528 research outputs found

    Дослідження ефективності обробки великих об’ємів даних на прикладі використання хмарного та виділеного серверів у мобільному додатку

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    дипломна робота магістра спеціальності 121 Інженерія програмного забезпеченняПояснительная записка: 119 с., 30 рис., 18 табл., 4 приложения, 50 источников. Объект исследования: технология облачной реализации серверной технологии, разработка системы для анализа данных из полученных результатов выполнения операций запросов на сервер. Цель магистерской работы: разработка программного средства Android приложение для статистического анализа и исследования эффективности обработки больших объемов данных на примере использования выделенного и облачного серверов, который предназначен для оценки использования облачных технологий и выделенных серверов, их сопоставление, выделение преимуществ и недостатков, описания различий с работой над большими объемами данных. Методы исследования. При решении поставленной задачи использовались научные достижения в областях разработки мобильных приложений и программного обеспечения. Научная новизна заключается в реализации и использовании собственной системы анализа данных серверных технологии в мобильных приложениях, и разработки мобильного приложения для тестирования описаной методики. Практическое значение работы заключается в разработке системы анализа полученных данных на примере различных серверных технологий, и построении выводов с использованием диаграмм на мобильном устройстве. Область применения. Разработанная информационная система может применяться для решения широкого спектра задач, в частности, для создания программного обеспечения, проектирования информационных систем. Значение работы и выводы. Усовершенствованная методика позволяет проектировать информационные системы со значительным сокращением как материальных затрат, так и временных, что подтверждается разработанным программным продуктом в данной магистерской работе. Прогнозы по развитию исследований. Разработать универсальные программные модули, которые могут быть использованы для поддержки проектирования мобильных приложений и систем. Разработать комплекс программных средств и пользовательский интерфейс для графического представления результатов. В разделе «Экономика» проведены расчеты трудоемкости разработки программного обеспечения, расходов на создание ПО и длительности его разработки, а также проведены маркетинговые исследования рынка сбыта созданного программного продукта.Пояснювальна записка: 119 с., 30 рис., 18 табл., 4 додатки, 50 джерел. Об'єкт дослідження: технологія хмарної реалізації бекенду, розробка системи для аналізу даних з отриманих результатів виконання операцій запитів на сервер. Мета магістерської роботи: розробка програмного засобу Android додатоку для статистичного аналізу та дослідження ефективності обробки великих об’ємів даних на прикладі використання виділеного та хмарного серверів, який призначений для оцінки використання хмарних технологій та виділених серверів, їх зіставлення, виділення переваг та недоліків, опису відмінностей з роботою над великими об’ємами даних. Методи дослідження. При рішенні поставленої задачі використовувалися наукові досягнення в областях розробки мобільних додатків та програмного забезпечення. Наукова новизна полягає в реалізації та використанні власної системи аналізу даних серверних технології в мобільних додатках, та розробки мобільного додатка для тестування описаної методики. Практична цінність полягає в розробці системи аналізу отриманих даних на прикладі різних серверних технологіях, та побудові висновків з використанням діаграм на мобільному пристрої. Область застосування. Розроблений програмний додаток може застосовуватися для вирішення широкого спектру завдань, зокрема, для створення програмного забезпечення, проектування інформаційних систем. Значення роботи та висновки. Удосконалена методика дозволяє проектувати інформаційні системи зі значним скороченням як матеріальних витрат, так і тимчасових, що підтверджується розробленим програмним продуктом в даній магістерській роботі. Прогнози щодо розвитку досліджень. Розробити універсальні програмні модулі, які можуть бути використані для підтримки проектування мобільних додатків та систем. Розробити комплекс програмних засобів і призначений для користувача інтерфейс для графічного представлення результатів. У розділі «Економіка» проведені розрахунки трудомісткості розробки програмного забезпечення, витрат на створення ПЗ й тривалості його розробки, а також провести маркетингові дослідження ринку збуту створеного програмного продукту.Explanatory slip: 119 p., 30 pic., 6 tab., 18 applications, 50 of sources. Object of research: the technology of cloud implementation of server technology, the development of a system for analyzing data from the obtained results of the operations of requests to the server. The purpose of the degree project: software development Android application for statistical analysis and research on the efficiency of processing large amounts of data using the example of using dedicated and cloud servers that is designed to assess the use of cloud technologies and dedicated servers, their comparison, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages, describing the differences with working on large amounts of data. Methods of research. At the decision of a task in view, scientific achievements in the field of development of mobile applications and software were used. The scientific novelty. The application has no analogues with the described functions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a product that can use most of these functions and capabilities, provide auxiliary functions to developers. The practical value of work is to develop a system for analyzing the data obtained through the example of various server technologies, and drawing conclusions using diagrams on a mobile device. The scope. The developed information system can be used to solve a wide range of tasks, in particular, for creating software, designing information systems. The value of the work and conclusions. An advanced methodology allows you to design information systems with a significant reduction in both material costs and time, which is confirmed by the developed software product in this master's work. Projections on development research. Develop universal software modules that can be used to support the design of mobile applications and systems. Develop a set of software tools and a user interface for graphical presentation of results. In section "Economics" calculated the complexity of software development, the cost of creating the software and the duration of its development, and marketing studies market created by the software

    HE4 Transcription- and Splice Variants-Specific Expression in Endometrial Cancer and Correlation with Patient Survival

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    We investigated the HE4 variant-specific expression patterns in various normal tissues as well as in normal and malignant endometrial tissues. The relationships between mRNA variants and age, body weight, or survival are analyzed. ICAT-labeled normal and endometrial cancer (EC) tissues were analyzed with multidimensional liquid chromatography followed by tandem mass spectrometry. Levels of HE4 mRNA variants were measured by real-time PCR. Mean mRNA levels were compared among 16 normal endometrial samples, 14 grade 1 and 14 grade 3 endometrioid EC, 15 papillary serous EC, and 14 normal human tissue samples. The relationship between levels of HE4 variants and EC patient characteristics was analyzed with the use of Pearson correlation test. We found that, although all five HE4 mRNA variants are detectable in normal tissue samples, their expression is highly tissue-specific, with epididymis, trachea, breast and endometrium containing the highest levels. HE4-V0, -V1, and -V3 are the most abundant variants in both normal and malignant tissues. All variants are significantly increased in both endometrioid and papillary serous EC, with higher levels observed in grade 3 endometrioid EC. In the EC group, HE4-V1, -V3, and -V4 levels inversely correlate with EC patient survival, whereas HE4-V0 levels positively correlate with age. HE4 variants exhibit tissue-specific expression, suggesting that each variant may exert distinct functions in normal and malignant cells. HE4 levels appear to correlate with EC patient survival in a variant-specific manner. When using HE4 as a biomarker for EC management, the effects of age should be considered

    HE4 (WFDC2) Promotes Tumor Growth in Endometrial Cancer Cell Lines

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    HE4, also known as WFDC2, is a useful biomarker for ovarian cancer when either used alone or in combination with CA125. HE4 is also overexpressed in endometrial cancer (EC), but its function in cancer cells is not clear. In this study, we investigate the role of HE4 in EC progression. An HE4-overexpression system was established by cloning the HE4 prototypic mRNA variant (HE4-V0) into a eukaryotic expression vector. Following transfection, stable clones in two EC cell lines were selected. The effects of HE4 overexpression on cell growth and function were measured with the use of cell proliferation assay, matrigel invasion, and soft agar gel colony formation assays. HE4-induced cancer cell proliferation in vivo was examined in a mouse xenograft model. HE4 overexpression significantly enhanced EC cell proliferation, matrigel invasion, and colony formation in soft agar. Moreover, HE4 overexpression promoted tumor growth in the mouse xenograft model. HE4 overexpression enhanced several malignant phenotypes in cell culture and in a mouse model. These results are consistent with our previous observation that high levels of serum HE4 closely correlate with the stage, myometrial invasion and tumor size in patients with EC. This study provides evidence that HE4 overexpression directly impacts tumor progression in endometrial cancer

    Extra-peritoneal laparoscopic para-aortic lymphadenectomy : a prospective cohort study of 293 patients with endometrial cancer

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    Objective: To determine if extra-peritoneal laparoscopic para-aortic (PA) lymphadenectomy allows a reliable assessment of PA nodes in patients with endometrial cancer (EC). Methods: In October of 2005, a single surgeon began performing extra-peritoneal laparoscopic PA lymphadenectomy for patients with EC. A prospective cohort study was initiated from October 2005 through October 2007. Staging of Group A included extra-peritoneal laparoscopic PA lymphadenectomy, while Group B underwent staging via laparotomy. Results: In a 24\ua0month period, 293 patients underwent surgical treatment for EC, 203 of them underwent complete staging as determined by previously published criteria. Extra-peritoneal laparoscopic PA lymphadenectomy to the renal veins was successful in 35/38 patients (92%). Mean BMI was 33.0 for Group A and 32.3 for Group B (p = NS). Mean EBL and hospital stay were lower in Group A compared to Group B (163 vs 373\ua0cm3, p 35, (21.6 vs 13.1), while in Group B fewer nodes were removed in obese patients (17.8 vs 20.5). Conclusions: Extra-peritoneal laparoscopy is a reliable method to routinely reach the level of the renal veins, even in obese patients. This approach was feasible in over 90% of unselected patients and well-tolerated

    Aggressive surgical effort and improved survival in advanced-stage ovarian cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Residual disease after initial surgery for ovarian cancer is the strongest prognostic factor for survival. However, the extent of surgical resection required to achieve optimal cytoreduction is controversial. Our goal was to estimate the effect of aggressive surgical resection on ovarian cancer patient survival. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of consecutive patients with International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage IIIC ovarian cancer undergoing primary surgery was conducted between January 1, 1994, and December 31, 1998. The main outcome measures were residual disease after cytoreduction, frequency of radical surgical resection, and 5-year disease-specific survival. RESULTS: The study comprised 194 patients, including 144 with carcinomatosis. The mean patient age and follow-up time were 64.4 and 3.5 years, respectively. After surgery, 131 (67.5%) of the 194 patients had less than 1 cm of residual disease (definition of optimal cytoreduction). Considering all patients, residual disease was the only independent predictor of survival; the need to perform radical procedures to achieve optimal cytoreduction was not associated with a decrease in survival. For the subgroup of patients with carcinomatosis, residual disease and the performance of radical surgical procedures were the only independent predictors. Disease-specific survival was markedly improved for patients with carcinomatosis operated on by surgeons who most frequently used radical procedures compared with those least likely to use radical procedures (44% versus 17%, P < .001). CONCLUSION: Overall, residual disease was the only independent predictor of survival. Minimizing residual disease through aggressive surgical resection was beneficial, especially in patients with carcinomatosis

    A Comparison of Different Pelvic Reconstruction Surgeries Using Mesh for Pelvic Organ Prolapse Patients

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    This study was carried out in order to compare the effects in different surgeries using mesh in pelvic organ prolapse patients whose leading points were C. Thirty-nine patients were categorized into 3 groups: group A pelvic reconstruction with hysterectomy; group B hysterectomy prior to pelvic reconstruction; and group C pelvic reconstruction with uterus preserved. At first visit, POP-Q stage was determined, and age, BMI, admission days, operation time, post-operative stage and complications were observed and results were analyzed and compared. All patients who were operated upon converted to stage one month following the operation, and no further change was observed except in one patient. Group admission days were not significantly different, but tended to be lower in group C. Group average operation times between 'group A and B' and 'group A and C' were statistically different. No significant difference was observed in post-operative complications between the groups, but 3 members of group A developed erosion, whereas no erosion occurred in groups B and C. Pelvic reconstruction using mesh is a highly efficient method of treating pelvic organ prolapse. Improvements in stage and post-operative complications were not significantly different in the groups. However, uteropexy showed a shorter operation time, fewer admission days, and less erosion due to mesh than conventional pelvic reconstruction with hysterectomy

    A Long-Term Treatment Outcome of Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term treatment outcome and major complication rates of abdominal sacrocolpopexy (ASC). Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included 57 Korean women who underwent ASC with mesh for symptomatic uterine or vault prolapse and attended follow-up visits for at least 5 years. Forty-seven women with urodynamic stress incontinence concomitantly received a modified Burch colposuspension. The long-term anatomical and functional outcomes and complication rates were assessed. Results: The median follow-up was 66 months (range 60-108). Overall anatomical success rates (no recurrence of any prolapse ≥ stage II according to the pelvic organ prolapse-quantification system) were 86.0%. Urinary urgency and voiding dysfunction were significantly improved after surgery, however, recurrent stress urinary incontinence developed in 44.7 % (21/47) of cases and half of them developed within 1-3 months post-op. Bowel function (constipation and fecal incontinence) and sexual function (sexual activity and dyspareunia) did not significantly change after surgery. Major complication requiring reoperation or intensive care developed in 12 (21.0%) cases. Conclusion: ASC provides durable pelvic support, however, it may be ineffective for alleviating pelvic floor dysfunction except for urinary urgency and voiding dysfunction, and it contains major complication risk that cannot be overlooked