486 research outputs found

    An Energy Audit: The First Step Toward Home Energy Efficiency

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    A comprehensive, diagnostic energy audit will not only pinpoint the source of the problem but also prioritize recommended improvements to maximize the return on investment.energy audit, home energy audit, energy efficiency, Tennessee, Pro Energy Consultants, Derek Pace

    Burn after Reading: Animal Terrorism in Duncan the Wonder Dog: Show One

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    At present, the tradition of the animal fable remains strong in popular narrative even as the narrative arts, on the whole, remain marginal to the field of animal studies. Duncan the Wonder Dog: Show One, Adam Hines’s 2010 graphic novel, sets a new course for the animal fable and constitutes an unexpected intervention in our conceptions of animals and our relation to them. Hines constructs a world where animals can speak to humans, but are treated much as they are today in the era of the factory farm. He then paints a vivid, complex picture of animal terrorists who resist human oppression. Through his images of animal terrorism, which disrupt the reader’s typical relation to animal fables, Hines not only overturns an ancient tradition of anthropomorphism in narrative, but also challenges some of the assumptions of contemporary animal studies. Duncan the Wonder Dog: Show One thus demands attention as a radical text that exceeds the bounds both of the beast fable and of contemporary philosophy on human-animal relations

    Once Upon Online: Conversations With Professional Storytellers About Adapting From In-Person to Virtual Storytelling Performance

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    This study examines how professional storytellers negotiated a new storytelling stage—the videoconference platform—as they pivoted their careers during mandated shutdowns due to COVID-19. An examination of the literature reveals extremely limited research involving either professional storytellers or live virtual storytelling. After interviewing five professional storytellers, I analyzed their stories through narrative inquiry. Analysis revealed that the storytellers negotiated the limitations and affordances of Zoom and adapted their storytelling to successfully connect with their audiences. Through crafting a narrative of their stories, I was able to represent their emotions, unique experiences, and abilities to adapt to the online environment. Their stories document significant changes in the art of storytelling during a historic era. This research reveals how storytellers can master the techniques of online storytelling and effectively tell stories to synchronous virtual audiences

    Rischio da emissioni gassose naturali

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    Nelle aree vulcaniche e spesso anche nelle aree sismicamente attive, si possono osservare rilasci improvvisi di gas dal suolo o dagli acquiferi in presenza di determinate strutture geologiche, come faglie e/o sistemi di fratture, in concomitanza di terremoti o in occasione di scavi come quelli effettuati per la realizzazione di pozzi

    The Impact of Student Achievement Based upon the Differences between Teacher Perception of Blended Learning and Their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

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    The purpose of this quantitative, correlational research study was to understand if student benchmark scores in a blended learning environment were predicted by teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). This study used a correlational methodology to examine if in a blended learning environment, teachers’ perceptions of the TPACK score predict their students’ scores on the second nine-weeks benchmark test in a middle school mathematics. Bivariate linear regression was used for data analysis to determine the predictive relationship between teachers\u27 TPACK-21CL survey score and their students\u27 second nine weeks benchmark score using the latest SPSS software. The data was collected from a Virginia middle school in one southwestern district using their benchmark test and the TPACK survey to determine if a teachers’ perception could impact students’ achievement. The teachers (n = 5) participating in this study completed a survey the TPACK survey on SurveyMonkey. The sample included 316 students. The results indicated that there was statistically predictive relationship between teachers’ TPACK-21CL survey and students’ second nine weeks benchmark scores. Furthermore, this study was conducted during the pandemic and should be repeated again using other subjects. This study had a limited amount of participants and future studies should be repeated including other subjects and both students and teachers would be familiar with Chromebooks

    Emerging Patterns of ERW Injuries in Laos

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    The year 2016 marks the beginning of a new era for international development, with the adoption of seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) that will drive global development efforts until 2030. In post-conflict countries, humanitarian mine action will be an important enabler in achieving a number of SDGs, including goal 3: “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.” Of particular relevance is target 3.9 of the SDGs, which specifies the need to reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from soil pollution and contamination. At present this relates primarily to indoor and outdoor air pollution. However, since explosive remnants of war (ERW) contamination can be directly attributed to a significant number of deaths and injuries in post-conflict countries, the inclusion of ERW is relevant. Demonstrating mine action’s contribution to target 3.9 requires accurate, reliable, and readily available ERW injury data, which will also allow for the appropriate allocation of resources to both ERW injury prevention and adequate access to emergency medical and rehabilitation services. As progress on goal 3 will be reported on through the health sector, SDGs provide an opportunity for mine action injury databases to link with national health information systems based on standardized, minimum reporting requirements for injuries using international standards, statistical principles, and global measurement methods

    Strongly-interacting bosons at 2D-1D Dimensional Crossover

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    We study a two dimensional (2D) system of interacting quantum bosons, subjected to a periodic potential in one direction. Such system exhibits a dimensional crossover between a canonical 2D behavior with Berezinski-Kosterlitz Thouless (BKT) type of superfluid order and a one-dimensional (1D) behavior when the potential is large and splits the system in essentially independent tubes. The later is in the universality class of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids (TLL). Using a continuous quantum Monte Carlo method, we investigate this dimensional crossover by computing longitudinal and transverse superfluid fraction as well as the superfluid correlation as a function of temperature, interactions and potential. We discuss how the consequences of the dimensional crossover can be investigated in cold atomic gases experiments

    Geochemistry of fluids discharged over the seismic area of the Southern Apennines (Calabria region, Southern Italy): Implications for Fluid-Fault relationships

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    The first comprehensive geochemical data-set of the fluids circulating over a 14,000 km2-wide seismicprone area of the Southern Apennines, Calabria Region (Italy), is presented here. The geochemical investigations were carried out with the twofold aim of constraining the origin and interactions of the circulating fluids and to investigate possible relationships with local faults. Sixty samples of both thermal and cold waters were collected, from which the dissolved gases were extracted. The geochemical features of the water samples display different types and degrees of water–rock interactions, irrespective of the outlet temperature. The calculated equilibrium temperatures of the thermal waters (60–160 C) and the low heat flow of thewhole study area, are consistent with a heating process due to deep water circulation and rapid upflow through lithospheric structures. The composition of the dissolved gases reveals that crustal-originating gases (N2 and CO2-dominated) feed all the groundwaters. The 3He/4He ratios of the dissolved He, in the range of 0.03–0.22Rac for the thermal waters and 0.05–0.63Rac for the cold waters (Rac = He isotope ratio corrected for atmospheric contamination), are mainly the result of a two-component (radiogenic and atmospheric) mixing, although indications of mantle-derived He are found in some cold waters. As the study area had been hit by 18 of the most destructive earthquakes (magnitude ranging from 5.9 to 7.2) occurring over a 280-a time span (1626–1908) in the Southern Apennines, the reported results on the circulating fluids may represent the reference for a better inside knowledge of the fault-fluid relationships and for the development of long-term geochemical monitoring strategies for the area

    La Cultura Familiar: Una exploración de herencia y memoria a través de comida

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    Esta investigación explora las conexiones entre la comida, la memoria, y la cultura familiar. La investigación duró cuatro semanas, y fue completada a través de entrevistas orales y de demostración con cuatros personas. Cada entrevistade pudo escoger una receta principal de su familia y contar una narrativa sobre las memorias asociadas con esta comida para contribuir a la formación de un libro de cocina y memoria. Las entrevistades eran representantes de las zonas sur y centro de Chile, de ciudades y zonas rurales. Incluyó la participación de tres mujeres y un hombre. Cada entrevistade tenía una manera única de usar la comida para expresar su cultura; sin embargo, un tema común entre todes era la conexión entre la comida y la familia. Esta investigación demuestra la personalidad y diversidad cultural entre un país mientras muestra la importancia común de usar la comida para representar el amor y reforzar relaciones familiares. This investigation explores the connections between food, memory, and familial culture. The investigation lasted four weeks and was completed through oral and demonstrative interviews with four people. Each interviewee could choose an important recipe of his/her family to contribute to the formation of a memory cookbook. The interviewees were representatives across south and central Chile, from cities and rural areas. The investigation included the participation of three women and one man. Each interviewee had a unique method of using food to express his/her culture; however, a common theme among all the participants was the connection between food and family. This investigation demonstrates the individuality and diversity of culture in one country while showing the common importance of using food to represent love and strengthen family relations

    Inconstitucionalidade do artigo 1.790 do código civil e a proteção do companheiro

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    Analisa a sucessão hereditária do companheiro no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, inicialmente conforme o tratamento conferido pelas Leis nº 8.971/1994 e 9.278/1996, em seguida de acordo com o artigo 1.790 do Código Civil e, por fim, pelos recentes julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal nos Recursos Extraordinários nº 878.694-MG e nº 646.721-RS. Há polêmica doutrinária em que se indaga se o companheiro é considerado herdeiro necessário, sobretudo, após decisão do STF sobre a inconstitucionalidade do artigo 1.790 do Código Civil. Logo, pretende-se enfrentar as obscuridades e controvérsias sobre o assunto
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