7 research outputs found

    The Tendency of Quiet Quitting Workers in Terms of Engagement and Well-Being at Work

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    This study aims to look at the phenomenon of quite quiting that exists in workers after returning to work activities in the office. This phenomenon is viewed from the engagement and well being of workers in the workplace. Quite quiting itself is a phenomenon that describes the behavior of workers who choose to quit doing work that is not their main job at work, and become less psychologically invested in work. The approach in this study uses quantitative research methods. There were 377 research subjects spread across 21 provinces in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that employee engagement and well being owned by workers are high. This study illustrates that workers are able to psychologically invest both cognitive, emotional and behavioral in the work they do. Even workers feel psychologically prosperous in carrying out work. Based on these results, it appears that the workers in this study show committed behavior in carrying out their jobs. Keywords: Engagement, Quiet Quiting, Well Being, Worke

    Employee engagement driving program: Efforts to optimize employee performance

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    A company that is undergoing a transition period often faces employee work behavior that does not support the achievement of company goals. In this service partner, employees show minimal work behavior, lack of innovation, lack of energy, and lack of initiative. These emerging behaviors illustrate disengagement behavior that affects company performance. This condition makes it difficult for companies to carry out existing business strategies. The company needs a way to increase employee engagement in the process of implementing company strategies that support the achievement of company goals/performance. To overcome these problems, the service team uses the "Employee Engagement Driving Program" as an effort to optimize employee performance. The purpose of this service is to help companies to be able to encourage their employees to have high engagement, so as to improve company performance. There are three methods in this program, namely, engagement training, group coaching, and individual counseling. This service is attended by supervisors who will encourage their team to be more engaged at work and in the company. The result of this program is the supervisor's ability to create goals and action plans to advance his team and correlate with the work behavior shown. Outputs in the service are articles in the mass media, video highlights, and scientific articles

    We are in the Same Boat: Group Therapy as a Treatment for Psychological Distress in Dating Violence Survivors

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    Young adults are synonymous with the task of developing intimacy. This phase is inseparable from the problem of dating violence. This situation is a social stressor that causes a negative stress response commonly known as psychological distress. The purpose of this study is to provide treatment for 5 young adults who have experienced dating violence with online group intervention. The intervention design was carried out for seven 60-90 minutes sessions. The evaluation was done using observation, DASS, and BDI-II. Friedman’s test showed a significant result for depression (BDI-II, χ2F = 6.533, p = .038; DASS, χ2F = 6.533, p = .038) and anxiety (χ2F = 6.000, p = .050), and a non-significant result for stress (χ2F = 3.500, p = .174)

    Harapan, Regulasi Emosi dan Kepuasan Hidup Pasien yang Baru Didiagnosis Kanker: Studi Pendahuluan

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    Currently, cancer is one of the main causes of death in the world, while cancer prevalence in Indonesia has increased every year.  Unfortunately, cancer is not an easily detected disease and it often causes initial shock when the patients first received the diagnosis. These patients are confronted with feelings of uncertainty and threat about their lives, and it can cause inevitable stress to the individuals, which will affect the healing process. This study aims to explore some variables in psychology such as hope, emotion regulation, and satisfaction with life. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, purposive sampling and the number of subjects is 11 people. The results showed a tendency for high levels of hope, low to moderate levels of life satisfaction, emotional regulation using cognitive appraisal and suppression of expression in patients who had just been diagnosed with cancer. It is expected that the description of the data in these variables can be used in a preliminary study for further research so that these variables can play a role in helping newly diagnosed patients who are undergoing treatments or in the healing process.Kanker menjadi salah satu penyebab kematian utama di dunia. Prevalensi kanker di Indonesia pun cukup besar dan terus meningkat setiap tahun. Kanker bukanlah penyakit yang langsung terlihat dan biasanya baru akan diketahui saat mendekati stadium akhir.  Diagnosis menderita penyakit kanker akan menimbulkan perasaan shock bagi pasien dan menimbulkan stres tersendiri. Kondisi stres, perasaan tidak yakin akan masa depan dan ancaman terhadap keberlangsungan hidup mereka ini secara langsung atau tidak langsung akan memengaruhi kesejahteraan pasien kanker, termasuk dalam usaha penyembuhan yang mereka jalani. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin mengetahui gambaran harapan, regulasi emosi dan kepuasan hidup pasien yang baru didiagnosis kanker. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kuantitatif deskriptif, pengambilan sampel purposif dan jumlah subjek 11 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecenderungan harapan yang tinggi, kepuasan hidup yang cenderung rendah ke sedang, regulasi emosi menggunakan cognitive appraisal dan adanya supresi ekspresi pada pasien yang baru didiagnosis kanker. Data deskripsi penelitian ini diharapkan bisa menjadi penelitian pendahuluan untuk dilanjutkan dalam penelitian lanjutan agar variabel psikologis bisa berperan dalam menjalani terapi ataupun kesembuhan pasien kanker

    Efikasi diri dalam pengasuhan ditinjau dari struktur keluarga

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    Efikasi diri dalam pengasuhan dibutuhkan orang tua agar peran dan tanggung jawab sebagai orang tua dapat dilakukan dengan optimal. Faktor kuat yang terkait dengan efikasi diri dalam pengasuhan adalah struktur keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efikasi diri dalam pengasuhan ibu dari keluarga batih dan keluarga besar. Sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 149 ibu yang diperoleh melalui teknik aksidental, di mana 88 partisipan di antaranya dari keluarga batih. Partisipan diminta mengisi Skala Parenting Self-Efficacy. Hasil menunjukkan efikasi diri dalam pengasuhan ibu dewasa awal dari keluarga batih lebih tinggi daripada ibu dewasa awal dari keluarga besar. Studi ini menekankan bahwa ibu usia dewasa awal pada keluarga batih mampu memberikan lingkungan belajar yang nyaman dan penerapan aturan yang lebih konsisten dalam pengasuhan dibandingkan ibu usia dewasa awal pada keluarga besar

    Penanganan Cabin Fever melalui Terapi Kelompok Kognitif Perilaku pada Dewasa Muda selama Pandemi Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic is perceived as an unpleasant experience for many people. The various consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic have attracted the attention of various parties, one of which is mental health issues. The restrictions on social activities over a long period of time invoked among others the phenomenon of cabin fever. Cabin fever is a popular term that describes a person’s psychological responses such as demotivation or uncomfortable feelings. This study aims to examine the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral group therapy as an intervention effort for cabin fever in experimental quantitative research. Quantitative data was collected using the cabin fever phenomenon scale. Group therapy participants were 6 young adults aged 20-22 years. Friedman ANOVA test showed a significant difference between pre-test, post-test, and follow up. This showed that group therapy with a cognitive behavioral approach is effective reducing cabin fever symptoms in young adults.Pandemi Covid-19 dipersepsikan sebagai pengalaman yang tidak menyenangkan bagi banyak orang. Berbagai konsekuensi dari pandemi Covid-19 menjadi perhatian berbagai pihak, salah satunya mengenai permasalahan kesehatan mental. Adanya pembatasan kegiatan sosial dalam jangka waktu yang cukup panjang antara lain menimbulkan fenomena cabin fever. Cabin fever merupakan istilah populer yang menggambarkan respons psikologis seseorang seperti demotivasi atau perasaan tidak nyaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efektivitas dari terapi kelompok dengan pendekatan kognitif perilaku sebagai upaya intervensi cabin fever dan melibatkan pendekatan kuantitatif eksperimental. Pengambilan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan kuesioner cabin fever phenomenon scale. Partisipan terapi kelompok adalah sebanyak 6 orang dewasa muda berusia 20-22 tahun. Friedman ANOVA test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara pre-test, post-test, dan follow up. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terapi kelompok dengan pendekatan kognitif perilaku mampu menurunkan gejala cabin fever pada dewasa mud


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    One of the ways that individuals usually do to be able to maintain a long-term relationship and be able to make adjustments with the opposite sex partner is to create a romantic relationship with their partner. However, in the course of romantic relationships, there are often differences of opinion that can eventually lead to a conflict, so it is not uncommon when in a romantic relationship there is dating violence when facing the conflict. Dating violence is often experienced by women who end up being survivors in the violence. Dating violence in a romantic relationship can lead to mental health problems individuals who experience it. This research used non-experimental quantitative methods. A total of 258 young adults in the study were selected by chance using incidental sampling techniques. The measuring instruments used in this study were DASS (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) and BDI-II (Beck Depression Inventory-II). The results obtained in this study are that there are significance differences in psychological distresss reviewed from the experiences of young adults who experience dating violence and who do not experience it; also there is a significance of psychological distress in women reviewed from experiencing dating violence and who do not experience it