113 research outputs found

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    Csíkány Andrea két könyve a palóc nyelvjárásokról

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    Transpiration cooling of a plane porous plate

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    The transient temperatures were determined in a porous plate for one dimensional heat flow and one dimensional counter coolant flow. One surface of the porous plate was heated by a hot gas by convective heat transfer. A general discussion of the problem is considered and the procedure described for working all such problems dealing with transpiration cooling. The solution of such problems is illustrated by two examples employing a ceramic plate one inch thick and cooled by a uniform flow of air in a direction counter to the flow of heat, while one surface of the ceramic plate was heated by convective heat transfer by a hot gas at 5000° F. The solution provided here is applicable to digital computer computations and was solved on the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy LGP-30 Royal McBee Digital Computer. The results of this investigation prove very conclusively that the method of cooling is effective and can be applied to almost any high temperature problem which can allow the coolant to penetrate the surface on the hot side of the porous plate --Abstract, page ii

    Production of Potential Functional Dairy Products Using Herb Treated by Microwave Radiation

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    Our aim was to product potential functional dairy products (cheese) by adding microwave treated dried herbs to them. We worked out two methods to compare the antimicrobial effect of microwave and the microwave indicated heat treatment. The product technology was also worked out by us

    Is the Magyarmecske telluric conductivity anomaly a buried impact structure?

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    Abstract A more or less circular high-amplitude telluric conductivity anomaly is located at Magyarmecske, in southwestern Hungary. The authors collected and reinvestigated all available geophysical data previously measured in the area; based on this information it was concluded that the conductivity anomaly may well be explained as a buried impact crater. It is assumed that when the impact occurred, the target area was covered by a thick, coal-bearing Carboniferous sedimentary sequence. The projectile created a complex impact crater in these deposits, of a diameter of approximately 6–8 km. In the neighborhood of the crater the coal was modified by the impact's heat and pressure. Later the impact structure was partly eroded, partly deformed by younger tectonic movements, and covered by Neogene sediments of strongly variable thickness

    Development and test results of a system for the recovery of the lower limbs

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    According to medical research,1 exertion of a certain level of loading to injured lower limbs is considered as important from the point of view of their recovery. Total unloading would decelerate coalescing of bones just like their permanent overloading. In order to avoid it, patients must be trained to walk with optimal load on lower limbs. A data logger with built-in load cell is designated both to sustain this process and to store data on load values exercised to limbs during recovery as well. The report below tells how this device was developed. DOI: 10.17489/biohun/2013/1/2

    Fejezetek a hiszterézisre vonatkozó közgazdasági elméletekből

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    A 2008-as gazdasági és pénzügyi válság óta a hiszterézis és az ennek alapján megfogalmazandó gazdaságpolitikai ajánlások a közgazdaságtan fókuszába kerültek. Tanulmányunk a 2008-as válságról és az azt követő hiszterézisről szóló egyes elméleteket, valamint az ezekhez kapcsolódó gazdaságpolitikai ajánlásokat mutatja be. A válság és a hiszterézis elméleti katalizátorként hatott, és az addigi domináns elméletek kereteit feszegetve esetenként jelentős eredményeket produkált, ez a folyamat pedig még ma is tart. A hiszterézis a magyar gazdaság szempontjából is jelentős, hiszen a válság hazánkat különösen erősen érintette. Ugyanakkor a 2010 utáni gazdaságpolitikai fordulatváltás eredményeként sikerült az egyensúlyt helyreállítani és a gazdaságot növekedési pályára állítani. Ezt nevezhetjük pozitív hiszterézisnek is, hiszen a gazdaság a trend alapján a vártnál tartósan gyorsabban növekszik