442 research outputs found

    Fe isotopes revealing mineral-specific redox cycling in sediments

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    Reactive Fe (oxyhydr)oxides preferentially undergo early diagenetic cycling and cause a diffusive flux of dissolved Fe2+ towards the sediment-water interface. The partitioning of sedimentary Fe has traditionally been studied by applying sequential extractions. We modified an existing leaching method [1] in order to enable δ56Fe measurements on specific Fe mineral fractions. Those are siderite/sorbed Fe, ferrihydrite/lepidocrocite, goethite/hematite, and magnetite. The selectivity of extractions was tested by leaching pairs of 58Fe-spiked and unspiked synthetic minerals. Insignificant amounts of goethite and hematite are dissolved in hydroxylamine-HCl targetting ferrihydrite/lepidocrocite. The determination of reducible oxides leached by dithionite was found to be slightly compromised in presence of magnetite. Removal of extraction matrix was achieved by repetitive oxidation, heating, Fe precipitation, and column separation. The new method was applied to a short sediment core from the North Sea. Downcore mineral-specific variations in δ56Fe revealed differing contributions of Fe oxides to redox cycling. Acetic acid soluble Fe and ferrihydrite/lepidocrocite-Fe showed increasing δ56Fe values with depth in accordance with progressive dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR). Low δ56Fe in acetic acid soluble Fe relative to ferric hydrous oxide-Fe is consistent with the fractionation pattern between sorbed Fe(II) and ferric substrate during DIR experiments [2]. Goethite/hematite-and magnetite-Fe do not show δ56Fe trends with depth. The results demonstrate the importance of δ56Fe analysis on individual Fe fractions that differ in origin and reactivity. The developed procedure provides a basis for specific Fe isotope studies in past and present environments that undergo or underwent redox changes. [1] Poulton and Canfield (2005), Chemical Geology 214, 209-221. [2] Crosby et al., Geobiology 5 (2007), 169-189

    Biogeochemistry: Early phosphorus redigested

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    Atmospheric oxygen was maintained at low levels throughout huge swathes of Earth's early history. Estimates of phosphorus availability through time suggest that scavenging from anoxic, iron-rich oceans stabilized this low-oxygen world

    A revised scheme for the reactivity of iron (oxyhydr)oxide minerals towards dissolved sulfide

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    The reaction between dissolved sulfide and synthetic iron (oxyhydr)oxide minerals was studied in artificial seawater and 0.1 M NaCl at pH 7.5 and 25°C. Electron transfer between surface-complexed sulfide and solid phase Fe(III) results in the oxidation of dissolved sulfide to elemental sulfur, and the subsequent dissolution of the surface-reduced Fe. Sulfide oxidation and Fe(II) dissolution kinetics were evaluated for freshly precipitated hydrous ferric oxide (HFO), lepidocrocite, goethite, magnetite, hematite, and Al-substituted lepidocrocite. Reaction kinetics were expressed in terms of an empirical rate equation of the form: R-i = k(i)(H2S)(t=0)(0.5)A where Ri is the rate of Fe(II) dissolution (RFe) or the rate of sulfide oxidation (RS), ki is the appropriate rate constant (kFe or kS), (H2S)t=0 is the initial dissolved sulfide concentration, and A is the initial mineral surface area. The rate constants derived from the above equation suggest that the reactivity of Fe (oxyhydr)oxide minerals varies over two orders of magnitude, with increasing reactivity in the order, goethite < hematite < magnetite << lepidocrocite ≈ HFO. Competitive adsorption of major seawater solutes has little effect on reaction kinetics for the most reactive minerals, but results in rates which are reduced by 65-80% for goethite, magnetite, and hematite. This decrease in reaction rates likely arises from the blocking of surface sites for sulfide complexation by the adsorption of seawater solutes during the later, slower stages of adsorption (possibly attributable to diffusion into micropores or aggregates). The derivation of half lives for the sulfide-promoted reductive dissolution of Fe (oxyhydr)oxides in seawater, suggests that mineral reactivity can broadly be considered in terms of two mineral groups. Minerals with a lower degree of crystal order (hydrous ferric oxides and lepidocrocite) are reactive on a time-scale of minutes to hours. The more ordered minerals (goethite, magnetite, and hematite) are reactive on a time-scale of tens of days. Substitution of impurities within the mineral structure (as is likely in nature) has an effect on mineral reactivity. However, these effects are unlikely to have a significant impact on the relative reactivities of the two mineral groups

    A 200-million year delay in permanent atmospheric oxygenation

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    S.W.P. acknowledges support from a Leverhulme Research Fellowship and a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award. A.B. acknowledges support from the University of Johannesburg in the form of a Distinguished Visiting Professorship. D.T.J. acknowledges support from a NASA Exobiology award (NNX15AP58G).The rise of atmospheric oxygen fundamentally changed the chemistry of surficial environments and the nature of Earth’s habitability1. Early atmospheric oxygenation occurred over a protracted period of extreme climatic instability marked by multiple global glaciations2,3, with the initial rise of oxygen concentration to above 10−5 of the present atmospheric level constrained to about 2.43 billion years ago4,5. Subsequent fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen levels have, however, been reported to have occurred until about 2.32 billion years ago4, which represents the estimated timing of irreversible oxygenation of the atmosphere6,7. Here we report a high-resolution reconstruction of atmospheric and local oceanic redox conditions across the final two glaciations of the early Palaeoproterozoic era, as documented by marine sediments from the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Using multiple sulfur isotope and iron–sulfur–carbon systematics, we demonstrate continued oscillations in atmospheric oxygen levels after about 2.32 billion years ago that are linked to major perturbations in ocean redox chemistry and climate. Oxygen levels thus fluctuated across the threshold of 10−5 of the present atmospheric level for about 200 million years, with permanent atmospheric oxygenation finally arriving with the Lomagundi carbon isotope excursion at about 2.22 billion years ago, some 100 million years later than currently estimated.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Redox State of the Neoarchean Earth Environment

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    A Titan-like organic haze has been hypothesized for Earth's atmosphere prior to widespread surface oxygenation approx.2.45 billion years ago (Ga). We present a high-resolution record of quadruple sulfur isotopes, carbon isotopes, and Fe speciation from the approx.2.65-2.5 Ga Ghaap Group, South Africa, which suggest a linkage between organic haze and the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, sulfur, oxygen, and iron on the Archean Earth. These sediments provide evidence for oxygen production in microbial mats and localized oxygenation of surface waters. However, this oxygen production occurred under a reduced atmosphere which existed in multiple distinct redox states that correlate to changes in carbon and sulfur isotopes. The data are corroborated by photochemical model results that suggest bi-stable transitions between organic haze and haze-free atmospheric conditions in the Archean. These geochemical correlations also extend to other datasets, indicating that variations in the character of anomalous sulfur fractionation could provide insight into the role of carbon-bearing species in the reducing Archean atmosphere

    Linking Redox Processes and Black Shale Resource Potential

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    Black shales, such as the Mississippian (~330 Ma) Bowland Shale Formation, are targets for unconventional hydrocarbon exploration in the UK and in equivalents across Europe. Despite this interest, global decarbonisation, by definition, will either require; (1) complete replacement of natural gas with renewables and nuclear power generation, or; (2) moderate to limited natural gas use globally or locally, for example as a ‘bridge fuel’, as a source for hydrogen via steam reformation, or coupled to carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. Any of these scenarios will increase the demand for transition metals such as V, Co and Ni, key elements used for energy storage and as catalysts in steam reformation. Black shales in general can host ore-grade enrichments in these metals, although the exact resource potential of UK Mississippian black shales remains unresolved. We integrate comprehensive sedimentological and geochemical data from three sections through the Bowland Shale in the Craven Basin (Lancashire, UK) to explore the links between controls on hydrocarbon and metal prospectivity. The Bowland Shale at these sites is a highly heterogeneous and complex ~120 m thick succession comprising carbonate-rich, siliceous and siliciclastic, argillaceous mudstones. These sedimentary facies developed in response to a combination of high-frequency (~111 kyr) sea level changes, fault activity at the basin margins and linkage with the nearby prograding Pendle delta system. Palaeoredox proxies such as Fe-speciation, redox-sensitive trace elements and S isotope analysis from extracted pyrite (δ34Spy) demonstrate intervals associated with metal enrichment were deposited under anoxic and at least intermittently euxinic (sulphidic) bottom water conditions. Trace element enrichment ‘V scores’ (sum of V+Mo+Se+Ni+Zn in ppm) indicate the greatest enrichments in these key transition metals and non-metals are associated with deposition under strongly sulphidic conditions during marine transgressions. V scores in these intervals are often >400 ppm and sometimes >1000 ppm. These bulk enrichments are comparable to stratiform low-grade ores such as the Upper Mudstone Member of the Devonian Popovich Formation (Nevada, USA). Hosts for these metals likely include solid sulphides such as pyrite, organic matter and possibly phosphates or carbonates. Critically, a process of switching between ferruginous and euxinic conditions in anoxic porewaters, termed ‘redox oscillation’, is recognised by a distinctive redox-sensitive trace element enrichment pattern, particularly competition between V and Ni metalation. Redox oscillation operated during periods of reduced sea level, where an increased supply of reactive Fe to the basin promoted development of intermittently ferruginous conditions in bottom waters and early diagenetic porewaters. Therefore the distribution of many redox-sensitive elements through the Bowland Shale is predictable. If these elements can be efficiently extracted from the mineral or organic hosts, UK Mississippian black shales may represent a significant resource. This work also improves understanding of the potential for co-extraction of metals during hydraulic fracturing, or during remediation of waste water. Future work will seek to understand which minerals or organic compounds host these redox-sensitive trace elements

    Oxygen minimum zones in the early Cambrian ocean

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    The relationship between the evolution of early animal communities and oceanic oxygen levels remains unclear. In particular, uncertainty persists in reconstructions of redox conditions during the pivotal early Cambrian (541-510 million years ago, Ma), where conflicting datasets from deeper marine settings suggest either ocean anoxia or fully oxygenated conditions. By coupling geochemical palaeoredox proxies with a record of organic-walled fossils from exceptionally well-defined successions of the early Cambrian Baltic Basin, we provide evidence for the early establishment of modern-type oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). Both inner-and outer-shelf environments were pervasively oxygenated, whereas mid-depth settings were characterised by spatially oscillating anoxia. As such, conflicting redox signatures recovered from individual sites most likely derive from sampling bias, whereby anoxic conditions represent mid-shelf environments with higher productivity. This picture of a spatially restricted anoxic wedge contrasts with prevailing models of globally stratified oceans, offering a more nuanced and realistic account of the Proterozoic-Phanerozoic ocean transition.This work was funded by NERC (NE/K005251/1). SWP acknowledges support from a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

    The origin and rise of complex life:progress requires interdisciplinary integration and hypothesis testing

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    Understanding of the triggers and timing of the rise of complex life ca 2100 to 720 million years ago has expanded dramatically in recent years. This theme issue brings together diverse and novel geochemical and palaeontological data presented as part of the Royal Society ‘The origin and rise of complex life: integrating models, geochemical and palaeontological data’ discussion meeting held in September 2019. The individual papers offer prescient insights from multiple disciplines. Here we summarize their contribution towards the goal of the meeting; to create testable hypotheses for the differing roles of changing climate, oceanic redox, nutrient availability, and ecosystem feedbacks across this profound, but enigmatic, transitional period

    Surface charge and growth of sulphate and carbonate green rust in aqueous media

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    We report the first determination of the point of zero charge of sulphated and carbonated green rust particles. Green rust has been recognised as a prevalent mineral in environments such as hydromorphic soils, groundwaters and anoxic Fe(II)-rich water bodies, and the evolution of its net surface charge with pH has direct implications for the uptake of contaminants, metals and nutrients in such settings. We find that the surface of both sulphated and carbonated green rust is positively charged at pH 8.3. Thus, alkaline settings will promote enhanced adsorption of metallic cations. However, the behaviour of ionic species surrounding green rust is more complicated than that predicted by simple pH-dependent adsorption, as our experiments suggest that green rust likely grows via dissolution-reprecipitation during Ostwald-ripening. This implies that adsorbed species are potentially subject to repetitive steps of release into solution, re-adsorption and co-precipitation during particle growth. The growth rate of green rust particles is highest within the first 50. min of aging, and appears to decrease towards an asymptote after 200. min, suggesting that particle growth controls on the uptake of dissolved species will be most important during the early steps of green rust growth. Our findings thus contribute to a better understanding of the controls that green rust may exert on dissolved ions in a variety of anoxic environments
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