113 research outputs found

    Deletion of the Williams Beuren syndrome critical region unmasks facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy

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    Among 1339 unrelated cases accrued by the Italian National Registry for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD), we found three unrelated cases who presented signs of Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) in early childhood and later developed FSHD. All three cases carry the molecular defects associated with the two disorders. The rarity of WBS and FSHD, 1 in 7500 and 1 in 20,000 respectively, makes a random association of the two diseases unlikely. These cases open novel and unexpected interpretation of genetic findings. The nonrandom association of both FSHD and WBS points at a gene co-expression network providing hints for the identification of modules and functionally enriched pathways in the two conditions

    Stream-scanning laser system, electric sensing counter and settling grain size analysis: a comparison using reference materials and marine sediments.

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    Surface and deep-sea core sediments and two sets of standards were measured by three different techniques - Galai Cis I laser system, Coulter Counter TAII, and Micromeritics SediGraph 5000D - in order to compare the Galai results with the other two. The differences between the three types of measuring device turned out to be greater in sediments than in standards, and were attributed to the physical properties, shape, density and composition of the particles (complexity of the matrix). Comparison between moment statistics showed that the Galai determines coarser grain sizes than the Coulter and finer than the SediGraph, particularly as regards analysis of surface sediments. The relationships between Galai and SediGraph were estimated using analysis of variation/residuals within individual intervals. The analysis showed a higher variability of residuals for the coarser fractions (8-16 µm and 16-32 µm) with respect to the finer (2-4 µm and 4-8 µm) fractions. The <2 µm SediGraph fraction, with a cut-off at 0.49 µm, showed good correspondence with the <2.5 µm Galai analysis

    Administration of Mycobacterium leprae rHsp65 Aggravates Experimental Autoimmune Uveitis in Mice

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    The 60kDa heat shock protein family, Hsp60, constitutes an abundant and highly conserved class of molecules that are highly expressed in chronic-inflammatory and autoimmune processes. Experimental autoimmune uveitis [EAU] is a T cell mediated intraocular inflammatory disease that resembles human uveitis. Mycobacterial and homologous Hsp60 peptides induces uveitis in rats, however their participation in aggravating the disease is poorly known. We here evaluate the effects of the Mycobacterium leprae Hsp65 in the development/progression of EAU and the autoimmune response against the eye through the induction of the endogenous disequilibrium by enhancing the entropy of the immunobiological system with the addition of homologous Hsp. B10.RIII mice were immunized subcutaneously with interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein [IRBP], followed by intraperitoneally inoculation of M. leprae recombinant Hsp65 [rHsp65]. We evaluated the proliferative response, cytokine production and the percentage of CD4+IL-17+, CD4+IFN-γ+ and CD4+Foxp3+ cells ex vivo, by flow cytometry. Disease severity was determined by eye histological examination and serum levels of anti-IRBP and anti-Hsp60/65 measured by ELISA. EAU scores increased in the Hsp65 group and were associated with an expansion of CD4+IFN-γ+ and CD4+IL-17+ T cells, corroborating with higher levels of IFN-γ. Our data indicate that rHsp65 is one of the managers with a significant impact over the immune response during autoimmunity, skewing it to a pathogenic state, promoting both Th1 and Th17 commitment. It seems comprehensible that the specificity and primary function of Hsp60 molecules can be considered as a potential pathogenic factor acting as a whistleblower announcing chronic-inflammatory diseases progression

    Bi-allelic JAM2 Variants Lead to Early-Onset Recessive Primary Familial Brain Calcification.

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    Primary familial brain calcification (PFBC) is a rare neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a combination of neurological, psychiatric, and cognitive decline associated with calcium deposition on brain imaging. To date, mutations in five genes have been linked to PFBC. However, more than 50% of individuals affected by PFBC have no molecular diagnosis. We report four unrelated families presenting with initial learning difficulties and seizures and later psychiatric symptoms, cerebellar ataxia, extrapyramidal signs, and extensive calcifications on brain imaging. Through a combination of homozygosity mapping and exome sequencing, we mapped this phenotype to chromosome 21q21.3 and identified bi-allelic variants in JAM2. JAM2 encodes for the junctional-adhesion-molecule-2, a key tight-junction protein in blood-brain-barrier permeability. We show that JAM2 variants lead to reduction of JAM2 mRNA expression and absence of JAM2 protein in patient's fibroblasts, consistent with a loss-of-function mechanism. We show that the human phenotype is replicated in the jam2 complete knockout mouse (jam2 KO). Furthermore, neuropathology of jam2 KO mouse showed prominent vacuolation in the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and cerebellum and particularly widespread vacuolation in the midbrain with reactive astrogliosis and neuronal density reduction. The regions of the human brain affected on neuroimaging are similar to the affected brain areas in the myorg PFBC null mouse. Along with JAM3 and OCLN, JAM2 is the third tight-junction gene in which bi-allelic variants are associated with brain calcification, suggesting that defective cell-to-cell adhesion and dysfunction of the movement of solutes through the paracellular spaces in the neurovascular unit is a key mechanism in CNS calcification

    Investigating coping and stigma in people living with HIV through narrative medicine in the Italian multicentre non-interventional study DIAMANTE

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    : Antiretroviral therapy (ART) significantly reduced Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) morbidity and mortality; nevertheless, stigma still characterises the living with this condition. This study explored patients' coping experience by integrating narrative medicine (NM) in a non-interventional clinical trial. From June 2018 to September 2020 the study involved 18 centres across Italy; enrolled patients were both D/C/F/TAF naïve and previously ART-treated. Narratives were collected at enrolment (V1) and last visit (V4) and then independently analysed by three NM specialist researchers through content analysis. One-hundred and fourteen patients completed both V1 and V4 narratives. Supportive relationships with clinicians and undetectable viral load facilitated coping. Conversely, lack of disclosure of HIV-positive status, HIV metaphors, and unwillingness to narrate the life before the diagnosis indicated internalised stigma. This is the first non-interventional study to include narratives as patient reported outcomes (PROs). Improving HIV awareness and reducing the sense of guilt experienced by patients helps to overcome stigma and foster coping

    P-I snake venom metalloproteinase is able to activate the complement system by direct cleavage of central components of the cascade

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    Background Snake Venom Metalloproteinases (SVMPs) are amongst the key enzymes that contribute to the high toxicity of snake venom. We have recently shown that snake venoms from the Bothrops genus activate the Complement system (C) by promoting direct cleavage of C-components and generating anaphylatoxins, thereby contributing to the pathology and spread of the venom. The aim of the present study was to isolate and characterize the C-activating protease from Bothrops pirajai venom. Results Using two gel-filtration chromatography steps, a metalloproteinase of 23 kDa that activates Complement was isolated from Bothrops pirajai venom. The mass spectrometric identification of this protein, named here as C-SVMP, revealed peptides that matched sequences from the P-I class of SVMPs. C-SVMP activated the alternative, classical and lectin C-pathways by cleaving the α-chain of C3, C4 and C5, thereby generating anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a and C5a. In vivo, C-SVMP induced consumption of murine complement components, most likely by activation of the pathways and/or by direct cleavage of C3, leading to a reduction of serum lytic activity. Conclusion We show here that a P-I metalloproteinase from Bothrops pirajai snake venom activated the Complement system by direct cleavage of the central C-components, i.e., C3, C4 and C5, thereby generating biologically active fragments, such as anaphylatoxins, and by cleaving the C1-Inhibitor, which may affect Complement activation control. These results suggest that direct complement activation by SVMPs may play a role in the progression of symptoms that follow envenomation. Author Summary The genus Bothrops inflicts the vast majority of snakebites in Central and South America and is responsible for 90% of snake envenomations in Brazil. Envenomations are characterized by prominent local effects, including edema and necrosis, and by systemic manifestations such as hemorrhage, coagulopathy and acute renal failure. Several components have been isolated from Bothrops venoms, and the snake venom metalloproteinases (SVMPs) are key enzymes contributing to the high toxicity of the venoms. Previously, we analyzed the pro-inflammatory properties of snake venoms from the genus Bothrops and demonstrated that several of them were potent activators of the Complement (C) system. C3a, C4a and C5a were generated in venom-treated sera not only through C-activation but also by direct cleavage of C-components. In the present study, we have isolated and characterized a metalloproteinase from Bothrops pirajai snake venom, named here as C-SVMP, which interferes with all three complement pathways, generating potent pro-inflammatory fragments, such as C3a, C4a and C5a. Our data suggest that C-activation by Bothrops pirajai venom is due to activity of an SVMP, which may play a role in the progression of symptoms that follow envenomation

    Prevalence study of genetically defined skeletal muscle channelopathies in England.

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    To obtain minimum point prevalence rates for the skeletal muscle channelopathies and to evaluate the frequency distribution of mutations associated with these disorders
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