347 research outputs found

    Uomo e Galantuomo dai testi alla scena. Esperienze di filogia e drammaturgia

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    This investigation aims to study “how Eduardo worked” at the re-elaboration reconstructing the stages and manner in which text-driven management of the staging intensified in the revised editions of Uomo e galantuomo. Eduardo is shown to have progressively increased the force of his own presence on the stage, both as a playwright and a “virtual” stage director, through enrichment of the “explicit” stage directions (the genuine stage directions) and also of those that are “implicit”, i.e. internal to the dialogue and constituted by the deictic and performative phrases.ISSA vol 13 (2) 200

    «Se Giove, ch’è verace, ed infallibile, / Voi date per autor dei vostri oracoli». La censura ecclesiastica e Gravina

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    Presso l’Archivio della Congregazione della Dottrina della Fede sono conservati gli atti di un’istruttoria che la Congregazione dell’Indice tenne negli anni 1719-20 sulle Tragedie cinque di Gianvincenzo Gravina. Grazie a questi documenti, la vicenda redazionale delle Tragedie, dei rispettivi Prologhi e dei 19 versi dell'Andromeda sui quali si concentrano le relazioni dei due consultori dell'Indice viene a gettare una luce nuova sugli scontri del Roggianese con Sergardi (che, a seguito di indagini collaterali, risulta essere quasi certamente il delatore delle Tragedie) e con potenti personaggi della Curia legati a quest'ultimo, sulla crisi d'Arcadia e sulle polemiche ideologico-politiche e letterarie che videro Gravina tra i principali protagonisti

    Surgical treatment of a rare isolated bilateral agenesis of anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments.

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    The isolated bilateral agenesis of both cruciate ligaments is a rare congenital disorder. A 17-year-old male came to our attention due to an alteration in gait pattern, pain, and tendency to walk on the forefoot with his knee flexed. The patient did not recall previous injuries. Upon physical examination anterior and posterior chronic instability were observed. Radiographic examination of both knees showed hypoplasia of the tibial eminence, a hypoplastic lateral femoral condyle, and a narrow intercondylar notch. MRI brought to light a bilateral agenesis of both posterior cruciate ligaments. Arthroscopic evaluation confirmed bilateral isolated agenesis of both cruciate ligaments. We recommended a rehabilitation program to prepare the patient for the arthroscopic construction of both cruciate ligaments

    Celecoxib versus indomethacin as prevention of arthrofibrosis. A perspective case-control study

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) remain the most commonly utilised prophylaxis to reduce arthrofibrosis (AF) related to the inflammatory response which leads to a pathological condition called arthrofibrosis. Several NSAIDs have shown to be effective, although postoperative indomethacin has been the historical gold standard. More recently, credit has been given to the use of COX-2 selective inhibitors, due to concerns over gastrointestinal effects, as peptic ulcers, with non-selective COX. However, to date, few studies have compared the therapeutic effects of the two drugs. The aim of this study is to compare the postoperative administration of indomethacin and celecoxib in patients with diagnosis of AF treated with arthroscopic lysis and evaluate joint recovery. In this prospective study, 42 patients were diagnosed with hip, knee and elbow residual AF. The inclusion criteria were age > 18 years and a diagnosis of residual AF, following exposure to a previous traumatic event or surgical treatment; exclusion criteria were patients with 35 or < 18 kg/m2, affected by peripherical neuropathies and presence of heavy functional limitations, active infection, complex regional pain syndrome diagnoses. All patients underwent to arthroscopy, operated by a single surgeon with the same team in the same clinic and postoperatively were randomly divided into two groups, one treated with indomethacin, and the other with celecoxib. Of the patients examined, the following parameter was considered: joint range of motion (ROM) preintervention and post-intervention at 3 months and after 12 months. ROM was analysed with Student t test. The comparison of the ROM between both the 3 months postoperative groups has been shown to be not statistically significant. On the other hand, after 1 year, t-Student test referred to preoperative condition was significantly in favour of the group treated with celecoxib (p = 0.02). Lastly, neither celecoxib nor indomethacin showed any gastrointestinal side effects

    Current methods and treatment options for interprosthetic femur fracture: an overview

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    As life expectation is prolonged and the elderly population increases, we are witnessing a growth in the number of prosthesis implanted; therefore, an increase in interprosthetic femoral fractures can be expected in the next future. For this reason, a proper and specific classification system needs to be.Nowadays, depending on the localization of the fracture, Vancouver or Rorabeck classifications are used, and some attempts have been made to create a new one or adjust and adapt the previously mentioned systems. However, there is no unique classification system that is accepted worldwide.The goal would be a classification that permits identifying the correct surgical treatment based on the type of interprosthetic femoral fracture. A pragmatic grading scale to provide a standardised approach, so that the best possible outcomes could be achieved. Despite minimal diffusion, in our opinion the Pires classification system should be universally accepted and used

    Previous anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction influences the complication rate of total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: The results of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction are still under-investigated. The purpose of this research is to investigate the differences between TKA after ACL reconstruction and TKA for primary osteoarthritis through a review and meta-analysis of the literature. Methods: Case–control and cohort studies reporting outcomes of TKA following ACL reconstruction were considered eligible for inclusion. The primary endpoint was to systematically review and meta-analyze the reported complications of TKA following ACL reconstruction. The outcomes have been compared with a group of patients who underwent TKA for primary knee osteoarthritis (OA) with any previous ACL surgery. Secondary endpoints were to assess and compare technical difficulties and results including the operative time, the use of revision components, the request for intraoperative release or additional procedures, the revision rate, and the clinical outcomes. Results: Seven studies were included involving 1645 participants, 619 of whom underwent TKA in previous ACL reconstruction and 1026 TKA for primary OA with no previous ACL reconstruction. Meta-analysis showed that TKA in previous ACL reconstruction had a significantly higher complication rate (OR = 2.15, P < 0.001), longer operative times (mean differences (MD): 11.19 min; P < 0.001) and increased use of revision components (OR = 2.16; P < 0.001) when compared to the control group without differences of infection, and revision rate. Conclusions: TKA in a previous ACL reconstruction has a significantly higher complication rate, longer operative times, and a higher need for revision components and intraoperative soft tissue releases in comparison to TKA for primary OA without previous ACL reconstruction

    Stream drying drives microbial ammonia oxidation and first-flush nitrate export

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    Acknowledgments We thank Roser Ventosa for technical assistance at the Nutrient Analytical Service of the CEAB-CSIC, Unai Perez de Arenaza Basauri for field assistance and Iñaki Odriozola and Aitor Larrañaga for statistical advice. We also acknowledge two anonymous reviewers for valuable feedback and constructive comments on the manuscript. S. N. Merbt was supported by a JAE predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). This research was granted by the projects DARKNESS (CGL2012-32747, MINECO) to E. O. Casamayor and MED_FORESTREAM (CGL2011-30590-CO2-02, MINECO) and REFRESH (244121 FP7 EU Commission) to E. Martí.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The values and risks of an Intergovernmental Panel for One Health to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the need for better global governance of pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (PPR) and has emphasised the importance of organised knowledge production and uptake. In this Health Policy, we assess the potential values and risks of establishing an Intergovernmental Panel for One Health (IPOH). Similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, an IPOH would facilitate knowledge uptake in policy making via a multisectoral approach, and hence support the addressing of infectious disease emergence and re-emergence at the human-animal-environment interface. The potential benefits to pandemic PPR include a clear, unified, and authoritative voice from the scientific community, support to help donors and institutions to prioritise their investments, evidence-based policies for implementation, and guidance on defragmenting the global health system. Potential risks include a scope not encompassing all pandemic origins, unclear efficacy in fostering knowledge uptake by policy makers, potentially inadequate speed in facilitating response efforts, and coordination challenges among an already dense set of stakeholders. We recommend weighing these factors when designing institutional reforms for a more effective global health system