap matematis siswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran scientific dalam pembelajaran tematik integratif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan sikap matematis siswa yang mendapatkan pendekatan konvensional dan c. terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kemampuan pemahaman konsep dengan sikap matematis siswa. Kata Kunci: kemampuan pemahaman konsep, sikap matematis, model scientific, pendekatan tematik integratif. This research is motivated by less than the maximum of conceptual understanding ability and mathematical attitudes of student toward of math. The aims of this research is to identify and describe, a). the average diffrence of increase in the conceptual understanding mathematics ability that students had been touch under scientific model in integrated thematic approach and the conceptual understanding mathematics ability of students who had been touch under conventional approach, b). the average difference of increase in mathematical attitudes of student who had been touch under the scientific model in integrated thematic approach and to the improvement of mathematical attitude of student who had been touch under a conventional approach and c). identify and describe correlation between conceptual understanding mathematics ability and mathematical attitude of student had been touch scientific aproach in integrated thematic learning. The method of the research was using quasi ekperiment design with fretest postest control desighn. The population was all of in foxrth grade students in Elementary School at Labschool UPI Bandung, and the sample is two group student learning in fourth grade. The instrument used by the test of the conceptual understanding mathematics ability and mathematical attitude scale. Research data in the form of students' pretest and posttest scores were analyzed using the t-test and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Based on the analysis of data obtained it can be concluded that, a. The conceptual understanding ability of students who had been touch using scientific aproach in thematic integrative learning higher than those of student, b). The mathematical attitude of students who had been touch under scientific aproach in integrative thematic learning increased higher those of student and c. There was relationship between the anhaunsment of conceptual understanding and mathematical attitude of student who have been touch by using scientific aproach higher those of student. Key Words: conceptual understanding, mathematical attitude, scientific model, integrated thematic approach

    Testosterone Inhibits Migration of Porcine Coronary Smooth Muscle Cells via PKC [abstract]

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    Abstract only availableFaculty Mentor: Doug Bowles, Veterinary Biomedical SciencesMigration of smooth muscle cells from the media into the intima has been shown to play a significant role in atherosclerosis. Recent clinical trials of atherosclerosis indicate that testosterone (TST) protects against coronary heart disease, however, the role of TST in coronary smooth muscle (CSM) migration has not been determined. We tested the hypothesis that TST inhibits migration of CSM. Cultured subconfluent (dedifferentiated) and 6 day serum starved postconfluent (differentiated) porcine CSM from passages 2 to 6 were plated in 8ÎŒm pore, 96 well, chemotaxis plates (Millipore). Migration was stimulated by the addition of growth factor PDGF-BB (30ng/ml) for 4 hours in the presence and absence of 1nM, 20nM and 100nM TST. In both dedifferentiated and differentiated cells, TST inhibited migration at all concentrations in a dose-dependent manner (60, 85 and 90 % inhibition respectively). Chelerythrine (1ÎŒM), a PKC-specific inhibitor, completely blocked migration by TST. In differentiated cells, 18 hour pretreatment with TST showed similar inhibition. Our data demonstrate that TST inhibits CSM migration through a PKC-dependent mechanism. Supported by HL071574 and NASA.NASA; National Institute of Healt

    Digitalization: The Way to Tourism Destination’s Competitive Advantage (Case Study of Indonesia Marine Tourism)

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    This article is a conceptual paper that proposes the importance of digitalization in marine tourism destination in order to significantly improve its competitive advantage. The digitalization should become a new capability as it supports the activities of value co-creation amongst the stakeholders including the customers. Digitalization will create resource integration, value platform and information-sharing models, while the pre-requisites for the success of its implementation are developing digital strategy, leadership and culture. National tourism digitalization movement, appoint seaports as leader in digital transformation, encourage collaboration intra- and inter-destination, and conduct intensive digital socialization and training. &nbsp; &nbsp; Keywords: digitalization, digital capability, value co-creation, digital transformatio
