39 research outputs found

    Análise de reforço estrutural com Concreto de ultra alto desempenho/ Analysis of structural reinforcement with ultra high performance concrete

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    A evolução da tecnologia dos concretos conduziu ao desenvolvimento do Concreto de ultra alto desempenho (UHPC), material que apresenta alta durabilidade e resistência à compressão acima de 150MPa. A aplicação deste material no Brasil ainda é bastante restrita por isto este trabalho visa apresentar uma alternativa de aplicação do UHPC. Para isso o material foi confeccionado através de uma análise de empacotamento de partículas utilizando duas areias comerciais, sem peneiramento, além de pó de quartzo, micro-sílica e cimento Portland e o UHPC foi caracterizado quanto à resistência à compressão, tração por compressão diametral e flexão e foi aplicado como reforço estrutural nas regiões de compressão e de tração de modelos reduzidos de vigas de concreto armado, com armadura mínima, que foram ensaiadas à flexão em 4 pontos. Os resultados indicam um aumento de 40% na capacidade de carga mesmo sem a utilização de armadura suplementar na região reforçada

    A translation of mexicanisms into Portuguese in the film ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño?: A sociolinguistic analysis

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    El presente artículo es resultado del análisis de los mexicanismos presentes en la película mexicana ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño? El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, desde una perspectiva sociolingüística, las opciones utilizadas por los traductores para realizar la traducción de los mexicanismos, con el intento de verificar si dichos traductores consideran las influencias socio-lingüístico-culturales de la teoría y la práctica de la traducción, pero también si siguen las normas técnicas de subtitulaje, a partir de las opciones elegidas en el proceso. Tras el análisis, percibimos que, en el acto de la traducción de los mexicanismos para el portugués, no siempre el traductor/subtitulador considera las influencias socio-lingüístico-culturales y las prácticas de traducción, es decir, no traducen referentes culturales utilizados en el lenguaje del audio original de la película para el idioma del interlocutor. Palabras clave: traducción audiovisual, sociolingüística, mexicanismos, subtítulos.The present article is the result of an analysis of the mexicanisms present in the Mexican movie ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño? (A nine-month hangover). The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from the sociolinguistic perspective, the choices made by translators to perform the translation of mexicanisms, to observe if translators take into consideration the socio-linguistic-cultural influences of translation theory and practice. Also, the study aims at observing if translators follow the technical subtitling standards, as demonstrated in the options made during the translation process. The data collected allowed us to conclude that, at the moment of the translation of mexicanisms into Portuguese, the translator/subtitle translator does not always consider the socio-linguistic-cultural influences of the theory and practice of translation, that is, they do not translate the cultural references present in the original movie audio into the language of the viewer.Keywords: Audiovisual translation, sociolinguistics, mexicanisms, movie subtitles

    A translation of mexicanisms into Portuguese in the film ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño?: A sociolinguistic analysis

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    The present article is the result of an analysis of the mexicanisms present in the Mexican movie ¿Qué culpa tiene el niño? (A nine-month hangover). The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from the sociolinguistic perspective, the choices made by translators to perform the translation of mexicanisms, to observe if translators take into consideration the socio-linguistic-cultural influences of translation theory and practice. Also, the study aims at observing if translators follow the technical subtitling standards, as demonstrated in the options made during the translation process. The data collected allowed us to conclude that, at the moment of the translation of mexicanisms into Portuguese, the translator/subtitle translator does not always consider the socio-linguistic-cultural influences of the theory and practice of translation, that is, they do not translate the cultural references present in the original movie audio into the language of the viewer.Keywords: Audiovisual translation, sociolinguistics, mexicanisms, movie subtitles.</p

    Assistência de enfermagem a paciente com diabetes mellitus gestacional: uma revisão de literatura

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    The aim was to analyze the evidence in the literature about nursing care in Primary Care for patients who had Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. This is an integrative literature review, the selected databases were: PubMed, SciELO and the VHL database platform. The following descriptors were used: Diabetes, Gestational; Nursing Care; Primary Health Care and Public Health. The research resulted in 325 works, after reading only 11 articles were selected, which were classified into four categories, namely: Understanding the potential of care; identifying the factors that affect the results; Capacity building/training/knowledge; Weaknesses of care. It is concluded that the management of patients with gestational diabetes mellitus in Primary Care becomes extremely relevant for reducing maternal-fetal complications as well as for decreasing the incidence of progression to type 2 diabetes.Objetivou-se analisar as evidências na literatura sobre a assistência de enfermagem na Atenção Básica a paciente que apresentaram o Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, as bases de dados selecionadas foram: PubMed, SciELO e a plataforma de base de dados BVS. Os seguintes descritores foram utilizados: Diabetes, Gestational; Nursing Care; Primary Health Care e Public Health. Resultou-se das pesquisas 325 obras, após a leitura foram selecionados apenas 11 artigos, que foram classificados em quatro categoria, são elas: Compreendendo as potencialidades do cuidado; identificando os fatores que interferem nos resultados; Capacitação/treinamento/conhecimento; Fragilidades do cuidado.  Conclui-se que o manejo em pacientes com diabetes mellitus gestacional na Atenção Básica torna-se extremamente relevante para a diminuição das complicações materno-fetais como também na diminuição da incidência da progressão para a diabetes tipo 2

    Assistência de enfermagem a paciente com diabetes mellitus gestacional: uma revisão de literatura

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    The aim was to analyze the evidence in the literature about nursing care in Primary Care for patients who had Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. This is an integrative literature review, the selected databases were: PubMed, SciELO and the VHL database platform. The following descriptors were used: Diabetes, Gestational; Nursing Care; Primary Health Care and Public Health. The research resulted in 325 works, after reading only 11 articles were selected, which were classified into four categories, namely: Understanding the potential of care; identifying the factors that affect the results; Capacity building/training/knowledge; Weaknesses of care. It is concluded that the management of patients with gestational diabetes mellitus in Primary Care becomes extremely relevant for reducing maternal-fetal complications as well as for decreasing the incidence of progression to type 2 diabetes.Objetivou-se analisar as evidências na literatura sobre a assistência de enfermagem na Atenção Básica a paciente que apresentaram o Diabetes Mellitus Gestacional. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura, as bases de dados selecionadas foram: PubMed, SciELO e a plataforma de base de dados BVS. Os seguintes descritores foram utilizados: Diabetes, Gestational; Nursing Care; Primary Health Care e Public Health. Resultou-se das pesquisas 325 obras, após a leitura foram selecionados apenas 11 artigos, que foram classificados em quatro categoria, são elas: Compreendendo as potencialidades do cuidado; identificando os fatores que interferem nos resultados; Capacitação/treinamento/conhecimento; Fragilidades do cuidado.  Conclui-se que o manejo em pacientes com diabetes mellitus gestacional na Atenção Básica torna-se extremamente relevante para a diminuição das complicações materno-fetais como também na diminuição da incidência da progressão para a diabetes tipo 2

    Intestinal parasitism among waste pickers in Mato Grosso do Sul, Midwest Brazil

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in both cooperative-affiliated and independent waste pickers operating at the municipal sanitary landfill in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and associate these findings with hemoglobin, eosinophils, vitamin A and C levels and interleukin 5 and 10 (IL-5 and IL-10) production. Biological samples were collected, in addition to clinical, epidemiological, and sociodemographic data. Stool analyzes were based on sedimentation by centrifugation and on spontaneous sedimentation. High-performance liquid chromatography was used to determine vitamin A and C levels. ELISA was employed to quantify interleukins. Intestinal parasites were found in 29 of the 66 subjects assessed (43.9%). Endolimax nana (22.7%), Entamoeba coli (21.1%), Giardia lamblia (6.1%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (4.5%), and Ascaris lumbricoides (4.5%) were the most prevalent species. Pathogenic parasites were detected in 11 individuals (16.7%). Hypovitaminoses A and C were detected in 19.6% (13/66) and 98.4% (65/66) of subjects, respectively. IL-5 and IL-10 production was observed in 21 (31.8%) and 32 (48.4%) subjects, respectively. Infection with pathogenic intestinal parasites was not a cause of vitamin A and C deficiency or IL-5 and IL-10 production among these workers

    Enteroparasites in Riverside Settlements in the Pantanal Wetlands Ecosystem

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    Background. Intestinal parasites are a major source of health problems in developing countries, where socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental conditions contribute in maintaining the biological cycles of various parasites and facilitating their spread. The objective of this study, conducted in Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, was to investigate the occurrence of intestinal parasites in riverside communities in the South Pantanal wetlands and conduct educational interventions focused on health and environmental preservation. Method. In total, 196 stool samples were tested for parasites using the merthiolate-iodine-formaldehyde concentration (MIFC) technique and spontaneous sedimentation and educational activities were carried out. Results. Enteroparasite prevalence was 72% (65.6–78.2%; 95% CI). Of the 141 positive cases, monoparasitism was found in 34.7%, biparasitism in 23%, and polyparasitism in 14.3%. Entamoeba coli was the most frequent protozoan (70.2%). Among helminths, hookworms were the most prevalent. Enteroparasitosis prevalence did not differ for sex or place of abode but proved higher in individuals older than 10 years. Conclusion. The high positivity rate for enteroparasites found for the communities stems from lack of sanitation and poor personal and environmental hygiene habits, indicating that effective health policies and educational interventions are needed to reduce the current risk levels

    Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde 2019: histórico, métodos e perspectivas

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    This article presents the history and construction of the National Health Survey (PNS) 2019, a household survey conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The objective was to provide the country with information on the determinants, conditions and health needs of the Brazilian population. The expected sample was 108,525 households, considering a non-response rate of 20%. The questionnaire had three parts: (i) regarding the household; (ii) to all residents of the household, focusing on the collection of socioeconomic and health information; and (iii) aimed at the selected resident (15 years or more) for whom lifestyles, chronic diseases, violence, among other topics were investigated, and anthropometric measures (sub-sample) were measured. The PNS information will serve as a basis for the (re)formulation of health policies, as well as support for existing actions and programs of the Unified Health System.Este artigo apresenta o histórico e a construção da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS) 2019, inquérito de base domiciliar realizado em parceria com a fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. O objetivo da PNS 2019 foi dotar o país de informações sobre os determinantes, condicionantes e necessidades de saúde da população brasileira. A amostra prevista foi de 108.525 domicílios particulares, considerando-se uma taxa de não resposta de 20%. Seu questionário continha três partes, orientadas para (i) o domicílio, (ii) todos os moradores do domicílio, com enfoque na coleta de informações socioeconômicas e de saúde, e (iii) o morador selecionado (idade ≥15 anos), sobre o qual investigou-se estilos de vida, doenças crônicas, violências, entre outros temas, e aferiu-se medidas antropométricas (subamostra). As informações da PNS 2019 servirão de base para a (re)formulação de políticas de saúde e subsídio a ações e programas existentes do Sistema Único de Saúde