8 research outputs found

    Microanalytical methods for in situ high resolution analysis of rock varnish at the micrometer to nanometer scale

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    A wide range of analytical techniques were used to investigate rock varnish from different locations (Negev, Israel; Knersvlakte, South Africa; Death Valley and Mojave Desert, California): a 200 nm-femtosecond laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (LA-ICP-MS), an electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA), focused ion beam (FIB) slicing, and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy-near edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (STXM-NEXAFS). This combination enables comprehensive high-spatial-resolution analysis of rock varnish. Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS and EPMA were used for quantitative determination of element concentrations. In-situ measurements were conducted on thick and thin sections with a resolution of 10-40 mu m and 2 mu m, respectively. The results demonstrate that some elements, such as Mn, Co, Pb, Ni, and Cu, are highly enriched in varnish relative to the upper continental crust (up to a factor of 100). The varnish composition is not influenced by the composition of the underlying rock, which is witnessed by plots of MnO2 vs. SiO2 contents. Furthermore, the Mn-free end members fall in the range of average dust compositions. The varnishes from the various locations show distinct differences in some elemental ratios, in particular Mn/Fe (0.3-25.1), Mn/Ba (4-170), Ni/Co (0.03-1.8) and Pb/Ni (0.4-23). The rare earth element (REE) patterns vary with La-N/Yb-N = 3.5-12 and different degrees of Ce anomalies (Ce/Ce* = 1.5-5.3). To study the internal structure of the varnish, 100-200 nm thick FIB slices were prepared and mappings of Fe, Mn, N, CO32-, Ca, C, and Si at the nm scale performed. Banded internal structures of Mn, Fe and organic C were observed in the Israeli and Californian samples, however, no Fe-rich layers are present in the South African rock varnish samples. Furthermore, cavities were found that are partly filled by C, Fe, and Mn rich material. Internal structures are different for varnish from different locations, which might reflect different types of genesis. The results of the combined microanalytical techniques give important detailed insights towards unraveling the genesis of rock varnish. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    エイリ チエノワ/エイリ チエノワ

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    The fine particles serving as cloud condensation nuclei in pristine Amazonian rainforest air consist mostly of secondary organic aerosol. Their origin is enigmatic, however, because new particle formation in the atmosphere is not observed. Here, we show that the growth of organic aerosol particles can be initiated by potassium-salt–rich particles emitted by biota in the rainforest. These particles act as seeds for the condensation of low- or semi-volatile organic compounds from the atmospheric gas phase or multiphase oxidation of isoprene and terpenes. Our findings suggest that the primary emission of biogenic salt particles directly influences the number concentration of cloud condensation nuclei and affects the microphysics of cloud formation and precipitation over the rainforest

    Inferring the diurnal variability of OH radical concentrations over the Amazon from BVOC measurements

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    Abstract The atmospheric oxidation of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) by OH radicals over tropical rainforests impacts local particle production and the lifetime of globally distributed chemically and radiatively active gases. For the pristine Amazon rainforest during the dry season, we empirically determined the diurnal OH radical variability at the forest-atmosphere interface region between 80 and 325 m from 07:00 to 15:00 LT using BVOC measurements. A dynamic time warping approach was applied showing that median averaged mixing times between 80 to 325 m decrease from 105 to 15 min over this time period. The inferred OH concentrations show evidence for an early morning OH peak (07:00–08:00 LT) and an OH maximum (14:00 LT) reaching 2.2 (0.2, 3.8) × 106 molecules cm−3 controlled by the coupling between BVOC emission fluxes, nocturnal NOx accumulation, convective turbulence, air chemistry and photolysis rates. The results were evaluated with a turbulence resolving transport (DALES), a regional scale (WRF-Chem) and a global (EMAC) atmospheric chemistry model

    Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest

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    Abstract: Eukarya dominate the coarse primary biological aerosol (PBA) above the Amazon rainforest canopy, but their vertical profile and seasonality is currently unknown. In this study, the stratification of coarse and giant PBA >5 µm were analyzed from the canopy to 300 m height at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory in Brazil during the wet and dry seasons. We show that >2/3 of the coarse PBA were canopy debris, fungal spores commonly found on decaying matter were second most abundant (ranging from 15 to 41%), followed by pollens (up to 5%). The atmospheric roughness layer right above the canopy had the greatest giant PBA abundance. Measurements over 5 years showed an increased abundance of PBA during a low-rainfall period. Giant particles, such as pollen, are reduced at 300 m, suggesting their limited dispersal. These results give insights into the giant PBA emissions of this tropical rainforest, and present a major step in understanding the type of emitted particles and their vertical distribution.</p

    Forests, atmospheric water and an uncertain future: the new biology of the global water cycle

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    The Radiative Forcing of Aerosol–Cloud Interactions in Liquid Clouds: Wrestling and Embracing Uncertainty

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