46 research outputs found
The domestic or industrial wastewater management and treatment in many developing countries tend to imitate the systems and technology from industrialized countries by adopting a centralized wastewater processing system and treatment technologies such as activated sludge or tertiary nutrients removal. However, the effort to replicate these methods, in fact, is not an appropriate solution to overcome the problems of sanitation in developing countries, particularly Indonesia. These sophisticated technologies require a large energy supply, skilled operators as well as substantial operating costs. Furthermore, these technologies do not provide space to recover energy and valuable nutrients contained in wastewater. These things can cause wastewater management becomes unsustainable. This paper will present some alternatives and concepts in the management and treatment of wastewater. It will be limited to several natural wastewater treatment alternatives to support sustainable management of water resources in terms of both technology and financing. Some low-cost appropriate technologies for wastewater treatment will also be discussed include: anaerobic treatment, wastewater treatment by waste stabilization ponds, wastewater treatment by macrophytes ponds and wastewater treatment by constructed wetlands
Rencana Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi (Ipl) Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (Tpa) Regional Kabupaten Dan Kota Magelang
Pengelolaan serta manajemen sampah dan limbah merupakan suatu masalah serius yang harus dihadapi tidak hanya oleh negara-negara berkembang tetapi juga di negara-negara maju. Tempat pemrosesan akhir atau yang disingkat TPA merupakan sarana penting suatu daerah untuk menanajemen sampah. Pemerintahan Kabupaten dan Kota Magelang merencanakan akan membangun TPA baru dikarenakan masa pakai TPA eksisting daerah tersebut sudah habis. Pada pengoperasian sebuah TPA tentu akan menghasilkan limbah cair berupa lindi, oleh karena itu pembangunan TPA tersebut perlu disertai dengan pembangun sarana pendukungnya yaitu IPL (Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi) yang sesuai dan cocok pada kondisi eksisting TPA. Dari hasil penelitian dan survei lapanganyang dilakukan, timbulan lindi pada TPA regional adalah 139,104 m3/hari dengan konsentrasi BOD = 1362,61 ; COD = 5798,36 ; TSS = 629. Terdapat empat unit proses pengolahan pada IPL, yaitu proses anaerob, proses fakultatif, proses aerasi, dan proses karbon aktif. kolam anaerob dengan volume 4968 m3, waktu tingal 35,90 hari dan penurunan BOD sebesar 70% kemudian dilanjutkan ke kolam fakultatif dengan luas kolam sebesar 1464,25m2, waktu tinggal 12,19 hari dan penurunan BOD sebesar 64,8551% kemudian dilanjutkan ke kolam aerasi dengan volume kolam sebesar 556,416 m3, waktu tinggal 4 hari dan penurunan BOD sebesar 72,46% terahkir diolah dengan mengunakan karbon aktif dengan volume reaktor sebesar 2,898 m3 massa GAC yang diperlukan 1.275.120 g dan penurunan BOD sebesar 55%.Konsentrasi effluent yang dihasilkan oleh IPL dan kemudian dibuang ke badan air adalah TDS = 72mg/l ; TSS = 6mg/l ; BOD = 24,087mg/l ; COD = 90mg/l
Studi Efisiensi Sistem Prasedimentasi Dan Subsurface Flow Wetland Dalam Menurunkan Kadar Kekeruhan, Zat Organik, Nitrat, Fosfat, Dan Total Coli
Terdapat beberapa kandungan dalam air seperti kekeruhan, zat organik, nitrat, fosfat, dan total coli. Kandungan-kandungan tersebut dijadikan parameter dalam menentukan kualitas air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji efektifitas penurunan kadar kekeruhan, nitrat, fosfat, zat organik, dan total coli pada Sungai Jagir di sekitar Taman Boezem Wonorejo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem Prasedimentasi dan Subsurface Flow Wetland dengan variasi umur tanaman mangrove dan ukuran media pada wetland. Umur mangrove yang digunakan adalah 3 bulan dan 6 bulan. Sedangkan ukuran media yang digunakan adalah 16-32 mesh dan 32-50 mesh. Penilitian ini dilaksanakan selama dua minggu. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan penurunan paling optimum sebagai berikut, kekeruhan sebesar 99,6%, sebesar 46,07% pada zat organik, sebesar 69,8% pada Nitrat, sebesar 76,19% pada Fosfat, dan pada Total coli sebesar 99,2%. Penurunan kadar tersebut disebabkan adanya proses filtrasi yang terjadi pada media pasir, dan juga adanya proses penyerapan nutrien yang dilakukan oleh tanaman mangrove itu sendiri
Within the perspective of adopting effective solutions to the problems related to the burial of urban waste and its resulting harmful effects on both the environment and the human health, suitable actions should be taken to remedy the shortcomings of this somehow primitive method of waste disposal, namely those of the generated leachates. Because of their high pollutant load, leachates have to undergo a treatment of purification before being discharged into the environment.The focus of our study is to develop a simple technique to reduce the pollutant load of leachates in the technical burying center (TBC) of solid waste in Tamellast, Grand Agadir. This technique is based on the treatment of leachates through aeration followed by a percolation-infiltration on sand. The sand used is raw titaniferous sand (RTS) which is very abundant in the region of Agadir. Young leachate samples issued from fresh urban waste were collected at TBC, Tamellast. The physicochemical analyses of the young leachates show that their pH is very acidic, the values of conductivity are very important and greatly exceed the normal limit value specified for the discharges (2.7 mS / cm). The levels of biodegradable organic matter are important (the COD and BOD5 values are 17800 mg of O2 / L and 9100 mg of O2 / L, respectively). The aeration of leachate by injecting air has increased electrical conductivity due to the different chemical and biological reactions involved in the treatment. However, the values of COD and BOD5 have decreased. This decrease shows the significant effect of aeration on the reduction of polluting organic matter. The ratio BOD5 / COD is greater than 0.5 and shows that the treated leachate is of a very good biodegradability. After aeration, the young leachate was infiltrated by percolation on a sand column. The BOD5 value reached 280 mg of O2 / L (the BOD5 limit value of direct discharge = 300 mg of O2 / L) and the COD value is 540 mg of O2 / L (the limit value of direct release COD = 600 mg of O2 / L). The technique developed in this study led to high abatement rates (96.96% for COD and 97% for BOD5) in organic matter and lower COD and BOD5 values
Diversity of salt response among yeasts
Forty-two yeast strains from 27 species belonging to seven genera, selected for their ability to grow in 10% NaCl, have been analysed for their resistance to salt concentrations up to 5 M, by calculating the Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC). Using eight different NaCl concentrations from 0 to 5M, results show that halotolerance (MIC) ranges from 1.7 to 3.8 M NaCl, with an avera ge around 2.5 M and confirm that the most halotolerant strains belong to the speciesDebaryomyces hansenii. Since a real halophily could not be found in these isolates, and is generally questioned to be present among the yeast, the effects of NaCl has been measured as salt enhancement effect on growth (MSE), which is defined as the rate between the growth at a given NaCl concentration and theowth in the medium without addition of salt. The implications of these findings in food microbial ecology and technology are discussed
Studi Efisiensi Sistem Prasedimentasi dan Subsurface Flow Wetland dalam Menurunkan Kadar Kekeruhan, Zat Organik, Nitrat, Fosfat, dan Total Coli
Terdapat beberapa kandungan dalam air seperti kekeruhan, zat organik, nitrat, fosfat, dan total coli. Kandungan-kandungan tersebut dijadikan parameter dalam menentukan kualitas air. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji efektifitas penurunan kadar kekeruhan, nitrat, fosfat, zat organik, dan total coli pada Sungai Jagir di sekitar Taman Boezem Wonorejo. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan sistem Prasedimentasi dan Subsurface Flow Wetland dengan variasi umur tanaman mangrove dan ukuran media pada wetland. Umur mangrove yang digunakan adalah 3 bulan dan 6 bulan. Sedangkan ukuran media yang digunakan adalah 16-32 mesh dan 32-50 mesh. Penilitian ini dilaksanakan selama dua minggu. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan penurunan paling optimum sebagai berikut, kekeruhan sebesar 99,6%, sebesar 46,07% pada zat organik, sebesar 69,8% pada Nitrat, sebesar 76,19% pada Fosfat, dan pada Total coli sebesar 99,2%. Penurunan kadar tersebut disebabkan adanya proses filtrasi yang terjadi pada media pasir, dan juga adanya proses penyerapan nutrien yang dilakukan oleh tanaman mangrove itu sendiri
Mobilité et spéciation du chrome dans un système à phragmites australis de traitement des eaux usées de tanneries
L’objectif de ce travail est l’étude de la répartition, la migration, la spéciation et la biodisponibilité du Cr dans les différents horizons du sol au niveau d’un pilote à Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin ex Steudel de traitement du rejet du tannage au chrome. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à ceux d’un pilote non planté. La spéciation chimique du Cr total a été réalisée par cinq extractions séquentielles. L’extraction du chrome biodisponible est effectuée par CaCl2 (0,1 M). Les résultats de la répartition du Cr montrent que l’horizon superficiel renferme des teneurs élevées en Cr 80 % et que cette accumulation est statistiquement différente entre les deux pilotes (p<0,05) : 48 ± 4 g·kg-1 pour le système planté et 39 ± 7 g·kg-1 pour le système non planté. Les résultats de la spéciation chimique totale du Cr indiquent qu’il est très lié à la phase oxydable : 36 ± 10 % pour le système planté (PP) et 54 ± 9 % pour le système non planté (NPP). La teneur en Cr retenue dans la fraction résiduelle présente 26 ± 3 % et 25 ± 2 % respectivement pour le système PP et NPP. La proportion du Cr retenue dans la fraction carbonate est de 19,5 ± 5 % pour le système PP et 10,7 ± 5 % pour le système NPP. La part du Cr associée à la phase réductible présente 18 ± 6 % et 10 ± 4 % respectivement pour le système PP et NPP. Pour les deux pilotes le Cr total est peu échangeable et sa teneur biodisponible est faible. En outre, les résultats montrent que la présence de Phragmites australis a provoqué la libération partielle du Cr de la fraction organique mobile vers les formes carbonate et réductible relativement stables dans le système planté. Les résultats trouvés montrent que Phragmites australis présente une accumulation assez importante en Cr au niveau des racines : 1690 ± 124 mg·kg-1 en matière sèche. Le calcul du bilan global de l’épuration révèle que le Cr est surtout retenu par le sol (94 %) et que 5 % du Cr est prélevé par la plante. Cependant, la présence de Phragmites australis assure une porosité suffisante pour la percolation des eaux en traitement et permet le traitement d’un volume d’eau usée plus grand.The present study illustrates the distribution, mobility, bioavailability and speciation of total chromium (Cr) in the various strata of a constructed reed bed soil in comparison to unplanted soil under arid climate conditions. The operationally determined speciation of Cr was investigated using a five-step sequential extraction method using CaCl2 (0.1 M) to extract bioavailable Cr.The results indicated that there was a significant accumulation of total Cr, reaching 80% in the surface strata for the planted (PP) and unplanted (NPP) systems. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in Cr accumulation in the surface of the soil between the PP system (48 ± 4 g·kg-1) and the NPP system (39 ± 7 g·kg‑1). The partitioning results indicated that the percentage of Cr in the exchangeable phase was very low. The Cr was mainly associated with the oxidizable phase: 36 ± 10% for the PP system and 54 ± 9% for the NPP system. The residual phase contained 26 ± 3%, 25 ± 2% of the Cr for the PP and NPP systems, respectively. The carbonate fraction represented 19.5 ± 5% for PP system and 10.7 ± 5% for NPP system, whereas the reducible fraction represented 18 ± 6% for the PP system and 10 ± 4% for the NPP system. The sequential extraction results showed that Phragmites australis had the ability to partially transfer Cr from the mobile oxidizable fraction to the less mobile reducible and carbonate fractions. Indeed, Cr was relatively unavailable to the plant but the results did show that Phragmites australis accumulated an appreciable amount of Cr in the roots (1690 mg·kg-1 dry matter). Furthermore, after 13 months, the soil had accumulated high amounts of chromium (94%) with only 5% of the Cr accumulated in Phragmites australis. The presence of plants ensures a sufficient porosity for the percolation of water for treatment, which makes it possible to treat a larger volume of wastewater and to reduce the required soil surface area needed for treatment
Biogas merupakan salah satu pengembangan energi alternatif yang masih terus dikembangkan hingga saat ini dari hasil penguraian bahan organik oleh bantuan bakteri fermentatif dengan proses anaerob. Salah satu produksi dari biogas adalah gas metana dengan pemanfaatan seperti bahan bakar pengganti minyak tanah, LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), maupun sebagai sumber energi pembangkit tenaga listrik.
Pada penelitian ini, bahan organik yang digunakan adalah susu basi yang dijadikan sebagai substrat dengan pengkondisian keasaman. Untuk menjaga proses anaerob digunakan reaktor dengan jenis ABR (Anaerobic Baffled Reactor) dengan proses semi kontinyu yakni melakukan proses pengisian ulang substrat dengan skala konstan agar nilai pH dan volume gas yang dihasilkan selama pengujian menghasilkan nilai yang stabil sehingga proses biogas berlangsung secara optimal, selain itu dari segi desain dan harga ABR (Anaerobic Baffled Reactor) mudah untuk dibangun dan tidak mahal karena tidak ada bagian mesin pencampur (Mechanical Mixing Device).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengisian ulang substrat susu basi terhadap konsentrasi gas metana pada ABR (Anaerobic Baffled Reactor) dengan variasi pengisian ulang substrat susu basi yang berbeda, yakni setiap 1,5 jam, 3 jam dan 6 jam sekali selama pengujian pengisian ulang substrat susu basi. Pengukuran konsentratsi gas metana dilakukan dengan uji kromatografi gas.
Kata kunci : Biogas, ABR (Anaerobic Baffled Reactor), gas metan
Enlèvement du chrome par infiltration verticale sur lits de Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steudel
L'objectif de la présente étude est de mettre en évidence les potentialités d'un hélophyte : Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steudel à épurer l'effluent du tannage riche en chrome sous un régime d'écoulement vertical et les comparer à celles d'un sol non planté sous climat aride.Le pilote expérimental est constitué de pots de capacité 120 litres, remplis sur une épaisseur de 15 cm de graviers et de 60 cm de sol (texture : limono - argilo- sableuse). Trois pots sont plantés de jeunes tiges de Phragmites australis (36 tiges /m2). Trois autres pots non plantés sont pris comme témoin. L'alimentation du système se fait par l'eau du tannage au chrome diluée à 50%. L’alimentation des systèmes se fait par bâchées de 10 litres/jour pendant 3 jours successifs suivie d’une période de repos de 4 jours. L'écoulement se fait par translation verticale à travers le substrat.L'étude du fonctionnement hydrologique des pilotes testés a montré que le débit moyen à la sortie du système planté est trois fois plus élevé que celui du lit non planté, ce qui permet de traiter un volume d’eau usée plus important ou bien de réduire la superficie nécessaire par équivalent habitant. Aucun signe de colmatage n’a été détecté aussi bien dans les pots plantés de Phragmites australis que dans les pots non plantés.Le suivi des performances épuratoires du système à Phragmites australis montre que le pH à la sortie des deux systèmes pilotes augmente de deux à trois unités par rapport à celui des rejets du tannage. La conductivité électrique des effluents traités augmente respectivement pour les deux systèmes.L’élimination moyenne de la DCO totale est de 74% pour le système planté et de 60,5% pour le système non planté. La différence entre les performances épuratoires des deux systèmes pour l’abattement de la DCO totale est statistiquement significative (p<0,05).Le Cr total subit globalement un abattement de 99% pour les deux pilotes qui fournissent des eaux épurées limpides. En effet, la concentration moyenne en chrome total dans les eaux usées brutes appliquées à l'entrée des différents pilotes varie de 534 mg/l à 1000 mg/l avec une concentration moyenne de 780±196 mg/l. Les teneurs de chrome total enregistrées à la sortie du lit à Phragmites varient de 2,2 mg/l à 3 mg/l avec une concentration moyenne de 2±0,5 mg/l. La concentration en chrome total des eaux usées à la sortie du sol non planté varie de 2,5 mg/l à 4 mg/l avec une valeur moyenne de 2,4±1,3 mg/l.La présence de Phragmites australis dans le système planté permet de maintenir une porosité suffisante pour assurer la percolation des eaux en traitement et réduire les risques de colmatage. Avec des temps de résidence hydraulique trois fois plus réduit, le système planté assure un abattement du chrome total comparable à celui du système non planté.The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of a helophytic plant, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steudel, to remove chromium from concentrated tannery effluent in comparison to unplanted soil, under arid climate conditions. The experiment was conducted from August 2002 to August 2003. Six plots (capacity: 120 L, diameter: 50 cm) were filled to depths of 15 cm and 60 cm with gravel and soil respectively (texture: 3.5% clay, 8.5% silt, and 88% sand). Three plots were planted with Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steudel. Young shoots of plants (36 stems/m2) were taken from local and natural reed stands. Three unplanted plots were used as controls. The soil for the study was from the Tensift River (Marrakech). The experimental plots were supplied exclusively with diluted tannery wastewater, 3 times a week (approximately 10 L each time). The water flowed vertically through the substratum.To investigate the capacity of the systems to increase pH, to decrease conductivity chemical oxygen demand (COD), and to remove total chromium, concentrations in the inflow and outflow of each plot were determined during the experiment. System hydrology indicated that for planted systems, the mean flow varied from 18 mL/min (in winter) to 49 mL/min (in summer), with an average value of 35 mL/min. For the unplanted system, the mean flow varied from 5 mL/min (in winter) to 15 mL/min (in summer) with an average value of 12 mL/min. Water recovery at the outflow of the planted system (PP) and unplanted system (NPP) was 40% and 60% respectively. This may be related to the phenomenon of evapotranspiration from the PP system, which was more significant than simple evaporation from the NPP system. No sign of clogging was observed in the planted systems due to the plant rhizomes that ensure a better aeration of the soil. The study of the hydrological operation showed that mean flow in the planted system was three times higher than that in the unplanted soil, which makes it possible to treat a larger volume of wastewater and to reduce the required per capita surface for treatment. The presence of Phragmites australis ensured a sufficient porosity for the percolation of water for treatment.The pH of the effluent at the outlets of the planted and unplanted systems increased by two to three units in comparison with the raw wastewater at the inlet. The average inflow pH was 5.5; at the outflow of the two systems, the pH was 7.30 and 8.20 respectively for the planted and unplanted soil. The electrical conductivity (EC) of the treated wastewater increased for the two systems. The average inflow conductivity was 54±5.5ms/cm. At the outflow of the two systems, the EC was about 75±14 ms/cm and 68±11 ms/cm respectively for the planted and unplanted systems. The EC removal for all systems varied significantly from season to another (p< 0.05).The planted system was more efficient in removing total COD (74%) than the unplanted one (61%). There were significant differences (ANOVA) between the PP and NPP systems (p<0.05). Total chromium concentrations at the inflow varied from 534 mg/L to 1000 mg/L with an average content of 780±196 mg/L. At the outflow, total chromium concentrations varied from 2.2 mg/L to 3 mg/L with an average content of 2±0.5 mg/L for the PP system and from 2.5 mg/L to 4 mg/L with an average value of 2.4±1.3 mg/L for the NPP system. Total chromium removal of 99% occurred for the two pilots, which provides limpid purified water. Despite the shorter retention time for the planted system, which was three times less than in the unplanted one, total chromium was almost completely removed.The aquatic macrophyte plant seemed to play a physical role by enhancing the hydrological conductivity of the substratum and consequently the operation and management of these systems. Phragmites australis (Cav.) Steudel has the ability to transfer oxygen from the rhizome towards the roots through an internal lacunar system, which offers the creation of an aerobic zone around the roots. This aerobic zone allows the proliferation of micro-organisms, which are the principal decomposers of the organic matter in the root zone.The treatment of tannery effluent by reed beds is a clean approach from an ecological point of view and constitutes a viable economic alternative in comparison to purely chemical approaches and is thus better adapted to the complexity of the systems used in the leather industry
Influence of composted food waste and sewage sludge on plant growth enhanced with magnetic fields
Sewage sludge and composting food waste have the potential to be used as fertilizer due to nutrient availability. Thus, application of sewage sludge and composted food waste as nutrient sources for plants enhanced with the magnetic field to water the plants was studied. The study focused on nutrient content in sewage sludge powder (SSLG) and liquid from composted food waste (LCFW) from a primary oxidation pond at Taman Sri Pulai, Johor and food waste from wet market Kipmart Tampoi, Johor. Capsicum annum (red chili) was selected as the plant to receive different concentrations of nutrients. In order to increase the efficiency of sewage sludge and composted food waste, magnetized water was applied to irrigate the plants along with SSLG and LCFW. Five different amounts and concentration of SSLG and LCFW were prepared. SSLG was applied to the plant only once at the beginning, while LCFW was applied on a weekly basis. All the plants were watered by the same amount of magnetized and tap water on a daily basis. Plant growth was recorded on weekly basis. The study revealed that there is a significant difference between the application of SSLG and LCFW to the plants and control plants with no SSLG and LCFW in the tap and magnetized water. SSLG and LCFW increased the plant growth up to 83.33% in root, 85.71% in stem and 86.66% in leaves Nitrogen Nitrate (NO3 --N) content, while for Phosphorus (P) content the SSLG and LCFW enhanced 78.57% in root, 73.33% in stem and 75.59% in leaves, for Total Kjedhal Nitrogen (TKN) content organic waste boosted the growth of 59.38% in root, 58.02% in stem and 69.88% in leaves in tap water condition which was higher than control plants. In the meantime for magnetized water, SSLG and LCFW increased up to 84.91% in root, 87.18% in stem and 87.23% in leaves for NO3 --N content, while for P content SSLG and LCFW enhanced growth of 79.31% in root, 75.51% in stem and 80.77% in leaves, for TKN content those organic waste boost 65.02% in root, 85.87% in stem and 71.64%. Magnetic field enhanced nutrient absorption up to 4.76% in root, 11.89% in stem and 16.67% in leaves for NO3 --N content, while for the P content the magnetized water enhanced 17.31% in root, 8.78% in stem and 14.42% in leaves, for TKN content that magnetic treatment boost 29.34% in root, 58.18% in stem and 17.90% in leaves higher than untreated tap water. In conclusion, the application of sewage sludge and composted food waste, enhanced by magnetic water is a viable option for plant growth where the quality of the crops was increased. However, in terms of consumption and safety, other alternatives should also be considered in order to further validate the safety of crops grown with sewage sludge