196 research outputs found

    Detecting Home Locations from CDR Data: Introducing Spatial Uncertainty to the State-of-the-Art

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    Non-continuous location traces inferred from Call Detail Records (CDR) at population scale are increasingly becoming available for research and show great potential for automated detection of meaningful places. Yet, a majority of Home Detection Algorithms (HDAs) suffer from “blind” deployment of criteria to define homes and from limited possibilities for validation. In this paper, we investigate the performance and capabilities of five popular criteria for home detection based on a very large mobile phone dataset from France (~18 million users, 6 months). Furthermore, we construct a data-driven framework to assess the spatial uncertainty related to the application of HDAs. Our findings appropriate spatial uncertainty in HDA and, in extension, for detection of meaningful places. We show how spatial uncertainties on the individuals’ level can be assessed in absence of ground truth annotation, how they relate to traditional, high-level validation practices and how they can be used to improve results for, e.g., nation-wide population estimation

    Neues aus der Pinguinforschung

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    A review of data on abundance, trends in abundance, habitat use and diet of ice-breeding seals in the Southern Ocean

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    The development of models of marine ecosystems in the Southern Ocean is becoming increasingly important as a means of understanding and managing impacts such as exploitation and climate change. Collating data from disparate sources, and understanding biases or uncertainties inherent in those data, are important first steps for improving ecosystem models. This review focuses on seals that breed in ice habitats of the Southern Ocean (i.e. crabeater seal, Lobodon carcinophaga; Ross seal, Ommatophoca rossii; leopard seal, Hydrurga leptonyx; and Weddell seal, Leptonychotes weddellii). Data on populations (abundance and trends in abundance), distribution and habitat use (movement, key habitat and environmental features) and foraging (diet) are summarised, and potential biases and uncertainties inherent in those data are identified and discussed. Spatial and temporal gaps in knowledge of the populations, habitats and diet of each species are also identified

    Dual-frequency VLBI study of Centaurus A on sub-parsec scales

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    Centaurus A is the closest active galactic nucleus. High resolution imaging using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) enables us to study the spectral and kinematic behavior of the radio jet-counterjet system on sub-parsec scales, providing essential information for jet emission and formation models. Our aim is to study the structure and spectral shape of the emission from the central-parsec region of Cen A. As a target of the Southern Hemisphere VLBI monitoring program TANAMI (Tracking Active Galactic Nuclei with Milliarcsecond Interferometry), VLBI observations of Cen A are made regularly at 8.4 and 22.3 GHz with the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA) and associated telescopes in Antarctica, Chile, and South Africa. The first dual-frequency images of this source are presented along with the resulting spectral index map. An angular resolution of 0.4 mas x 0.7 mas is achieved at 8.4 GHz, corresponding to a linear scale of less than 0.013 pc. Hence, we obtain the highest resolution VLBI image of Cen A, comparable to previous space-VLBI observations. By combining with the 22.3 GHz image, which has been taken without contributing transoceanic baselines at somewhat lower resolution, we present the corresponding dual-frequency spectral index distribution along the sub-parsec scale jet revealing the putative emission regions for recently detected gamma-rays from the core region by Fermi/LAT. We resolve the innermost structure of the milliarcsecond scale jet and counterjet system of Cen A into discrete components. The simultaneous observations at two frequencies provide the highest resolved spectral index map of an AGN jet allowing us to identify multiple possible sites as the origin of the high energy emission.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (1 color); A&A, accepte

    Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with hard and light intensity physical activity but not time spent sedentary in 10–14 year old schoolchildren: the HAPPY study

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    Sedentary behaviour is a major risk factor for developing chronic diseases and is associated with low cardiorespiratory fitness in adults. It remains unclear how sedentary behaviour and different physical activity subcomponents are related to cardiorespiratory fitness in children. The purpose of this study was to assess how sedentary behaviour and different physical activity subcomponents are associated with 10–14 year-old schoolchildren's cardiorespiratory fitness

    Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10032-013-0204-5[EN] Transcription of handwritten text in (old) documents is an important, time-consuming task for digital libraries. Although post-editing automatic recognition of handwritten text is feasible, it is not clearly better than simply ignoring it and transcribing the document from scratch. A more effective approach is to follow an interactive approach in which both the system is guided by the user, and the user is assisted by the system to complete the transcription task as efficiently as possible. Nevertheless, in some applications, the user effort available to transcribe documents is limited and fully supervision of the system output is not realistic. To circumvent these problems, we propose a novel interactive approach which efficiently employs user effort to transcribe a document by improving three different aspects. Firstly, the system employs a limited amount of effort to solely supervise recognised words that are likely to be incorrect. Thus, user effort is efficiently focused on the supervision of words for which the system is not confident enough. Secondly, it refines the initial transcription provided to the user by recomputing it constrained to user supervisions. In this way, incorrect words in unsupervised parts can be automatically amended without user supervision. Finally, it improves the underlying system models by retraining the system from partially supervised transcriptions. In order to prove these statements, empirical results are presented on two real databases showing that the proposed approach can notably reduce user effort in the transcription of handwritten text in (old) documents.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No 287755 (transLectures). Also supported by the Spanish Government (MICINN, MITyC, "Plan E", under Grants MIPRCV "Consolider Ingenio 2010", MITTRAL (TIN2009-14633-C03-01), erudito.com (TSI-020110-2009-439), iTrans2 (TIN2009-14511), and FPU (AP2007-02867), and the Generalitat Valenciana (Grants Prometeo/2009/014 and GV/2010/067).Serrano Martinez Santos, N.; Giménez Pastor, A.; Civera Saiz, J.; Sanchis Navarro, JA.; Juan Císcar, A. (2014). Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. 17(1):47-59. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10032-013-0204-5S4759171Agua, M., Serrano, N., Civera, J., Juan, A.: Character-based handwritten text recognition of multilingual documents. In: Proceedings of Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages (IBERSPEECH 2012), Madrid (Spain), pp. 187–196 (2012)Ahn, L.V., Maurer, B., Mcmillen, C., Abraham, D., Blum, M.: reCAPTCHA: human-based character recognition via web security measures. Science 321, 1465–1468 (2008)Barrachina, S., Bender, O., Casacuberta, F., Civera, J., Cubel, E., Khadivi, S., Lagarda, A.L., Ney, H., Tomás, J., Vidal, E.: Statistical approaches to computer-assisted translation. Comput. Linguist. 35(1), 3–28 (2009)Bertolami, R., Bunke, H.: Hidden markov model-based ensemble methods for offline handwritten text line recognition. Pattern Recognit. 41, 3452–3460 (2008)Bunke, H., Bengio, S., Vinciarelli, A.: Offline recognition of unconstrained handwritten texts using HMMs and statistical language models. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(6), 709–720 (2004)Dreuw, P., Jonas, S., Ney, H.: White-space models for offline Arabic handwriting recognition. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on, Pattern Recognition, pp. 1–4 (2008)Efron, B., Tibshirani, R.J.: An introduction to bootstrap. Chapman and Hall/CRC, London (1994)Fischer, A., Wuthrich, M., Liwicki, M., Frinken, V., Bunke, H., Viehhauser, G., Stolz, M.: Automatic transcription of handwritten medieval documents. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, pp. 137–142 (2009)Frinken, V., Bunke, H.: Evaluating retraining rules for semi-supervised learning in neural network based cursive word recognition. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Barcelona (Spain), pp. 31–35 (2009)Graves, A., Liwicki, M., Fernandez, S., Bertolami, R., Bunke, H., Schmidhuber, J.: A novel connectionist system for unconstrained handwriting recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 31(5), 855–868 (2009)Hakkani-Tür, D., Riccardi, G., Tur, G.: An active approach to spoken language processing. ACM Trans. Speech Lang. Process. 3, 1–31 (2006)Kristjannson, T., Culotta, A., Viola, P., McCallum, A.: Interactive information extraction with constrained conditional random fields. In: Proceedings of the 19th Natural Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, CA (USA), pp. 412–418 (2004)Laurence Likforman-Sulem, A.Z., Taconet, B.: Text line segmentation of historical documents: a survey. Int. J. Doc. Anal. Recognit. 9, 123–138 (2007)Le Bourgeois, F., Emptoz, H.: Debora: digital access to books of the renaissance. Int. J. Doc. Anal. Recognit. 9, 193–221 (2007)Levenshtein, V.I.: Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions, and reversals. Sov. Phys. Dokl. 10(8), 707–710 (1966)Neal, R.M., Hinton, G.E.: Learning in graphical models. In: A View of the EM Algorithm That Justifies Incremental, Sparse, and Other Variants, Chap. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 355–368 (1999)Pérez, D., Tarazón, L., Serrano, N., Ramos-Terrades, O., Juan, A.: The GERMANA database. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Barcelona (Spain), pp. 301–305 (2009)Plötz, T., Fink, G.A.: Markov models for offline handwriting recognition: a survey. Int. J. Doc. Anal. Recognit. 12(4), 269–298 (2009)Quiniou, S., Cheriet, M., Anquetil, E.: Error handling approach using characterization and correction steps for handwritten document analysis. Int. J. Doc. Anal. Recognit. 15(2), 125–141 (2012)Rodríguez, L., García-Varea, I., Vidal, E.: Multi-modal computer assisted speech transcription. In: International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 30:1–30:7 (2010)Serrano, N., Pérez, D., Sanchis, A., Juan, A.: Adaptation from partially supervised handwritten text transcriptions. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the 6th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, Cambridge, MA (USA), pp. 289–292 (2009)Serrano, N., Castro, F., Juan, A.: The RODRIGO database. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valleta (Malta), pp. 2709–2712 (2010)Serrano, N., Giménez, A., Sanchis, A., Juan, A.: Active learning strategies for handwritten text transcription. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal, Interaction, Beijing (China) (2010)Serrano, N., Sanchis, A., Juan, A.: Balancing error and supervision effort in interactive-predictive handwriting recognition. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Hong Kong (China), pp. 373–376 (2010)Serrano, N., Tarazón, L., Pérez, D., Ramos-Terrades, O., Juan, A.: The GIDOC prototype. 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    TANAMI monitoring of Centaurus A: The complex dynamics in the inner parsec of an extragalactic jet

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    Context. Centaurus A (Cen A) is the closest radio-loud active galactic nucleus. Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) enables us to study the spectral and kinematic behavior of the radio jetÂżcounterjet system on milliarcsecond scales, providing essential information for jet emission and propagation models. Aims. In the framework of the TANAMI monitoring, we investigate the kinematics and complex structure of Cen A on subparsec scales. We have been studying the evolution of the central parsec jet structure of Cen A for over 3.5 years. The proper motion analysis of individual jet components allows us to constrain jet formation and propagation and to test the proposed correlation of increased high-energy flux with jet ejection events. Cen A is an exceptional laboratory for such a detailed study because its proximity translates to unrivaled linear resolution, where one milliarcsecond corresponds to 0.018 pc. Methods. As a target of the southern-hemisphere VLBI monitoring program TANAMI, observations of Cen A are done approximately every six months at 8.4 GHz with the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA) and associated telescopes in Antarctica, Chile, New Zealand, and South Africa, complemented by quasi-simultaneous 22.3 GHz observations. Results. The first seven epochs of high-resolution TANAMI VLBI observations at 8.4 GHz of Cen A are presented, resolving the jet on (sub-)milliarcsecond scales. They show a differential motion of the subparsec scale jet with significantly higher component speeds farther downstream where the jet becomes optically thin. We determined apparent component speeds within a range of 0.1c to 0.3c and identified long-term stable features. In combination with the jet-to-counterjet ratio, we can constrain the angle to the line of sight to theta approx 12deg-45deg. Conclusions. The high-resolution kinematics are best explained by a spine-sheath structure supported by the downstream acceleration occurring where the jet becomes optically thin. On top of the underlying, continuous flow, TANAMI observations clearly resolve individual jet features. The flow appears to be interrupted by an obstacle causing a local decrease in surface brightness and circumfluent jet behavior. We propose a jet-star interaction scenario to explain this appearance. The comparison of jet ejection times to high X-ray flux phases yields a partial overlap of the onset of the X-ray emission and increasing jet activity, but the limited data do not support a robust correlation

    Large Scale Population Assessment of Physical Activity Using Wrist Worn Accelerometers: The UK Biobank Study

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    BACKGROUND: Physical activity has not been objectively measured in prospective cohorts with sufficiently large numbers to reliably detect associations with multiple health outcomes. Technological advances now make this possible. We describe the methods used to collect and analyse accelerometer measured physical activity in over 100,000 participants of the UK Biobank study, and report variation by age, sex, day, time of day, and season. METHODS: Participants were approached by email to wear a wrist-worn accelerometer for seven days that was posted to them. Physical activity information was extracted from 100Hz raw triaxial acceleration data after calibration, removal of gravity and sensor noise, and identification of wear / non-wear episodes. We report age- and sex-specific wear-time compliance and accelerometer measured physical activity, overall and by hour-of-day, week-weekend day and season. RESULTS: 103,712 datasets were received (44.8% response), with a median wear-time of 6.9 days (IQR:6.5-7.0). 96,600 participants (93.3%) provided valid data for physical activity analyses. Vector magnitude, a proxy for overall physical activity, was 7.5% (2.35mg) lower per decade of age (Cohen's d = 0.9). Women had a higher vector magnitude than men, apart from those aged 45-54yrs. There were major differences in vector magnitude by time of day (d = 0.66). Vector magnitude differences between week and weekend days (d = 0.12 for men, d = 0.09 for women) and between seasons (d = 0.27 for men, d = 0.15 for women) were small. CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible to collect and analyse objective physical activity data in large studies. The summary measure of overall physical activity is lower in older participants and age-related differences in activity are most prominent in the afternoon and evening. This work lays the foundation for studies of physical activity and its health consequences. Our summary variables are part of the UK Biobank dataset and can be used by researchers as exposures, confounding factors or outcome variables in future analyses.The UK Biobank Activity Project and the collection of activity data from participants was funded by the Wellcome Trust (https://wellcome.ac.uk/) and the Medical Research Council (http://www.mrc.ac.uk/). The analysis was supported by the British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence at Oxford (http://www.cardioscience.ox.ac.uk/bhf-centre-of-research-excellence) [grant number RE/13/1/30181 to AD], the Li Ka Shing Foundation (http://www.lksf.org/) [to AD], the UK Medical Research Council (http://www.mrc.ac.uk/) [grant numbers MC_UU_12015/1 and MC_UU_12015/3 to NW and SB], the RCUK Digital Economy Research Hub on Social Inclusion through the Digital Economy (SiDE) (http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/) [EP/G066019/1 to NH], the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Digital Civics (https://www.epsrc.ac.uk/)[EP/L016176/1 to DJ], and the National Institute for Health Research (http://www.nihr.ac.uk/) [SRF-2011-04-017 to MIT]. The MRC and Wellcome Trust played a key role in the decision to establish UK Biobank, and the accelerometer data collection. No funding bodies had any role in the analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript
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