353 research outputs found

    User experience analysis while visiting selected virtual museums

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    The paper concerns the study of User Experience by focusing on the usability and user satisfaction aspects. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the usability of two selected virtual museums conducted with 3 research methods: using an oculograph, a System Usability Scale (SUS) usability survey and Nielsen heuristic. The examination was conducted on the following museums that offer virtual tours: Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych in Poznan and Muzeum Zamojskie in Zamosc. The participants of the eye tracking experiment and the SUS survey were 22 students of Computer Science at the Politechnika Lubelska, while the Nielsen heuristics analysis was performed by 3 graduate students with relevant qualifications. The obtained eye tracking data, the results of the SUS questionnaires and the evaluation of the Nielsen heuristics were analyzed quantitatively. In addition, a qualitative analysis of eye tracking results was conducted, which provided heat maps and scanning paths. As a result, it was revealed that in the oculography method, the analyzed websites obtained comparable results. However, in the test performed with the SUS usability survey Muzeum Instrumentów Muzycznych achieved a better result. The expert team reviewing Nielsen heuristics also ranked the museum higher

    Effect of Leptin Gene Polymorphism on Fattening and Slaughter Value of Line 990 Gilts

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    The study was aimed at defining leptin gene polymorphism and its potential association with values of particular features of fattening and slaughter value of gilts of Line 990. The study included a total of 208 gilts. The polymorphic locus in LEP gene was identified by the restriction enzyme HinfI in 3469 position, by using the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) method. Two alleles of LEP gene were identified: T (0.94) and C (0.06), resulting in two genotypes: TC (0.12) and TT (0.88). We did not observe any gilts of CC genotype. The analysis of values of fattening and slaughter features, depending on LEP genotype did not reveal significant differences in body mass increase, daily gain from day 63 to 180, and daily gain from birth to day 180, feed conversion per 1 kg body mass and the loin-eye thickness. Significant differences between the LEP genotypes were present for such features as the backfat thickness at points P2 (p ⪬ 0.05) and P4 (p ⪬ 0.01) and average backfat thickness (p ⪬ 0.01) in favour of TT genotype. We noted higher average values of lean meat content in carcass in favour of TT homozygotes, compared to the heterozygotes (p ⪬ 0.05). The investigation contributes additonal information regarding LEP gene polymorphism in gilts of Line 990. Knowledge of LEP genotypes may be useful to improve the slaughter value in gilts primarily due to less fatness. Due to the lack of individuals representing CC genotype in our results, research should continue on a larger population

    Pharmacokinetics of diclofenac sodium and papaverine hydrochloride after oral administration of tablets to rabbits

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    Non-compartmental pharmacokinetic analysis of diclofenac sodium (DIC) and papaverine hydrochloride (PAP) after oral administration of composed tablets to rabbits was developed. HPLC method for determination of DIC and PAP in rabbit plasma was developed and validated. Chromatographic separation of DIC, PAP and the IS was achieved on a Zorbax SB C18 5-μm column (150 mm ◊ 4.6 mm) using methanolwater (55 : 45, v/v) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min. Pharmacokinetic analysis showed that oral administration of a tablet composed of DIC and PAP do not change the pharmacokinetic parameters such as MRT, MAT, Cl and bioavailability of the active substances compared with single administration of DIC and PAP after single dose

    Rozbroić – dozbroić. Akcje rozbrojeniowe, czyli skąd leśni brali broń

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    Partisan units of the post-war independence underground in Poland carried out various armed actions. In most of them, there was one common element, i.e. taking weapons from the enemy. It caused at least a short-term hindrance to the activity of communist formations (e.g. a severe paralysis of Civic Militia posts in 1945 and 1946) but, above all, the acquisition of weapons and ammunition, which were indispensable for the activity of every guerrilla unit. In this respect, the situation of the detachments operating in the post-war period was all the more difficult because they could not count on weapons from airdrops, as during the German occupation.Oddziały partyzanckie powojennego podziemia niepodległościowego w Polsce przeprowadzały różnego typu akcje zbrojne. W zdecydowanej większości z nich występował jeden element wspólny, czyli odbieranie broni przeciwnikowi. Powodowało to co najmniej krótkotrwałe utrudnienie działalności formacji komunistycznych (np. poważny paraliż posterunków MO w latach 1945–1946), ale przede wszystkim zdobycie broni i amunicji, które były niezbędne dla każdego oddziału partyzanckiego. Sytuacja grup aktywnych w okresie powojennym była pod tym względem o tyle trudniejsza, że nie mogły liczyć na broń ze zrzutów, jak podczas okupacji niemieckiej

    Samoocena młodzieży korzystającej z treści erotycznych w Internecie

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    One of the properties of the Internet is an immediate availability of its content, including the erotic content. A lot of research indicates that using erotic websites leads to the dysfunctional development of children and adolescents. This fact requires taking prophylactic measures in order to reduce this type of problem behaviour. The article seeks to establish protective factors and risk factors related to the self-esteem of young people who use or do not use erotic websites. The aim is to establish the relationship between self-esteem and accessing erotic content on the Internet. EPIDAL-VIII inventory edited by Z.B. Gaś as well as MSEI Multidimensional Self-Assessment Inventory by E.J. O’Brien and S. Epstein were used as research tools. The study was conducted on a group of 3774 higher-secondary school students from five voivodships in central and eastern Poland.Istotną własnością Internetu jest natychmiastowa dostępność do zawartych w nim treści, także erotycznych. Liczne badania wskazują, że korzystanie ze stron erotycznych prowadzi do zaburzenia prawidłowego rozwoju dzieci i młodzieży. Z powyższego faktu wynika konieczność prowadzenia działań profilaktycznych ograniczających korzystanie z tego typu zachowań problemowych. Autor opracowania koncentruje się na poszukiwaniu czynników chroniących i czynników ryzyka na poziomie samooceny młodych ludzi, którzy korzystają lub nie ze stron erotycznych. Celem jest poszukiwanie zależności pomiędzy samooceną a korzystaniem z treści erotycznych w Internecie. Do badań wykorzystano ankietę EPIDAL-VIII w opracowaniu Z.B. Gasia oraz Wielowymiarowy Kwestionariusz Samooceny MSEI E.J. O’Briena i S. Epsteina. Badania wykonano na grupie 3774 uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych z pięciu województw centralnej i wschodniej Polski

    Opracowujemy i ewaluujemy program wychowawczo-profilaktyczny szkoły

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    Każda zmiana może być postrzegana jako zagrożenie, albowiem burzy poczucie bezpieczeństwa i stawia nowe wyzwania, które oznaczają dla każdego jej uczestnika weryfikację posiadanych kompetencji, umiejętności oraz wiedzy. Aby więc zminimalizować poczucie zagrożenia i opór przed zmianą, konieczne wydaje się zdobycie odpowiedniego zasobu wiedzy przez każdego, kto ponosi odpowiedzialność za wprowadzanie modyfikacji. Właśnie w tym celu powstały niniejsze materiały szkoleniowe, które pomogą nauczycielom w satysfakcjonującym dla nich – i korzystnym dla całego środowiska szkolnego – wykonaniu jednego z kluczowych zadań, jakim jest opracowanie (a później racjonalne wdrożenie i ewaluacja) programu wychowawczo-profilaktycznego szkoły

    Current knowledge about Post-Polio Syndrome (PPS)

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    Introduction: PPS appears at least 15 years after polio virus infection, followed by stabilization of the neurological condition. In the course of the disease, there are neurological, musculoskeletal and general symptoms. The aim of the study: The article focuses on the current knowledge about post-polio syndrome. Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in the PubMed, Google Scholar, ReaserchGate database was carried out using the following keywords: post-polio syndrome, poliovirus, poliomyelitis Description: There is no treatment that would cure PPS patients. However, interdisciplinary management focused on symptomatic treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of patients. One of the first solutions proposed to improve the clinical condition of patients with PSS was physical rehabilitation. In the treatment of post-polio syndrome, in addition to the use of non-pharmacological agents, therapy with the use of immunoglobulin infusions, the use of coenzyme Q10 or L-citrulline treatment has been introduced. Summary: Despite the fact that there is no specific treatment in PPS, it has been proven that non-pharmacological intervention (motor rehabilitation, lifestyle change, orthoses, respiratory assistance) has a beneficial effect on relieving the symptoms of the diseas

    Apitherapy – the medical use of bee products

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    Introduction: Bee products have been used by man for centuries. However, their therapeutic options are not fully understood. Aim of the study: To review research on the possibilities of using the medicinal properties of bee products. Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review literature data. Search for articles in the PubMed database was carried out using the following keywords: apitherapy, honey, bee venom, propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen. Description: Apitherapy is a healing method known to mankind since the oldest times. Due to the diverse composition, substances produced by bees show a number of activities, which include Antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antibacterial and anticancer effect. Thanks to numerous mechanisms, they have a beneficial effect on wound healing, cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders. Summary: Numerous properties and a wide range of activity of each bee product brings the possibility of using them in the therapy of many diseases