7 research outputs found

    Gallstone ileus in a middle-aged male with an atypical history: a case report

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    Currently, gallstone ileus is an unusual complication of cholelithiasis (0.3–3.0 %) and a rare cause of mechanical bowel obstruction (0.1–4.0 %). The rarity of the condition makes it impossible to plan the large prospective randomized clinical trials, so the analysis of case reports is significant for decision making in the management of gallstone ileus. We report a case of gallstone ileus in a middle-aged male who had a history of surgery for duodenal ulcer perforation in past. A combination of peptic ulcer disease and cholelithiasis is based on a reduced gastrointestinal hormones secretion. Clinical specialists need to consider information about the greater frequency and asymptomatic clinical course of gallstone disease against a background of duodenal ulcer. Duodenal ulcer scar and bulbar deformity may promote to the cholecystoduodenal fistula formation. In the presence of an acute bowel obstruction symptoms and the absence of gallbladder instrumental examination results, it is possible to recommend the prior gastroduodenoscopy for the pre-operative pneumobilia detection. The optimal surgical approaches for acute gallstone ileus are still controversial

    Regional Agro-Industrial Complex in Conditions of Crisis: Intrinsic Determination of Development

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    Economic crises influence negatively all branches of an economy, including agriculture. However, organizations of the latter can react differently to unfavourable environments. Presumably, their financial state worsens if the organizations suffered difficulties in the pre-crisis period. The objective of the present paper is to analyze financial results of the regional agro-industrial complex in the long run as a factor determining their reaction to the conditions of economic turbulence. The iIntrinsic factor is considered, i.e., the factor relevant to the analyzed object itself. This study employs conceptual analysis and multidisciplinary approach. An analysis of the statistical data on the income/loss of agriculture in three federal districts of Russia during 2010-2014 is attempted. It is established that the start of the economic turbulence in 2014 influenced differently crop production and livestock in the regions of the Central, Southern, and Volga federal districts. Most often losses occurred in the regions of Russia where losses also occurred in the pre-crisis period. Consequently, the premise for the worsened financial results amid economic turbulence was formed earlier, and it was linked to permanent or periodic losses. The exceptions from this rule are explained by the influence of the other factors. The possibility of intrinsic causes of the worsened financial results of the regional agro-industrial complex amid economic turbulence is theoretically substantiated. The analysis of the statistical data on the three federal districts of Russia proves a big role of this factor, the impact of which is sometimes limited by other factors. It becomes evident that there is a need to mitigate the worsened financial results of agriculture since the beginning of crisis by taking targeted measures in the pre-crisis period within the framework of state-sponsored programs. The attention is also paid to the possibilities of an improvement in the financial results because of innovation processes being implemented in the agrarian sector of the regional economy.Экономические кризисы оказывают негативное действие на все отрасли экономики, включая сельское хозяйство. Однако организации последнего могут по-разному реагировать на неблагоприятные условия. Предположительно, финансовое положение ухудшается для тех из них, кто и в докризисный период испытывали трудности. Целью настоящей статьи является анализ финансовых результатов регионального агропромышленного комплекса в долговременной перспективе в качестве фактора, определяющего реакцию этих организаций на условия экономической турбулентности. Речь идет о внутреннем факторе, т. е. присущем самому объекту анализа. Проводится анализ статистических данных о прибыли/убытке сельского хозяйства регионов трех федеральных округов России за 2010–2015 гг. Установлено, что инициация экономической турбулентности в 2014 г. оказала различное воздействие на растениеводство и животноводство в регионах Центрального, Южного и Приволжского федерального округов. Чаще всего убытки фиксируются в тех субъектах Федерации, где они имели место и в докризисный период. Следовательно, предпосылка для ухудшения финансовых результатов в условиях экономической турбулентности закладывалась ранее и была связана с постоянными или периодическими убытками. Исключения из этого правила объясняются действием прочих факторов. Теоретически обосновывается возможность внутренней детерминации ухудшения финансовых результатов регионального агропромышленного комплекса в условиях экономической турбулентности. Анализ статистических данных по трем федеральным округам России подтверждает большую роль этого фактора, действие которого подчас ограничивается другими факторами. Очевидна необходимость профилактики ухудшения финансовых результатов сельского хозяйства с началом кризиса путем реализации в докризисный период специально разработанных мероприятий в рамках государственных программ. Внимание уделено также возможностям роста финансовых результатов за счет внедрения инновационных процессов в аграрный сектор региональной экономики

    Financial Receipts from the International Tourism in Russia: Comparative Analysis, Problems and Ways of Their Solution

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    For many countries, international tourism has become an important source of foreign currency income. In the present investigation, the authors analyze the place of Russia among some other countries by comparing income from inbound tourism. The research issues are international tourist services and the resulting monetary income. The objective of the article is the analysis of income from international tourism in the socio-economical aspect in Russia and the world, as well as the formulation of recommendations for increasing tourism-related income. For the purposes of the comparative analysis of the financial receipts from international tourism in different countries, some indicators are employed on the basis of up-to-date statistical information. The authors’ method is based on these key indicators that enable one evaluate the volume of the income from international tourism per capita with and without purchasing power parity taken into account. The results of this work demonstrate strong differentiation of the countries by financial income from international tourism. In Russia, the income amounted to 132,69 USD per capita (purchasing power parity accounted), which is 6,8 times lower than the average value of the indicator calculated for ~50 other countries. In order to change this negative situation, it is necessary to increase international arrivals of foreign tourists to the Russian regions. The authors have detected the key problems restricting inbound trips to Russia and proposed approaches to solving them. The elaborated recommendations can be used for the development of strategic documents aimed at the development of inbound tourism at a regional level, as well as at a federal level, which will make it possible to increase the income from the international tourism activities.Для многих стран мира международный туризм становится важным источником валютных поступлений. В настоящем исследовании авторы анализируют место России среди стран мира в международном туризме на основе сравнения финансовых поступлений от въездного потока туристов. Предметом исследования выступают международные туристические услуги и полученные от их реализации денежные средства. Целью статьи является проведение анализа финансовых поступлений от международного туризма в социально-экономическом аспекте в мире и России, а также разработка рекомендаций, направленных на повышение туристических доходов. Для проведения сравнительного анализа финансовых поступлений от международного туризма в различных странах в работе на основе актуальной статистической информации рассчитаны специальные показатели. Авторская методика основана на ключевых индикаторах, позволяющих оценить объем финансовых поступлений от международного туризма в расчете на душу населения принимающих туристов страны без учета и с учетом паритета покупательной способности. Полученные в ходе анализа результаты демонстрируют сильную дифференциацию стран по финансовым поступлениям от международного туризма. Так, их объем составлял в 2016 г. 132,69 долл. на одного россиянина с учетом паритета покупательной способности, что в 6,8 раза ниже среднего значения индикатора, рассчитанного для ~50 стран мира. В целях изменения негативной ситуации требуется увеличение въездных потоков иностранных граждан в российские регионы в туристических целях. Авторами выявлены ключевые проблемы, сдерживающие посещение России зарубежными туристами, и предложены меры по их устранению. Сформулированные на основании этого рекомендации могут найти применение в разработке стратегических документов по развитию въездного туризма как на региональном, так и на федеральном уровнях, что позволит увеличить приток финансовых поступлений от международной туристической деятельности

    Investment determinants of perceived image of hotel industry of the Russian South regions

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    Perceived image of hotel industry is determined by a number of client values of service quality. It is established that in the Russian South the bigger investment flows justified to the number of accommodation facilities and number of accommodated people really improves the perceived image of the hotel industry of a region

    Megaclasts: Term Use and Relevant Biases

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    The term “megaclast” started circulation near the beginning of the 21st century. The present review is aimed at examination of the use of this term in the modern geoscience literature. The main method is bibliographical survey of the articles published during 2000–2017 with the on-line bibliographical database “Scopus”. The main findings are as follows. The term “megaclast” has not been used extensively, but the number of the articles employing this term increased in the mid-2000s and in the early 2010s. The majority of the papers deal with megaclasts of Quaternary age. The megaclast research focuses on five regions, namely West Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Western North America, Southern South America, and the Pacific and circum-Pacific. The most studied are megaclasts occurring on coasts influenced by tsunamis and storms; significant attention has been paid also to those clasts transported by volcanism-triggered debris flows and slope failures, both continental and submarine. There are three serious biases relevant to the use of the term “megaclast” in the geoscience literature, namely stratigraphical, geographical, and genetic biases. Due to this incompleteness in the knowledge of megaclasts, this term should be either used more actively, which is preferable, or abandoned

    The geological heritage of the Kurkur-Dungul area in southern Egypt

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    The inventory of the geological heritage of Egypt is important for its efficient conservation and usage for the purposes of science, education, and tourism. The field investigations in the Kurkur Dungul area in southern Egypt have permitted to identify several unique geological features. Their type, rank, relative abundance, and intrinsic diversity, as well as importance of the entire geological heritage of the study area are investigated. Seven geological heritage types are distinguished, namely stratigraphical, sedimentary, palaeogeographical, mineralogical, structural, geomorphological, and economical types. The rank of the features belonging to the listed types ranges from local to global, and the relative abundance and the intrinsic diversity range from low to high. The global rank is established for the sedimentary type, which is determined by the wide distribution of palaeospring tufa deposits. The high relative abundance and intrinsic diversity are established for the geomorphological type. The entire geological heritage of the Kurkur Dungul area can be employed for diversification of the existing tourism programs offered at the tourist destination of Aswan, as well as for geotourism development. A geopark can be created in the Kurkur Dungul area for the better exploitation of its geological heritage. The combined development of geological and industrial tourism seems to be possible.Web of Science13711510