165 research outputs found

    The W3W_3-string spectrum

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    We study the spectrum of W3W_3 strings. In particular, we show that for appropriately chosen space-time signature, one of the scalar fields is singled out by the spin-3 constraint and is ``frozen'': no creation operators from it can appear in physical states and the corresponding momentum must assume a specific fixed value. The remaining theory is unitary and resembles an ordinary string theory in d26d\ne26 with anomalies cancelled by appropriate background charges. In the case of the W3W_3 string, however, the spin-two ``graviton'' is massive.Comment: 14 Page

    Generalised Holonomy for Higher-Order Corrections to Supersymmetric Backgrounds in String and M-Theory

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    The notion of {\it generalised structure groups} and {\it generalised holonomy groups} has been introduced in supergravity, in order to discuss the spinor rotations generated by commutators of supercovariant derivatives when non-vanishing form fields are included, with their associated gamma-matrix structures that go beyond the usual \Gamma_{MN} of the Riemannian connection. In this paper we investigate the generalisations to the usual Riemannian structure and holonomy groups that result from the inclusion of higher-order string or M-theory corrections in the supercovariant derivative. Even in the absence of background form fields, these corrections introduce additional terms \Gamma_{M_1... M_6} in the supercovariant connection, and hence they lead to enlarged structure and holonomy groups. In some cases, the corrected equations of motion force form fields to become non-zero too, which can further enlarge the groups. Our investigation focuses on the generalised structure and holonomy groups in the transverse spaces K_n of (Minkowski) \times K_n backgrounds for n=6, 7, 8 and 10, and shows how the generalised holonomies allow the continued existence of supersymmetric backgrounds even though the usual Riemannian special holonomy is destroyed by the inclusion of the string or M-theory corrections.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, clarifying comments and references adde

    Weyl Group Invariance and p-brane Multiplets

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    In this paper, we study the actions of the Weyl groups of the U duality groups for type IIA string theory toroidally compactified to all dimensions D3D\ge 3. We show how these Weyl groups implement permutations of the field strengths, and we discuss the Weyl group multiplets of all supersymmetric pp-brane solitons.Comment: 31 pages, Late

    Canonical BRST Quantisation of Worldsheet Gravities

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    We reformulate the BRST quantisation of chiral Virasoro and W3W_3 worldsheet gravities. Our approach follows directly the classic BRST formulation of Yang-Mills theory in employing a derivative gauge condition instead of the conventional conformal gauge condition, supplemented by an introduction of momenta in order to put the ghost action back into first-order form. The consequence of these simple changes is a considerable simplification of the BRST formulation, the evaluation of anomalies and the expression of Wess-Zumino consistency conditions. In particular, the transformation rules of all fields now constitute a canonical transformation generated by the BRST operator QQ, and we obtain in this reformulation a new result that the anomaly in the BRST Ward identity is obtained by application of the anomalous operator Q2Q^2, calculated using operator products, to the gauge fermion.Comment: 27 pages. (Some factors of \hbar corrected

    Embedding of the Bosonic String into the W3W_3 String

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    We investigate new realisations of the W3W_3 algebra with arbitrary central charge, making use of the fact that this algebra can be linearised by the inclusion of a spin-1 current. We use the new realisations with c=102c=102 and c=100c=100 to build non-critical and critical W3W_3 BRST operators. Both of these can be converted by local canonical transformations into a BRST operator for the Virasoro string with c=282c=28-2, together with a Kugo-Ojima topological term. Consequently, these new realisations provide embeddings of the Virasoro string into non-critical and critical W3W_3 strings.Comment: 11 pages. (Some referencing changes

    Higher-Order Corrections to Non-Compact Calabi-Yau Manifolds in String Theory

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    At the leading order, the low-energy effective field equations in string theory admit solutions of the form of products of Minkowski spacetime and a Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau space. The equations of motion receive corrections at higher orders in \alpha', which imply that the Ricci-flat Calabi-Yau space is modified. In an appropriate choice of scheme, the Calabi-Yau space remains Kahler, but is no longer Ricci-flat. We discuss the nature of these corrections at order {\alpha'}^3, and consider the deformations of all the known cohomogeneity one non-compact Kahler metrics in six and eight dimensions. We do this by deriving the first-order equations associated with the modified Killing-spinor conditions, and we thereby obtain the modified supersymmetric solutions. We also give a detailed discussion of the boundary terms for the Euler complex in six and eight dimensions, and apply the results to all the cohomogeneity one examples.Comment: Latex, 49 pages. References added, typos corrected, and discussion and conclusions extende

    Vertical versus Diagonal Dimensional Reduction for p-branes

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    In addition to the double-dimensional reduction procedure that employs world-volume Killing symmetries of pp-brane supergravity solutions and acts diagonally on a plot of pp versus spacetime dimension DD, there exists a second procedure of ``vertical'' reduction. This reduces the transverse-space dimension via an integral that superposes solutions to the underlying Laplace equation. We show that vertical reduction is also closely related to the recently-introduced notion of intersecting pp-branes. We illustrate this with examples, and also construct a new D=11D=11 solution describing four intersecting membranes, which preserves 1/161/16 of the supersymmetry. Given the two reduction schemes plus duality transformations at special points of the scalar modulus space, one may relate most of the pp-brane solutions of relevance to superstring theory. We argue that the maximum classifying duality symmetry for this purpose is the Weyl group of the corresponding Cremmer-Julia supergravity symmetry Er(+r)E_{r(+r)}. We also discuss a separate class of duality-invariant pp-branes with p=D3p=D-3.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, no figures. References adde

    Linearly-realised Worldsheet Supersymmetry in pp-wave Background

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    We study the linearly-realised worldsheet supersymmetries in the ``massive'' type II light-cone actions for pp-wave backgrounds. The pp-waves have have 16+N_sup Killing spinors, comprising 16 ``standard'' Killing spinors that occur in any wave background, plus N_sup ``supernumerary'' Killing spinors (0\le N_sup \le 16) that occur only for special backgrounds. We show that only the supernumerary Killing spinors give rise to linearly-realised worldsheet supersymmetries after light-cone gauge fixing, while the 16 standard Killing spinors describe only non-linearly realised inhomogeneous symmetries. We also study the type II actions in the physical gauge, and we show that although in this case the actions are not free, there are now linearly-realised supersymmetries coming both from the standard and the supernumerary Killing spinors. In the physical gauge, there are no mass terms for any worldsheet degrees of freedom, so the masses appearing in the light-cone gauge may be viewed as gauge artefacts. We obtain type IIA and IIB supergravity solutions describing solitonic strings in pp-wave backgrounds, and show how these are related to the physical-gauge fundamental string actions. We study the supersymmetries of these solutions, and find examples with various numbers of Killing spinors, including total numbers that are odd.Comment: Latex, 35 page

    The Multivalued Free-Field Maps of Liouville and Toda Gravities

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    Liouville and Toda gravity theories with non-vanishing interaction potentials have spectra obtained by dividing the free-field spectra for these cases by the Weyl group of the corresponding A1A_1 or A2A_2 Lie algebra. We study the canonical transformations between interacting and free fields using the technique of intertwining operators, giving explicit constructions for the wavefunctions and showing that they are invariant under the corresponding Weyl groups. These explicit constructions also permit a detailed analysis of the operator-state maps and of the nature of the Seiberg bounds.Comment: 47 pages, plain Tex, 5 Postscript figures, uses epsf.tex. Repackaging to permit Postscript generation, no changes to pape

    Superdualities, brane tensions and massive IIA/IIB duality

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    The gauge transformations of p-form fields in supergravity theories acquire a non-commuting character when one introduces potentials both for the theory's original field strengths and for their duals. This has previously been shown in the ``doubled'' formalism for maximal supergravities, where a generalised duality relation between original and dual field strengths replaces the equations of motion. In the doubled formalism, the gauge transformations generate a superalgebra, and the corresponding symmetries have accordingly been called ``superdualities.'' The corresponding Noether charges form a representation of the cohomology ring on the spacetime manifold. In this paper, we show that the gauge symmetry superalgebra implies certain non-trivial relations among the various p-brane tensions, which can straightforwardly be read off from the superalgebra commutation relations. This provides an elegant derivation of the brane-tension relations purely within a given theory, without the need to make use of duality relations between different theories, such as the type IIA/IIB T-duality, although the results are consistent with such dualities. We present the complete set of brane-tension relations in M-theory, in the type IIA and type IIB theories, and in all the lower-dimensional maximal supergravities. We also construct a doubled formalism for massive type IIA supergravity, and this enables us to obtain the brane-tension relations involving the D8-brane, purely within the framework of the massive IIA theory. We also obtain explicit transformations for the nine-dimensional T-duality between the massive type IIA theory and the Scherk-Schwarz reduced type IIB theory.Comment: LaTeX, 30 pages, references adde