676 research outputs found

    Resolving the large scale spectral variability of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577: Evidence for a new emission component and absorption by cold dense matter

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    An XMM-Newton observation of the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0419-577 in September 2002, when the source was in an extreme low-flux state, found a very hard X-ray spectrum at 1-10 keV with a strong soft excess below ~1 keV. Comparison with an earlier XMM-Newton observation when 1H 0419-577 was `X-ray bright' indicated the dominant spectral variability was due to a steep power law or cool Comptonised thermal emission. Four further XMM-Newton observations, with 1H 0419-577 in intermediate flux states, now support that conclusion, while we also find the variable emission component in intermediate state difference spectra to be strongly modified by absorption in low ionisation matter. The variable `soft excess' then appears to be an artefact of absorption of the underlying continuum while the `core' soft emission can be attributed to recombination in an extended region of more highly ionised gas. We note the wider implications of finding substantial cold dense matter overlying (or embedded in) the X-ray continuum source in a luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Ap

    X-ray Spectral Variability and Rapid Variability of the Soft X-ray Spectrum Seyfert 1 Galaxies Ark 564 and Ton S180

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    The bright, soft X-ray spectrum Seyfert 1 galaxies Ark 564 and Ton S180 were monitored for 35 days and 12 days with ASCA and RXTE (and EUVE for Ton S180). The short time scale (hours-days) variability patterns were very similar across energy bands, with no evidence of lags between any of the energy bands studied. The fractional variability amplitude was almost independent of energy band. It is difficult to simultaneously explain soft Seyferts stronger variability, softer spectra, and weaker energy-dependence of the variability relative to hard Seyferts. The soft and hard band light curves diverged on the longest time scales probed, consistent with the fluctuation power density spectra that showed relatively greater power on long time scales in the softest bands. The simplest explanation is that a relatively hard, rapidly-variable component dominates the total X-ray spectrum and a slowly-variable soft excess is present in the lowest energy channels of ASCA. Although it would be natural to identify the latter with an accretion disk and the former with a corona surrounding it, a standard thin disk could not get hot enough to radiate significantly in the ASCA band, and the observed variability time scales are much too short. The hard component may have a more complex shape than a pure power-law. The most rapid factor of 2 flares and dips occurred within ~1000 sec in Ark 564 and a bit more slowly in Ton S180. The speed of the luminosity changes rules out viscous or thermal processes and limits the size of the individual emission regions to <~15 Schwarzschild radii (and probably much less), that is, to either the inner disk or small regions in a corona

    The XMM-Newton Iron Line Profile of NGC 3783

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    We report on observations of the iron K line in the nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy, NGC 3783, obtained in a long, 2 orbit (240 ks) XMM-Newton observation. The line profile obtained exhibits two strong narrow peaks at 6.4 keV and at 7.0 keV, with measured line equivalent widths of 120 and 35 eV respectively. The 6.4 keV emission is the K-alpha line from near neutral Fe, whilst the 7.0 keV feature probably originates from a blend of the neutral Fe K-beta line and the H-like line of Fe at 6.97 keV. The relatively narrow velocity width of the K-alpha line (<5000 km/s), its lack of response to the continuum emission on short timescales and the detection of a neutral Compton reflection component are all consistent with a distant origin in Compton-thick matter such as the putative molecular torus. A strong absorption line from highly ionized iron (at 6.67 keV) is detected in the time-averaged iron line profile, whilst the depth of the feature appears to vary with time, being strongest when the continuum flux is higher. The iron absorption line probably arises from the highest ionization component of the known warm absorber in NGC 3783, with an ionization of logxi=3 and column density of 5x10^{22}cm{-2} and may originate from within 0.1pc of the nucleus. A weak red-wing to the iron K line profile is also detected below 6.4 keV. However when the effect of the highly ionized warm absorber on the underlying continuum is taken into account, the requirement for a relativistic iron line component from the inner disk is reduced.Comment: 34 pages, including 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Evidence of a high velocity ionised outflow in a second narrow line quasar PG0844+349

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    Following the discovery of X-ray absorption in a high velocity outflow from the bright quasar PG1211+143 we have searched for similar features in XMM archival data of a second (high accretion rate) quasar PG0844+349. Evidence is found for absorption lines in both the EPIC and RGS spectra, whose identification with resonance transitions in H-like Fe, S, and Ne implies an origin in highly ionised matter with an outflow velocity of order ~0.2c. The line equivalent widths require a line-of-sight column density of N_H ~ 4 x 10^23 cm^-2, at an ionisation parameter of log(xi) ~ 3.7. Assuming a radial outflow being driven by radiation pressure from the inner accretion disc, as suggested previously for PG1211+143, the flow is again likely to be optically thick, in this case within ~ 25 Schwarzschild radii. We suggest that a high velocity, highly ionised outflow is likely to be a significant component in the mass and energy budgets of many AGN accreting at or above the Eddington rate.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Effect of pooling samples on the efficiency of comparative studies using microarrays

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    Many biomedical experiments are carried out by pooling individual biological samples. However, pooling samples can potentially hide biological variance and give false confidence concerning the data significance. In the context of microarray experiments for detecting differentially expressed genes, recent publications have addressed the problem of the efficiency of sample-pooling, and some approximate formulas were provided for the power and sample size calculations. It is desirable to have exact formulas for these calculations and have the approximate results checked against the exact ones. We show that the difference between the approximate and exact results can be large. In this study, we have characterized quantitatively the effect of pooling samples on the efficiency of microarray experiments for the detection of differential gene expression between two classes. We present exact formulas for calculating the power of microarray experimental designs involving sample pooling and technical replications. The formulas can be used to determine the total numbers of arrays and biological subjects required in an experiment to achieve the desired power at a given significance level. The conditions under which pooled design becomes preferable to non-pooled design can then be derived given the unit cost associated with a microarray and that with a biological subject. This paper thus serves to provide guidance on sample pooling and cost effectiveness. The formulation in this paper is outlined in the context of performing microarray comparative studies, but its applicability is not limited to microarray experiments. It is also applicable to a wide range of biomedical comparative studies where sample pooling may be involved.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; to appear in Bioinformatic

    Fe K emission and absorption features in XMM-Newton spectra of Mkn 766 - evidence for reprocessing in flare ejecta

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    We report on the analysis of a long XMM-Newton EPIC observation in 2001 May of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 766. The 3-11 keV spectrum exhibits a moderately steep power law continuum, with a broad emission line at ~6.7 keV, probably blended with a narrow line at ~6.4 keV, and a broad absorption trough above ~8.7 keV. We identify both broad spectral features with reprocessing in He-like Fe. An earlier XMM-Newton observation of Mkn 766 in 2000 May, when the source was a factor ~2 fainter, shows a similar broad emission line, but with a slightly flatter power law and absorption at a lower energy. In neither observation do we find a requirement for the previously reported broad 'red wing' to the line and hence of reflection from the innermost accretion disc. More detailed examination of the longer XMM-Newton observation reveals evidence for rapid spectral variability in the Fe K band, apparently linked with the occurrence of X-ray 'flares'. A reduction in the emission line strength and increased high energy absorption during the X-ray flaring suggests that these transient effects are due to highly ionised ejecta associated with the flares. Simple scaling from the flare avalanche model proposed for the luminous QSO PDS 456 (Reeves etal. 2002) confirms the feasibility of coherent flaring being the cause of the strong peaks seen in the X-ray light curve of \mkn.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Multi-dimensional modelling of X-ray spectra for AGN accretion-disk outflows III: application to a hydrodynamical simulation

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    We perform multi-dimensional radiative transfer simulations to compute spectra for a hydrodynamical simulation of a line-driven accretion disk wind from an active galactic nucleus. The synthetic spectra confirm expectations from parameterized models that a disk wind can imprint a wide variety of spectroscopic signatures including narrow absorption lines, broad emission lines and a Compton hump. The formation of these features is complex with contributions originating from many of the different structures present in the hydrodynamical simulation. In particular, spectral features are shaped both by gas in a successfully launched outflow and in complex flows where material is lifted out of the disk plane but ultimately falls back. We also confirm that the strong Fe Kalpha line can develop a weak, red-skewed line wing as a result of Compton scattering in the outflow. In addition, we demonstrate that X-ray radiation scattered and reprocessed in the flow has a pivotal part in both the spectrum formation and determining the ionization conditions in the wind. We find that scattered radiation is rather effective in ionizing gas which is shielded from direct irradiation from the central source. This effect likely makes the successful launching of a massive disk wind somewhat more challenging and should be considered in future wind simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication by MNRA

    A high velocity ionised outflow and XUV photosphere in the narrow emission line quasar PG1211+143

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    We report on the analysis of a ~60 ksec XMM observation of the bright, narrow emission line quasar PG 1211+143. Absorption lines are seen in both EPIC and RGS spectra corresponding to H- and He-like ions of Fe, S, Mg, Ne, O, N and C. The observed line energies indicate an ionised outflow velocity of ~24000 km s^-1. The highest energy lines require a column density of N_H ~ 5 x 10^23 cm^-2, at an ionisation parameter of log(xi) ~ 3.4. If the origin of this high velocity outflow lies in matter being driven from the inner disc, then the flow is likely to be optically thick within a radius ~130 Schwarzschild radii, providing a natural explanation for the Big Blue Bump (and strong soft X-ray) emission in PG 1211+143.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS; Table 1 correcte

    XMM-Newton observations of seven soft X-ray excess QSOs

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    XMM-Newton observations of seven QSOs are presented and the EPIC spectra analysed. Five of the AGN show evidence for Fe K-alpha emission, with three being slightly better fitted by lines of finite width; at the 99 per cent level they are consistent with being intrinsically narrow, though. The broad-band spectra can be well modelled by a combination of different temperature blackbodies with a power-law, with temperatures between kT ~ 100-300 eV. On the whole, these temperatures are too high to be direct thermal emission from the accretion disc, so a Comptonization model was used as a more physical parametrization. The Comptonizing electron population forms the soft excess emission, with an electron temperature of ~ 120-680 eV. Power-law, thermal plasma and disc blackbody models were also fitted to the soft X-ray excess. Of the sample, four of the AGN are radio-quiet and three radio-loud. The radio-quiet QSOs may have slightly stronger soft excesses, although the electron temperatures cover the same range for both groups.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Variable iron-line emission near the black hole of Markarian 766

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    We investigate the link between ionised Fe X-ray line emission and continuum emission in the bright nearby AGN, Mrk 766. A new long (433 ks) XMM-Newton observation is analysed, together with archival data from 2000 and 2001. The contribution from ionised line emission is measured and its time variations on short (5-20 ks) timescales are correlated with the continuum emission. The ionised line flux is found to be highly variable and to be strongly correlated with the continuum flux, demonstrating an origin for the ionised line emission that is co-located with the continuum emission. Most likely the emission is ionised reflection from the accretion disc within a few A.U. of the central black hole, and its detection marks the first time that such an origin has been identified other than by fitting to spectral line profiles. Future observations may be able to measure a time lag and hence achieve reverberation mapping of AGN at X-ray energies.Comment: Accepted for publication, Astronomy and Astrophysics letter