169 research outputs found

    Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists (Hippuritida, Bivalvia) : Taxonomic, stratigraphic, and geologic data

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAnalysis of seventy published papers dealing with Mexican Upper Cretaceous rudists, together with consultation of the newest geological maps covering the areas with mentioned rudist fossil localities, evidenced that: a) several among the Turonian-Maastrichtian species mentioned are junior synonymies, nomen nudum, insufficiently described, or have untraceable types. According to modern standards, around sixty species seem acceptable, Antillocaprinidae (12), Hippuritidae (11), Plagioptychidae (9), and Radiolitidae (27). Only three species (Turonian) are common with Eurasia. All the Santonian-Maastrichtian rudists (54) are exclusively American species, either ascribed to Eurasian (9) or to American (21) genera. b) Research on rudists helped to improve the stratigraphy in some areas, and to point out or clear up some geological issues in others. c) The restudy of the geology in some areas, of some rudist collections in museums, and of some rudist groups, are much necessary and must be undertaken

    KinMutRF: a random forest classifier of sequence variants in the human protein kinase superfamily

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    Background: The association between aberrant signal processing by protein kinases and human diseases such as cancer was established long time ago. However, understanding the link between sequence variants in the protein kinase superfamily and the mechanistic complex traits at the molecular level remains challenging: cells tolerate most genomic alterations and only a minor fraction disrupt molecular function sufficiently and drive disease. Results: KinMutRF is a novel random-forest method to automatically identify pathogenic variants in human kinases. Twenty six decision trees implemented as a random forest ponder a battery of features that characterize the variants: a) at the gene level, including membership to a Kinbase group and Gene Ontology terms; b) at the PFAM domain level; and c) at the residue level, the types of amino acids involved, changes in biochemical properties, functional annotations from UniProt, Phospho.ELM and FireDB. KinMutRF identifies disease-associated variants satisfactorily (Acc: 0.88, Prec:0.82, Rec:0.75, F-score:0.78, MCC:0.68) when trained and cross-validated with the 3689 human kinase variants from UniProt that have been annotated as neutral or pathogenic. All unclassified variants were excluded from the training set. Furthermore, KinMutRF is discussed with respect to two independent kinase-specific sets of mutations no included in the training and testing, Kin-Driver (643 variants) and Pon-BTK (1495 variants). Moreover, we provide predictions for the 848 protein kinase variants in UniProt that remained unclassified. A public implementation of KinMutRF, including documentation and examples, is available online (http://kinmut2.bioinfo.cnio.es). The source code for local installation is released under a GPL version 3 license, and can be downloaded from https://github.com/Rbbt-Workflows/KinMut2. Conclusions: KinMutRF is capable of classifying kinase variation with good performance. Predictions by KinMutRF compare favorably in a benchmark with other state-of-the-art methods (i.e. SIFT, Polyphen-2, MutationAssesor, MutationTaster, LRT, CADD, FATHMM, and VEST). Kinase-specific features rank as the most elucidatory in terms of information gain and are likely the improvement in prediction performance. This advocates for the development of family-specific classifiers able to exploit the discriminatory power of features unique to individual protein families

    Formation of calcium phosphate nanostructures under the influence of self-assembling hybrid elastin-like-statherin recombinamers

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    The self-assembling properties of thermally-sensitive amphiphilic elastin-like multiblock recombinamers have been combined with the capacities of calcium phosphate binding of the SN(A)15 epitope inspired by the salivary protein statherin. In this regard, the interaction between calcium and phosphate ions was examined in the presence of two hybrid recombinamers. The first recombinamer comprised a simple amphiphilic diblock in which the SN(A)15 epitopes were combined, at the gene level, to the hydrophilic end. This recombinamer can self-assemble into nanoparticles that can control the transformation of amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) into a fibre-like hydroxyapatite structure. In the other recombinamer, the SN(A)15 domains are distributed along the monomer chain, with the hydrophilic blocks being distributed amongst the hydrophobic ones. In this case, the resulting nanohybrid ACP/recombinamer organises into neuron-like structures. Thus, combining the amphiphilic elastin-like recombinamers to the SN(A)15 functionality is a powerful mean to tune the formation of different complex calcium phosphate nanostructures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Analysis of JADE2 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)

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    The JADE family comprises three members encoded by individual genes and roles for these proteins have been identified in chromatin remodeling, cell cycle progression, cell regeneration and the DNA damage response. JADE family members, and in particular JADE2 have not been studied in any great detail in cancer. Using a series of standard biological and bioinformatics approaches we investigated JADE2 expression in surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) for both mRNA and protein to examine for correlations between JADE2 expression and overall survival. Additional correlations were identified using bioinformatic analyses on multiple online datasets. Our analysis demonstrates that JADE2 expression is significantly altered in NSCLC. High expression of JADE2 is associated with a better 5-year overall survival. Links between JADE2 mRNA expression and a number of mutated genes were identified, and associations between JADE2 expression and tumor mutational burden and immune cell infiltration were explored. Potential new drugs that can target JADE2 were identified. The results of this biomarker-driven study suggest that JADE2 may have potential clinical utility in the diagnosis, prognosis and stratification of patients into various therapeutically targetable options

    Assessment of a laboratory critical risk result notification protocol in a tertiary care hospital and their use in clinical decision making

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    Introduction: Communication of laboratory critical risk results is essential for patient safety, as it allows early decision making. Our aims were: 1) to retrospectively evaluate the current protocol for telephone notification of critical risk results in terms of rates, efficiency and recipient satisfaction, 2) to assess their use in clinical decision making and 3) to suggest alternative tools for a better assessment of notification protocols. Materials and methods: The biochemical critical risk result notifications reported during 12 months by routine and STAT laboratories in a tertiary care hospital were reviewed. Total number of reports, time for the notification and main magnitudes with critical risk results were calculated. The use of notifications in clinical decision making was assessed by reviewing medical records. Satisfaction with the notification protocol was assessed through an online questionnaire to requesting physicians and nurses. Results: Critical result was yielded by 0.1% of total laboratory tests. Median time for notification was 3.2 min (STAT) and 16.9 min (routine). The magnitudes with a greater number of critical results were glucose and potassium for routine analyses, and troponin, sodium for STAT. Most notifications were not reflected in the medical records. Overall mean satisfaction with the protocol was 4.2/5. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that the current protocol is appropriate. Nevertheless, there are some limitations that hamper the evaluation of the impact on clinical decision making. Alternatives were proposed for a proper and precise evaluation

    Meningocele transetmoidal. Diagnóstico en edad adulta: presentación de un caso

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    La herniación extracraneal de las cubiertas meníngeas, solas o acompañadas de tejido encefálico, a través de un defecto de cierre de los huesos craneales, se define con los términos de meningocele y encefalocele. Estos se pueden clasificar según su contenido o su localización. Los meningoencefaloceles transetmoidales representan el 5% de los meningoencefaloceles, los cuales a su vez constituyen el 8-19% de todos los disrafismos del SNC. Presentamos un caso de una paciente de 54 años de edad con cuadro clínico de rinoliquorrea de 10 años de evolución y meningitis de repetición. Mediante tomografia computadorizada se diagnosticó de un meningocele transetmoidal, que fue tratado satisfactoriamente con cirugía. Ante un paciente con meningitis de repetición, se debe valorar la presencia de rinoliquorrea y, en caso de tenerla, el paciente debe ser sometido a un estudio radiológico exhaustivo, para identificar la solución de continuidad a través de la cual sale el LCR y poder ofrecerle el tratamiento adecuado. Una de las patologías que pueden dar esta manifestación es el meningoencefalocele transetmoidal. El estudio de la fosa anterior con tomografia computadorizada es un buen método para el diagnóstico de esta patología, no obstante, en la actualidad el método de elección es la resonancia magnética

    Low Latency Estimation of Motor Intentions to Assist Reaching Movements along Multiple Sessions in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Feasibility Study

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    A corrigendum on Low Latency Estimation of Motor Intentions to Assist Reaching Movements along Multiple Sessions in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Feasibility Study by Ibáñez, J., Monge-Pereira, E., Molina-Rueda, F., Serrano, J. I., del Castillo, M. D., Cuesta-Gómez, A., et al. (2017). Front. Neurosci. 11:126. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00126. In the recently published article, there were incorrect and missing contents in the Acknowledgments section

    European traditional tomatoes galore: a result of farmers' selection of a few diversity-rich loci

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    [EN] The high phenotypic diversity observed among European traditional tomato varieties was created by traditional farmer-driven selection by inadvertently combining a very few polymorphic loci subjected to balancing selection. A comprehensive collection of 1254 tomato accessions, corresponding to European traditional and modern varieties, early domesticated varieties, and wild relatives, was analyzed by genotyping by sequencing. A continuous genetic gradient between the traditional and modern varieties was observed. European traditional tomatoes displayed very low genetic diversity, with only 298 polymorphic loci (95% threshold) out of 64 943 total variants. European traditional tomatoes could be classified into several genetic groups. Two main clusters consisting of Spanish and Italian accessions showed higher genetic diversity than the remaining varieties, suggesting that these regions might be independent secondary centers of diversity with a different history. Other varieties seem to be the result of a more recent complex pattern of migrations and hybridizations among the European regions. Several polymorphic loci were associated in a genome-wide association study with fruit morphological traits in the European traditional collection. The corresponding alleles were found to contribute to the distinctive phenotypic characteristic of the genetic varietal groups. The few highly polymorphic loci associated with morphological traits in an otherwise a low-diversity population suggests a history of balancing selection, in which tomato farmers likely maintained the morphological variation by inadvertently applying a high selective pressure within different varietal types.This work was supported by the European Commission H2020 research and innovation program through TRADITOM grant agreement no. 634561, G2P-SOL, grant agreement no. 677379, and HARNESSTOM grant agreement no. 101000716. MP is grateful to the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion for a postdoctoral grant (IJC2019-039091-I/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).Blanca Postigo, JM.; Pons Puig, C.; Montero-Pau, J.; Sánchez-Matarredona, D.; Ziarsolo, P.; Fontanet, L.; Fisher, J.... (2022). European traditional tomatoes galore: a result of farmers' selection of a few diversity-rich loci. Journal of Experimental Botany. 73(11):3431-3445. https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/erac07234313445731

    Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos: resolución de conflictos reales de una empresa

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    [EN] This contribution arises from a Educational Innovation and Improvement Project at the Universitat Politècnica de València. It was implemented in the second semester of academic year 2014/15. The project involves students face a real dispute raised by a company and they propose solutions. These solutions are developed through the teaching methodology Proyect-Based Learning (PBL), very useful tool for developing generic skills learning of all kinds. The results of this project are presented in this contribution. Specifically, the level of achievement of the four transversal skills assessed: Application and practical thinking; Analysis and problem solving; Teamwork and leadership; Knowledge of contemporary issues. A multidisciplinary approach was followed when applying the same procedure to four courses of varying degrees at the University. This will allow us to find differences based on different profiles of students.[ES] Esta comunicación surge de un Proyecto de Innovación y Mejora Educativa en la Universitat Politècnica de València implantado en el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2014/15. El proyecto consiste en enfrentar a los alumnos a un conflicto real planteado por una empresa y que ellos propongan soluciones. Estas soluciones se desarrollan mediante la metodología didáctica del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP), herramienta muy útil para desarrollar competencias transversales de todo tipo. En esta comunicación se presentan los resultados de este proyecto. En concreto, el nivel del logro de las cuatro competencias transversales evaluadas: Aplicación y pensamiento práctico; Análisis y resolución de problemas; Trabajo en equipo y liderazgo; Conocimiento de problemas contemporáneos. Se ha seguido un enfoque multidisciplinar aplicando el mismo procedimiento a cuatro asignaturas de titulaciones diferentes en la Universidad. Esto nos permitirá encontrar diferencias en función de distintos perfiles de alumnos.Escribá Pérez, C.; Baviera Puig, MA.; Buitrago Vera, JM.; Rivera Vilas, LM.; Roig Merino, B.; Ramón Fernández, F.; Sigalat Signes, E.... (2015). Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos: resolución de conflictos reales de una empresa. En In-Red 2015 - CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y DE DOCENCIA EN RED. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1615OC