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    Напредак технологије у свим областима, поготово у области електронике и телекомуникација, нова решења присутна у кривичнопроцесном и другом релевантном законодавству Републике Србије, па и она која предвиђају могућност надзирања и лоцирања лица осумњичених за извршење одређених кривичних дела уз употребу техничких средстава, отвара и могућност коришћења система за пресретање, лоцирање и праћење кретања лица/објеката. Ово, како у циљу прикупљања обавештења од значаја за спречавање и сузбијање криминалитета, тако и у циљу обезбеђења доказа од значаја за расветљавање и доказивање конкретне кривичне ствари. Нажалост, национални нормативни оквир не садржи разрађен сет одредби којима се прецизније регулишу бројна питања која се у пракси примене појединих система свакодневну намећу, а чије занемаривање узрокује мање или више основане дилеме и недоумице. Поред осталих изостале су и одредбе којима се, уз предвиђање могућности лоцирања лица/објеката приликом примене мере тајног праћења и снимања, или на било ком другом месту дефинише значење појма лоцирање. У тексту, пажња ће битипосвећена овом и бројним другим спорним питањима примене појединих система у реализацији општих оперативно тактичких и доказних мера и радњи.---------------------Technology progress in all areas, especially in the electronics and telecommunications, new solutions that are present in criminal and other relevant laws of the Republic of Serbia, including those that predict the monitoring and locating of persons suspected of the commission of certain offenses by using of technical means, is opening the possibility of using systems for intercepting, locating and tracking the movement of persons/objects. This, both in a purpose of gathering informations relevant to the prevention and suppression of crime, so also in order to provide the evidences of the importance for clarifying and proving specific criminal cases. Unfortunately, the national normative framework does not include elaborate set of provisions which, more precisely regulate numerous issues, which, when is a word about a practical use of some system impose a daily basis, and whose neglect causes more or less reasonable dilemmas and doubts. Besides others are omitted provisions, which, when predicting a possibility of locating persons/objects, during the implementation of measures of covert surveillance and monitoring, defines the meaning of the term locating. With the analysis of the normative basis and framework of application of different technical systems for monitoring, in this paper attention will be paid to a numerous other issues regarding to their use when it is conducting the criminal investigation of specific criminal cases

    Searching for long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Searching for long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider

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    International audienceParticles beyond the Standard Model (SM) can generically have lifetimes that are long compared to SM particles at the weak scale. When produced at experiments such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, these long-lived particles (LLPs) can decay far from the interaction vertex of the primary proton–proton collision. Such LLP signatures are distinct from those of promptly decaying particles that are targeted by the majority of searches for new physics at the LHC, often requiring customized techniques to identify, for example, significantly displaced decay vertices, tracks with atypical properties, and short track segments. Given their non-standard nature, a comprehensive overview of LLP signatures at the LHC is beneficial to ensure that possible avenues of the discovery of new physics are not overlooked. Here we report on the joint work of a community of theorists and experimentalists with the ATLAS, CMS, and LHCb experiments—as well as those working on dedicated experiments such as MoEDAL, milliQan, MATHUSLA, CODEX-b, and FASER—to survey the current state of LLP searches at the LHC, and to chart a path for the development of LLP searches into the future, both in the upcoming Run 3 and at the high-luminosity LHC. The work is organized around the current and future potential capabilities of LHC experiments to generally discover new LLPs, and takes a signature-based approach to surveying classes of models that give rise to LLPs rather than emphasizing any particular theory motivation. We develop a set of simplified models; assess the coverage of current searches; document known, often unexpected backgrounds; explore the capabilities of proposed detector upgrades; provide recommendations for the presentation of search results; and look towards the newest frontiers, namely high-multiplicity ‘dark showers’, highlighting opportunities for expanding the LHC reach for these signals