15,125 research outputs found

    Effects of modifications to the space shuttle entry guidance and control systems

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    A nonlinear six degree of freedom entry simulation study was conducted to identify space shuttle guidance and control system software modifications which reduce the control system sensitivity to the guidance system sampling frequency. Several modifications which eliminated the control system sensitivity and associated control limit cycling were examined. The result of the modifications was a reduction in required reaction control system fuel

    Development of the reentry flight dynamics simulator for evaluation of space shuttle orbiter entry systems

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    A nonlinear, six degree of freedom, digital computer simulation of a vehicle which has constant mass properties and whose attitudes are controlled by both aerodynamic surfaces and reaction control system thrusters was developed. A rotating, oblate Earth model was used to describe the gravitational forces which affect long duration Earth entry trajectories. The program is executed in a nonreal time mode or connected to a simulation cockpit to conduct piloted and autopilot studies. The program guidance and control software used by the space shuttle orbiter for its descent from approximately 121.9 km to touchdown on the runway

    Six-man, self-contained carbon dioxide concentrator system

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    A six man, self contained electrochemical carbon dioxide concentrating subsystem was successfully designed and fabricated. It was a preprototype engineering model designed to nominally remove 6.0 kg (13.2 lb) CO2/day with an inlet air CO2 partial pressure of 400 N/sq m (3 mm Hg) and an overcapacity removal capability of 12.0 kg (26.4 lb) CO2/day. The design specifications were later expanded to allow operation at space station prototype CO2 collection subsystem operating conditions

    Numbering of Fullerenes (IUPAC Recommendations 2004)

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    Rules for numbering (C60-Ih)[5,6]fullerene and (C70-D5h(6))[5,6]fullerene were codified in a publication "Nomenclature for the (C60-Ih)[5,6] and (C70-D5h(6))[5,6]fullerenes” published in Pure Appl. Chem.74 (4), 629-695 (2002). The current publication contains recommendations for numbering a wide variety of fullerenes of different sizes, with rings of different sizes, from C20 to C120, and of various point group symmetries, including low symmetries such as Cs, Ci, and C1, as well as many fullerenes that have been isolated and well characterized as pristine carbon allotropes or as derivatives. These recommendations are based on the principles established in the earlier publication and aim at the identification of a well-defined and preferably contiguous helical pathway for numbering. Rules for systematically completing the numbering of fullerene structures for which a contiguous numbering pathway becomes discontiguous are presente

    Assessing movements of three buoy line types using DSTmilli Loggers: Implications for entanglements of bottlenose dolphins in the crab pot fishery

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    A study was conducted in October 2006 in the Charleston, South Carolina area to test the movements of three different buoy line types to determine which produced a preferred profile that could reduce the risk of dolphin entanglement. Tests on diamond-braided nylon commonly used in the crab pot fishery were compared with stiffened line of Esterpro and calf types in both shallow and deep water environments using DSTmilli data loggers. Loggers were placed at intervals along the lines to record depth, and thus movements, over a 24 hour period. Three observers viewed video animations and charts created for each of the six trial days from the collected logger data and provided their opinions on the most desirable line type that fit set criteria. A quantitative analysis (ANCOVA) of the data was conducted taking into consideration daily tidal fluctuations and logger movements. Loggers tracking the tides had an r2 value approaching 1.00 and produced little movement other than with the tides. Conversely, r2 values approaching 0.00 were less affected by tidal movement and influenced by currents that cause more erratic movement. Results from this study showed that stiffened line, in particular the medium lay Esterpro type, produced the more desirable profiles that could reduce risk of dolphin entanglement. Combining the observer’s results with the ANCOVA results, Esterpro was chosen nearly 60% of the time as opposed to the nylon line which was only chosen 10% of the time. ANCOVA results showed that the stiffened lines performed better in both the shallow and deep water environments, while the nylon line only performed better during one trial in a deep water set, most probably due to the increased current velocities experienced that day. (58pp.)(PDF contains 68 pages

    High-Frequency network activity, global increase in Neuronal Activity, and Synchrony Expansion Precede Epileptic Seizures In Vitro

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    How seizures start is a major question in epilepsy research. Preictal EEG changes occur in both human patients and animal models, but their underlying mechanisms and relationship with seizure initiation remain unknown. Here we demonstrate the existence, in the hippocampal CA1 region, of a preictal state characterized by the progressive and global increase in neuronal activity associated with a widespread buildup of low-amplitude high-frequency activity (HFA) (100 Hz) and reduction in system complexity.HFAis generated by the firing of neurons, mainly pyramidal cells, at much lower frequencies. Individual cycles ofHFAare generated by the near-synchronous (within 5 ms) firing of small numbers of pyramidal cells. The presence of HFA in the low-calcium model implicates nonsynaptic synchronization; the presence of very similar HFA in the high-potassium model shows that it does not depend on an absence of synaptic transmission. Immediately before seizure onset, CA1 is in a state of high sensitivity in which weak depolarizing or synchronizing perturbations can trigger seizures. Transition to seizure is haracterized by a rapid expansion and fusion of the neuronal populations responsible for HFA, associated with a progressive slowing of HFA, leading to a single, massive, hypersynchronous cluster generating the high-amplitude low-frequency activity of the seizure

    Fluxes and distribution of dissolved iron in the eastern (sub-) tropical North Atlantic Ocean

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    Aeolian dust transport from the Saharan/Sahel desert regions is considered the dominant external input of iron (Fe) to the surface waters of the eastern (sub-) tropical North Atlantic Ocean. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the sources of dissolved Fe (DFe) and quantified DFe fluxes to the surface ocean in this region. In winter 2008, surface water DFe concentrations varied between <0.1 nM and 0.37 nM, with an average of 0.13 ± 0.07 nM DFe (n = 194). A strong correlation between mixed layer averaged concentrations of dissolved aluminum (DAl), a proxy for dust input, and DFe indicated dust as a source of DFe to the surface ocean. The importance of Aeolian nutrient input was further confirmed by an increase of 0.1 nM DFe and 0.05 ?M phosphate during a repeat transect before and after a dust event. An exponential decrease of DFe with increasing distance from the African continent, suggested that continental shelf waters were a source of DFe to the northern part of our study area. Relatively high Fe:C ratios of up to 3 × 10?5 (C derived from apparent oxygen utilization (AOU)) indicated an external source of Fe to these African continental shelf waters. Below the wind mixed layer along 12°N, enhanced DFe concentrations (>1.5 nM) correlated positively with apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and showed the importance of organic matter remineralization as an DFe source. As a consequence, vertical diffusive mixing formed an important Fe flux to the surface ocean in this region, even surpassing that of a major dust event

    Deregulatory Takings and Breach of the Regulatory Contract

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    The October 1996 issue of the New York University Law Review includes a work dealing with deregulatory takings and breach of deregulatory contracts. Next October, the N.Y.U. Law Review will contain a rebuttal, a response critiquing work done by J. Gregory Sidak and Daniel Spulber. This critique is coauthored by William J. Baumol and Thomas W. Merrill. We are very fortunate here today to have that same Thomas W. Merrill with us. Our participants this afternoon on the panel will go in that order. Lewis Powell will discuss the propositions that the Telecommunications Act, and perhaps other current proposals for restructuring the electric industry, will constitute either violations of the takings clause of the Fifth Amendment, a deregulatory contract or an implied contract, and perhaps other constitutional provisions such as the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. If he doesn\u27t say that they do, he will probably raise serious questions as to whether or not they might do that

    A Re-evaluation of Evidence for Light Neutral Bosons in Nuclear Emulsions

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    Electron-positron pair-production data obtained by bombardment of emulsion detectors with either cosmic rays or projectiles with mass between one and 207 and kinetic energies between 18 GeV and 32 TeV have been re-analysed using a consistent and conservative model of the background from electromagnetic pair conversion. The combined data yield a spectrum of putative neutral bosons decaying to e+e- pairs, with masses between 3 and 20 MeV/c^2 and femtosecond lifetimes. The statistical significance against background for these "X-bosons" varies between 2 and 8 sigma. The cross-section for direct production of X-bosons increases slowly with projectile energy, remaining over 1,000 times smaller the the pion production cross-section.Comment: major revision with improved figures; accepted by Int J Mod Phys

    Electrons on a sphere in disorder potential

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    We investigate, both analytically and numerically, the behavior of the electron gas on a sphere in the presence of point-like impurities. We find a criterion when the disorder can be regarded as small one and the main effect is the broadening of rotational multiplets. In the latter regime the statistics of one impurity-induced band is studied numerically. The energy level spacing distribution function follows the law P(s) ~ s exp(-a s^b) with 1<b<2. The number variance shows various possibilities, strongly dependent on the chosen model of disorder.Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, 9 eps figures; references added to Sec.
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