634 research outputs found

    Recreational shore angling in the south and southwest coast of mainland Portugal

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    All fishing-related activities impact exploited ecosystems, which is underestimated by fisheries statistics that rely only on commercial fisheries information. Collection of recreational fishing data is mandatory under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF, EC 199/2008), and will provide reliable, enabling the integration of catch estimates from commercial and recreational fisheries for stock assessments. Nevertheless, and despite the obligation of data collection on recreational fisheries, there is still the lack of up-to-date scientific information to support management. This studied aimed to characterize shore-based marine recreational fishing (MRF) in the south and southwest coast of Portugal (from Setúbal to V.R.S. António), promoting a systematic collection of data to ensure a solid scientific basis to implement adequate measures adjusted to the reality. Data collection was undertaken trough roving creel surveys using face-to-face questionnaires (in a digital Android system). The methodology implied a comprehensive sampling strategy in which the coastline was divided into 5 km sections considering the two Territorial Units for Statistical Purposes (NUTS II) in the study. A total of 403 shore angers were approached, resulting in 349 valid questionnaires (response rate of 87%). The studied population is constituted mainly by male individuals, of a wide range of age distribution, more common between 41 and 70 years old, with a high experience in the recreational activity. Sportfishing is not very popular among the surveyed anglers. The generically low educational level and the low monthly incomes are common for both regions of study, being most of the angler’s resident in the nearby region where the interview was developed and were fishing either alone or with their families/friends in equal proportion. The activity has his fishing effort peak during the Spring and Summer months, despite most of the surveyed anglers referred fishing during the entire year. The great majority of the anglers referred to know and to be reasonably satisfied with the current legislation and management measures. Nevertheless, a steady decay in the abundance of marine resources has been noticed and pollution and commercial fishing were pointed out as the main causes. A total of 856 individuals were caught, from 33 different species, with a total weight of 274.76 kg. The most important targeted species were the white seabream (Diplodus sargus) both in number and weight (N=365; W=86.07 kg), followed by the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) with 97 individuals caught that weighed72.93 kg and the spotted seabass (Dicentrarchus punctatus) with 106 individuals caught weighing 22.37 kg. The Sparidae family (Diplodus spp.) importance must be emphasized corresponding to 65.62% of the total catch. An annual harvest of 1992.48 tons of fish was estimated for shore-based marine recreational anglers of the Alentejo and the Algarve during 2018. The sargo breams (Diplodus spp.) are the most relevant catch species/group of species with 463.81tons, followed by the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) with an estimated annual total catch of 116.40 tons, and the spotted seabass (Dicentrarchus punctatus) with 82.88 tons of fish. The economic revenue of the shore-based activity in the regions of Alentejo and Algarve, only regarding the direct expenses, was estimated to be 1.67 million euros. To ensure adequate management of the aquatic resources, it is crucial that studies like this continue being carried on a periodical basis, providing information that can serve as a baseline to support the current management measures

    Modeling and simulation of photofabrication processes using unsaturated polyester resins

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    Several kinetic models have been proposed to simulate thermosetting cure reactions. The most complex models, based on a mechanistic approach of cure reactions, are developed based on the concepts of free radical polymerization and the mechanism of reactions with diffusion. However, mechanistic models are usually quite impractical for engineering purposes because of the difficulty in obtaining the model parameters. An alternative to these mechanistic models are the phenomenological models, formulated in terms of the degree of cure and much easier to apply. Phenomenological models have been largely used to study thermal-initiated cure reactions, although only few works used them to model the kinetics of ultraviolet-initiated cure reaction. This work proposes a photo-thermal-kinetic model to study the behavior of unsaturated polyester resins during ultraviolet-initiated cure reactions. The model considers samples with different amounts of initiator concentration and cure reactions performed under different ultraviolet light intensities. The model has been numerically solved using the finite element techniquePortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology; contract grant number: POCTI/EME/58405/2004

    Histopathological and immunohistochemical differentiation of epithelial alterations in vocal nodule comparing to polyps and to laryngeal edema

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    AIM: To evaluate by histological and immunohistochemical methods the epithelial lesions in vocal nodule and correlate with polyp, laryngeal edema and vocal folds without macroscopic lesions. STUDY DESIGN: Chart review. MATERIAL AND METHOD: In a retrospective analysis of medical records, twenty-six patients, who underwent microsurgical excision of laryngeal inflammatory lesions (nodules, polyps and laryngeal edema), were identified. Vocal folds without macroscopic lesions were obtained from autopsy. To evaluate epithelial lesions, specimens were stained with H&E, PAS, and with antibodies against laminin and collagen type IV. These specimens were analyzed by light microscopy. RESULTS: Lesions diagnosed as nodules showed more collagen type IV and laminin deposition when compared to polyps (p=0,034 and p=0,036, respectively) and to vocal folds without macroscopic lesions (p=0,019 and p=0,021, respectively). Nodules showed basement membranes thicker than polyps on PAS stain (p=0,102). Laryngeal edema could not be differentiated from nodules, polyps or vocal folds without macroscopic lesions by PAS, laminin or collagen type IV stain (p>0,10). CONCLUSION: By histological and immunohistochemical techniques to evaluate epithelium of laryngeal inflammatory lesions we conclude that vocal fold nodule differentiate from polyps on the three techniques used to stain basement membrane (PAS, laminin, collagen IV) and from vocal folds without macroscopic lesions on two techniques used (laminin, collagen IV). Laryngeal edema cannot be differentiated from the others laryngeal lesions, neither from vocal folds without macroscopic lesions, when the techniques before described are used.OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de técnicas histológicas e imunoistoquímicas, o epitélio nos nódulos vocais em relação aos pólipos, ao edema de laringe e às pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Por meio de levantamento de prontuário, foram identificados vinte e seis pacientes com lesões laríngeas inflamatórias (nódulos, pólipos e edema de laringe), que haviam sido submetidos à cirurgia. Pregas vocais sem alterações macroscópicas foram obtidas a partir de autópsia de cadáveres. Para análise do epitélio, foram realizadas colorações pela técnica da hematoxilina-eosina e do ácido periódico de Schiff e técnicas de imunoistoquímica com anticorpos dirigidos contra laminina e colágeno IV. A leitura das lâminas foi realizada por meio de microscopia óptica. RESULTADOS: Houve maior imunoexpressão de laminina e colágeno IV nos nódulos quando comparados aos pólipos (p=0,034 e p=0, 036, respectivamente), assim como quando comparados às pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas (p=0,019 e p=0, 021, respectivamente). Nódulos tendem a apresentar maior espessura da membrana basal, quando utilizamos coloração pela técnica do PAS, em relação aos pólipos (p=0,102). O edema de laringe não se diferenciou das demais nas técnicas utilizadas (p> 0,10). CONCLUSÕES: O Nódulo Vocal diferencia-se dos pólipos, nas três técnicas utilizadas para detecção da membrana basal (PAS, laminina, colágeno IV), e das pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas em duas das técnicas utilizadas (laminina e colágeno IV). Edema de laringe não se diferencia das demais lesões, nem de pregas vocais sem lesões macroscópicas, quando utilizadas as técnicas anteriormente descritas, para estudo da membrana basal.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de OdontologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaSciEL

    Frequências de imunidade para hepatite B e de exposição ocupacional a fluídos corpóreos entre estudantes de medicina em uma universidade pública brasileira

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    In the present study the frequencies of immunity against hepatitis B (HB) and of potentially contaminating accidents among medical students of a Brazilian public university were evaluated. Of all the 400 students who should have been immunized, 303 (75.7%), 66.3% of whom were women, answered an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. Serum anti-HBs were determined in 205 of them and titers >; 10 UI/L were considered to be protective. A total of 86.8% of students had received three doses of HB vaccine. The frequency of immunity among women (96.4%) was higher (p = 0.04) than that among men (87.7%). Among those who did not have immunity, 12/13 (92.3%) had been vaccinated before entering medical school. Only 11% of the students with complete vaccination had previously verified serological response to the vaccine. A total of 23.6% reported having been somehow exposed to blood or secretions. Among final-year students, this frequency was 45.0%, being similar among men (47.8%) and women (43.2%). Of all these accidents, 57.7% were due to body fluids coming in contact with mucosa and 42.3% due to cut and puncture accidents. The results from this study show that: 1) the frequency of immunity against HB is high among the evaluated medical students, although verification of response to vaccination is not a concern for them; 2) anti-HBs titers should be verified after complete vaccination and on a regular basis, especially by men; and 3) the frequency of potentially contaminating accidents is high.Neste estudo avaliaram-se as freqüências de imunidade contra a hepatite B (HB) e de acidentes potencialmente contaminantes em estudantes de medicina de uma universidade pública brasileira. Responderam um questionário anônimo e auto-aplicável 303 de 400 estudantes (75,7%) que já deveriam estar imunizados contra a HB, sendo 66,3% do sexo feminino. Anti-HBs séricos foram determinados em 205 deles e títulos >; 10 UI/L foram considerados como protetores. Tinham esquema vacinal completo 86,8% dos alunos. A freqüência de imunidade entre as mulheres (96,4%) foi maior (p = 0,04) do que entre os homens (87,7%). Entre os que não tinham imunidade, 12/13 (92,3%) tinham sido vacinados antes de ingressarem no curso de medicina. Somente 11% dos alunos com vacinação completa tinham, previamente, verificado a resposta sorológica à vacina. Do total de alunos, 23,6% relataram algum acidente potencialmente contaminante, e entre aqueles do último ano esta freqüência foi de 45,0%, sendo semelhante entre homens (47,8%) e mulheres (43,2%). De todos estes acidentes, 57,7% foram com secreções e 42.3% devido a acidentes perfuro-cortantes. Os resultados mostram que: 1) entre os estudantes avaliados é alta a freqüência de imunidade contra a HB, mas a verificação da resposta à vacinação não é uma preocupação entre eles; 2) a verificação dos títulos de anti-HBs deveria ser realizada após o esquema vacinal completo e periodicamente, principalmente entre os homens; e 3) é alta a freqüência de acidentes potencialmente contaminantes

    Audição musical orientada: aplicação de estratégias pedagógicas de audição para uma compreensão musical mais significativa

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de MúsicaA audição é considerada pela literatura, de forma unânime, como uma condição omnipresente e fundamental para qualquer prática musical. No entanto, a audição musical é, geralmente, relegada para um segundo plano no que diz respeito ao ensino especializado de música, sendo praticamente inexistentes as atividades de aperfeiçoamento das competências relativas à audição musical. Esta problemática ganha relevo quando se reflete sobre a dissonância cultural verificada entre a música lecionada na escola e a música ouvida pelos alunos. Existe uma falta de familiarização dos alunos com os estilos e géneros musicais abordados na escola de música e um desconhecimento quase total do reportório geral e do instrumento. Desta forma, o presente estágio profissional procurou dar respostas a esta problemática, com uma dupla finalidade: por um lado, incluir de forma mais frequente atividades de audição musical que proporcionem um contacto e envolvimento mais próximos entre a música e os alunos; aproveitando estas atividades, pretendeu-se incluir estratégias pedagógicas que estimulem uma audição mais ativa e criativa por parte dos alunos, ajudando-os a construírem significado para a música que escutam e, desta forma, tornando a compreensão da “linguagem musical” mais profunda e significativa. As atividades de audição musical foram realizadas em dois contextos diferentes: uma turma de classe de conjunto e dois alunos da disciplina de piano, na Escola de Música da Póvoa de Varzim. A aplicação de estratégias, baseadas nos mais recentes estudos desenvolvidos pela literatura dedicada à temática, procurou entender a pertinência e validade pedagógica da inserção, de forma mais efetiva, de atividades desta natureza no ensino especializado de música. Foi realizada uma entrevista inicial e foram analisados todos os dados registados no diário de bordo e obtidos através das fichas de audição musical realizadas pelos alunos. A recolha e análise destes dados permitiram elaborar o presente relatório de estágio com o intuito de apresentar as considerações finais a retirar da intervenção pedagógica.Listening is unanimously considered by the literature as a ubiquitous and fundamental condition to any musical practice. However, music listening is generally relegated to a backstage within the specialized education of music, being practically nonexistent the activities dedicated to the improvement of music listening skills. This issue becomes more relevant when we reflect upon the cultural dissonance between school music and the music that students usually listen. There is a lack of familiarization of students with the musical styles and genres studied at school and an almost total ignorance about general repertoire, and that specific of the instrument. Thus, the present internship report tried to provide answers to this issue with a dual purpose: on the one hand, including music listening activities in a more frequent way, providing engagement and a closer contact between music and students; on the other hand, taking advantage of this activities, there was an intention to include pedagogical strategies that could stimulate a more active and creative listening from the students, helping them to apply meaning to the listened music, thus promoting a deeper and meaningful understanding of the “musical language”. Music listening activities were realized in two diferent contexts: a group class and two piano students at the Escola de Música da Póvoa de Varzim. The application of strategies, based on the most recent studies found in literature dedicated to this thematic, had the intention of understanding the relevance and pedagogical significance of the integration in a more frequente and effective way of this kind of activities in the music education instruction. The data collection instruments consisted of an initial interview, the analysis of the logbook data recorded and the results of the written work made by the students at the music listening activities. The collection and analysis of this data allowed the elaboration of this internship report, in which the final considerations and conclusions of the implementation of the pedagogical intervention are stated