79 research outputs found

    Socioneuroscience and its contributions to conscious versus unconscious volition and control. The case of gender violence prevention

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    Research in neuroscience is being very fruitful in providing evidence about the influence of social experience in the architecture and functioning of the brain. In so doing, neuroscience is posing new and fascinating research questions to examine in depth the social processes that produce those neural changes. To undertake the task of tackling such research questions, evidence from the social sciences are necessary to better understand how different types of social experiences produce different types of synaptic changes and even modify subcortical brain structures differently. It will be the dialogue between neuroscience, other natural sciences and the social sciences which will advance the scientific understanding of plastic changes in the brain which result from complex social experiences that have been traditionally studied by the social sciences. Socioneuroscience constitutes the arena for such interdisciplinary dialogue and research that can both advance the scientific understanding of the human brain and provide evidence-based solutions to most urgent social problems. Socioneuroscience studies the relations between the human brain and social interactions taking into account knowledge from all social sciences and the natural sciences. Processes of conscious versus unconscious social volition and control is one central area of inquiry in socioneuroscience. In this article, we discuss the dominant coercive discourse in society -which presents males with aggressive attitudes and behaviors as more attractive- as an example of social control of human volition which imprisons many individuals' sexual freedom. However, due to brain plasticity, certain experiences that question such dominant discourse and empty violence from attractiveness open up the possibility for the individual and the society to break free from the neural wiring imposed by the dominant coercive discourse and, in the words of Santiago Ramón y Cajal, be ourselves "the architects of our brain", contributing to overcome violence against women

    La enfermedad de Alzheimer en los materiales cinematográficos = Alzheimer's disease in the film materials

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    Resumen: El cine también se ha hecho eco de la Enfermedad de Alzheimer dada las características de la enfermedad y el aumento del número de casos en los últimos años. Objetivo: cuantificar los materiales cinematográficos que contengan en su sinopsis la palabra Alzheimer. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo longitudinal. La muestra estuvo constituida por los materiales cinematográficos de la base de datos IMDb. Resultados: los materiales en dónde más se refleja la EA son los cortometrajes  38.73%. La palabra Alzheimer aparece en la sinopsis en el 65.11% en el 45,94% se hace mención específica del personaje con EA y en el 7.20% se habla de cuidadoras femeninas. EE.UU. es el país que más material cinematográfico produce, 33.33% y el drama el género que más predomina 50.45%. Conclusiones: el cine es un gran medio de comunicación y un extraordinario medio de comunicación de masas que puede utilizarse para educar, divulgar y formar en el área sanitaria. Palabras clave: Cine, alzheimer, enfermedad de alzheimer Abstract:  The film has also been echoed Alzheimer's disease given the characteristics of the disease and the increased number of cases in recent years. Objective: To quantify the film materials containing at its word Alzheimer synapses. Methodology: This descriptive longitudinal study. The sample consisted of film base materials represent data. Results: materials where more reflected shorts Alzheimer´s disease are 38.73 %. The word appears in the synopsis Alzheimer in 65.11 % 45.94 % in the specific mention of the character is Alzheimer´s disease. In the 7.20% female caregivers talking. U.S. It is the country that produces film material, 33.33 % and the drama genre that dominates 50.45 %. Conclusions: Cinema is a great means of communication and an extraordinary means of mass communication that can be used to educate, disseminate and train in the health area. Keywords: Cinema, alzheimer, alzheimer´s diseas

    Actuaciones de Éxito en la Universidad. Hacia la Excelencia Tomando las Mejores Universidades como Modelo

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    Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) are those that, supported by scientific evidence, produce two results simultaneously: increase academic achievement and improve social relationships. Also SEAs fulfil two essential characteristics: they are universal and transferable, that is, they work in all contexts. We find SEAs at all levels of education, also in universities. In this sense, the study of the teaching actions at the most quality universities in the world has led to identify common actions which are addressed to improve the intellectual training of students and which can make them better professionals. In this sense we speak about Successful Actions in Universities (SAU). This article presents this concept and an initial list of SAU, and examines their need and advantages for achieving deep learning and academic excellence. The case of teacher education programs based on scientific evidence is discussed as an example.Las Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito (AEE) son aquellas que apoyadas por la evidencia científica consiguen dos resultados al mismo tiempo: aumentan el rendimiento académico y mejoran las relaciones sociales. Cumplen además con dos características esenciales: son universales y transferibles, es decir, funcionan en todos los contextos. Estas Actuaciones de Éxito existen en todos los niveles educativos, también en la universidad. En este sentido, el estudio de las actuaciones docentes de las universidades de mayor calidad mundial ha llevado a identificar acciones comunes dirigidas a mejorar la formación intelectual del alumnado y que les puede hacer mejores profesionales. En este caso hablamos de Actuaciones de Éxito en la Universidad (AEU). Este artículo presenta este concepto, un inicial listado de Actuaciones de Éxito en la Universidad y plantea su necesidad y ventajas para conseguir un aprendizaje profundo y excelencia académica. Se muestra como ejemplo el caso de la formación inicial del futuro profesorado de educación obligatoria basada en evidencias científicas

    Tool for dimensioning of isolated photovoltaic systems

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    En este artículo se dará aconocer el desarrollo de una herramienta para el dimensionamiento de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados (SFVA). La metodología utilizada en la implementación se basó en el análisis de los diferentes modelos matemáticos que han sido utilizados en otras herramientas, complementados con otros hallados en la bibliografía y característicos de los diferentes elementos usados en sistemas SFVA. Como valor agregado al modelamiento, se tiene una base de datos de la radiación en el campus universitario (Universidad del Quindio. Armenia, Quindio, Colombia), la cual ha sido generada durante 6 meses consecutivos.El software está implementado en la Interface Gráfica de Usuario (GUI)del programa MatLab ®.Esta herramientaofrece a  instaladores y planeadores la posibilidad de dimensionar en tiempo real un SFVA, puede además diseñar y evaluar los resultados obtenidos y así poder tomar decisiones sobre su implementación. El usuario debe tener como dato básico el consumo del sistema y como datos adicionales (no requeridos) la radiación solar, la temperatura, la ubicación y el tipo de dispositivos que desea utilizar en el sistema; aunque, el no colocar estos datos opcionales, también proporcionará una implementación sugerida. Como resultado final la herramienta entregará al diseñador del SFVA la configuración y cantidad de paneles solares, el número de acumuladores, la cantidad de reguladores e inversores a utilizar, de acuerdo con elementos escogidos por él o sugeridos por el software. The development of a tool to deal with isolated photovoltaic systems is presented in this paper. The methodology implemented is based on different mathematic models analysis used in other systems complemented with work referenced by the bibliography. Additionally, a radiation database provided by Universidad del Quindio in Armenia, Colombia has been included throughout this work.The software is designed by employing GUI Matlab®interface. This tool gives to the user the possibility of dimensioning an SFVA as well as to design and evaluate the obtained results such that it offers to make a correct decision toward a specific implementation. Finally, this software provides to the designer, the configuration parameters, a number of solar panels, accumulators, regulators and inverters needed according to criterion established either by the designer himself or given by the software itself

    Estación de medición de Rayos Ultravioleta energizado por un Sistema Fotovoltaico

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    Introduction: This article discusses the design and implementation of a UV Radiation Measurement Station, known as “Solmáforo”, and energized by an isolated photovoltaic system and information management via web using the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. The implementation of equipment that registers and shows in different ways the incident radiation (IUV) now and, it includes the Timer Off technique to reduce energy consumption. For the design of the device, the Top Down methodology was used, which the composition starts from a higher level, then, it is divided into modules and is followed by a verification and simulation cycle, looking for an optimum performance in terms of energy consumption. For the design of the isolated photovoltaic system, we used the "Tool for the dimensioning of isolated photovoltaic systems (DFSA)" software, developed by us in an earlier project, also, it has the database of solar radiation of the university campus. The station is in an open space of the University of the Quindío’s Campus, with the purpose to support the community visually informed about the levels UV. The UIV visualization and the suitable UV radiation exposure information for the body is done according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The visualization of the variables is done in real time by means of a virtual interface implemented in Python and the data stored in MySQL. Objective: Develop an electronic system that allows the visualization of the IUV at the Universidad del Quindío and presents preventive information to the community using the IoT concept. Method: For the methodology the work team stars with a theorical framework about the ultraviolet rays and ultraviolet radiation to implement caution measures needed to advise people. Then, with TOP DOWN methodology, the project is divided in submodule that generates a better searching and settling of the materials and methods to use. Results: Checking which is the better IUV estimation method between ROHM technique and Zhang and Huang’s technique, the tests show the last one gives better estimations. This allows the system brings good information about the ultraviolet radiation changes; besides it proves that the temperature and humidity changes are directly proportional to the UV radiation. Finally, implementing the Timer Off technique reduces the whole system energy consumption and the 4 hours of the system autonomy the team expected while using batteries energy, goes to 5 to 7 hours. Conclusions: Building the ultraviolet measurement satiation energized by a photovoltaic system accomplishes the goal of people sensitizing about how dangerous the prolonged exposition of UV rays and the recommendations is they must follow to avoid these issues. On the other hand, system applies current methods about energy consumption like Timer off technique and renewable energy when using solar panel to store solar radiation energy, turning this system into an autonomous measurement system, in addition, it makes use of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept in the development of web platforms and the use of wireless communication systems.Introducción: En el presente artículo se expone el diseño y la implementación de una Estación de Medida de Radiación UltraVioleta (UV), conocida como Solmáforo, energizado por un sistema fotovoltaico aislado y manejo de información vía web haciendo uso del concepto Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Se presenta la implementación de un sistema que registra y muestra, de diferentes formas, el índice de radiación UltraVioleta (IUV) presente en el lugar, haciendo uso de la técnica Timer Off, la cual es usada para reducir el consumo energético. Para el diseño del dispositivo se utilizó la metodología Top Down, donde se comienza desde un nivel superior, luego, se divide en módulos y se sigue con un ciclo de verificación y simulación, buscando un óptimo rendimiento a nivel de consumo energético. Para el bosquejo del sistema fotovoltaico aislado se utilizó el software “Herramienta para el Dimensionamiento de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados (DFSA)” desarrollado por los investigadores y en el cual se encuentra la base de datos de la radiación solar en el campus universitario. La estación está localizada en un espacio al aire libre del campus universitario de la Universidad del Quindío, con el fin de mantener a la comunidad informada visualmente acerca de los niveles de radiación (UV). La visualización del IUV y la información de la exposición de radiación UV adecuada del cuerpo se hace de acuerdo bajo la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La visualización de las variables se hace en tiempo real por medio de una interfaz virtual implementada en Python y los datos almacenados en MySQL. Objetivo: Desarrollar un sistema electrónico que permita la visualización del IUV en la Universidad del Quindío y presente información preventiva a la comunidad usando el concepto IoT. Metodología: En este aspecto se comenzó con el marco teórico relacionado con los rayos solares y la radiación UV, para luego implementar una estación de medición con acceso al público del campus universitario, generando mensajes informativos de precaución. Luego con la metodología TOP DOWN se divide cada parte del proyecto en submódulos que genera una mejor búsqueda y asentamiento de los materiales y métodos a utilizar.    Resultados: Al comprobar dos métodos para el cálculo del IUV, el propuesto por ROHM y el propuesto por Zhang y Huang, se demuestra que el último es el más apto. Esto permite que el sistema entregue mejor información de los cambios de radiación UV, además de que se comprueba que los cambios de temperatura y humedad son directamente proporcionales a los cambios de radiación UV. Finalmente, al implementar la técnica Timer Off, el consumo energético del todo el sistema baja y las 4 horas de autonomía que se esperaba al usar la energía almacenada en las baterías, pasa a ser de 5 hasta 7 horas.    Conclusiones: La construcción de la estación de medición de rayos UV energizado por un sistema fotovoltaico cumple con el propósito de sensibilizar a la gente sobre el peligro de la alta exposición de los rayos UV y las recomendaciones que deben seguir para evita los más posible este tipo de inconvenientes. Además, implementa metodologías modernas sobre el consumo de energía como el uso del método Time Off y de energía renovables al usar panales para almacenar la energía de la radiación solar, convirtiendo en un sistema de medición autónomo, además, hace uso del concepto del Internet de las Cosas (IoT) en el desarrollo de plataformas vía web y el uso de sistemas de comunicación inalámbricas. &nbsp

    Estación de medición de Rayos Ultravioleta energizado por un Sistema Fotovoltaico

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    Introduction: This article discusses the design and implementation of a UV Radiation Measurement Station, known as “Solmáforo”, and energized by an isolated photovoltaic system and information management via web using the Internet of Things (IoT) concept. The implementation of equipment that registers and shows in different ways the incident radiation (IUV) now and, it includes the Timer Off technique to reduce energy consumption. For the design of the device, the Top Down methodology was used, which the composition starts from a higher level, then, it is divided into modules and is followed by a verification and simulation cycle, looking for an optimum performance in terms of energy consumption. For the design of the isolated photovoltaic system, we used the "Tool for the dimensioning of isolated photovoltaic systems (DFSA)" software, developed by us in an earlier project, also, it has the database of solar radiation of the university campus. The station is in an open space of the University of the Quindío’s Campus, with the purpose to support the community visually informed about the levels UV. The UIV visualization and the suitable UV radiation exposure information for the body is done according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The visualization of the variables is done in real time by means of a virtual interface implemented in Python and the data stored in MySQL. Objective: Develop an electronic system that allows the visualization of the IUV at the Universidad del Quindío and presents preventive information to the community using the IoT concept. Method: For the methodology the work team stars with a theorical framework about the ultraviolet rays and ultraviolet radiation to implement caution measures needed to advise people. Then, with TOP DOWN methodology, the project is divided in submodule that generates a better searching and settling of the materials and methods to use. Results: Checking which is the better IUV estimation method between ROHM technique and Zhang and Huang’s technique, the tests show the last one gives better estimations. This allows the system brings good information about the ultraviolet radiation changes; besides it proves that the temperature and humidity changes are directly proportional to the UV radiation. Finally, implementing the Timer Off technique reduces the whole system energy consumption and the 4 hours of the system autonomy the team expected while using batteries energy, goes to 5 to 7 hours. Conclusions: Building the ultraviolet measurement satiation energized by a photovoltaic system accomplishes the goal of people sensitizing about how dangerous the prolonged exposition of UV rays and the recommendations is they must follow to avoid these issues. On the other hand, system applies current methods about energy consumption like Timer off technique and renewable energy when using solar panel to store solar radiation energy, turning this system into an autonomous measurement system, in addition, it makes use of the Internet of Things (IoT) concept in the development of web platforms and the use of wireless communication systems.Introducción: En el presente artículo se expone el diseño y la implementación de una Estación de Medida de Radiación UltraVioleta (UV), conocida como Solmáforo, energizado por un sistema fotovoltaico aislado y manejo de información vía web haciendo uso del concepto Internet de las Cosas (IoT). Se presenta la implementación de un sistema que registra y muestra, de diferentes formas, el índice de radiación UltraVioleta (IUV) presente en el lugar, haciendo uso de la técnica Timer Off, la cual es usada para reducir el consumo energético. Para el diseño del dispositivo se utilizó la metodología Top Down, donde se comienza desde un nivel superior, luego, se divide en módulos y se sigue con un ciclo de verificación y simulación, buscando un óptimo rendimiento a nivel de consumo energético. Para el bosquejo del sistema fotovoltaico aislado se utilizó el software “Herramienta para el Dimensionamiento de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos Aislados (DFSA)” desarrollado por los investigadores y en el cual se encuentra la base de datos de la radiación solar en el campus universitario. La estación está localizada en un espacio al aire libre del campus universitario de la Universidad del Quindío, con el fin de mantener a la comunidad informada visualmente acerca de los niveles de radiación (UV). La visualización del IUV y la información de la exposición de radiación UV adecuada del cuerpo se hace de acuerdo bajo la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). La visualización de las variables se hace en tiempo real por medio de una interfaz virtual implementada en Python y los datos almacenados en MySQL. Objetivo: Desarrollar un sistema electrónico que permita la visualización del IUV en la Universidad del Quindío y presente información preventiva a la comunidad usando el concepto IoT. Metodología: En este aspecto se comenzó con el marco teórico relacionado con los rayos solares y la radiación UV, para luego implementar una estación de medición con acceso al público del campus universitario, generando mensajes informativos de precaución. Luego con la metodología TOP DOWN se divide cada parte del proyecto en submódulos que genera una mejor búsqueda y asentamiento de los materiales y métodos a utilizar.    Resultados: Al comprobar dos métodos para el cálculo del IUV, el propuesto por ROHM y el propuesto por Zhang y Huang, se demuestra que el último es el más apto. Esto permite que el sistema entregue mejor información de los cambios de radiación UV, además de que se comprueba que los cambios de temperatura y humedad son directamente proporcionales a los cambios de radiación UV. Finalmente, al implementar la técnica Timer Off, el consumo energético del todo el sistema baja y las 4 horas de autonomía que se esperaba al usar la energía almacenada en las baterías, pasa a ser de 5 hasta 7 horas.    Conclusiones: La construcción de la estación de medición de rayos UV energizado por un sistema fotovoltaico cumple con el propósito de sensibilizar a la gente sobre el peligro de la alta exposición de los rayos UV y las recomendaciones que deben seguir para evita los más posible este tipo de inconvenientes. Además, implementa metodologías modernas sobre el consumo de energía como el uso del método Time Off y de energía renovables al usar panales para almacenar la energía de la radiación solar, convirtiendo en un sistema de medición autónomo, además, hace uso del concepto del Internet de las Cosas (IoT) en el desarrollo de plataformas vía web y el uso de sistemas de comunicación inalámbricas. &nbsp

    Disdainful Hookups: a Powerful Social Determinant of Health

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    The health consequences of gender violence, a global health and social problem, are increasingly studied. Among its roots, research has identified a coercive dominant discourse imposing the idea that masculinities and relationships marked by abuse and domination are more attractive than egalitarian ones. To prevent the health consequences of gender violence, it is necessary to understand the factors that lead many adolescents to fall into it. This study aims to identify the specific mechanisms by which the coercive dominant discourse manifests in the peer group and its consequences for adolescents. Forty-one 15- and 16-year-old female adolescents from three high schools in Barcelona participated in the study. Eight communicative discussion groups were conducted to deepen on participants’ perceptions regarding how peer interactions promote the learning of attraction to violence in sexual-affective relationships. The results show that the participants perceived and experienced different types of coercion to have violent relationships in their peer group interactions. Those interactions fostered the reproduction of the association between sexual-affective attraction and males with aggressive attitudes and behaviors. Many peers coerce others to have disdainful hookups which have very negative health consequences for the victims, including suicidal ideation and committing suicide. Some peer groups become a risk developmental context for female adolescents as far as they foster the coercive dominant discourse, push some young women to engage in violent sporadic relationships, and even harass some others afterwards. This clarifies the importance of peer group-level interventions when addressing the health consequences of gender violence in adolescence.This article draws on the knowledge created by the coordinators of two research projects. One of them is the H2020 project ALLINTERACT: Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science. This project was selected and funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement N. 872396. The other one is the project MEMO4LOVE. Social interactions and dialogues that transform memories and promote sexual-affective relationships free of violence from high schools, selected and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant number EDU2016-75370-R. Open Access funding is provided by the University of Barcelona. Funding associated to the research group on Sociological Theory and Impact of Social Research. Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Targeted gold-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for CD163 detection in atherosclerosis by MRI

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    CD163 is a membrane receptor expressed by macrophage lineage. Studies performed in atherosclerosis have shown that CD163 expression is increased at inflammatory sites, pointing at the presence of intraplaque hemorrhagic sites or asymptomatic plaques. Hence, imaging of CD163 expressing macrophages is an interesting strategy in order to detect atherosclerotic plaques. We have prepared a targeted probe based on gold-coated iron oxide nanoparticles vectorized with an anti-CD163 antibody for the specific detection of CD163 by MRI. Firstly, the specificity of the targeted probe was validated in vitro by incubation of the probe with CD163(+) or (−) macrophages. The probe was able to selectively detect CD163(+) macrophages both in human and murine cells. Subsequently, the targeted probe was injected in 16 weeks old apoE deficient mice developing atherosclerotic lesions and the pararenal abdominal aorta was imaged by MRI. The accumulation of probe in the site of interest increased over time and the signal intensity decreased significantly 48 hours after the injection. Hence, we have developed a highly sensitive targeted probe capable of detecting CD163-expressing macrophages that could provide useful information about the state of the atheromatous lesionsThis work was funded by Spanish Government through a Plan Nacional (CTQ2011–27268), FEDER funds through the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (PI10/00072, PI13/00051, PI13/00395, PI13/00802, PI14/00883 and PI14/00386), CIBERDEM group, RETICS RD12/0042/0038, Programa Miguel Servet (CP10/00479) and cvREMOD CENIT project (CEN-20091044), the Basque Government through Etortek 2011 (IE11–301), and Fundacion Lilly, Spanish Society of Atherosclerosis, Spanish Society of Nephrology and Fundacion Renal Iñigo Alvarez de Toled

    In vivo PET Imaging of Gliogenesis After Cerebral Ischemia in Rats

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    In vivopositron emission tomography of neuroinflammation has mainly focused on the evaluation of glial cell activation using radiolabeled ligands. However, the non-invasive imaging of neuroinflammatory cell proliferation has been scarcely evaluated so far.In vivoandex vivoassessment of gliogenesis after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) in rats was carried out using PET imaging with the marker of cell proliferation 3 '-Deoxy-3 '-[18F] fluorothymidine ([F-18]FLT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fluorescence immunohistochemistry. MRI-T2W studies showed the presence of the brain infarction at 24 h after MCAO affecting cerebral cortex and striatum.In vivoPET imaging showed a significant increase in [F-18]FLT uptake in the ischemic territory at day 7 followed by a progressive decline from day 14 to day 28 after ischemia onset. In addition, immunohistochemistry studies using Ki67, CD11b, and GFAP to evaluate proliferation of microglia and astrocytes confirmed the PET findings showing the increase of glial proliferation at day 7 after ischemia followed by decrease later on. Hence, these results show that [F-18]FLT provides accurate quantitative information on the time course of glial proliferation in experimental stroke. Finally, this novel brain imaging method might guide on the imaging evaluation of the role of gliogenesis after stroke.The authors would like to thank A. Leukona, X. Rios-Anglada, and V. Salinas for technical support in the radiosynthesis. This study was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER RYC-2017-22412, SAF2016-75292-R, PID2019-107989RB-I00, the Basque Government (IT1203/19, BIO18/IC/006) and CIBERNED. Maria Ardaya holds a fellowship from the University of Pais Vasco. Ana Joya acknowledges funding from Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (17/C/2017). Part of the work has been performed under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program from the Spanish State Research Agency (Grant No. MDM-2017-0720)

    In vivo multimodal imaging of adenosine A1 receptors in neuroinflammation after experimental stroke

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    Adenosine A(l) receptors (A(l)ARs) are promising imaging biomarkers and targets for the treatment of stroke. Nevertheless, the role of A(l)ARs on ischemic damage and its subsequent neuroinflammatory response has been scarcely explored so far. Methods: In this study, the expression of A(1)ARs after transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) was evaluated by positron emission tomography (PET) with [F-18]CPFPX and immunohistochemistry (IHC). In addition, the role of AIARs on stroke inflammation using pharmacological modulation was assessed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), PET imaging with [F-18]DPA-714 (TSPO) and [F-18]FLT (cellular proliferation), as well as IHC and neurofunctional studies. Results: In the ischemic territory, [F-18]CPFPX signal and IHC showed the overexpression of A(l)ARs in microglia and infiltrated leukocytes after cerebral ischemia. Ischemic rats treated with the AAR agonist ENBA showed a significant decrease in both [F-18]DPA-714 and [F-18]FLT signal intensities at day 7 after cerebral ischemia, a feature that was confirmed by IHC results. Besides, the activation of A(l)AR promoted the reduction of the brain lesion, as measured with T2W-MRI, and the improvement of neurological outcome including motor, sensory and reflex responses. These results show for the first time the in vivo PET imaging of A(l)AR expression after cerebral ischemia in rats and the application of [F-18]FLT to evaluate glial proliferation in response to treatment. Conclusion: Notably, these data provide evidence for A(l)AR playing a key role in the control of both the activation of resident glia and the de novo proliferation of microglia and macrophages after experimental stroke in rats.The authors would like to thank A. Leukona and V. Salinas for technical support in the radiosynthesis. This study was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER RYC-201722412, SAF2016-75292-R, SAF2017-87670-R and PID2019-107989RB-I00, the Basque Government (IT1203/19, BIO18/IC/006) and CIBERNED. Maria Ardaya holds a fellowship from the University of Pais Vasco. Ana Joya acknowledges funding from Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (17/C/2017). Juan Jose Gutierrez acknowledges funding from Euskampus Fundazioa. Jordi Llop also acknowledges The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant CTQ2017-87637-R). Part of the work has been performed under the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excellence Program from the Spanish State Research Agency (Grant No. MDM-2017-0720)