119 research outputs found

    Peel Ultrastructure During Developmental Stages of Citrus Sinensis (L.) Osbeck.

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    The peel structureof Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and showed the distinct regions of the peel: the outer-yellowish part that was called the flavedo and the inner part of the peel that was called the albedo.  The flavedo has compact cells with oil glands embedded in it whereas the albedo contains of spongy cells with vascular bundles embedded in it. The ultrastructural examination of the albedo during development revealed the changes of albedo morphology from compact tissue to the loosely arranged tissue. In addition, the distribution of polysaccharide cell walls was observed with histochemical staining and later the distribution of peptic polysaccharide was conducted using anti-pectin monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Histochemical staining during development demonstrated the difference of abundance of polysaccharide at the tissue level.  Furthermore, the distribution of homogalacturonan (HG) was studied with mAb JIM5 that recognizes low methyl-esterified HG and JJM7 which labels high methyl-esterified HG. The observation at the fruit level was conducted using tissue printing and the result showed that low and high methyl-esterified HG was distributed almost similar at the fruit level. Further experiment at the tissue level was performed using Light Microscopy (LM) and revealed that HG was found more abundant in the albedo and vascular bundle followed by the flavedo and oil gland

    Comparison of destructive and non destructive method in maturity index of Garcia mangostana

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    Postharvest maturity index for mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) is very important for picking and grading during postharvest processing. Skin color change is the primary maturity index for mangosteen. However, determination using human eyes needs many skilled labours and is inconsistent. Therefore, new method in image processing technology using SVM (Support Vector Machine) was employed in this study. Chemical analysis of mangosteen was performed and used as a reference of SVM method. The chemical analysis of mangosteen showed that anthocyanin content increased from 126.20 ppm at stage 1 to 213.98 ppm at stage 6. Reducing sugar content increased from 3.17% at stage 1 to 7.92% at stage 6. The same pattern was found for total soluble solid, an increase from 3.86% at stage 1 to 7.81% at stage 6. Whereas for total acid content and hardness the pattern was the opposite. Total acid content was decreased from 1.78% at stage 1 to 1.06% at stage 6 and the fruit hardness of mangosteen was also declined, showing the number from 4.30 N at stage 1 to 0.69 N at stage 6. For SVM method, image aquisition was conducted for mangosteen images from stage 1 to stage 6, followed by color feature extraction for each stages. The result was trained and tested using SVM and resulted accuracy level of 83.3%.


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    Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) merupakan perguruan tinggi negeri yang berbasis untuk menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat serta membina tenaga kependidikan. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, UNY memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kepada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan khususnya Bimbingan dan Konseling pada salah satu mata kuliah yaitu Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT). Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka peningkatan keterampilan, pemahaman aspek kependidikan dan pemberian berbagai bentuk layanan program layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah secara profesional. Kegiatan Praktik Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta secara terbimbing dilaksanakan mulai dari tanggal 15 September sampai dengan 15 November 2017 yang berlokasi di SMK Muhammadiyah 1. Kegiatan ini meliputi penyusunan program kerja, pelaksanaan layanan BK, dan pembuatan laporan. Materi praktik Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah mengacu pada kerangka kerja atau program Bimbingan dan Konseling di sekolah sekolah tempat praktik. Kegiatan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah dimulai dengan penyusunan program. Terdapat empat komponen program Bimbingan dan Konseling yang menjadi fokus mahasiswa dalam melaksanakan PLT, yaitu pelayanan dasar, pelayanan responsif, perencanaan individual, dan dukungan sistem. Program yang telah terlaksana adalah pelayanan dasar, pelayanan responsif, dan perencanaan individual

    Hubungan antara Harga Diri dan Konformitas dengan Perilaku Seksual Pranikah Mahasiswa di Tegal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara harga diri dan konformitas dengan perilaku seksual pranikah pra-nikah mahasiswa di Tegal. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 162 mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis angkatan 2016 dan 2017 Univesitas X Tegal. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan skala perilaku seksual pranikah berjumlah 20 aitem dengan realibilitas 0,964, skala harga diri (Rosenberg) berjumlah 10 aitem dengan realibilitas 0,8587, dan skala konformitas berjumlah 40 aitem dengan reliabilitas 0,958. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling. Uji hipotesis pertama menunjukkan R= 0,232 dengan F = 4,539 serta taraf signifikansi 0,012 (p0,05). Sementara uji hipotesis ketiga didapatkan skor r x1y = 0,229 dengan signifikansi 0,003 (p<0,05), artinya bahwa terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara konformitas dengan perilaku seksual pranikah pra-nikah mahasiswa di Tegal. Hipotesis pertama dan ketiga diterima, sedangkan hipotesis kedua ditolak.Kata kunci : Harga Diri, Konformitas, dan Perilaku Seksual Pranika

    Pelatihan Perawatan Demensia terhadap Beban Caregiver Lansia Demensia

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    Introduction: The Caregiver of elderly with dementia will experience a burden since dementia is collection of symptoms with no specific treatment and its severity occurs progressively. This is causes chronic stress and burden which leads to decrease quality of life and social isolation. The purpose is to review dementia care training for caregiver burden. Method: Issues, methodologies, similarities and differences as basis conducting literature review. Based on 9 studies there were four studies mix methods design, three were true experimental design and two were pre experimental design. The population is all caregivers who care for the elderly with dementia and the sample is part or all of caregiver who experience burden in elderly dementia care. Result: Based on 9 studies found eight describing the success of training which conducted in the form programs both individually, in groups and technology-based programs. On the other hands there is one study shows training is not significantly reduce stress and anxiety of caregivers. Conclusion: The training program carried out will greatly improve caregiver quality of life through reducing stress, reducing burden and level of anxiety in the care of elderly dementia so they could provide a better care for demented elderly. Pendahuluan: Caregiver dalam perawatan lansia demensia akan mengalami burden (beban) mengingat demensia merupakan kumpulan gejala yang tidak ada pengobatan spesifik dan keparahannya terjadi progesive. Hal ini menimbulkan stres kronik dan burden yang mengarah pada penurunan kualitas hidup dan isolasi sosial. Tujuan literature review adalah mereview tentang pelatihan perawatan demensia terhadap burden Caregiver. Metode: Issue, metodologi, persamaan dan perbedaan penelitian menjadi dasar dalam pelaksanaan literature review. Dari 9 penelitian terdapat empat penelitian menggunakan mix methods design, tiga penelitian true eksperimen design serta dua penelitian pre eksperimen design. Populasinya adalah seluruh caregiver yang merawat lansia dengan demensia dan sampel yang digunakan adalah sebagian maupun semua caregiver lansia demensia yang mengalami beban dalam perawatan lansia demensia. Hasil: Berdasarkan 9 penelitian didapatkan delapan memaparkan keberhasilan pelatihan yang dilakukan terhadap caregiver, pelatihan yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk program baik secara individu terhadap caregiver, secara berkelompok maupun program berbasis teknologi. Disisi lain terdapat satu penelitian yang menunjukkan pelatihan yang diberikan tidak sinifikan menurunkan stress dan kecemasan caregiver. Kesimpulan: Program pelatihan yang dilakukan akan sangat membantu peningkatan kualitas hidup caregiver yang terwujud melalui penurunan stress, berkurangnya burden dan tingkat kecemasan dalam perawatan lansia demensia sehingga perawatan yang diberikan semakin baik


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    Introduction. Taking care dementia was stressful for both physical and emotional. The stress and burden influenced the caregiver’s quality of life. Consequently, emotional and behavior changes shown by the caregiver which is called coping mechanism appeared. The objective of the study is to identify a caregiver’s coping experiences on taking care the dementia elderly in nursing home. Method. This study used qualitative research design with phenomenology approach. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. There were ten participants that consisted of seven caregiver’s and three members of the nursing home management used. This study used interview, processing and the analysis used Collaizi method. Result and Analysis. The study result identified fifteen themes, first it was dementia concept. The ways of taking care the dementia comprised the basic need, objective, method and social support. The obstacles which the caregivers felt were demand and burdens. The ways of handling obstacles were modified ways of care, coping mechanism and the supports sources. The caregiver’s hope in the comprised the structure of dementia, quality of life the elderly, health services and the caregiver’s welfare. Discussion and Conclusion. Caregiver’s coping were influenced by the caregiver’s understanding about dementia, the way for caring them, the obstacles, problem solving and caregivers hope. The result suggests the need of support from other caregiver, nursing home members, caregiver’s family, community health centers, regional hospital, social department, and other organizations in dementia care. Ethnography study use uncertainty in illness model to explore caregiver coping experiences need to conduct for future study. Key Words: Experiences, Coping, Caregiver, Elderly, Dementi

    Nilai Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) dan Kadar Gula Darah Puasa (GDP) Pada Lanjut Usia Dengan Penyakit Kronis

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    Pertambahan usia mengakibatkan perubahan sistem kardiovaskuler dan endokrin pada lanjut usia. Hipertensi dan diabetes mellitus sering terjadi pada lanjut usia dan merupakan penyakit kronis. Ketidakstabilan kadar gula darah dan tekanan darah jika tidak mendapatkan penanganan baik dapat terjadi aterosklerosis, penyakit arteri perifer (PAP) dapat terjadi jika ateroskeloris semakin banyak dan terhambatnya aliran darah ke perifer.Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan nilai ankle brachial index (ABI) dan kadar gula darah puasa pada lanjut usia dengan penyakit kronis. Penelitian menggunakan desain deskriptif. Variabel penelitian adalah nilai ankle brachial index (ABI) dan nilai kadar gula darah puasa. Alat ukur yang digunakan portable doppler, Sphygmomanometer aneroid, dan glucotest. Populasi seluruh Lansia di Rumah Usiawan Panti Surya Surabaya  sebanyak 78 Reponden. Sampel penelitian sejumlah 20 responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian yaitu Mayoritas nilai ABI sebanyak 13 responden (65%) dengan kategori PAP Ringan-Sedang dan Nilai kadar gula darah puasa mayoritas sebanyak 19 responden ((95%) dengan kategori normal. Nilai ABI dan kadargula darah pada tubuh bisa dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor salah satunya aktivitas fisik dan keteraturan terapi obat yang sedang dikonsumsi. Lansia dengan penyakit kronis mayoritas mengalami PAP ringan-sedang


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    The aim of this study; 1) to find out the steps to develop MacromediaFlash 8 Professional Based on the Character of Love of the Motherland in My Cultural Diversity Subtema for 4th grade students; 2) To find out the feasibility of MacromediaFlash 8 Professional Based on Land Love; 3) To find out student responses and teacher assessments of the quality of MacromdiaFlash 8 Professional that was developed. This study is a development research using the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research subjects were class IV C students in a small group trial of 10 students and class IV B students in a large group trial. Techniques for collecting expert data collection (media experts, learning experts, material experts), on product trials using teacher assessment questionnaires and student responses as suggestions and input for the feasibility of MacromediaFlash 8 Professional Based on Love Characters Homeland that researchers developed. The results of the study showed that the assessment of media experts received a 77.7 score in the category "Eligible". Assessment of learning experts received a score of 86.5 with the category "Very Worthy". The assessment of material experts scored 81.6 with the "Very Worthy" category. In evaluating product trials (small groups) scored 91.85 in the "Very Worthy" category. In the assessment of usage trials (large groups) scored 91.60 in the "Very Worthy" category. The conclusion of use


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    This study aims to examine the effect of sales growth and capital structure on financial performance in manufacturing companies in the customer good sector that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018-2020. The sample used in this study is manufacturing companies that consist and profit in Indonesia Stock Exchange throught 2018-2020. The method of data collection used is purposive sampling with criteria. The data analysis is using Multiple Regression Analysis. The results show that sales growth does not significantly effect on financial performance. While capital structure gives a negative effect on financial performance. Keywords: financial performance, sales growth, capital structur


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    This study is a replication of previous research. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence consumer attitudes to advertising in print media. The hypothesis to be investigated is that there is a positive relationship between informativeness and ad value, there is a positive relationship between informativeness and attitude toward advertising, there is a positive relationship between entertainment and ad value, there is a positive relationship between attitude toward entertainment and advertising, there is a relationship between irritaion and ad negative value, there is a negative correlation between irritation and attitude toward advertising, there is a positive relationship between credibility and ad value, there is a positive relationship between credibility and attitude toward advertising, and there is a positive relationship between advertising value and attitude. This study is testing the hypothesis with field study design. The population in this study are all members of the community in Surakarta who read the Daily Solopos. Through non-probability sampling technique with a convenience sampling method, sample taken 150 respondents. The researcher distributed questionnaire to the five districts throughout the city of Surakarta. Through the analysis methods Structural Equation Model (SEM), this study shows that the informativeness and irritation has a significant relationship to attitude toward advertising, while the entertainment and credibility are not. Informativeness negatively related to ad value, entertainment has a significant relationship to the ad value, while the irritation and credibility has no direct relationship to the ad value and advertising value has no direct relationship to the attitude toward advertising. From this study, the researchers suggest that both of the advertisers and the Daily Solopos itself should be more selective in terms of advertiser's ad presents an informative and follow the development (up-to-date) and to defend the credibility of the contents of the ad. So the ads in The Daily Solopos remains a reference for consumers in the purchase of the product. Keywords : informativeness, entertainment, irritation, credibility, advertising value, attitude toward advertisin
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