50 research outputs found

    Dynamic Load Modelling Using Real Time Estimated States

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    Dynamic load models are necessary for accurate monitoring and control of the system during various events as well as for better understanding the behavior and the characteristics of the system. In this paper, a realistic approach of load modelling using real time estimated states is studied. Since Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) are not installed yet at every bus, a linear state estimator is used to provide the state of the buses without PMUs. The overall impact of the real time estimated states and the inaccurate load model parameters are studied on the IEEE 39-bus dynamic test system. In addition, the realistic approach of load modelling is enhanced by using various load types while errors that affect the estimated states, such as line parameter errors and measurement gross errors are also considered. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis with inaccurate load model parameters is performed to show their effect on the results of load modelling

    Exempla Negativa: Τα αρνητικά ιστορικά παραδείγματα στο φιλοσοφικό έργο του Σενέκα

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    Η παρούσα μελέτη επικεντρώνεται σε μια βασική πτυχή του πολυσύνθετου και πολυδύναμου έργου του Ρωμαίου φιλοσόφου Σενέκα, τα ιστορικά παραδείγματα, και δη τα αρνητικά, στα φιλοσοφικού προσανατολισμού κείμενα του συγγραφέα, δηλαδή στους Διαλόγους και τις Επιστολές. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, στόχο έχει να αναδείξει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο ο Σενέκας χειρίζεται το exemplum που παραλαμβάνει από την πλούσια ελληνορωμαϊκή παράδοση, να καταγράψει τη διαδικασία μετεξέλιξής του στο πλαίσιο της ηθικής φιλοσοφίας του πρώτου αυτοκρατορικού αιώνα και να επικεντρωθεί στη συνέχεια σε ένα επιμέρους κομμάτι, αυτό των λεγόμενων exempla fugienda, για να καθορίσει τη λειτουργικότητα και την ιδιαίτερη δυναμική που αναπτύσσουν κατά την εμφάνισή τους στα πεζογραφικά κείμενα του Σενέκα. Επιχειρείται, ειδικότερα, μια συστηματική ερμηνευτική διερεύνηση πρώτα δύο παράλληλων ελληνορωμαϊκών συζυγιών, μιας θετικής (Σωκράτης και Κάτων ο Nεώτερος) και μιας αρνητικής (Αλέξανδρος και Καλιγούλας) και εν συνεχεία δυο μεγάλων κατηγοριών αρνητικών παραδειγμάτων, των exempla Romana και των exempla non Romana.This study focuses on one key aspect of the complex work of the Roman philosopher, Seneca, the historical examples, especially the negative ones, in the philosophically orientated texts of the author: Dialogues and Letters. More specifically, it aims to highlight the way in which Seneca handles exemplum received from the rich Greco-Roman tradition, to record the process of transformation in the framework of the moralizing philosophy of the first imperial century; focusing thereafter on an individual piece: exempla fugienda, to determine the functionality which is developed in Seneca's prose texts. What is particularly attempted is a systematic interpretative investigation, firstly of two parallel Greco-Roman "conjugations", one positive (Socrates and Cato the Younger) and the other negative (Alexander and Caligula); and then of two major categories of negative examples: exempla Romana and exempla non Romana

    Το λοατκι+ κίνημα στην Ελλάδα της Μεταπολίτευσης υπό το πρίσμα της διαθεματικότητας

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    Η διπλωματική εργασία με τίτλο «Το λοατκι+ κίνημα στην Ελλάδα της Μεταπολίτευσης υπό το πρίσμα της διαθεματικότητας» έχει ως στόχο να σκιαγραφήσει μία σημαντική περίοδο στην ιστορία της σύγχρονης Ελλάδας εξετάζοντας τις κινηματικές διεκδικήσεις γύρω από τα ζητήματα ταυτότητας φύλου και σεξουαλικού προσανατολισμού. Το βασικό θεωρητικό εργαλείο για τους σκοπούς της έρευνας αποτελεί η θεωρία διαθεματικότητας, μία πολύτιμη έννοια από την παράδοση του μαύρου φεμινισμού και της κριτικής θεωρίας της φυλής. Επιπλέον, ήταν χρήσιμο να χαρτογραφηθούν πολλαπλές οπτικές της κοινωνικής κατάστασης, της δημόσιας ζωής και των πολιτικών κομμάτων, ως ένα πλαίσιο για να παρατεθούν οι σημαντικές στιγμές του λοατ(κι+) κινήματος της περιόδου. Πραγματοποιήθηκαν συνεντεύξεις με πέντε ακτιβίστριες και ακτιβιστές που ήταν πολιτικά ενεργές και ενεργοί κατά τις δεκαετίες του ’70 και του ’80 και τα αποτελέσματα της ποιοτικής έρευνας παρουσιάστηκαν μέσω θεματικής ανάλυσης. Τέλος, έγινε η προσπάθεια να απαντηθεί μία σειρά από σχετικά υποερωτήματα, καθώς και το κεντρικό ερευνητικό ερώτημα της εργασίας, το αν δηλαδή ήταν πράγματι διαθεματικό το λοατκι+ κίνημα την περίοδο που εξετάζουμε.The master’s thesis entitled “The lgbtqi+ movement in Post-Dictatorship Greece through the lens of intersectionality” sets as a goal to outline an essential period in the history of contemporary Greece examining the demands of social movements concerning the issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. The main theoretical tool for the purposes of the research constitutes the intersectionality theory, a valuable concept from the tradition of black feminism and critical race theory. Furthermore, it was useful to map several aspects of the social situation, the public life and the political parties, as a context in order the most important moments of the lgbt(qi+) movement of this era to be cited. Five interviews were conducted with activists that were politically active during the decades of ‘70s and ‘80s and the results of the qualitative research were presented through thematic analysis. Finally, an attempt was made to answer a series of related subquestions, as well as the central research question of the thesis, if the lgbt(qi+) movement during the period that we are examining was indeed intersectional

    Optimisation of chromatography for downstream protein processing

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    Downstream bioprocessing and especially chromatographic steps, commonly used for the purification of multicomponent systems, are significant cost drivers in the production of therapeutic proteins. Lately, there has been an increased interest in the development of systematic methods where operating conditions are defined and chromatographic trains are selected. Several models have been developed previously, where chromatographic trains were selected under the assumption of 100% recovery of the desired product. Removing this assumption gives the opportunity not only to select chromatographic trains but also determine the timeline in which the product is selected. Initially, a mixed integer non-linear (MINLP) programming mathematical model was developed to tackle that problem and was tested using three illustrative examples. Later on, this model was linearised by applying piecewise linear approximation techniques and computational efficiency was improved. Next, an alternative MILP model was developed by discretising the recovery levels of the product and computational efficiency improved even by 100-fold. Finally, the equilibrium dispersive model was used in a simple 4-protein mixture and the MINLP model was validated. This research represents a significant step towards efficient downstream process operation and synthesi

    Organising Emerging Intelligent Technologies:The Case of Autonomous AI-Coordinated Drone Ecosystems

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    Emerging technologies such as 3D printing, data analytics and robotics, to mention a few, are not just evolving; they are becoming intelligent, interconnected, and constitutive elements of organising practices. These innovative technologies, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), hold immense potential for organisations across industries and society. What sets them apart is their constant evolution and adaptability, both in their uncertain design, use, and effects, which are always in flux. They are constantly acquiring, sharing, and analysing vast real-time unstructured datasets to operate autonomously or collaborate with humans in ways that seem intentional (Bailey et al., 2022). This long abstract presents an initial framework for unpacking the black box of sociomaterial agencies that are performing intelligent AI drones. To do so, we build on longitudinal ethnographic empirical data gathered over two years on an exemplary case: a modularised ecosystem of AI-coordinated drones. In this ecosystem, drones are designed to work flexibly and adaptably, with each drone performing a specific task based on the system's needs. These drones collect, analyse, and mobilise complex real-time data sets to “intelligently” coordinate logistical and commercial parcel deliveries through embedded sensors. The paper contributes to the underexplored scholarly debates on intelligent automation's broader societal and ethical implications by exploring how autonomously coordinated technologies guided by AI perform intelligent decision-making practices responsibly. We also offer an 'artifactual' perspective on data where data is viewed as a product of human sociomaterial practices rather than objective facts. This understanding has significant implications for the responsible design and use of AI. Finally, our research aims to inform practitioners and policymakers about the safe delivery of drone technology for delivery services and (para)-military activities while examining the potential benefits AI technologies can bring to such endeavours. <br/

    Optimisation of a liquid-liquid extraction based sustainable water desalination process

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    In this paper, a waste heat liquid-liquid extraction method is considered for the seawater desalination. The mathematical model is a result of mass and energy balances, phase behaviour and salt distribution in the two phases. Because of the high non-linearity of the phase behaviour and the salt distribution these are being approximated by the use of piecewise linear approximations methods and the solutions are presented. The results indicate that the quality of solution is not affected by the use of the approximation

    Justifying health IT investments: a process model of framing practices and reputational value

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    Despite important research contributions on the financial and operational dimensions of information technology (IT) value, justifying health IT (HIT) investments remains a difficult and enduring issue for IT managers. Recent work has expanded our understanding of HIT value, by focusing on the initial resource allocation stage, and through conceptualizations of value across multiple dimensions. Building on these developments, we adopt a performative perspective to examine the research question of how practitioners justify early stage HIT investments, with a focus on reputational value. We explored this question through a comparative field study of two hospital organizations in the English National Health Service (NHS). We found that practitioners' temporally orientated framing practices matter in justifying HIT investments, enacting different possibilities for reputational value. We develop a process model to explain these dynamics and highlight the mutability of reputational value, which can lead to different possibilities for restoring, enhancing, or maintaining reputation. We conclude by discussing the implications for justifying HIT investments.Stavros was supported by a scholarship from the Economic and Social Research Council (Grant Number: 1491536). Eivor Oborn was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care West Midlands

    Educator Handbook for Designing Inclusive Entrepreneurship Courses in Higher Education

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    This handbook is developed for educators in entrepreneurship within universities and other higher education institutions. The aim of the handbook is to help underrepresented student groups within their courses. It is also useful for academics who want to develop entrepreneurship courses for specific minority groups. The notion of who underrepresented entrepreneurship students are may differ across institutions and across countries. At a global level, the OECD identifies six important cohorts: women, youth, seniors, the unemployed, immigrants, and people with disabilities (OECD, 2021)https://arrow.tudublin.ie/researchporbk/1004/thumbnail.jp