52 research outputs found
A Simple Method for the Estimation of the Axial Dispersion Coefficient in Gas Flow
A simple method which is suitable for determining with reasonable precision the parameters of gas flow system has been proposed. An inverse boundary-value problem is considered. The model of gas flow with the Danckwert’s boundary conditions in a real measurement system has been analyzed and solved. The tracer technique was applied to determine axial dispersion coefficient of gas phase and Pèclet number. These parameters are commonly used to characterize the flow behavior of fluids. Axial dispersion coefficients were estimated by comparing model solution with recorded TCD signal (an inverse problem as a method for model parameter estimation) employing the Laplace transform technique. The Gaver-Stehfest algorithm for the solution of the mathematical model has been applied. The proposed model of gas show a good agreement with the experimental data. The obtained results show that under operation conditions in the studied system the flow behaviour is neither plug flow nor perfect mixing. The described method is very fast in both experimental and computational part. Simple and errorless derivation of sophisticated model formulas has been possible by application of the Computer Algebra System-type program. The program also simplifies computations. Mathematical manipulations and computations were performed using program Maple®
Reducing the development gaps between regions in Poland with the use of European Union funds
The paper evaluates the processes of regional income convergence in Poland. This new research approach involves an attempt to assess the process of convergence from the point of view of development gaps. Six key development gaps were considered in the region of Eastern Poland, which is a singular case, significantly different from other regions. A dynamic panel data model was applied to investigate the impact of EU funds on the progress made towards closing these development gaps. Among the analysed development gaps, only the structural gap was not reduced in the period 2004–2015. Studies have also revealed the different impact of structural funds on each category of development gaps (a positive impact on reducing the regional transport accessibility gap and the investment gap, but negative – on reducing the innovation gap). Research has suggested the need for a change in the structure of using EU funds in the period 2014–2020 to favour stronger support for entrepreneurship and the creation of new jobs. Greater stimulation of the economic structure of peripheral regions has been proposed as the prerequisite for the future reduction in the discrepancies between regions and for the intensification of convergence.
First published online 2 April 201
Superdeformed and Triaxial States in Ca 42
Shape parameters of a weakly deformed ground-state band and highly deformed slightly triaxial sideband in ^{42}Ca were determined from E2 matrix elements measured in the first low-energy Coulomb excitation experiment performed with AGATA. The picture of two coexisting structures is well reproduced by new state-of-the-art large-scale shell model and beyond-mean-field calculations. Experimental evidence for superdeformation of the band built on 0_{2}^{+} has been obtained and the role of triaxiality in the A∼40 mass region is discussed. Furthermore, the potential of Coulomb excitation as a tool to study superdeformation has been demonstrated for the first time
Quadrupole collectivity in Ca 42 from low-energy Coulomb excitation with AGATA
A Coulomb-excitation experiment to study electromagnetic properties of Ca42 was performed using a 170-MeV calcium beam from the TANDEM XPU facility at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. γ rays from excited states in Ca42 were measured with the AGATA spectrometer. The magnitudes and relative signs of ten E2 matrix elements coupling six low-lying states in Ca42, including the diagonal E2 matrix elements of 21+ and 22+ states, were determined using the least-squares code gosia. The obtained set of reduced E2 matrix elements was analyzed using the quadrupole sum rule method and yielded overall quadrupole deformation for 01,2+ and 21,2+ states, as well as triaxiality for 01,2+ states, establishing the coexistence of a weakly deformed ground-state band and highly deformed slightly triaxial sideband in Ca42. The experimental results were compared with the state-of-the-art large-scale shell-model and beyond-mean-field calculations, which reproduce well the general picture of shape coexistence in Ca42
Simultaneous γ-ray and electron spectroscopy of 182,184,186Hg isotopes
Background: The mercury isotopes around N=104 are a well-known example of nuclei exhibiting shape coexistence. Mixing of configurations can be studied by measuring the monopole strength ρ2(E0), however, currently the experimental information is scarce and lacks precision, especially for the Iπ→Iπ (I≠0) transitions. Purpose: The goals of this study were to increase the precision of the known branching ratios and internal conversion coefficients, to increase the amount of available information regarding excited states in Hg182,184,186, and to interpret the results in the framework of shape coexistence using different models. Method: The low-energy structures in Hg182,184,186 were populated in the β decay of Tl182,184,186, produced at ISOLDE, CERN and purified by laser ionization and mass separation. The γ-ray and internal conversion electron events were detected by five germanium clover detectors and a segmented silicon detector, respectively, and correlated in time to build decay schemes. Results: In total, 193, 178, and 156 transitions, including 144, 140, and 108 observed for the first time in a β-decay experiment, were assigned to Hg182,184,186, respectively. Internal conversion coefficients were determined for 23 transitions, out of which 12 had an E0 component. Extracted branching ratios allowed the sign of the interference term in Hg182 as well as ρ2(E0;02+→01+) and B(E2;02+→21+) in Hg184 to be determined. By means of electron-electron coincidences, the 03+ state was identified in Hg184. The experimental results were qualitatively reproduced by five theoretical approaches, the interacting boson model with configuration mixing with two different parametrizations, the general Bohr Hamiltonian, the beyond mean-field model, and the symmetry-conserving configuration-mixing model. However, a quantitative description is lacking. Conclusions: The presence of shape coexistence in neutron-deficient mercury isotopes was confirmed and evidence for the phenomenon existing at higher energies was found. The new experimental results provide important spectroscopic input for future Coulomb excitation studies
Study of passenger transportation by rope in Gdańsk
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono wyniki prac nad projektem koncepcyjnym napowietrznej kolei linowej na Górę Gradową w Gdańsku. Na wspomnianym wzniesieniu znajduje się Fort Grodzisko, który ma ogromną szansę, aby stać się jednym z ważniejszych punktów na turystycznej mapie Gdańska. Na terenie Fortu, jak i w jego bliskiej okolicy realizowane są projekty mające na celu rozwój miasta na dużą skalę. Realizowany jest tu m. in. projekt Hewelianum, który obok upowszechniania wiedzy o gdańskich zabytkach architektury militarnej i obronnej, należy do zadań Parku Kulturowego Fortyfikacji Miejskich (PKFM) "Twierdza Gdańsk". W bardzo bliskiej odległości od Fortu ma powstać tzw. Młode Miasto, na którego pograniczu powstaje nowoczesne Europejskie Centrum Solidarności. Należy zauważyć, że następuje ciągły wzrost zainteresowania rejonem Fortu wśród turystów, a także mieszkańców Gdańska. Jednym z poważniejszych problemów jest dość słabe połączenie komunikacyjne pomiędzy ścisłym centrum Gdańska, a samym wzgórzem, na którym usytuowany jest Fort Grodzisko. Autorzy zaproponowali rozwiązanie powyższego problemu poprzez zastosowanie kolei linowej. Kolej ta oprócz funkcji transportu osób z okolic Starego Miasta, byłaby atrakcją turystyczną oraz umożliwiałaby podziwianie panoramy Gdańska. W artykule zaprezentowano miejscowe uwarunkowania budowy takiej kolei, proponowane rozwiązania techniczne i wybrane wyniki obliczeń oraz problemy związane z różnymi wariantami prowadzenia trasy kolei linowej. Zwrócono też uwagę na ważną sprawę jaką jest ewakuacja z kolei linowej.This paper presents the results of a concept project for an overhead ropeway on the Gradowa Mount (Góra Gradowa) in Gdańsk. On the top of the mount there is the Grodzisko Fort, which has a chance to become one of the most important points on the tourist map of Gdańsk. At the Fort itself as well as in its vicinity, large-scale projects aimed at development of the city are being implemented. For example, the Hewelianum project is being implemented there, which, in addition to promoting the knowledge about the military and defensive architecture of Gdańsk, is one of the responsibilities of the “Gdańsk Fortress” Culture Park of City Fortifications (PKFM). Within a very short distance from the Fort, the so-called Young City is to be created, on the border of which the modern European Solidarity Centre is being erected. It should be noted that the area of the Fort generates continuously growing interest from tourists as well as the inhabitants of Gdańsk. One of the major problems is quite poor transportation link between the centre of Gdańsk and the mount where the Grodzisko Fort is situated.
As a solution for this problem the authors propose construction of a ropeway. The ropeway, except for transporting passengers from the area of the Old Town, would be also a tourist attraction and provide a great panoramic view of Gdańsk.
The article presents the local conditions regarding the construction of such a ropeway, the proposed technology, and selected results of calculations, as well as the problems associated with the different variants of the ropeway route. The attention was also paid to the important issue of ropeway evacuation system
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