327 research outputs found

    Analysis and Development of Augmented Reality Applications for the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] La RA consiste en la superposición de elementos virtuales sobre el entorno real, de manera que el usuario percibe estos elementos como si formaran parte de la realidad que está visualizando. Las aplicaciones de RA en dispositivos móviles permiten visualizar el contenido virtual a través de la cámara del dispositivo. La RA es una herramienta de divulgación muy potente ya que permite añadir a la realidad cualquier tipo de información, desde un simple texto informativo a un modelo 3D interactivo. Tiene infinitas utilidades, puede servir de guía en un museo, puede mostrar la recreación de un monumento destruido, o como en el caso de estudio aquí presentado, ayudar a la interpretación de pinturas rupestres. Esta tesis parte de la idea de que la RA puede mejorar mucho la interpretación del arte rupestre sin alterar ni dañar las pinturas. Puede servir para atraer a un público mayor, dar a conocer la historia de las pinturas rupestres y que al mismo tiempo el visitante tenga una experiencia mucho más enriquecedora. A lo largo de la tesis se ha estudiado en profundidad la técnica de visualización de RA mediante dispositivos móviles. Se han analizado las diferentes librerías de programación mediante casos de estudio en entornos reales y examinado los factores que pueden afectar al reconocimiento de las pinturas. Se ha desarrollado una aplicación de RA aplicada a un caso real de pinturas rupestres y posteriormente ha sido evaluada por un grupo de personas. Finalmente, se ha estudiado el efecto de la luz solar y sus cambios a lo largo del día sobre el reconocimiento de imágenes en entornos al aire libre. Este trabajo proporciona un punto de partida para el desarrollo de aplicaciones de RA aplicadas a la difusión del patrimonio cultural, especialmente centrado en el arte rupestre, un entorno que sufre de unas dificultades añadidas debido a su localización, dificultad de reconocimiento de puntos característicos en las pinturas y los cambios en la luz solar, problemas que se han tratado de resolver a lo largo del estudio. Las principales conclusiones han sido muy favorables, partiendo de librerías de programación disponibles y gratuitas. Se han podido desarrollar un conjunto de aplicaciones de RA en diferentes lugares. Las valoraciones han sido muy positivas, los usuarios que han probado las aplicaciones afirman que la interpretación de las pinturas les resulta más fácil y consiguen entender mejor el propósito de las mismas. El principal inconveniente encontrado es la falta de conocimiento sobre esta técnica y la pérdida de realismo en algunos casos debido a la oclusión, es decir, que los objetos virtuales no se posicionen por detrás de los objetos reales. La buena noticia es que esta tecnología evoluciona muy rápido y durante el desarrollo de la tesis ha habido avances muy grandes, entre ellos, el desarrollo de nuevas librerías de programación desarrolladas por Google y Apple, que proporcionan las herramientas necesarias para crear aplicaciones muy potentes e immersivas, donde el usuario se sentirá parte de los entornos creados.[CA] La RA consisteix en la superposició d'elements virtuals sobre l'entorn real, de manera que l'usuari percep aquests elements com si formaren part de la realitat que està visualitzant. Les aplicacions de RA en dispositius mòbils permeten visualitzar el contingut virtual a través de la cambra del dispositiu. La RA és una eina de divulgació molt potent ja que permet afegir a la realitat qualsevol tipus d'informació, des d'un simple text informatiu a un model 3D interactiu. Té infinites utilitats, pot servir de guia en un museu, pot mostrar la recreació d'un monument destruït, o com en el cas d'estudi ací presentat, ajudar a la interpretació de pintures rupestres. Aquesta tesi parteix de la idea que la RA pot millorar molt la interpretació de l'art rupestre sense alterar ni danyar les pintures. Pot servir per a atraure a un públic major, donar a conéixer la història de les pintures rupestres i que al mateix temps el visitant tinga una experiència molt més enriquidora. Al llarg de la tesi s'ha estudiat en profunditat la tècnica de visualització de RA mitjançant dispositius mòbils. S'han analitzat les diferents llibreries de programació mitjançant casos d'estudi en entorns reals i analitzat els factors que poden afectar el reconeixement de les pintures. S'ha desenvolupat una aplicació de RA aplicada a un cas real de pintures rupestres i posteriorment ha sigut avaluada per un grup de persones. Finalment, s'ha estudiat l'efecte de la llum solar i els seus canvis al llarg del dia sobre el reconeixement d'imatges en entorns a l'aire lliure. Aquest treball proporciona un punt de partida per al desenvolupament d'aplicacions de RA aplicades a la difusió del patrimoni cultural, especialment centrat en l'art rupestre, un entorn que pateix d'unes dificultats afegides a causa de la seua localització, dificultat de reconeixement de punts característics en les pintures i els canvis en la llum solar, problemes que s'han tractat de resoldre al llarg de l'estudi. Les principals conclusions han sigut molt favorables, partint de llibreries de programació disponibles i gratuïtes. S'han pogut desenvolupar un conjunt d'aplicacions de RA en diferents llocs. Les valoracions han sigut molt positives, els usuaris que han provat les aplicacions afirmen que la interpretació de les pintures els resulta més fàcil i aconsegueixen entendre millor el propòsit d'aquestes. El principal inconvenient trobat és la falta de coneixement sobre aquesta tècnica i la perduda de realisme en alguns casos a causa de l'oclusió, és a dir, que els objectes virtuals no es posicionen per darrere dels objectes reals. La bona notícia és que aquesta tecnologia evoluciona molt ràpid i durant el desenvolupament de la tesi hi ha hagut avanços molt grans, entre ells, el desenvolupament de noves llibreries de programació per Google i Apple, que proporcionen les eines necessàries per a crear aplicacions molt potents i immersives, on l'usuari se sentirà part dels entorns creats.[EN] AR consists of superimposing virtual elements on the real environment, so that the user perceives these elements as if they were part of the reality they are looking at. AR applications on smartphones allow virtual content to be visualised through the device's camera. AR is a very powerful tool for dissemination as it allows any type of information to be added to reality, from a simple informative text to an interactive 3D model. It can be used as a guide in a museum, it can show the recreation of a destroyed monument, or, as in the case study presented here, it can help in the interpretation of cave paintings. This thesis is based on the idea that AR can greatly enhance the interpretation of rock art without affecting or damaging the paintings. It can be used to attract a wider audience, to introduce the history of the rock art paintings and at the same time provide the visitor with a much more enriching experience. Throughout the thesis, the technique of AR visualisation using mobile devices has been studied in-depth. The different programming libraries have been analysed by means of case studies in real environments as well as the factors that can affect the paintings recognition. An AR application applied to a real case of rock art paintings has been developed and subsequently evaluated by a group of people. Finally, the effect of sunlight and its changes throughout the day on image recognition in outdoor environments has been studied. This work provides a starting point for the AR applications development applied to the dissemination of cultural heritage, especially focused on rock art, an environment that suffers from additional difficulties due to its location, the difficulty of characteristic points recognition and changes in sunlight, problems that have been tried to solve throughout the study. The main outcomes have been very favourable, using freely available programming libraries, and it has been possible to develop a set of AR applications in different places. The evaluations have been very positive, with users who have tested the applications confirming that the interpretation of the paintings is easier for them and they can better understand the purpose of the paintings. The major drawback is the lack of knowledge about this technique and the loss of realism in some cases due to occlusion, i.e. the virtual objects are not positioned behind the real objects. The good news is that this technology is evolving very fast and during the development of the thesis there have been great advances, among them, the development of new programming libraries developed by Google and Apple, which provide the necessary tools to create very powerful and immersive applications, where the user will feel part of the virtual environments created.Blanco Pons, S. (2021). Analysis and Development of Augmented Reality Applications for the Dissemination of Cultural Heritage [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/178895TESISCompendi

    Applying MDE tools to defining domain specific languages for model management

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    In the model driven engineering (MDE), modeling languages play a central role. They range from the most generic languages such as UML, to more individual ones, called domain-specific modeling languages (DSML). These languages are used to create and manage models and must accompany them throughout their life cycle and evolution. In this paper we propose a domain-specific language for model management, to facilitate the user's task, developed with techniques and tools used in the MDE paradigm.Fil: Pérez, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; ArgentinaFil: Irazábal, Jerónimo. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pons, Claudia Fabiana. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Giandini, Roxana Silvia. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Informática. Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada; Argentin

    Togetherness, coexistence or confrontation : the impact of school climate and culture on peer-to-peer social relations in Catalonia, Spain

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    This paper presents some of the results of the study ‘Coexistence and Confrontation among Peers in Secondary Schools in Catalonia’ commissioned by the Ombudsman’s Office of the Catalan government and carried out at the Institute of Childhood and the Urban World (CIIMU) in Barcelona, Spain, in 2005-2006. It offers a description of the indicators of malaise and exclusion among students at nine public and private secondary schools serving varying social environments in Catalonia. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were applied, based on focus groups and in-depth interviews with students, teachers, parents associations and school management, and a questionnaire for students in Year 1 and Year 4 of secondary school (ages 12 and 16). Though the results obtained also reveal a certain amount of verbal, social and physical bullying in these schools, this study’s main interest was the factors consitituting each school’s climate as it affected student peer-to-peer relationships. Such factors included the type of ‘model’ student promoted by the school; the values governing social popularity and stigmatisation among the students; the sorts of academic expectations placed on students by the school; the perception of teaching methods and practices among students; the social relationship between teachers and students as perceived by the latter; the different models of governance through rules and the level of internal coherence in applying sanctions; the strategies used by the school to create groups; and the degree of recognition by the institution of the diversity of students’ origins.peer-reviewe

    La situación escolar del alumnado de minorías étnicas: el modelo explicativo ecológico-cultural de John Ogbu

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    El modelo explicativo más contrastado (y, por ello, seguramente el más fructífero) para entender la situación escolar del alumnado de minorías étnicas es el elaborado por el antropólogo John Ogbu y constituye, además, un punto de referencia central en los estudios sobre este tema a nivel internacional. Por eso, no deja de producir sorpresa que cuando se realizan investigaciones o escritos o se organizan congresos relativos a la escolarización de alumnado de minorías étnicas en España a menudo se siga sin tener en cuenta a Ogbu y, por el contrario, se repitan explicaciones manidas que Ogbu y sus seguidores ya hace tiempo se encargaron de rebatir con datos y argumentos muy sólidos. El presente documento tiene como único fin ser un material divulgativo sobre el modelo explicativo de John Ogbu. Este texto está realizado con fragmentos de artículos de Ogbu o bien de autores que han desarrollado este marco teórico y/o que lo han aplicado en España (en ocasiones dichos fragmentos son párrafos tomados textualmente y en otras son resúmenes de párrafos de dichos artículos). La teoría explicativa ecológico-cultural fue elaborada por John Ogbu desde su primer estudio en 1974 hasta su fallecimiento en agosto del 2003, con diversas reformulaciones y nuevas aplicaciones empíricas de la misma, por parte del propio Ogbu y de otros investigadores.The explanatory model more contrast (and therefore probably the most fruitful) to understand the school situation of pupils from ethnic minorities is developed by the anthropologist John Ogbu and is also a central reference point in studies on this subject internationally. So do not stop producing surprise that when doing research or writing or organize conferences on the schooling of students from ethnic minorities in Spain are often still not taken into account and Ogbu, however, be repeated trite explanations Ogbu and his followers that long ago undertook to refute with facts and solid arguments. This document only serves to be an informative material on the explanatory model of John Ogbu. This text is made with fragments of Ogbu or articles of authors who have developed this framework and / or who have applied in Spain (sometimes these fragments are taken verbatim paragraphs and other paragraphs are summaries of those articles). The eco-cultural explanatory theory was developed by John Ogbu from his first studio in 1974 until his death in August 2003 with various reformulations and new empirical applications of the same, by Ogbu’s own and other researchers

    A UML profile to model classifier refinements

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    The refinement technique allows us to capture the relationship between specification and implementation in software developments. The precise documentation of the refinement relations hip makes it possible the traceability of the requirements through the refinement steps. Unfortunately, the standard modelling language UML suffers from a lack of notation to specify complex cases of refinement, which hinders the traceability activities. In this article we present a profile of UML to model Classifier refinements as a composition of elementary refinements, allowing for a more precise syntactical specification of the refinement relationshipII Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Formalizing the software development process

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    Object-oriented software development process, such as the Unified Process [Jacobson 99], Catalysis [D´Souza 98] and Fusion [Coleman 94] among others, is a set of activities needed to transform user’s requirements into a software system. A software development process typically consists of a set of software development artifacts together with a graph of tasks and activities. Software artifacts are the products resulting from software development, for example, a use case model, a class model or source code. Tasks are small behavioral units that usually results in a software artifact. Examples of tasks are construction of a use case model, construction of a class model and writing code. Activities (or workflows) are units that are larger than a task. Activities generally include several tasks and software artifacts. Examples of activities are requirements, analysis, design and implementation.\nModern software development processes are iterative and incremental, they repeat over a series of iterations making up the life cycle of a system. Each iteration takes place over time and it consists of one pass through the requirements, analysis, design, implementation and test activities, building a number of different artifacts. All these artifacts are not independent. They are related to each other, they are semantically overlapping and together represent the system as a whole. Elements in one artifact have trace dependencies to other artifacts.\nFor instance, a use case (in the use-case model) can be traced to a collaboration (in the design model) representing its realization.Eje: Ingeniería del Softwar

    Formalizing relations between use cases in the unified modeling language

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    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a semi-formal graphical language that has been accepted as standard to model object-oriented software systems. This language defines various kinds of diagrams that are used to describe different aspects or views of a system. In particular, Use Cases diagrams are used to capture the requirements of the systems and to guide their development process. The different Use Cases defined throughout a development process are not independent but it is possible to set relations between them. The main relations considered by UML are the following: Generalization, Include and Extend. These relations as well as the remaining UML constructs are semi-formally defined, giving place to ambiguous interpretations and inconsistencies. This paper presents a formalization that gives precision to the definition of the main relations between Use Cases. This formalization will allow us to check consistency when incrementing the Use Cases model during the software development process and when relating Use Cases model with others modelsÁrea: Informática Teórica - Inteligencia Artificial - Lenguajes - CompiladoresRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Formalizing the software development process

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    Object-oriented software development process, such as the Unified Process [Jacobson 99], Catalysis [D´Souza 98] and Fusion [Coleman 94] among others, is a set of activities needed to transform user’s requirements into a software system. A software development process typically consists of a set of software development artifacts together with a graph of tasks and activities. Software artifacts are the products resulting from software development, for example, a use case model, a class model or source code. Tasks are small behavioral units that usually results in a software artifact. Examples of tasks are construction of a use case model, construction of a class model and writing code. Activities (or workflows) are units that are larger than a task. Activities generally include several tasks and software artifacts. Examples of activities are requirements, analysis, design and implementation. Modern software development processes are iterative and incremental, they repeat over a series of iterations making up the life cycle of a system. Each iteration takes place over time and it consists of one pass through the requirements, analysis, design, implementation and test activities, building a number of different artifacts. All these artifacts are not independent. They are related to each other, they are semantically overlapping and together represent the system as a whole. Elements in one artifact have trace dependencies to other artifacts. For instance, a use case (in the use-case model) can be traced to a collaboration (in the design model) representing its realization.Eje: Ingeniería del SoftwareRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Revisión sistemática de la aplicación de técnicas modernas de ingeniería de software al desarrollo de sistemas robóticos

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    Los robots se han convertido en colaboradores habituales de nuestra vida diaria. Los sistemas robóticos son cada vez más complejos y, como consecuencia, crece la necesidad de aplicar nuevas técnicas ingenieriles a su proceso de desarrollo. Los enfoques tradicionales que se utilizan en el proceso de desarrollo de estos sistemas de software están alcanzando sus límites; las metodologías utilizadas actualmente y las herramientas de soporte no alcanzan para atender las necesidades de estos procesos complejos. Para fomentar la reutilización y el mantenimiento de código es esencial separar el conocimiento estable del dominio de robótica en las tecnologías de implementación, que varían rápidamente. Este artículo presenta una revisión sistemática de la utilización actual de técnicas modernas de ingeniería de software en el desarrollo de sistemas robóticos y su nivel de automatización. El objetivo del estudio es el de resumir la evidencia existente respecto a la aplicación de dichas tecnologías en el campo de los sistemas robóticos para identificar carencias en la investigación actual con el fin de sugerir áreas en futuras propuestas y proporcionar las bases para posicionar adecuadamente nuevas actividades de investigación.Robots have become collaborators in our daily life. While robotic systems become more and more complex, the need to engineer their software development grows as well. The traditional approaches used in developing these software systems are reaching their limits; currently used methodologies and tools fall short of addressing the needs of such complex software development. Separating robotics knowledge from shortcycled implementation technologies is essential to foster reuse and maintenance. This paper presents a systematic review (SLR) of the current use of modern software engineering techniques for developing robotic software systems and their actual automation level. The survey was aimed at summarizing existing evidence concerning applying such technologies to the field of robotic systems to identify any gaps in current research to suggest areas for further investigation and provide a background for positioning new research activities.Facultad de Informátic