742 research outputs found

    A Robust Tool for Monitoring and Synchronizing Smart Grid through Adaptive Comb Filter

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    The power system signals are often polluted with harmonics and noise as a result of nonlinear load. This non stationary signal has to be monitored carefuly before it propagates as a grid problem.This article describes the design of adaptive comb filter, extraction of amplitude, frequency and phase with respect to time for monitoring purpose and extraction of harmonic components for suppressing the contamination present in the signal for synchronization with smart grid. The adaptive comb filter algorithm is a synchronizing tool implemented in Matlab/Simulink environment.The response of the filter is compared with enhanced phased locked loop to describe the characteristics of adaptive comb filter.The algorithm tracks the transient (dynamic) and steady state behaviour of the signal effectively, efficiently and accurately


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    The efficient and effective management of funds in cooperative urban banks is akin to a healthy person in whom the healthy heart circulates blood efficiently. Thus, the success or failure of any financial institutions is closely linked with the managerial competence in managing the funds. In this study examine the Sources and how the funds are mobilized in Selected Co-operative Urban Banks in Composite Thanjavur district


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    Vortex tube is a device that produces cold and hot air simultaneously from the source of compressed air. In this work an attempt has been made to investigate the effect of three controllable input variables namely diameter of the orifices, diameter of the nozzles and inlet pressure over the temperature difference in the cold side as output using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Experiments are conducted using central composite design with three factors at three levels. The influence of vital parameters and interaction among these are investigated using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The proposed mathematical model in this study has proven to fit and in line with experimental values with a 95% confidence interval. It is found that the inlet pressure and diameter of nozzle are significant factors that affect the performance of vortex tube

    Methyl 1-methyl-1H-1,2,3-triazole-4-carboxyl­ate

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    The title mol­ecule, C5H7N3O2, has an almost planar conformation, with a maximum deviation of 0.043 (3) Å, except for the methyl H atoms. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into layers parallel to the bc plane. Inter­molecular π–π stacking inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances = 3.685 (2) and 3.697 (2) Å] are observed between the parallel triazole rings

    Biopharmaceutical Classification System in Invitro/ In-vivo Correlation: Concept and Development Strategies in Drug Delivery

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    Drug development is a very laborious and expensive process. One of the major reasons for failure during the clinical phases of drug development is inadequate pharmacokinetic data on the drug candidate. Therefore, it would be advantageous if the pharmacokinetic properties of drug candidates be predicted beforehand. One major obstacle in making such  predictions is the inability to appropriately scale the in-vitro data to the in-vivo situation. Results from in-vitro in-vivo correlation (IVIVC) studies have been used to select the appropriate excipients and optimize the manufacturing processes for quality control purposes, and for characterizing the release patterns of newly formulated immediate release, and modified-release products relative to the references. In recent years, the concept and application of the IVIVC for pharmaceutical dosage forms have been a major focus of attention in the pharmaceutical industry, academia and regulatory agencies. Hence, this article highlights the importance of appropriate selection of IVIVC level with respect to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) and also covers examples of BCS-based IVIVCs of drugs/products with different types of release profiles.Keywords: In vitro/In vivo correlation, Biopharmaceutical Classification System, Drug Delivery

    Biopharmaceutical classification system In invitro/ In-vivo correlation: Concept and development strategies in drug delivery

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    Drug development is a very laborious and expensive process. One of the major reasons for failure during the clinical phases of drug development is inadequate pharmacokinetic data on the drug candidate. Therefore, it would be advantageous if the pharmacokinetic properties of drug candidates be predicted beforehand. One major obstacle in making such predictions is the inability to appropriately scale the in-vitro data to the in-vivo situation. Results from in-vitro in-vivo correlation (IVIVC) studies have been used to select the appropriate excipients and optimize the manufacturing processes for quality control purposes, and for characterizing the release patterns of newly formulated immediate release, and modified-release products relative to the references. In recent years, the concept and application of the IVIVC for pharmaceutical dosage forms have been a major focus of attention in the pharmaceutical industry, academia and regulatory agencies. Hence, this article highlights the importance of appropriate selection of IVIVC level with respect to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) and also covers examples of BCS-based IVIVCs of drugs/products with different types of release profiles

    Review Study on Larvicidal and Mosquito Repellent Activity of Volatile Oils Isolated from Medicinal Plants

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    Mosquito is a vector for serious human diseases like dengue fever, hemaorrhagic dengue fever and chikungunya, .yellow fever, malaria, filaria and encephalitis among these dengue, hemaorrhagic dengue and chikungunya are highly endemic diseases in Southeast Asian and African countries, causing millions of deaths each and every year. Mosquito repellents thus play a major role in preventing man-mosquito contact and there by minimize the chance of infections and its adverse effects. The development of resistance to chemical insecticides, results rebounding vectorial capacity. Synthetic repellents are chemicals which used worldwide for protection against mosquito-borne diseases and it adversely affects the environment by contaminating water, soil and air. There is an urgent need to find alternatives to the synthetic insecticides. Plants are rich source of alternative agents for control of mosquitoes and its vectors. Extracts and isolated compounds from different plant families have been evaluated for their promising larvicidal and mosquito repellent activities. Literature has documented that essential oils and extracts have been traditionally used as effective repellents. The essential oils whose repellent activities have been demonstrated, as well as the importance of the synergistic effects among their components are the main focus of this review study. Essential oils are volatile mixtures of hydrocarbons with a diversity of functional groups, and their repellent activity has been linked to the presence of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. The present review study focused the larvicidal potential and mosquito repellent activity of different volatile oils of medicinal plants. From an economical point of view synthetic chemical is still more frequently used as repellents than essential oils; these essential oils have the potential to provide efficient and can be used as a cheap, eco-friendly, safer for humans and the environment and also efficient alternative to the chemical larvicides

    The SARS Coronavirus S Glycoprotein Receptor Binding Domain: Fine Mapping and Functional Characterization

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    The entry of the SARS coronavirus (SCV) into cells is initiated by binding of its spike envelope glycoprotein (S) to a receptor, ACE2. We and others identified the receptor-binding domain (RBD) by using S fragments of various lengths but all including the amino acid residue 318 and two other potential glycosylation sites. To further characterize the role of glycosylation and identify residues important for its function as an interacting partner of ACE2, we have cloned, expressed and characterized various soluble fragments of S containing RBD, and mutated all potential glycosylation sites and 32 other residues. The shortest of these fragments still able to bind the receptor ACE2 did not include residue 318 (which is a potential glycosylation site), but started at residue 319, and has only two potential glycosylation sites (residues 330 and 357). Mutation of each of these sites to either alanine or glutamine, as well as mutation of residue 318 to alanine in longer fragments resulted in the same decrease of molecular weight (by approximately 3 kDa) suggesting that all glycosylation sites are functional. Simultaneous mutation of all glycosylation sites resulted in lack of expression suggesting that at least one glycosylation site (any of the three) is required for expression. Glycosylation did not affect binding to ACE2. Alanine scanning mutagenesis of the fragment S319–518 resulted in the identification of ten residues (K390, R426, D429, T431, I455, N473, F483, Q492, Y494, R495) that significantly reduced binding to ACE2, and one residue (D393) that appears to increase binding. Mutation of residue T431 reduced binding by about 2-fold, and mutation of the other eight residues – by more than 10-fold. Analysis of these data and the mapping of these mutations on the recently determined crystal structure of a fragment containing the RBD complexed to ACE2 (Li, F, Li, W, Farzan, M, and Harrison, S. C., submitted) suggested the existence of two hot spots on the S RBD surface, R426 and N473, which are likely to contribute significant portion of the binding energy. The finding that most of the mutations (23 out of 34 including glycosylation sites) do not affect the RBD binding function indicates possible mechanisms for evasion of immune responses

    Design and fabrication of angular post JIG

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    An objective of the mass production is to increase the productivity and the accuracy. This is done by reducing the set up cost and manual burnouts. Thus mass production can be acquired by the use of jigs.  For large scale production of unlike materials a lot of time is wasted in start of the device and clamping the device. An experimental approach method is regularly practiced until the axis of the hole is properly line up with the axis of the drill. In such a situation a division of time is being wasted to maintain the accuracy. This paper is mainly composed of design and fabrication of the Angular postjig which cover the absolute design to the described dimensions of the work piece and would make the production process easier
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