11 research outputs found

    Validation of tissue modelization and classification techniques in T1-weighted MR brain images

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    We propose a deep study on tissue modelization and classification Techniques on T1-weighted MR images. Three approaches have been taken into account to perform this validation study. Two of them are based on Finite Gaussian Mixture (FGM) model. The first one consists only in pure Gaussian distributions (FGM-EM). The second one uses a different model for partial volume (PV) (FGM-GA). The third one is based on a Hidden Markov Random Field (HMRF) model. All methods have been tested on a Digital Brain Phantom image considered as the ground truth. Noise and intensity non-uniformities have been added to simulate real image conditions. Also the effect of an anisotropic filter is considered. Results demonstrate that methods relying in both intensity and spatial information are in general more robust to noise and inho-mogeneities. However, in some cases there is no significant differences between all presented methods

    The Permian Pangea. Phytogeographic implications of new discoveries in Oman (Arabian Peninsula)

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    This paper focuses on new paleontological discoveries that have come to light while working on a Permian "paieobotanical" transect. from Oman to Central Morocco, In the Huqf area, the continental plant bearing "Gharif" Formation is bracketed by two welt dated marine Formations, providing new age constraint for the discovered "mixed" paleoHora, The newly named KubergarH;Jian'Murgabian "Gharif Paleoflora" is of outstanding paleogeographic .ignificance, Gondwanan, Cathaysian and Euramerian elements are found to be associated, The understanding of the kinematics of the Permian vegetal cover lead us to test the proposed Peri-Tethyan paleogeographical contour

    Palaeontology of the upper Turonian paralic deposits of the Sainte-Mondane Formation, Aquitaine Basin, France

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    The upper Turonian lignite deposits of Sainte-Mondane, Dordogne (Aquitaine Basin, SW France), consist of clays bearing translucent, orange to red, amber micrograins. The amber exhibits different types of microbial inclusions. The clays contain several conifers including the genera Brachyphyllum,Frenelopsis and Glenrosa, and a few leaf fragments of eudicot angiosperms. Among the plant meso-fossils the occurrence of Costatheca, Spermatites and abundant, diverse megaspores, including species of Ariadnaesporites, Bacutriletes, Echitriletes, Erlansonisporites, Maexisporites, Minerisporites andVerrutriletes, is noteworthy. Pollen grains of the Normapolles group are important components of the palynomorph assemblage. The clays were deposited in a calm, estuarine or lagoonal, muddy environment. The overlying lignitic sands contain large fossil wood pieces of the coniferAgathoxylon, small solitary corals, fragmentary oysters and pectinids, echinoid spines, a few teeth of marine selachians and bony fishes, but no amber is present. These sands were deposited in a high-energy coastal marine environment

    Palaeontology of the upper Turonian paralic deposits of the Sainte-Mondane Formation, Aquitaine Basin, France

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    The upper Turonian lignite deposits of Sainte-Mondane, Dordogne (Aquitaine Basin, SW France), consist of clays bearing translucent, orange to red, amber micrograins. The amber exhibits different types of microbial inclusions. The clays contain several conifers including the genera Brachyphyllum,Frenelopsis and Glenrosa, and a few leaf fragments of eudicot angiosperms. Among the plant meso-fossils the occurrence of Costatheca, Spermatites and abundant, diverse megaspores, including species of Ariadnaesporites, Bacutriletes, Echitriletes, Erlansonisporites, Maexisporites, Minerisporites andVerrutriletes, is noteworthy. Pollen grains of the Normapolles group are important components of the palynomorph assemblage. The clays were deposited in a calm, estuarine or lagoonal, muddy environment. The overlying lignitic sands contain large fossil wood pieces of the coniferAgathoxylon, small solitary corals, fragmentary oysters and pectinids, echinoid spines, a few teeth of marine selachians and bony fishes, but no amber is present. These sands were deposited in a high-energy coastal marine environment

    Definition and global correlation of the Santonian-Campanian boundary

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    Review of biostratigraphical evidence from different regions shows that criteria used by workers on various marine fossil groups to define the Santonian-Campanian boundary differ considerably in relative age and position. Probably the most widely recognizable of these criteria is the extinction of the distinctive crinoid Marsupites testudinarius (North America, Europe, Asia, North Africa, Australia), which, coincides exactly with two separate definitions of the boundary. A comparison of evidence from upper Santonian and lower Campanian successions in widely separated regions allows a series of important biostratigraphical markers to be placed in correct order. -from Author

    Protecting against anthracycline-induced myocardial damage: a review of the most promising strategies

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    Over the last 40 years, great progress has been made in treating childhood and adult cancers. However, this progress has come at an unforeseen cost, in the form of emerging long-term effects of anthracycline treatment. A major complication of anthracycline therapy is its adverse cardiovascular effects. If these cardiac complications could be reduced or prevented, higher doses of anthracyclines could potentially be used, thereby further increasing cancer cure rates. Moreover, as the incidence of cardiac toxicity resulting in congestive heart failure or even heart transplantation dropped, the quality and extent of life for cancer survivors would improve. We review the proposed mechanisms of action of anthracyclines and the consequences associated with anthracycline treatment in children and adults. We summarise the most promising current strategies to limit or prevent anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity, as well as possible strategies to prevent existing cardiomyopathy from worsenin