39 research outputs found

    Regulating STING in health and disease.

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    The presence of cytosolic double-stranded DNA molecules can trigger multiple innate immune signalling pathways which converge on the activation of an ER-resident innate immune adaptor named "STimulator of INterferon Genes (STING)". STING has been found to mediate type I interferon response downstream of cyclic dinucleotides and a number of DNA and RNA inducing signalling pathway. In addition to its physiological function, a rapidly increasing body of literature highlights the role for STING in human disease where variants of the STING proteins, as well as dysregulated STING signalling, have been implicated in a number of inflammatory diseases. This review will summarise the recent structural and functional findings of STING, and discuss how STING research has promoted the development of novel therapeutic approaches and experimental tools to improve treatment of tumour and autoimmune diseases

    Molecular mechanisms and cellular functions of cGAS-STING signalling

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    The cGAS–STING signalling axis, comprising the synthase for the second messenger cyclic GMP–AMP (cGAS) and the cyclic GMP–AMP receptor stimulator of interferon genes (STING), detects pathogenic DNA to trigger an innate immune reaction involving a strong type I interferon response against microbial infections. Notably however, besides sensing microbial DNA, the DNA sensor cGAS can also be activated by endogenous DNA, including extranuclear chromatin resulting from genotoxic stress and DNA released from mitochondria, placing cGAS–STING as an important axis in autoimmunity, sterile inflammatory responses and cellular senescence. Initial models assumed that co-localization of cGAS and DNA in the cytosol defines the specificity of the pathway for non-self, but recent work revealed that cGAS is also present in the nucleus and at the plasma membrane, and such subcellular compartmentalization was linked to signalling specificity of cGAS. Further confounding the simple view of cGAS–STING signalling as a response mechanism to infectious agents, both cGAS and STING were shown to have additional functions, independent of interferon response. These involve non-catalytic roles of cGAS in regulating DNA repair and signalling via STING to NF-κB and MAPK as well as STING-mediated induction of autophagy and lysosome- dependent cell death. We have also learnt that cGAS dimers can multimerize and undergo liquid–liquid phase separation to form biomolecular condensates that could importantly regulate cGAS activation. Here, we review the molecular mechanisms and cellular functions underlying cGAS–STING activation and signalling, particularly highlighting the newly emerging diversity of this signalling pathway and discussing how the specificity towards normal, damage-induced and infection-associated DNA could be achieved

    Оценка токсичности и эффективности терапии комбинацией FOLFIRI и афлиберцепта при метастатическом раке толстой кишки в РФ: первые результаты многоцентрового ретроспективного исследования

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    oai:oai.tumors.elpub.ru:article/629Purpose. To assess the incidence and severity of adverse events; to explore clinical factors associated with grade 3–4 non-hematologic toxicity; to assess the immediate efficacy and progression-free survival during treatment with the FOLFIRI regimen in combination with aflibercept in Russia.Materials and Methods. A retrospective multicenter study has been conducted with data collected from 20 clinics in 15 regions of Russia. There was no statistical hypothesis. Progression-free survival was the main efficacy criterion. The statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPPS Statistics v. 20 software.Results. FOLFIRI and Aflibercept combination was administered to 264 patients. The mean number of treatment cycles was 6 (1 to 29). The toxicity of aflibercept was addressed by dose reduction and dosing delay in 10.1 % and 11.4 % of patients, respectively, and dose reductions and dosing delays in any of FOLIFRI components were reported in 20.1 % of participants. The objective response rate was 20.3 %. The median progression-free survival in patients receiving second-line treatment was 6 months (95 % CI: 5.3–6.6 months). Seventy-two percent of patients experienced any grade of adverse events most of which were limited to grade 1–2 (62.1 %). Non-hematologic toxicity was reported in 64 % of patients (grade 3–4 in 17.9 %). Hematologic events were detected in only 17.9 % of patients. Multifactorial analysis has shown that drug therapy for concomitant diseases (OR 1.98, 95 % CI: 1.04–3.78, p = 0.037) and the number of chemotherapy lines prior to aflibercept (ОR 1.5, 95 % CI: 1.06–2.11, p = 0.02) were independent predictors of grade 3–4 non-hematologic toxicity.Conclusions. Objective response rate, progression-free survival, and frequency of toxicity-related aflibercept discontinuations in the Russian study with patients receiving aflibercept in combination with FOLFIRI regimen as a second-line treatment has shown the results that were comparable with VELOUR study. Comorbidities requiring drug treatment and the number of prior chemotherapy lines appear to be risk factors for grade 3–4 nonhematological toxicity events. Цель исследования. Оценить частоту развития и тяжесть нежелательных явлений; изучить клинические факторы, ассоциированные с развитием негематологической токсичности 3-4 степени; оценить непосредственную эффективность выживаемость без прогрессирования при применении комбинации FOLFIRI с афлиберцептом в РФ.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное многоцентровое исследование. Собраны данные 20 клиник 15 регионов РФ. Статистическая гипотеза отсутствовала. В качестве основного критерия эффективности рассматривалась выживаемость без прогрессирования. Статистический анализ проводился с помощью программ статистического пакета SPSS (IBM SPPS Statistics v. 20).Результаты. Режим FOLFIRI афлиберцепт был назначен у 264 пациентов. Среднее число составило 6 (от 1 до 29). В связи с токсичностью доза афлиберцепта в процессе терапии была редуцирована у 10,1% пациентов, задержали очередное введение афлиберцепта — у 11,4%; отсрочка и редукция доз химиопрепаратов в режиме FOLFIRI описана у 20,1 %. Частота объективных эффектов составила 20,3%. Во второй линии терапии медиана выживаемости без прогрессирования составила 6 месяцев (95% ДИ 5,3-6,6 месяцев). Нежелательные явления любой степени зарегистрированы у 72 % пациентов и чаще были ограничены 1-2 степенью (62,1%). Негематологические осложнения развились у 64% (3-4 степень — у 17,9%). Гематологические осложнения представлены только у 17,9 % пациентов. По результатам многофакторного анализа лекарственная терапия по поводу сопутствующей патологии (ОШ 1,98, 95%ДИ 1,04-3,78, р=0,037) и число линий терапии (ОШ 1,5, 95%ДИ 1,06-2,11, р=0,02), предшествующих афлиберцепту, явились независимыми предсказывающими факторами развития нежелательных явлений негематологического профиля 3-4 степени.Выводы. Частота объективных эффектов, выживаемость без прогрессирования и частота отмены афлиберцепта в связи с токсическими реакциями при применении комбинации FOLFIRI + афлиберцепт во второй линии среди пациентов в РФ аналогична результатам исследования VELOUR. Сопутствующая патология, требующая медикаментозной коррекции, и число линий терапии предшествующих афлиберцепту, по-видимому, являются факторами риска развития негематологических явлений 3-4 степени


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    Algorithms of Optimization of Linear and Non-Linear Systems

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    DNA damage-induced immune response : Micronuclei provide key platform

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    DNA damage-induced activation of the cytoplasmic DNA sensor cGAS influences the outcome of infections, autoinflammation, and cancer. Recent studies by Harding et al. (2017. Nature. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature23470), Mackenzie et al. (2017. Nature. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature23449), and Bartsch et al. (2017. Human Molecular Genetics. https://doi.org/10.1093/hmg/ddx283) demonstrate a role for micronuclei formation in DNA damage-induced immune activation