171 research outputs found

    Plan estratégico para la sostenibilidad de las relaciones de una empresa minera con la comunidad campesina

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    El sector minero ha crecido de forma significativa siendo importante para la economía del país; sin embargo en los últimos años los conflictos sociales han tomado mayor fuerza generando inestabilidad durante las operaciones mineras. La presente tesis está basada en un Plan Estratégico para la sostenibilidad de las buenas relaciones con las comunidades campesinas, por lo cual es fundamental para los proyectos mineros mantener una sana convivencia con los pobladores, además de involucrarlos de forma activa durante la etapa de su desarrollo. La empresa minera donde se realizó el estudio está dedicada al procesamiento y comercialización de concentrado de cobre, con contenidos de oro y plata el cual es obtenido mediante la explotación de los yacimientos de sus minas subterráneas. El objetivo del estudio es mejorar la relación entre la comunidad y la empresa minera a través de la generación de confianza, el desarrollo local y la gestión ambiental; elementos importantes para mantener la paz social.Tesi

    Digestibilidad del pienso en conejas lactantes y conejos de cebo: estudio comparativo

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    Recientemente se han publicado dos trabajos comparando la digestibilidad del pienso en conejas lactantes y conejos de cebo, con resultados claramente contradictorios entre sí. Probablemente, el origen de la discrepancia está en las diferencias metodológicas entre los mencionados trabajos y en la posibilidad de que el efecto del tipo de animal esté confundido con el efecto del periodo en el que se realiza el ensayo de digestibilidad. El TFM se plantea para dilucidar si hay o no hay diferencias en la digestibilidad del pienso entre conejas lactantes y conejos de cebo, sobre la base de una metodología común y realizando las medidas simultáneamente en ambos grupos de animales.Recently, two studies have been published comparing the digestibility of the feed in lactating rabbit does and growing rabbits, with clearly contradictory results. Probably, the origin of the discrepancy is in the methodological differences among the mentioned works and in the possibility that the effect of the type of animal is confused with the effect of the period in which the digestibility test is carried out. The TFM is proposed to elucidate whether there are differences in the digestibility of the feed between lactating rabbit does and growing rabbits or not, based on a common methodology and performing the measurements simultaneously in both groups of animals.Prado Beltran, YM. (2018). Digestibilidad del pienso en conejas lactantes y conejos de cebo: estudio comparativo. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/115340TFG

    Estudio evolutivo de la porosidad en morteros para la restauración arquitectónica

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    Con el fin de establecer la composición y características de un mortero de enlucido y su mejor comportamiento frente al agua, se ha realizado este trabajo, que consiste en la comparación de distintos tipos de morteros en los que se fija el tipo de arena y la dosificación, variando el conglomerante y la adicción o no de un producto porógeno, cuyo efecto debe ser modificar la trama de poros del mortero y con ello su comportamiento al agua. El presente escrito expone los resultados obtenidos en laboratorio tanto del estudio de la trama porosa de los morteros como de su comportamiento a distintas acciones en las que interviene el agua, de forma que se pueden establecer relaciones entre ambos aspectos. Con los datos obtenidos podemos deducir que tipo de mortero puede ser más adecuado para sustituir revestimientos alterados por el agua en edificios históricos

    Propuesta de mejora de los factores de financiamiento y rentabilidad de la clínica Cardiomedic Celestial S.R.L., Ayacucho-2021

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    La investigación titulada “Propuesta de Mejora de los Factores de Financiamiento y Donde que se busca alcanzar el objetivo de determinar cómo el financiamiento está relacionado con la rentabilidad de la clínica. El motivo de esta tesis fue de identificar las oportunidades que el financiamiento otorga y el crecimiento, desarrollo que tiene la clínica, de esta manera se ve con mucho interés el fenómeno de crecimiento de las microempresas en este rubro, de esta manera mejorar los ingresos para los propietarios, y uno de los factores que se tiene, son los recursos con los que cuenta y cuanto genera para aplicar estas mejoras, estar de acuerdo con la demanda del cliente final y como resultados veremos plasmados en la rentabilidad de esta. El método general, científico, específico inductivo-deductivo; el tipo aplicada, de nivel correlacional, de diseño no experimental. Contando con una población de 40 trabajadores administrativos de la Clínica Cardiomedic Celestial S.R.L., Ayacucho-2021, la técnica para la recolección de datos es la encuesta medida por la escala de Likert, y el cuestionario es el instrumento, el análisis estadístico midió el grado de correlación la cual es significativa con un valor de R=0.983, a su vez, se comprueba que la relación es significativa con un valor de p=0.000. Concluyendo en realizar cambios en los procesos del Financiamiento, se verá reflejado en su nivel de significancia de forma directa en la Rentabilidad en las Empresas del sector salud, Ayacucho – 2021. Palabras Claves: Factores de Financiamiento, Rentabilidad, Correlación Rho Spearman

    Cumplimiento de las buenas practicas de prescripcion en las recetas medicas para la COVID-19 en la clinica San miguel Arcángel, San Juan de Lurigancho, enero-mayo, 2021

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar el cumplimiento de las Buenas Prácticas de Prescripción en recetas médicas para la COVID-19 en la Clínica San Miguel Arcángel, del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, enero-mayo de 2021. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Enfoque cuantitativo, diseño descriptivo y no experimental, muestra de 1200 recetas médicas para COVID-19. RESULTADOS: Evidencian que el 100.0% de la muestra presenta incumplimiento de las BPP en recetas médicas para la COVID-19, en las dimensiones, el 99.9% de datos del prescriptor como los datos del medicamento presentan cumplimiento de las BPP en recetas médicas para COVID-19, asimismo, el 100.0% de datos del paciente y 62.9% de otros datos presentan incumplimiento de las BPP en recetas médicas para COVID-19, además, los indicadores 1, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 y 15 presentan el 100.0% de cumplimiento. CONCLUSIONES: El 100.0% de la muestra presenta incumplimiento de las BPP en recetas médicas para la COVID-19, asimismo, la mayor parte de la muestra (99.9%) evidencia cumplimiento de datos del prescriptor y datos del medicamento de las BPP, y la totalidad de la muestra (100.0%) de datos del paciente y la mayor parte de la muestra de otros datos (62.9%) presentan incumplimiento

    Diagnosis of the state of the old Alicante provincial hospital, currently housing the "MARQ" (Alicante archaeological museum)

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    This study deals with the old Alicante Provincial Hospital building, and aims to determine the systems and materials used in its construction, and their state of preservation. The reason behind this project was to identify the causes of damage found there prior to the intervention that converted it into the Alicante Archaeological Museum (MARQ). To carry out the study, historical information on the building and copies of the original plans were gathered from the Alicante Municipal Archive, Provincial Council and the Institute of Architects. During field work, the building was visited both internally and externally and these visits were used to make graphic records of its current condition. Samples were also taken of the different materials for analysis in the University of Alicante laboratories, using equipment in the Science Faculty and the Higher Polytechnic School. To be more exact, samples of the materials were prepared to undergo physical tests as per RILEM standards (calculation of real density RD And open porosity OP), X-ray diffraction analysis (hereafter XRD), thin sections (hereafter TS) for study in the petrographic microscope and preparations for study in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). In accordance with the data obtained from the study, proposals were made concerning the preservation and repair options available concerning the different elements that formed part of the building and that were to be maintained in the proposed project or, where applicable, replaced. The Museum was restored following the criteria described herein and is now one of Alicante’s flagship buildings, where intervention has allowed an example of obsolete hospital architecture to be converted to a new use

    Quality of life associated with treatment adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Despite certain contradictions, an association has been identified between adherence to drug treatment and the quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes. The contradictions observed emphasize the importance of using different methods to measure treatment adherence, or the association of psychological precursors of adherence with quality of life. For this reason, we have used an indirect method to measure adherence (pill count), as well as two adherence behaviour precursors (attitude and knowledge), to assess the association between adherence and the quality of life in type 2 diabetes patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional comparative study on a random sample of 238 type 2 diabetic patients was carried out over one year in four family medicine units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Treatment adherence was measured using the indirect method of pill count to assess adherence behaviour, obtaining information at two home visits. In the first we recorded the medicine prescribed and in the second, we counted the medicine remaining to determine the proportion of the medicine taken. We also assessed two adherence behaviour precursors: the patients' knowledge regarding their medical prescription measured through a structured questionnaire; and attitudes to treatment adherence using a Likert scale. Quality of life was measured through the WHOQOL-100 (the WHO Quality of Life questionnaire). Information concerning both knowledge and attitude was obtained through interviews with the patients. A multiple linear regression model was constructed to establish the relationship between each quality of life domain and the variables related to adherence, controlling for covariates.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no association between quality of life and treatment adherence behaviour. However, the combination of strong knowledge and a positive attitude was associated with five of the six quality of life domains.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that it is important to explore psychological precursors of treatment adherence behaviour in type 2 diabetic patients. Indeed, we consider that it will be useful to carry out interventions that change negative attitudes towards treatment adherence and that promote medical prescription knowledge, which may help to improve the quality of life of such patients.</p

    Effect of Dietary Supplements with ω-3 Fatty Acids, Ascorbic Acid, and Polyphenolic Antioxidant Flavonoid on Gene Expression, Organ Failure, and Mortality in Endotoxemia-Induced Septic Rats

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    Sepsis syndrome develops through enhanced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Sepsis syndrome is characterized by vascular hyperpermeability, hypotension, multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and increased mortality, among others. Endotoxemia-derived sepsis is an important cause of sepsis syndrome. During endotoxemia, circulating endotoxin interacts with endothelial cells (ECs), inducing detrimental effects on endothelium function. The endotoxin induces the conversion of ECs into fibroblasts, which are characterized by a massive change in the endothelial gene-expression pattern. This downregulates the endothelial markers and upregulates fibrotic proteins, mesenchymal transcription factors, and extracellular matrix proteins, producing endothelial fibrosis. Sepsis progression is modulated by the consumption of specific nutrients, including ω-3 fatty acids, ascorbic acid, and polyphenolic antioxidant flavonoids. However, the underlying mechanism is poorly described. The notion that gene expression is modulated during inflammatory conditions by nutrient consumption has been reported. However, it is not known whether nutrient consumption modulates the fibrotic endothelial gene-expression pattern during sepsis as a mechanism to decrease vascular hyperpermeability, hypotension, MODS, and mortality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the consumption of dietary ω-3 fatty acids, ascorbic acid, and polyphenolic antioxidant flavonoid supplements on the modulation of fibrotic endothelial gene-expression patterns during sepsis and to determine the effects on sepsis outcomes. Our results indicate that the consumption of supplements based on ω-3 fatty acids and polyphenolic antioxidant flavonoids was effective for improving endotoxemia outcomes through prophylactic ingestion and therapeutic usage. Thus, our findings indicated that specific nutrient consumption improves sepsis outcomes and should be considered in treatment

    Different Mutations Providing Target Site Resistance to ALS- and ACCase-Inhibiting Herbicides in Echinochloa spp. from Rice Fields

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    Echinochloa spp. is one of the most invasive weeds in rice fields worldwide. Acetolactate synthase (ALS) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibiting herbicides are two of the most widely used rice herbicides. However, overuse has led to the resistance evolution of Echinochloa spp. to penoxsulam (ALS-inhibitor) and cyhalofop-methyl (ACCase-inhibitor). In this work, 137 different Echinochloa spp. populations were collected in different rice fields in Extremadura (western Spain) where lack of control was detected. Target-site based resistance (by sequencing ALS and ACCase gene) and characterization of Echinochloa species at the molecular level (based on PCR-RFLP analyses) were carried out in those populations. Most of the populations studied (111 of 137) belong to the E. oryzicola/E. oryzoides group. Three-point mutations were identified in ALS genes: Pro197Ser, Pro197Thr, and Ser653Asn, the first being the most frequent substitution in resistant plants. In the ACCase gene, the Ile1781Leu substitution was found. In both ALS and ACCase sequencing, evidence of heterozygosity was also observed. To assess whether cross-resistance patterns differed between mutations, two populations belonging to the E. oryzicola/E. oryzoides group had its most frequent mutations (Pro197Ser, population ech3-14 and Ile1781Leu, population ech114-10) chosen to be carried out in a dose-response assay. It was confirmed that Pro197Ser conferred resistance to triazolopyrimidine, imidazolinone, sulfonylurea, and pyrimidinyl benzoate families. On the other hand, the Ile1781Leu change gave resistance to aryloxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione families. Of the authorized herbicides in rice in Spain, more that 80% belong to these families. It is therefore important that farmers carry out an integrated control system that combines both chemical and non-chemical tools