177 research outputs found

    Le choix des études universitaires: sciences sociales plutôt que sciences exactes et techniques? Enquête auprès des étudiantes et des étudiants débutant(e)s dans les hautes écoles universitaires en Suisse

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    L’article entend contribuer à la compréhension des mécanismes qui amènent les jeunes se destinant à la formation universitaires à s’engager dans l’un ou l’autre domaine et discipline d’étude et – plus particulièrement – à faire ressortir les facteurs qui en Suisse, attirent ces jeunes vers les sciences sociales plutôt que vers les sciences exactes et techniques. L’enquête menée en 2002-3 dans les Universités de Zurich et de Lausanne de même que dans les deux Écoles polytechniques fédérales (N=1804) a pu mettre eu relief l’influence d’une série de facteurs liés au passé scolaire, à la representation des études et des professions, mais aussi au genre et à des traits culturels plus généraux. (DIPF/Orig.)Der Aufsatz möchte zu einem besseren Verständnis jener Mechanismen beitragen, die angehende Studierende an den Universitäten dazu bringen, sich für die eine oder andere Studienrichtung zu interessieren. Er sucht insbesondere jenen Faktoren nachzuspüren die, die Studierende in der Schweiz zu einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Studium eher als einem Studium der Exakt- oder Technikwissenschaften bewegen. Die Untersuchung an den Universitäten Zürich und Lausanne sowie an den beiden Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschulen aus dem Jahr 2002-2003 [N = 1804] hat ergeben, dass eine Reihe von Faktoren dafür massgeblich sind, darunter unterschiedliche Schulerfahrungen, das Bild der Studienfächer und Berufe, aber auch genderbezogene Präferenzen und allgemeine kulturelle Gründe. (DIPF/Orig.

    Tarlov Cyst: A diagnostic of exclusion.

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    Tarlov cysts were first described in 1938 as an incidental finding at autopsy. The cysts are usually diagnosed on MRI, which reveals the lesion arising from the sacral nerve root near the dorsal root ganglion. Symptomatic sacral perineural cysts are uncommon and it is recommended to consider Tarlov cyst as a diagnostic of exclusion. We report a case of a patient with voluminous bilateral L5 and S1 Tarlov cyst, and right hip osteonecrosis to increase the awareness in the orthopaedic community. A 57-year-old female, in good health, with chronic low back pain since 20 years, presented suddenly right buttock pain, right inguinal fold pain and low back pain for two months, with inability to walk and to sit down. X-ray of the lumbo-sacral spine revealed asymmetric discopathy L5-S1 and L3-L4. X-ray of the right hip did not reveal anything. We asked for an MRI of the spine and it revealed a voluminous fluid-filled cystic lesion, arising from the first sacral nerve root on both side and measuring 3,3cm in diameter. The MRI also show a part of the hip and incidentally we discovered an osteonecrosis Ficat 3 of the right femoral head. The patient was taken for a total hip arthroplasty, by anterior approach. Patient appreciated relief of pain immediately after the surgery. The current case show that even if we find a voluminous cyst we always have to eliminate other diagnosis (especially the frequent like osteonecrosis of the femoral head) and mostly in the case of unclear neurological perturbation

    Intercultural dialogue in higher education in Europe

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    How damaging is imprisonment in the long-term? A controlled experiment comparing long-term effects of community service and short custodial sentences on re-offending and social integration

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    Since the 19th century, short custodial sentences were said to foster re-offending through alienating inmates from families and work. The present study is one of the few randomized controlled trials comparing short custodial sentences with community service orders. Between 1993 and 1995, 123 subjects were randomly assigned to community service or immediate custody (of a maximum of 14days) in the Lake of Geneva area (Switzerland). The present study updates results published earlier on a follow-up period of 2years by considering re-convictions and social integration over 11years. Although statistically not significant, re-offending was tentatively more common among ex-prisoners in the long run. Eleven years later, ex-prisoners were better off, complied better with tax regulations, and did not fare worse regarding employment history or marital status. In line with recent systematic reviews, the results do not confirm the wide-spread assumption that short custodial sanctions are harmful when compared to community servic

    Literature and Comics

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    Radial nerve palsy after the use of an adjuvant hinged external fixator in a complex fracture-dislocation of the elbow: a case report and review of the literature.

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    The combination of an elbow dislocation, a radial head fracture, and a coronoid process fracture is known as "terrible triad" injury of the elbow. This injury is one of the most challenging injuries of the musculoskeletal system and almost always causes instability of the elbow. The use of an adjuvant hinged external fixator in such injuries is still debated. In this case report we present a case of radial nerve palsy after setting up an adjuvant hinged external fixator in a complex fracture-dislocation of the elbow. The patient was a 39-year-old white man. A revision of his radial nerve was undertaken at 7 weeks. A radial nerve injury at two levels facing the humeral apex pins was found intraoperatively; the pins were carefully removed and partial nerve grafts done. The functional outcome at 18 months was excellent. This case report highlights that the use of an adjuvant hinged external fixator in complex fracture -dislocation of the elbow is technically demanding and not without risk

    A la recherche de l'efficacité

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    Dans un paysage éducatif complexe où le pouvoir se partage entre État fédéral, cantons et communes, la Suisse n'échappe pas au débat sur la qualité de son enseignement supérieur. L'approche économique de ce système, en terme d'efficacité et d'efficience, conduit l'auteur à des conclusions plutôt optimistes, même si certains objectifs ne sont pas atteints. Les critiques, justifiées ou non, amènent les politiques à s'impliquer en proposant des réformes qui, on peut l'espérer, contribueront à améliorer le fonctionnement de cet enseignement.In a complex educational system, in which power is shared between the federal State, the regions, and the local authorities, Switzerland still needs to debate on the quality of its higher education system. The economic approach to this system, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, leads the writer to fairly optimistic conclusions, even if some of the objectives are not attained. Criticism, whether it be justified or not, has led politicians to become involved and propose reforms which, it may be hoped, will help to improve the functioning of this teaching.En un paisaje educativo complejo en el que Estado Federal, cantónes y municipios se comparten el poder, Suiza no se libra del debate acerca de la calidad de su enseñanza superior. El enfoque económico de este sistema, en términos de eficacia y de eficiencia, conduce al autor a conclusiones más bien optimistas, aunque no se hayan alcanzado algunas metas. Las críticas, sean o no justificadas, llevan a los políticos a comprometerse proponiendo reformas que, confiemos en ello, contribuirán a mejorar el funcionamiento de esta docencia

    Microbubble potentiated transcranial duplex ultrasound enhances IV thrombolysis in acute stroke

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    Background: We studied whether 2MHz transcranial color-coded duplex ultrasound (TCCD), combined with a second generation ECA, accelerate IV rtPA-thrombolysis in the acute phase of MCA stroke more than TCCD monitoring alone. Methods: Non-randomized acute MCA stroke patients undergoing IV rtPA-thrombolysis and 2MHZ-TCCD monitoring over 60min, with (N=11) or without (N=15) additional continuous ECA (5ml, SonoVue®) perfusion, were compared. Recanalization of the MCA was measured pre- and post-thrombolysis with the thrombolysis in brain ischemia (TIBI) grading system, clinical outcome was assessed at admission and 24h after treatment using the NIH stroke scale (NIHSS). Results: Patients who received ECA improved their NIHSS significantly more than those who were only TCCD monitored (Mann-Whitney U=48.0; P=0.050), and their flow signal improved more (Mann-Whitney U=40.0; P<0.03). Conclusions: The results of this pilot study show that in IV-thrombolysis the use of ECA in addition to TCCD monitoring lead to a greater immediate clinical improvement and to a better flow signa


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    O artigo busca, através de uma revisão comparativa entre as tramas de várias das obras mais significativas de Alan Moore, bem como várias declarações do autor em entrevistas e biografias, identificar temas e tropos pervasivos em sua ficção, relacionando assim sua produção com sua biografia e filosofia pessoal. Para tal fim se realizará uma busca por características recorrentes em obras como The Bojjeffries Saga, Roscoe Moscow, The Stars my Degradation, The Ballad of Halo Jones, Miracleman/Marvelman, Swamp Thing, V for Vendetta, Promethea, Lost Girls, Watchmen, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, From Hell, Tom Strong, Watchmen e Supreme, aqui consideradas relevantes e representativas da ficção do autor


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    O artigo relata brevemente trabalho desenvolvido com o caítulo VIII do romance O Engenhoso Fidalgo Dom Quixote de La Mancha e sua adaptação para quadrinhos, por Will Eisner, em O Último Cavaleiro Andante. O objetivo do trabalho foi estabelecer uma comparação entre as narrativas e as estratégias utilizadas por ambos os autores para atingir os efeitos desejados sobre os leitores. O trabalho original foi contemplado com o HQ Mix 2011 para a categoria TCC